public static ConstructGen<double> GetSmoothCurvesColumnsAreCurvePoints(DateTime valueDate_, uint curveCount_, BondMarket market_, BondField field_, SI.Data.BondCurves curve_, string close_ = "MLP", string source_ = "MLP")
      DateTime date = valueDate_;

      var points = new List<decimal>();

      for (decimal d = 1M; d < 30M; d = d + 0.25M)

      var con = new ConstructGen<double>(points.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray());

      for (int i = 0; i < curveCount_; ++i)
        var curve = GetSmoothCurve(date, market_, field_, curve_, close_, source_);
        if (curve == null) continue;

        foreach (var node in curve.GetNodes())
          int index = points.IndexOf(node);

          if (index == -1) continue;

          var point = curve.GetValue(node);

            con.SetValue(date, index, point.Value);

        date = MyCalendar.PrevWeekDay(date);


      return con;
Пример #2
    public OTREditorMenuItem_RefreshMarketTenorFromBloomberg(BondMarket market_, int tenor_)
      Market = market_;
      Tenor = tenor_;

      Text = string.Format("Refresh {0} {1}Y point from Bloomberg", market_, tenor_);
Пример #3
    public static DatedDataCollectionGen<double> GetHistoricalSpreads(BondMarket market1_, BondMarket market2_, Focus focus_, int curvePoint_)
      var s1 = GetHistoricalCMT(market1_, focus_, curvePoint_);
      var s2 = GetHistoricalCMT(market2_, focus_, curvePoint_);

      return (s1 == null || s2 == null) ? null : s1.Minus(s2);
    public static ConstructGen<double> GetSmoothCurvesColumnsAreValueDates(DateTime valueDate_, uint curveCount_, BondMarket market_, BondField field_, SI.Data.BondCurves curve_, string close_ = "MLP", string source_ = "MLP")
      var tempDict = new SortedDictionary<DateTime, RateCurve>();

      var date = valueDate_;

      for (int i = 0; i < curveCount_; ++i)
        var curve = GetSmoothCurve(date, market_, field_, curve_, close_, source_);

        if (curve == null) continue;

        tempDict.Add(date, curve);

        date = MyCalendar.PrevWeekDay(date);

      var keys = tempDict.Keys.ToArray();

      var con = new ConstructGen<double>(keys.Select(x => x.ToString("dd MMM")).ToArray());

      for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; ++i)
        var curve = tempDict[keys[i]];

        foreach (var node in curve.GetNodes())
          var time = valueDate_.AddDays(Convert.ToDouble(node)*365.25).Date;

          con.SetValue(time, i, curve.GetValue(node).Value*100d);

      return con;
Пример #5
    public static ConstructGen<double> GetHistoricalSpreads(BondMarket market1_, BondMarket market2_, Focus focus_)
      var s1 = GetHistoricalCMT(market1_, focus_);
      var s2 = GetHistoricalCMT(market2_, focus_);

      return (s1 == null || s2 == null) ? null : s1.Minus(s2);
Пример #6
    public static HistoricalCMT GetInstance(Data.BondCurves curve_, BondMarket market_, Focus focus_, bool createIfNotThere_=true)
      var key = getKey(curve_, market_, focus_);

            var record = SI.DB.MongoDB.GetCollection<HistoricalCMT>(MongoDBDetails.ServerReference, MongoDBDetails.DB, MongoDBDetails.CMTCollection)
              .Find(Builders<HistoricalCMT>.Filter.Where(h => h.Market == market_ && h.Curve == curve_ && h.Focus == focus_))

            if (record == null && createIfNotThere_)
              record = new HistoricalCMT
                Market = market_,
                Curve = curve_,
                Focus = focus_,
                CMTs = new ConstructGen<double>(CMTLine.AllPoints.Select(x => string.Format("{0}Y", x)).ToArray()),
                FitParameters = new ConstructGen<double>(new[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray()),
            m_cache[key] = record;

      return m_cache[key];
Пример #7
 public OTRCountryGroupNode(string text_, BondMarket[] markets_, StructureGrouping grouping_, int structureIndex_=-1)
   Markets = markets_;
   Text = text_;
   Grouping = grouping_;
   StructureIndex = structureIndex_;
 public IntraCountryFlyMenuItem(string[] folderPath_, string text_, BondMarket market_, FlyWeightingMethod method_, int historyWinLength_)
   : base(folderPath_,text_)
   Market = market_;
   WeightingMethod = method_;
   HistoryWindowLength = historyWinLength_;
Пример #9
    private void OnBondMarketChanged(BondMarket market_)
      var h = BondMarketChanged;

