public void Book_AddBook_Should_Return_Invalid_Model_State() { var book = new NewBookViewModel { Isbn = "1" }; _bookController.ModelState.AddModelError("test", "error"); var response = _bookController.AddBook(book); Assert.IsInstanceOf <InvalidModelStateResult>(response); }
private void buttonConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBoxISBN.Text != "" && textBoxName.Text != "" && textBoxAuthor.Text != "" && textBoxPublish.Text != "" && textBoxStorage.Text != "")//添加健壮性检查 { Book book = new Book() { Id = textBoxISBN.Text, Name = textBoxName.Text, Author = textBoxAuthor.Text, Press = textBoxPublish.Text, Number = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxStorage.Text), }; using BookController bookMapper = new BookController(); if (bookMapper.AddBook(book) > 0) { MessageBox.Show("you are successful to add new books!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("you are failed to add new books!"); } textBoxName.Text = ""; textBoxISBN.Text = ""; textBoxAuthor.Text = ""; textBoxPublish.Text = ""; textBoxStorage.Text = ""; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("the input is illegal!"); } }
public void Given_AddBook_Data_Valid() { var data = new BookShowModel() { BooKTitle = "mvc", Author = "microsoft", Language = "English", Category = "Tech", ISBN = 1290, Price = 123, Pages = 123 }; var response = bookController.AddBook(data); Assert.IsType <OkObjectResult>(response); }
public void AddBook_NewBook_ReturnsOk() { mockService.Setup(s => s.AddBook(It.IsAny <AddBookDto>())) .Returns(BookTestData.AddBookServiceResponse()); BookController bookController = new BookController(mockService.Object); AddBookDto newBook = BookTestData.AddBookDto(); var result = bookController.AddBook(newBook); Assert.That(result, Is.InstanceOf <OkObjectResult>()); }
public void GivenBookDetail_ToController_ShouldReturnBookDetails() { var service = new Mock <IManagerBL>(); var controller = new BookController(service.Object); book.BookTitle = "Never Happen Twice"; book.AuthorName = "BDEC"; book.BookImage = "images.jpg"; book.BookPrice = 85.00; book.Availability = 10; var data = controller.AddBook(book); Assert.NotNull(data); }
public void GetAllBooks_ReturnsOk() { mockService.Setup(s => s.GetAllBooks()) .Returns(BookTestData.GetAllBooksServiceResponse()); BookController bookController = new BookController(mockService.Object); AddBookDto newBook = BookTestData.AddBookDto(); bookController.AddBook(newBook); var result = bookController.Get(); Assert.That(result, Is.InstanceOf <OkObjectResult>()); }
public void AddBook_NewBook_ReturnsOk() { dbContext.Database.EnsureDeleted(); dbContext.Database.EnsureCreated(); AddBookDto newBook = GetAddBookDto(); BookService bookService = new BookService(mapper, dbContext); BookController bookController = new BookController(bookService); var result = bookController.AddBook(newBook); Assert.That(result, Is.InstanceOf <OkObjectResult>()); }
public void AddBookTest() { // Arrange var repo = new FakeBookRepository(); var bookController = new BookController(repo); // Act bookController.AddBook("A Tale of Two Cities", "Charles Dickens", "1/1/1859"); // Assert Assert.Equal("A Tale of Two Cities", repo.Books.Last().Title); }
public void AddBook_InvalidModeStade_BadRequest() { //Arrange var bookstore = new Bookstore(); var controller = new BookController(_bookServiceMock.Object); controller.ModelState.AddModelError("ModelError", "ModelError"); //Act var action = controller.AddBook(bookstore); //Assert Assert.IsTrue(action is InvalidModelStateResult); }
public void AddBookTest() { // Arrange var repo = new FakeBookRepository(); var bookController = new BookController(repo); // Act bookController.AddBook(new Book() { Title = "A Tale of Two Cities", PubDate = DateTime.Parse("1/1/1859") }); // Assert Assert.Equal("A Tale of Two Cities", repo.Books[repo.Books.Count - 1].Title); }
public void GetBookById_ExistingBook_ReturnsOk() { mockService.Setup(s => s.AddBook(It.IsAny <AddBookDto>())) .Returns(BookTestData.AddBookServiceResponse()); mockService.Setup(s => s.GetBookById(It.IsAny <int>())) .Returns(BookTestData.GetSingleBookServiceResponse()); BookController bookController = new BookController(mockService.Object); AddBookDto newBook = BookTestData.AddBookDto(); bookController.AddBook(newBook); var result = bookController.GetSingleBook(1); Assert.That(result, Is.InstanceOf <OkObjectResult>()); }
public void AddBook_Test() { BookController c = CreateController <BookController>(); BookViewModel vm; int bookCount; using (var db = new SDCContext()) { bookCount = db.Books.Count(); var profile = db.UserProfiles.Find(1); var shelf = db.Shelves.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Owner.UserId == profile.UserId); var twoGenres = db.Genres.Take(2) .ToList(); var twoAuthors = db.Authors.OrderBy(a => Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) .Take(2) .ToList(); var publisher = db.Publishers.Take(1) .First(); var language = db.Languages .Where(l => l.IsVisible) .OrderBy(l => Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) .First(); vm = new BookViewModel() { Title = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Year = 2015, Genres = twoGenres, Authors = twoAuthors, Description = "Lorem ipsum", Publisher = publisher, Language = language, ShelfId = shelf.Id, ShelfName = shelf.Name, ISBN = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), AddedDate = DateTime.Now }; } c.AddBook(vm); Assert.AreEqual(bookCount + 1, new SDCContext().Books.Count()); }
public void AddBookTest() { // Arrange var repo = new FakeBookRepository(); var bookController = new BookController(repo); // Act bookController.AddBook(new Book() { Title = "A Tale of Two Cities", PubDate = new DateTime(1859, 1, 1) }, "Charles Dickens"); // Assert Assert.Equal("A Tale of Two Cities", repo.Books.Last().Title); }
