public IActionResult Index([FromQuery] int seat, [FromQuery] string cateprice, [FromQuery] string routeprice, [FromQuery] int RouteId) { if (CookieSupport.CheckCookieExists(HttpContext, CookieSupport.InfoBooking) == false) { return(RedirectToAction("index", "home")); } BookingView inforBooking = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BookingView>(HttpContext.Request.Cookies[CookieSupport.InfoBooking]); inforBooking.SeatId = seat; inforBooking.CategoryPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(cateprice); inforBooking.RoutePrice = Convert.ToDecimal(routeprice); inforBooking.RouteId = RouteId; var route = _IRou.GetRouteById(inforBooking.RouteId); inforBooking.BusId = route.BusId; if (CookieSupport.CheckCookieExists(HttpContext, CookieSupport.InfoBooking)) { CookieSupport.Remove(HttpContext, CookieSupport.InfoBooking); CookieSupport.Set(HttpContext, CookieSupport.InfoBooking, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(inforBooking), DateTime.Now.Minute + 5); BookingView inforBooking2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BookingView>(HttpContext.Request.Cookies[CookieSupport.InfoBooking]); } else { CookieSupport.Set(HttpContext, CookieSupport.InfoBooking, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(inforBooking), DateTime.Now.Minute + 5); } return(View()); }
// GET: Booking/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { List <SelectListItem> VehicleId = new List <SelectListItem>(); foreach (var item in _vehicleManager.getVehicles(User.Identity.Name)) { VehicleId.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.Model, Value = "" + item.Id }); } List <SelectListItem> ServiceId = new List <SelectListItem>(); foreach (var item in _serviceManager.GetServices()) { ServiceId.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.ServiceName, Value = "" + item.Id }); } ViewData["VehicleId"] = VehicleId; ViewData["ServiceId"] = ServiceId; if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } BookingView booking = _bookingManager.GetBooking(id); if (booking == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(booking)); }
public ActionResult CheckIn(int idBooking, string tokenBook, int number) { HttpResponseMessage resBooking = GlobalVariables.client.GetAsync("Booking?token=" + tokenBook).Result; BookingView book = resBooking.Content.ReadAsAsync <BookingView>().Result; OrderDetailView ord = new OrderDetailView { NameService = number + " phòng (" + book.NameCateRoom + ") x " + book.DurationStay + " day(s)", PriceOrdD = book.PriceCateRoom, Quantity = number, Amount = book.PriceCateRoom * number * book.DurationStay }; System.Threading.Tasks.Task <HttpResponseMessage> resOrd = GlobalVariables.client.PostAsJsonAsync("OrderService?idBook=" + book.IDBooking, ord); if (book.NumberRoom == book.CountRoomBook + number || book.NumberRoom == number) { HistoryBookingView full = new HistoryBookingView { IDBook = idBooking, NameHisBook = "Check in đủ số lượng phòng đã đặt(CI)", DayCreateHisBook = DateTime.Now }; HttpResponseMessage resHisfull = GlobalVariables.client.PostAsJsonAsync("HistoryBooking", full).Result; } else { HistoryBookingView less = new HistoryBookingView { IDBook = idBooking, NameHisBook = "Check in chưa đủ số lượng phòng đã đặt(CI)", DayCreateHisBook = DateTime.Now }; HttpResponseMessage resHisless = GlobalVariables.client.PostAsJsonAsync("HistoryBooking", less).Result; } return(RedirectToAction("InformationBooking", new { token = tokenBook })); }
public ActionResult EditInfor(string token) { HttpResponseMessage resBooking = GlobalVariables.client.GetAsync("Booking?token=" + token).Result; BookingView book = resBooking.Content.ReadAsAsync <BookingView>().Result; return(View(book)); }
public ActionResult UpdateInfor(BookingView bv) { HttpResponseMessage res = GlobalVariables.client.PutAsJsonAsync("Customer/" + bv.IDBooking.ToString(), bv).Result; TempData["success"] = "Update information successfully!"; return(RedirectToAction("InformationBooking", new { token = bv.TokenBooking })); }
