//The function printAll goes through
 //the list and prints off each book Record.
 public void printAll()
     if (m_pHead == null) //Checks if there is anything in the list, prints message if list is empty
         Console.Error.WriteLine("Nothing to print.There are no contents in this list!");
     BookRecord temp = new BookRecord();
     temp = m_pHead;
     while (temp != null)//The while loop runs through the list until it ends
         temp = temp.getNext();
        //The function getNumberInStock searches
        //for a specific book by its stock number.
        //If the book is found, its information is printed.
        public int getNumberInStock(long sn)
            if (m_pHead == null) //Checks if there is anything in the list, prints message if list is empty
                Console.Error.WriteLine("There are no contents in this list!");

            BookRecord temp = new BookRecord();
            temp = m_pHead;

            //The function searches the list until it ends or the matching stock number is found
            while ((temp != null) && (sn != temp.getStockNum()))
                temp = temp.getNext();
            if (temp == null) //If the match isn't found, return 0
                return 0;
            else //If there is a match, the number in stock is printed
                return temp.getNumberInStock();
        //The function searchByCost searches
        //for each book that falls within the given
        //price range.
        public void searchByCost(double min, double max)
		BookRecord temp = new BookRecord();

		temp = m_pHead;
		int tracker = 0; //Tracks every book found
		if (m_pHead == null) //Checks if there is anything in the list, prints message if list is empty
			Console.Error.WriteLine("There are no contents in this list!");
		while ((temp != null)) //The list is searched till end
			//Checks to see if the cost of the book falls within the range (min & max)
			if ((temp.getCost() >= min) && (temp.getCost() <= max))
				temp.printRecord(); //If it does, the information is printed.
			temp = temp.getNext();
		if (tracker <= 0) //If no book is found in that price range
			Console.WriteLine("No item(s) found for this price range!");
        //The function searchByClassification searches
        //for a book by the given classification number
        //and prints the information.
        public void searchByClassification(int cl)
		if (m_pHead == null) //Checks if there is anything in the list, prints message if list is empty
			Console.Error.WriteLine("There are no contents in this list!");
		BookRecord temp = new BookRecord();
		int tempCL; 
		int tracker = 0; //Tracks every book found
		temp = m_pHead;
		tempCL = temp.getClassification();
		//This for loop searches the list until it ends
		while (temp != null)
			tempCL = temp.getClassification();
			if(tempCL == cl)//if the classification numbers match,
				temp.printRecord(); //the information is printed
			temp = temp.getNext(); // iterate
		if (tracker <= 0)
			Console.WriteLine("No item(s) with that classification number!");
        //The function searchByStockNumber searches the list for books
        //with the given stock number and prints their information.
        public BookRecord searchByStockNumber(long stockNum)
            if (m_pHead == null)//Checks if there is anything in the list, prints message if list is empty
                Console.Error.WriteLine("There are no contents in this list!");

            BookRecord temp = new BookRecord();
            Boolean isFound = false;
            temp = m_pHead;

            //The function searches the list until it reaches the end
            while (temp != null)
                if (stockNum == temp.getStockNum()) //The book information is printed if it's found
                    isFound = true;
                    return temp;
                temp = temp.getNext(); //Iterate
            if (isFound == false) //If the target is not found, return null
                return null;
            //Function won't ever get here, this is to stop the warning that  "not all control paths return a value"
            return null;
        //The function removeBook searches for the stock number
        //of a Book Record and removes that book from the list.
        public Boolean removeBook(long stockNum)
		BookRecord temp = new BookRecord();
		BookRecord back = new BookRecord();
		if (m_pHead == null) //CHecks if there is anything in the list
			return false;
		temp = m_pHead;
		back = null;
		while((temp != null) && (stockNum != temp.getStockNum())) //The function moves down the list
			back = temp;
			temp = temp.getNext();
		//If the list has reached the end and no book is found, a message is printed
		if(temp == null)
			Console.WriteLine("Book not Found.");
			return false;
		else if (back == null) //If the book is at the head, head points to the next node and the book is removed
			m_pHead = m_pHead.getNext();
			temp = null;
		else //If the book is not at the head, the node before the target is set to the node after the target
			temp = null; //he target is deleted.
		return true;