      if (h != null)
        h(this, new BondMarketChangedEventArgs(market_));
Пример #10
    public static ConstructGen<double> GetHistoricalCMT(BondMarket market_, Focus focus_)

      var m = HistoricalCMT.GetInstance(BondAnalysisLineHelper.GetDefaultCurveForMarket(market_), market_, focus_, false);

      return m == null ? null : m.CMTs;
 public CreateCountryBondFlysForMaturityGaps(string[] folderPath_, string text_, BondMarket market_, uint unitGap_, MaturityGapUnit unitType_, BondFlyWeightMode mode_)
   : base(folderPath_,text_)
   Market = market_;
   UnitGap = unitGap_;
   MyMode = mode_;
   UnitType = unitType_;
 public CrossMarketFlyMenuItem(string[] folderPath_, string text_, int tenor_, int historyLength_, BondMarket[] markets_, FlyWeightingMethod method_)
   : base(folderPath_, text_)
   Tenor = tenor_;
   Markets = markets_;
   WeightingMethod = method_;
   HistoryLength = historyLength_;
Пример #13
    public static void RefreshFromMongo(BondMarket market_, int tenor_, int seriesNumber_)
      var record = SI.DB.MongoDB.GetCollection<CMTCarry>(Mongo.MongoDBDetails.SVR_REF, Mongo.MongoDBDetails.DB, Mongo.MongoDBDetails.CArry_Collection)
        .Find(Builders<CMTCarry>.Filter.Where(h => h.Market == market_ && h.Tenor == tenor_&& h.CMTSeriesNumber== seriesNumber_))

      if (record != null)
        _cache[getKey(market_, tenor_, seriesNumber_)] = record;
Пример #14
    protected RollCalculatorBase(BondMarket market_, BondCurves curve_, double rollFromTenor_, double rollToTenor_, int series_=1)
      Market = market_;
      Curve = curve_;
      RollFromTenor = rollFromTenor_;
      RollToTenor = rollToTenor_;
      SeriesNumber = series_;

Пример #15
    public DatedDataCollectionGen<double> GetPoint(BondMarket market_, int series_, Focus focus_, BondCurves curve_, decimal curvePoint_)
      var pointIndex = AllPoints.ToList().IndexOf(curvePoint_);

      if (pointIndex == -1) return null;

      var curve = Get(market_, series_, focus_, curve_, false);

      if (curve == null) return null;

      return curve.Data.GetColumnValuesAsDDC(pointIndex);
 public static SI.Data.BondCurves GetDefaultCurveForMarket(BondMarket market_)
   switch (market_)
     case BondMarket.US:
       return Data.BondCurves.USD3mLibor;
     case BondMarket.GB:
       return Data.BondCurves.GBP6mLibor;
       return Data.BondCurves.EUR6mEuribor;
Пример #17
    public void Create(BondMarket market_)
      Market = market_;
      m_maturity = CarbonHistoricRetriever.GetDateForward(DateTime.Today, 5, Symmetry.Carbon.Model.DateUnit.Y);
      dtpFwdDate.DateTime = m_maturity;

      dtpFwdDate.ValueChanged += (x, y) =>
        m_maturity = dtpFwdDate.DateTime;
        if (m_dummy != null)
          getDummy().Maturity = m_maturity;
Пример #18
    public static CMTLine GetCMTSpreadLiveDiff(BondMarket market1_, BondMarket market2_, Focus focus_)
      var key = getSpreadLineKey(market1_, market2_, focus_);

      if (_spreadLineCache.ContainsKey(key))
        return _spreadLineCache[key];

      var diff = new CMTLineDiff(

      _spreadLineCache[key] = diff;

      return diff;
Пример #19
    public static void Collate(BondMarket market_=BondMarket.US)
      var allTenors = SI.ExtensionMethods.CreateArray(1, 30, x => x + 1);

      var con = new ConstructGen<double>(allTenors.Select(x => string.Format("cmt_{0}", x)).ToArray());

      for (int i = 0; i < allTenors.Length; ++i)
        var cr = Get(market_, allTenors[i]);
        if (cr == null) continue;

        con.SetColumnValues(i, cr.Values.GetColumnValuesAsDDC((int) CMTCarry.ColPosition.Carry));