public IActionResult GetTimeAndRoutes([FromQuery] int fr, [FromQuery] int to, [FromQuery] string dDate, [FromQuery] int QtyTicket, [FromQuery] string frname, [FromQuery] string toname) { CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; var InfoBooking = new BookingView { StationFrom = fr, StationTo = to, DayStart = DateTime.Parse(dDate), QuantityTicket = QtyTicket, StationNameFrom = frname, StationNameTo = toname }; DateTime today = DateTime.Now; if (CookieSupport.CheckCookieExists(HttpContext, CookieSupport.InfoBooking)) { CookieSupport.Remove(HttpContext, CookieSupport.InfoBooking); CookieSupport.Set(HttpContext, CookieSupport.InfoBooking, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(InfoBooking), today.Minute + 5); } else { CookieSupport.Set(HttpContext, CookieSupport.InfoBooking, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(InfoBooking), today.Minute + 5); } return(RedirectToAction("index", "selectedSeat")); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Id,ServiceId,VehicleId,StartTime,EndTime,Status")] BookingView booking) { List <SelectListItem> VehicleId = new List <SelectListItem>(); foreach (var item in _vehicleManager.getVehicles(User.Identity.Name)) { VehicleId.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.Model, Value = "" + item.Id }); } List <SelectListItem> ServiceId = new List <SelectListItem>(); foreach (var item in _serviceManager.GetServices()) { ServiceId.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = item.ServiceName, Value = "" + item.Id }); } ViewData["VehicleId"] = VehicleId; ViewData["ServiceId"] = ServiceId; if (ModelState.IsValid) { booking.UserId = _userManager.findUser(User.Identity.Name).Id; _bookingManager.AddBooking(User.Identity.Name, booking); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(booking)); }
private async void EditEventCommandExecuted(EventModel item) { // We should get event from EventDataUnit to use EventBookingView var events = await _eventsDataUnit.EventsRepository.GetLightEventsAsync(x => x.ID == item.Event.ID); var model = new EventModel(events.FirstOrDefault()); RaisePropertyChanged("DisableParentWindow"); var view = new BookingView(BookingViews.Event, model); view.ShowDialog(); RaisePropertyChanged("EnableParentWindow"); if (view.DialogResult != null && view.DialogResult.Value) { _contactsDataUnit.EventsRepository.Refresh(); events = await _contactsDataUnit.EventsRepository.GetLightEventsAsync(x => x.ID == model.Event.ID); Event = new EventModel(events.FirstOrDefault()); await LoadLightEventDetails(); model.RefreshItems(); } }
private IEnumerable <string> ExtractServices(BookingView booking) { return(from service in booking.Services where !service.ServiceCode.Contains("AIR") && !service.ServiceCode.Contains("TAX") select service.ServiceCode.Trim()); }
public ActionResult OrderService(string token, int idSer) { HttpResponseMessage resBooking = GlobalVariables.client.GetAsync("Booking?token=" + token).Result; BookingView book = resBooking.Content.ReadAsAsync <BookingView>().Result; var res = GlobalVariables.client.GetAsync("Service/" + idSer).Result; TempData["ser"] = res.Content.ReadAsAsync <ServiceView>().Result; return(View(book)); }
// PUT api/<controller>/5 public IHttpActionResult Put(int id, BookingView cv) { var cus = new Customer { NameCus = cv.NameCus, PhoneCus = cv.PhoneCus, AddressCus = cv.AddressCus, EmailCus = cv.EmailCus, IDCus = cv.IDCus }; Repositories.UpdateCus(cus, id); return(Ok()); }
// POST api/<controller> public IHttpActionResult Post(BookingView bv) { var booking = new Booking { NumberRoom = bv.NumberRoom, DateIn = bv.DateIn, DateOut = bv.DateOut, DurationStay = bv.DurationStay, IDCateRoom = bv.IDCateRoom, IDCus = bv.IDCus, TokenBooking = bv.TokenBooking }; Repositories.CreateBooking(booking); return(Ok()); }
// PUT api/<controller>/5 public IHttpActionResult Put(int id, BookingView item) { var booking = new Booking { IDBooking = item.IDBooking, IDCus = item.IDCus, DateIn = item.DateIn, DateOut = item.DateOut, DayCreateBooking = item.DayCreateBooking, DurationStay = item.DurationStay, IDCateRoom = item.IDCateRoom, NumberRoom = item.NumberRoom, NewBooking = item.NewBooking, TokenBooking = item.TokenBooking }; Repositories.UpdateBooking(booking); return(Ok()); }
public ActionResult SaveBooking(BookingView bv) { if (Session["book"] != null) { Session.Remove("book"); } Session["book"] = bv as BookingView; return(RedirectToAction("RegisterCustomer")); }