public void AddBookTest_Invalid() { Mock <IDatabase> mock = new Mock <IDatabase>(); mock.Setup(x => x.Execute(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <Dictionary <string, object> >())).Returns(1); BookController bookcontroller = new BookController(mock.Object); Book book = new Book(); book.SetBookID(1); book.SetName("Times"); book.SetAuthor("David Stanley"); book.SetStatus("Available"); book.SetPrice(25); book.SetRackno(12); book.SetCount(0); var result = bookcontroller.AddBook(book) as ViewResult; Assert.IsNotNull(result); }
public void AddBookTest_Valid() { Mock <IDatabase> mock = new Mock <IDatabase>(); mock.Setup(x => x.Execute(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <Dictionary <string, object> >())).Returns(1); BookController bookcontroller = new BookController(mock.Object); Book book = new Book(); book.SetBookID(1); book.SetName("New York Times"); book.SetAuthor("James Keith"); book.SetStatus("Available"); book.SetPrice(25); book.SetRackno(12); book.SetCount(2); var result = bookcontroller.AddBook(book) as ViewResult; Assert.AreEqual("AddBook", result.ViewName); }
private void btnBookAdded_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var user = new { Bookname = textBoxBookName.Text, Author = textBoxAuthor.Text, Edition = textBoxEdition.Text }; var result = BookController.AddBook(user); if (result) { MessageBox.Show("Book Added"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Could not Add Book"); } }
public void AddBookTest() { var bookrepomock = new Mock <IBookRepo>(); var bookmangermock = new BookManager(bookrepomock.Object); var BookControllermock = new BookController(bookmangermock); BookModel bookModel = new BookModel() { BookId = 0, Author = "sumit", Title = "Sumit-Biograpy", AvailableBooks = 5, Price = 50000, Image = "imageurl", Description = "asdfghj wertyu sdvb tgb ikm ", Ratings = "5 star", Review = "wqer dvzs sd rht tyjh nfg " }; var result = BookControllermock.AddBook(bookModel); Assert.NotNull(result); }
private void btnAddBook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if ((bookController.CheckBook((int)nudBookISBN.Value)) == null) { Editorial editorial = new Editorial(editorialID, editorialName); Author author = new Author(authorID, authorName); Book book = new Book(bookID, ISBN, title, editorial, edition, year, editionYear, author, deterioration); book.ISBN = (int)nudBookISBN.Value; book.Title = txbBookName.Text; book.Year = (int)nudBookYear.Value; book.EditionYear = (int)nudBookEditionYear.Value; book.Deterioration = txbBookDeterioration.Text; book.Author = (Author)cmbBookAuthor.SelectedItem; book.Editorial = (Editorial)cmbBookEditorial.SelectedItem; book.Edition = (int)nudBookEdition.Value; if (bookController.AddBook(book) != null) { MessageBox.Show("Se agregó un libro con éxito."); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Ya existe un libro con ese ISBN."); } updateAll(); } catch (Exception ex) { error = ex.Message; MessageBox.Show(error); } }
private void add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Author author = new Author(authorFirstNameTextBox.Text, authorLastNameTextBox.Text); bookController.AddBook(isbnTextBox.Text, titleTextBox.Text, author); }
private void addBook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bookController.AddBook(Title.Text, ISBN.Text, AuthorFirstName.Text, AuthorLastName.Text); }
private void btAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bookController.AddBook(txtISBN.Text, txtTitle.Text, txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text); }
private void buttonImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string txtpath = null; OpenFileDialog opn = new OpenFileDialog(); if (opn.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { txtpath = opn.FileName; } else { return; } Match match = Regex.Match(txtpath, @"[^\.]*$"); if (match.Groups[0].Value == "xlsx" || match.Groups[0].Value == "xls" || match.Groups[0].Value == "csv") //健壮性检验 { try { DataTable dt = getDataTableFromExcel(txtpath); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { //MessageBox.Show(row[0].ToString()); //I find the datatable begins at 0 which does not inclues the headers. bool flag = true; Book newBook = new Book(); for (int i = 0; i < row.Table.Columns.Count; i++) { if (row[i] == null) { MessageBox.Show("bookID:" + newBook.Id + "is failed to add, beacause there is some information empty!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); flag = false; break; } } if (flag) { newBook.Id = row[0].ToString(); newBook.Name = row[1].ToString(); newBook.Author = row[2].ToString(); newBook.Press = row[3].ToString(); newBook.Number = int.Parse(row[4].ToString()); using BookController bookMapper = new BookController(); if (bookMapper.AddBook(newBook) == 0) { MessageBox.Show("bookID:" + newBook.Id + "is failed to add", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } MessageBox.Show($"Succeful to add {newBook.Name} to library system!", "Successful!"); this.Close();//关闭添加页面 } } } catch (System.IO.IOException) { MessageBox.Show("you should not occupy the process of Excel and you need to close it before importing data! "); throw; } catch (Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbUpdateException) { MessageBox.Show("we are regret to tell you that there are some items that are same as those in database, so you need to check carefully! "); throw; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("You have met some errors so you need to contact with the developer! The error information is: " + ex.Message); } } else { MessageBox.Show("opps! you have chosen a wrong document! we only support .xlsx, .xls and csv"); } }