// GET: api/Books
        public BooksLinked Get()
            // Get all
            var fetchedObjects = m.Books.GetAll();

            // Create an object to be returned
            BooksLinked books = new BooksLinked();

            // Set its collection property
            books.Collection = Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<BookWithLink>>(fetchedObjects);

            // Set the URI request path
            string self = Request.RequestUri.AbsolutePath;

            // Add a link relation for 'self'
            books.Links.Add(new Link() { Rel = "self", Href = self });

            // Add a link relation for each item in the collection
            foreach (var item in books.Collection)
                item.Link = new Link() { Rel = "item", Href = string.Format("{0}/{1}", self, item.Id) };

            // Return the results
            return books;
        // GET: api/Books
        /// <summary>
        /// Information for all books
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Collection of book objects</returns>
        public IHttpActionResult Get()
            // Get all
            var fetchedObjects = w.Books.GetAll();

            BooksLinked result = new BooksLinked

            return Ok(result);