public ActionResult CreateBooking(CustomerView cv) { HttpResponseMessage resCus = GlobalVariables.client.PostAsJsonAsync("Customer", cv).Result; int idCus = resCus.Content.ReadAsAsync <int>().Result; string tokenBooking = LibraryHelper.Tokenizer.Generate(5); BookingView book = new BookingView(); book = (BookingView)Session["book"]; book.IDCus = idCus; book.TokenBooking = tokenBooking; HttpResponseMessage resBook = GlobalVariables.client.PostAsJsonAsync("Booking", book).Result; if (resBook.IsSuccessStatusCode) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { MailAddress senderEmail = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "ABCXYZ Hotel"); MailAddress receiverEmail = new MailAddress(cv.EmailCus, cv.NameCus); string password = "******"; string sub = "Booking Successfully"; string body = "Hello, " + cv.NameCus + "!\n" + "Thank you for your reservation to stay at the ABCXYZ hotel.\n" + "Your booking code: " + tokenBooking + " .\n" + "Link leading to your booking information: http://localhost:53561/Booking/InformationBooking?token=" + tokenBooking; SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient { Host = "", Port = 25, EnableSsl = true, DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network, UseDefaultCredentials = false, Credentials = new NetworkCredential(senderEmail.Address, password) }; using (MailMessage mess = new MailMessage(senderEmail, receiverEmail) { Subject = sub, Body = body }) { smtp.Send(mess); } TempData["success"] = "Booking Successfully! Check your mail"; return(RedirectToAction("InformationBooking", new { token = tokenBooking })); } } catch (Exception e) { ViewBag.Error = "Some Error"; Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } TempData["error"] = "Booking error!"; return(RedirectToAction("RegisterCustomer")); }
public void AddBooking(string name, BookingView booking) { UserView user = _userrepository.findUser(name); Bookings bookings = mapper.Map <BookingView, Bookings>(booking); bookings.UserId = user.Id; bookings.Status = "Pending"; db.Bookings.Add(bookings); db.SaveChanges(); }
private void OpenEventCommandExecute() { RaisePropertyChanged("DisableParentWindow"); var window = new BookingView(BookingViews.Event, new EventModel(EventReminder.EventReminder.Event)); window.ShowDialog(); RaisePropertyChanged("EnableParentWindow"); }
public void MakeBooking(BookingView booking) { _bookings.Add(new BookingView() { Id = BookingView.nextId, ProductID = booking.ProductID, DataOfBooking = booking.DataOfBooking, ClientName = booking.ClientName }); BookingView.nextId++; }
public static BookingView ToViewEntity(Booking dataEntity) { BookingView viewEntity = new BookingView(); viewEntity.Id = dataEntity.Id; viewEntity.DataOfBooking = dataEntity.DataOfBooking; viewEntity.LastDayOfBooking = dataEntity.LastDayOfBooking; viewEntity.ProductID = dataEntity.ProductID; viewEntity.ClientName = dataEntity.ClientName; return(viewEntity); }
public static Booking ToDataEntity(BookingView viewEntity) { Booking dataEntity = new Booking(); dataEntity.Id = viewEntity.Id; dataEntity.ProductID = viewEntity.ProductID; dataEntity.DataOfBooking = viewEntity.DataOfBooking; dataEntity.LastDayOfBooking = viewEntity.LastDayOfBooking; dataEntity.ClientName = viewEntity.ClientName; return(dataEntity); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { BookingView booking = _bookingManager.GetBooking(id); if (booking.UserId != _userManager.findUser(User.Identity.Name).Id) { return(HttpNotFound()); } _bookingManager.RemoveBooking(id); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public BookingView GetBooking(int?id) { Bookings b = db.Bookings.Find(id); if (b == null) { return(null); } BookingView booking = mapper.Map <Bookings, BookingView>(b); return(booking); }
public NavigationModel(ContentWindow contentWindow) { _contentWindow = contentWindow; _mainView = new MainView(); _settingsView = new SettingsView(); _bookingView = new BookingView(); _payView = new PayView(); _reportView = new ReportView(); _addBookingView = new AddBookingView(); _clientView = new ClientView(); _personnelView = new PersonnelView(); }
public ActionResult EditBooking(string token) { HttpResponseMessage res = GlobalVariables.client.GetAsync("CategoryRoom").Result; TempData["cate"] = res.Content.ReadAsAsync <IEnumerable <CategoryRoomView> >().Result; HttpResponseMessage resBooking = GlobalVariables.client.GetAsync("Booking?token=" + token).Result; BookingView book = resBooking.Content.ReadAsAsync <BookingView>().Result; TempData["in"] = book.DateIn.Year + "-" + (book.DateIn.Month < 10 ? ("0" + Convert.ToString(book.DateIn.Month)) : Convert.ToString(book.DateIn.Month)) + "-" + (book.DateIn.Day < 10 ? ("0" + Convert.ToString(book.DateIn.Day)) : Convert.ToString(book.DateIn.Day)); TempData["out"] = book.DateOut.Year + "-" + (book.DateOut.Month < 10 ? ("0" + Convert.ToString(book.DateOut.Month)) : Convert.ToString(book.DateOut.Month)) + "-" + (book.DateOut.Day < 10 ? ("0" + Convert.ToString(book.DateOut.Day)) : Convert.ToString(book.DateOut.Day)); return(View(book)); }
