//should be private, but made public for tests
        public bool WorksFor(BookCollection bookCollection)
            if (bookCollection.IsEmpty()) return false;
            //e.g. a book collection fitting this profile: 1;2;3;3;4;4;5;5
            //when grouped by GroupBooks, we would have two groups:
            // first group: 1-book-per-title (2 items: (1) ; (2))
            // second group: 2-books-per-title (3 items: (3;3) ; (4;4) ; (5;5))
            var bookSets = GroupBooks(bookCollection);

            bool exactlyTwoQuantitiesOfBooksRemain = bookSets.Count() == 2;
            bool theSmallerGroupingContainsBooksSpanningTwoTitles = bookSets.First().Count() == 2;
            bool theSmallerGroupingContainsOneBookPerTitle = bookSets.First().Key == 1;
            bool theLargerGroupingContainsBooksSpanningThreeTitles = bookSets.Last().Count() == 3;
            bool theLargerGroupingContainsTwoBooksPerTitle = bookSets.Last().Key == 2;

            return exactlyTwoQuantitiesOfBooksRemain
                && theSmallerGroupingContainsBooksSpanningTwoTitles
                && theSmallerGroupingContainsOneBookPerTitle
                && theLargerGroupingContainsBooksSpanningThreeTitles
                && theLargerGroupingContainsTwoBooksPerTitle;