      con.WriteToCSV(string.Format(@"e:\temp\CMTCarry_{0}.csv", market_));
Пример #20
        public DateTime CurrentLiveTime(BondMarket market)
            switch (market)
                case BondMarket.US:
                    return DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-5);
                case BondMarket.EU:
                    // todo! need to implement for EU
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("market", market, null);

            return DateTime.MinValue;
    private static RateCurve GetSmoothCurve(DateTime valueDate_, BondMarket market_, BondField field_, SI.Data.BondCurves curve_, string close_ = "MLP", string source_ = "MLP")
      var moniker = RateCurve.CreateBondSeriesCurveMoniker(
        valueDate: valueDate_,
        curveType: GetDBCurveTypeNameFromField(field_),
        country: convertMarketCode(market_),
        series: 1,
        close: close_,
        source: source_,
        curveName: EnumDescriptionAttribute.GetDescription(curve_)

      var curve = SObjectManager.Instance().LoadSObject<RateCurve>(moniker);

      return curve;
    public void Create(BondMarket initialMarket1_, BondMarket initialMarket2_, Focus focus_)
      m_args = new Args()
        Market1 = initialMarket1_,
        Market2 = initialMarket2_,
        Focus = focus_

      lblCountry1.Bind(m_args, "Market1", new Validators.EnumDescValidator(m_args.Market1));
      lblCountry2.Bind(m_args, "Market2", new Validators.EnumDescValidator(m_args.Market2));
      lblField.Bind(m_args, "Focus", new Validators.EnumDescValidator(m_args.Focus));

      m_args.PropertyChanged += (a, b) => rebuildBinding();
    public void Create(BondMarket initialMarket_, Focus initialFocus_, CurveSetPeriod initialPeriod_)
      m_args.Market = initialMarket_;
      m_args.Focus = initialFocus_;
      m_args.Period = initialPeriod_;

      m_args.PropertyChanged += (a, b) =>


      lblCountry.Bind(m_args, "Market", new Validators.EnumDescValidator(m_args.Market));
      lblField.Bind(m_args, "Focus", new Validators.EnumDescValidator(m_args.Focus));
      lblPeriod.Bind(m_args, "Period", new Validators.EnumDescValidator(m_args.Period));
Пример #24
    protected CountryBondSource(Data.BondCurves curve_, BondMarket market_, DateTime asOfDate_)

      Curve = curve_;
      Market = market_;
      m_asOfDate = asOfDate_;
      m_bondMarketCodes = AttributeHelper.GetSingleAttribute<MarketCodeAttribute>(Market).MarketCodes;
      CouponPaymentFreq = AttributeHelper.GetSingleAttribute<CouponPaymentFreqAttribute>(Market).Freq;
      m_recalcNumber = CentralEvents.GetNextIteration();
      if (asOfDate_ >= DateTime.Today)
Пример #25
    public static CMTCarry Get(BondMarket market_, int tenor_, int seriesNumber_ = 1, bool createIfNotThere_=false)
      var key = getKey(market_, tenor_, seriesNumber_);

      if (_cache.ContainsKey(key))
        return _cache[key];


      RefreshFromMongo(market_, tenor_, seriesNumber_);

      if (_cache.ContainsKey(key))
        return _cache[key];

      if (createIfNotThere_)
        return _cache[key] = new CMTCarry() {CMTSeriesNumber = seriesNumber_, Market = market_, Tenor = tenor_};

      return null;
 private static string convertMarketCode(BondMarket market_)
   switch (market_)
     case BondMarket.DE:
       return "DE";
     case BondMarket.ES:
       return "ES";
     case BondMarket.FR:
       return "FR";
     case BondMarket.IT:
       return "IT";
     case BondMarket.NL:
       return "NL";
     case BondMarket.GB:
       return "GB";
     default :
       throw new Exception("market needs to be implemented");
Пример #27
    public CMTCurve Get(BondMarket market_, int series_, Focus focus_, BondCurves curve_, bool createIfNotThere_ = false)
      // messy!  but necessary
      // yield has no need for a curve, so I only save to Mongo for the 'default' curve for the market
      // so if yield is requested, then override the requested curve with the default otherwise no data will be found
      var curve = (focus_ == Focus.Yield)
        ? BondAnalysisLineHelper.GetDefaultCurveForMarket(market_)
        : curve_;

      var item = m_list.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Market == market_ && x.Series == series_ && x.Focus==focus_ && x.Curve==curve);

      if (item != null) return item;