public IHttpActionResult Get(string token) { var item = Repositories.GetBookingByToken(token); if (item != null) { var booking = new BookingView { IDBooking = item.IDBooking, IDCus = item.IDCus, DateIn = item.DateIn, DateOut = item.DateOut, DayCreateBooking = item.DayCreateBooking, DurationStay = item.DurationStay, IDCateRoom = item.IDCateRoom, NumberRoom = item.NumberRoom, NewBooking = item.NewBooking, TokenBooking = item.TokenBooking, NameCus = item.Customer.NameCus, AddressCus = item.Customer.AddressCus, EmailCus = item.Customer.EmailCus, PhoneCus = item.Customer.PhoneCus, DayCreateCus = item.Customer.DayCreateCus, NameCateRoom = item.CategoryRoom.NameCateRoom, CountRoomBook = Repositories.GetRB(item.IDBooking).Count(), PriceCateRoom = item.CategoryRoom.PriceCateRoom }; return(Ok(booking)); } return(InternalServerError()); }
public void UpdateBooking(BookingView booking) { Bookings bookings = db.Bookings.Find(booking.Id); bookings.ServiceId = booking.ServiceId; bookings.UserId = booking.UserId; bookings.VehicleId = booking.VehicleId; bookings.StartTime = booking.StartTime; bookings.Status = booking.Status; bookings.EndTime = booking.EndTime; db.Entry(bookings).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); }
private void OpenEventCommandExecuted() { RaisePropertyChanged("DisableParentWindow"); var window = new BookingView(BookingViews.Event, new EventModel(EventReminder.EventReminder.Event)); window.ShowDialog(); if (window.DialogResult != null && window.DialogResult.Value) { var IsCurrentEventReminderDeleted = true; var eventBookingView = window.ViewModel.Content as EventBookingView; var eventBookingViewModel = eventBookingView.ViewModel as EventBookingViewModel; if (eventBookingViewModel.Event.EventReminders.Where(eventReminder => eventReminder.EventReminder.ID == _eventReminder.EventReminder.ID).Count() > 0) { IsCurrentEventReminderDeleted = false; } if (IsCurrentEventReminderDeleted) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { //var currentPopUp = Application.Current.MainWindow; //var viewModel = currentPopUp.DataContext as MainWindowModel; //var workspaceView = viewModel.WindowContent as WorkspaceView; //var tile = workspaceView.RootTileView.MaximizedItem as Tile; //if (tile.Name == "CRM") //{ // var crmview = tile.Content as CRMView; // var crmvm = crmview.DataContext as CRMViewModel; // if (isToDo) // crmvm.ReloadFollowUps(); // else // { // crmvm.ReloadFollowUpsAndEnquiries(); // } //} })); RaisePropertyChanged("CloseParentWindow"); } else { RaisePropertyChanged("EnableParentWindow"); } } else { RaisePropertyChanged("EnableParentWindow"); } }
public ActionResult ChangeStatus(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } BookingView bookings = _bookingManager.GetBooking(id); if (bookings == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(bookings)); }
public ActionResult TakeRoomForm(string token) { HttpResponseMessage resBooking = GlobalVariables.client.GetAsync("Booking?token=" + token).Result; BookingView book = resBooking.Content.ReadAsAsync <BookingView>().Result; if (book.NumberRoom > book.CountRoomBook) { TempData["diff"] = book.NumberRoom - book.CountRoomBook; } HttpResponseMessage resRoom = GlobalVariables.client.GetAsync("EmptyRoom/" + book.IDCateRoom.ToString()).Result; TempData["room"] = resRoom.Content.ReadAsAsync <IEnumerable <RoomView> >().Result; return(View(book)); }
public ActionResult ChangeRoom(int idRB, string token) { HttpResponseMessage resBooking = GlobalVariables.client.GetAsync("Booking?token=" + token).Result; BookingView book = resBooking.Content.ReadAsAsync <BookingView>().Result; HttpResponseMessage resRoom = GlobalVariables.client.GetAsync("EmptyRoom/" + book.IDCateRoom.ToString()).Result; TempData["room"] = resRoom.Content.ReadAsAsync <IEnumerable <RoomView> >().Result; TempData["token"] = token; TempData["idBook"] = book.IDBooking; HttpResponseMessage resRB = GlobalVariables.client.GetAsync("RoomBooking?idRB=" + idRB.ToString()).Result; RoomBookingView rb = resRB.Content.ReadAsAsync <RoomBookingView>().Result; return(View(rb)); }