Пример #1
        public void TryFindFixedBootCodeTest()
            // For example, consider the same program from above:
            // nop + 0
            // acc + 1
            // jmp + 4
            // acc + 3
            // jmp - 3
            // acc - 99
            // acc + 1
            // jmp - 4
            // acc + 6
            // If you change the first instruction from nop +0 to jmp +0, it
            // would create a single - instruction infinite loop, never leaving
            // that instruction.If you change almost any of the jmp
            // instructions, the program will still eventually find another
            // jmp instruction and loop forever.
            // However, if you change the second - to - last instruction
            // (from jmp -4 to nop - 4), the program terminates! The
            // instructions are visited in this order:
            // nop + 0 | 1
            // acc + 1 | 2
            // jmp + 4 | 3
            // acc + 3 |
            // jmp - 3 |
            // acc - 99 |
            // acc + 1 | 4
            // nop - 4 | 5
            // acc + 6 | 6
            // After the last instruction(acc +6), the program terminates by
            // attempting to run the instruction below the last instruction in
            // the file. With this change, after the program terminates, the
            // accumulator contains the value 8(acc + 1, acc + 1, acc + 6).
            var testData = new List <Tuple <IList <string>, int> >()
                new Tuple <IList <string>, int>(
                    new List <string>()
                    "nop +0",
                    "acc +1",
                    "jmp +4",
                    "acc +3",
                    "jmp -3",
                    "acc -99",
                    "acc +1",
                    "jmp -4",
                    "acc +6"
                }, 8)

            foreach (var testExample in testData)
                var bootCode = BootCodeHelper.ParseInputLines(testExample.Item1);
                var foundSuccessfulProgram = BootCodeHelper.TryFindFixedProgram(bootCode, out _, out int actual);
                Assert.Equal(testExample.Item2, actual);
Пример #2
        public void TryRunProgramTest()
            // For example, consider the following program:
            // nop +0
            // acc +1
            // jmp +4
            // acc +3
            // jmp -3
            // acc -99
            // acc +1
            // jmp -4
            // acc +6
            // These instructions are visited in this order:
            // nop +0 | 1
            // acc +1 | 2, 8(!)
            // jmp +4 | 3
            // acc +3 | 6
            // jmp -3 | 7
            // acc -99 |
            // acc +1 | 4
            // jmp -4 | 5
            // acc +6 |
            // First, the nop +0 does nothing. Then, the accumulator is
            // increased from 0 to 1(acc + 1) and jmp +4 sets the next
            // instruction to the other acc +1 near the bottom.After it
            // increases the accumulator from 1 to 2, jmp - 4 executes,
            // setting the next instruction to the only acc +3.It sets the
            // accumulator to 5, and jmp -3 causes the program to continue
            // back at the first acc + 1.
            // This is an infinite loop: with this sequence of jumps, the
            // program will run forever.The moment the program tries to run
            // any instruction a second time, you know it will never terminate.
            //Immediately before the program would run an instruction a
            // second time, the value in the accumulator is 5.
            var testData = new List <Tuple <IList <string>, int> >()
                new Tuple <IList <string>, int>(
                    new List <string>()
                    "nop +0",
                    "acc +1",
                    "jmp +4",
                    "acc +3",
                    "jmp -3",
                    "acc -99",
                    "acc +1",
                    "jmp -4",
                    "acc +6"
                }, 5)

            foreach (var testExample in testData)
                var bootCode = BootCodeHelper.ParseInputLines(testExample.Item1);
                BootCodeHelper.TryRunProgram(bootCode, out int actual);
                Assert.Equal(testExample.Item2, actual);