      // try to get from mongo

      item = SI.DB.MongoDB.GetCollection<CMTCurve>(MongoDBDetails.SVR_REF, MongoDBDetails.DB, MongoDBDetails.Curve_Collection)
        .Find(Builders<CMTCurve>.Filter.Where(x=> x.Series == series_ && x.Market == market_ && x.Focus == focus_ && x.Curve == curve)).FirstOrDefaultAsync().Result;

      if (item != null)
        return item;

      if (createIfNotThere_)
        item = new CMTCurve
          Market = market_,
          Series = series_,
          Focus = focus_,
          Data = new ConstructGen<double>(AllPoints.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray())

      return item;
    public static IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, double>> GetHistoricValues(
        BondMarket market_,
        MongoBond bond_,
        double price_,
        DateTime asOf_,
        CarbonClient client_,
        string pricingSetup_="Sym_LIBOR"
        var baseBondId = getBaseBondID(market_, bond_.Maturity);

        var result = client_.PriceBondAsync(
          baseBondId: (long)baseBondId,
          issueDate: DateConversions.ToNodaLocalDate(bond_.IssueDate),
          maturityDate: DateConversions.ToNodaLocalDate(bond_.Maturity),
          coupon: bond_.Coupon / 100d,
          asof: asOf_,
          pricingSetup: pricingSetup_,
          quantity: 1000000d,
          stubDate: DateConversions.ToNodaLocalDate(bond_.FirstCouponDate),
          price: price_).Result;

        if (result.Results.Any(x => double.IsNaN(x.Value)))
            string.Format("At least one Null value returned from carbon Date={0}, Market={1}", asOf_.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"),
              market_), typeof(CarbonHistoricRetriever));

        return result.Results;
      catch (Exception ex_)
        Logger.Error("Error pricing bond", typeof(CarbonHistoricRetriever), ex_);
        return null;
Пример #29
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="issueDate_"></param>
    /// <param name="maturityDate_"></param>
    /// <param name="cleanPriceInPercent_">in the form 1.01 not 101</param>
    /// <param name="couponInPercent_">in the form 2 rather than 0.02 </param>
    /// <param name="freq_"></param>
    /// <param name="settleDate_"></param>
    /// <param name="forwardDate_"></param>
    /// <param name="repoRateInPercent_">give 0.25 to imply a decimal of 0.0025</param>
    /// <param name="marketCode_"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static double GetForwardPrice
        DateTime effectiveDate_,
        DateTime maturityDate_,
        DateTime firstCouponDate_,
        double cleanPriceInPercent_,
        double couponInPercent_,
        CouponPaymentFrequency freq_,
        DateTime settleDate_,
        DateTime forwardDate_,
        double repoRateInPercent_,
        BondMarket market_
      return Symmetry.Analytics.BondAnalytics.CalcBondFwd(
        country: GetSymCountry(market_),
        settleDate: settleDate_,
        cleanPrice: cleanPriceInPercent_/100d,
        maturityDate: maturityDate_,
        coupon: couponInPercent_/100d,
        freq: freq_ == CouponPaymentFrequency.SemiAnnual ? 6 : 12,
        fwdDate: forwardDate_,
        repoRate: repoRateInPercent_/100d,
        startDate: effectiveDate_,
        firstCpnDate: firstCouponDate_)[0]*100d;

      //return Symmetry.Analytics.BondAnalytics.CalcBondFwd(
      //  Country: market_.ToString(),
      //  AsOfSettleDate: settleDate_,
      //  CleanPrice: cleanPriceInPercent_/100d,
      //  IssueDate: issueDate_,
      //  MaturityDate: maturityDate_,
      //  Coupon: couponInPercent_/100d,
      //  Freq: freq_ == CouponPaymentFrequency.SemiAnnual ? 6 : 12,
      //  FwdDate: forwardDate_,
      //  repoRate: repoRateInPercent_/100d
      //  )*100d;
    internal static List<BondStructureOTRCreator> GetItems(BondMarket[] markets_, StructureGrouping grouping_, int index_)
      var list = new List<BondStructureOTRCreator>();

      if (grouping_.Has(StructureGrouping.Outrights))

      if (grouping_.Has(StructureGrouping.Curves))
        list.AddRange(GetCurves(markets_, index_));

      if (grouping_.Has(StructureGrouping.Butterflies))
        list.AddRange(GetButterflies(markets_, index_));

      if (grouping_.Has(StructureGrouping.XMarketSpreads))
        list.AddRange(GetXMktSpreads(markets_, index_));

      if (grouping_.Has(StructureGrouping.XMarketBoxes))
        list.AddRange(GetXMktBoxes(markets_, index_));

      return list;