Пример #1
        public void BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequestConstructorTest3()
            byte[] content = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest target = new BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest(content);

            Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target");
Пример #2
        public void BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequestConstructorTest1()
            NameValueCollection        httpHeaders = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest target      = new BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest(httpHeaders);

            Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target");
Пример #3
        public void CheckHeadersTest()
            BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest target      = new BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            NameValueCollection        httpHeaders = null;                             // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            NameValueCollection        expected    = null;                             // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            NameValueCollection        actual;

            actual = target.CheckHeaders(httpHeaders);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
Пример #4
        public void BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequestConstructorTest()
            byte   method      = 0;            // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string protocol    = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string req_uri     = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string remote_addr = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string remote_host = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            string server_name = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            ushort server_port = 0;            // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            bool   is_ssl      = false;        // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            int    num_headers = 0;            // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest target = new BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest(method, protocol, req_uri, remote_addr, remote_host, server_name, server_port, is_ssl, num_headers);

            Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target");
Пример #5
        public void BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequestConstructorTest2()
            BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest target = new BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest();

            Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target");
Пример #6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //sample setting
            //Console.WriteLine("Sample Setting " + Properties.Settings.Default.SampleSetting);

            //read parameters from console first parameter is server second port
            if (args.Length >= 1)
                myURL = (string)args[0];
            if (args.Length >= 2)
                myServer = (string)args[1];
            if (args.Length >= 3)
                myPort = (string)args[2];

            string myDNS = myServer; // +":" + myPort;
            ushort iPort = Convert.ToUInt16(myPort);

            //test search
            byte[] sourceBytes = new byte[20] {
                0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A
            byte[] searchBytes = new byte[2] {
                0x02, 0x04

            int foundPos = ByteSearch(sourceBytes, searchBytes, 0);


            ConnectViaString(myDNS, myData);

            //test config
            //Test myTest = new Test();

            //log level
            //Console.WriteLine("Log Level " + BonCodeAJP13Settings.BONCODEAJP13_LOG_LEVEL);

            //create intance of forward request
            BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest FR = new BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest(BonCodeAJP13HTTPMethods.BONCODEAJP13_GET,
                                                                           "::1", myServer, iPort, false, 1);

            //create cping request
            BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest FR2 = new BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest(BonCodeAJP13HTTPMethods.BONCODEAJP13_GET,
                                                                            "::1", myServer, iPort, false, 1);

            byte[] testBytes = FR.GetDataBytes();  //this returns the contructed databytes

            //byte[] testBytes = FR.WriteServerTestPacket();

            Console.WriteLine("Server: {0} , Port: {1}, URL: {2}", myServer, myPort, myURL);

            //call server request
            BonCodeAJP13ServerConnection sconn = new BonCodeAJP13ServerConnection(FR, true);

            sconn.Server = myServer;
            sconn.Port   = System.Convert.ToInt32(myPort);
            sconn.FlushDelegateFunction = PrintFlush;  //this function will do the printing to console

            //run connection

            //write the response to screen that has not been flushed yet
            foreach (Object oIterate in sconn.ReceivedDataCollection)
                BonCodeAJP13Packet Packet = oIterate as BonCodeAJP13Packet; //only objects derived from this class should be in the collection
            Console.WriteLine("Last Size:" + sconn.ReceivedDataCollection.Count);

            //call connect function
            //ConnectViaString(myDNS, myData);
            //Connect(myDNS, testBytes);

            int a = 2;

        private void ComunicateWithTomcat()
            int numOfBytesReceived = 0;

            byte[] receivedPacketBuffer = new byte[BonCodeAJP13Consts.MAX_BONCODEAJP13_PACKET_LENGTH];
            byte[] notProcessedBytes    = null;
            int    sendPacketCount      = 0;

            p_IsLastPacket = false;

            //send packages. If multiple forward requests (i.e. form data or files) there is a different behavior expected
            if (p_PacketsToSend.Count > 1)
                foreach (Object oIterate in p_PacketsToSend)
                    //we will continue sending all packets in queue unless tomcat sends us End Comm package
                    if (!p_IsLastPacket)
                        BonCodeAJP13Packet sendPacket = oIterate as BonCodeAJP13Packet; //only objects derived from this class should be in the collection

                        //send first two packets immediatly
                        p_NetworkStream.Write(sendPacket.GetDataBytes(), 0, sendPacket.PacketLength);

                        //log packet
                        if (p_Logger != null)
                            p_Logger.LogPacket(sendPacket, false, BonCodeAJP13LogLevels.BONCODEAJP13_LOG_HEADERS);

                        //after the second packet in a packet collection we have to listen and receive a TomcatGetBodyChunk
                        if (sendPacketCount >= 2)
                            numOfBytesReceived = p_NetworkStream.Read(receivedPacketBuffer, 0, receivedPacketBuffer.Length);
                            notProcessedBytes  = AnalyzePackage(receivedPacketBuffer, true); //no flush processing during sending of data
                            //we expect a 7 byte response except for the last package record, if not record a warning
                            if (sendPacketCount != p_PacketsToSend.Count && numOfBytesReceived > 7)
                                if (p_Logger != null)
                                    p_Logger.LogMessageAndType("Incorrect response received from Tomcat", "warning", 1);
                //if the last received message from tomcat is "GET_BODY_CHUNK" we need to send terminator package
                if (p_PacketsReceived[p_PacketsReceived.Count - 1] is TomcatGetBodyChunk)
                    BonCodeAJP13Packet sendPacket = new BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest(new byte[] { }); //create terminator (empty) package
                    p_NetworkStream.Write(sendPacket.GetDataBytes(), 0, sendPacket.PacketLength);
                    //log packet as it is sent
                    if (p_Logger != null)
                        p_Logger.LogPacket(sendPacket, false, BonCodeAJP13LogLevels.BONCODEAJP13_LOG_HEADERS);
            else if (p_PacketsToSend.Count == 1)
                //send package
                BonCodeAJP13Packet sendPacket = p_PacketsToSend[0] as BonCodeAJP13Packet; //only objects derived from this class should be in the collection
                p_NetworkStream.Write(sendPacket.GetDataBytes(), 0, sendPacket.PacketLength);
                //log each packet as it is sent
                if (p_Logger != null)
                    p_Logger.LogPacket(sendPacket, false, BonCodeAJP13LogLevels.BONCODEAJP13_LOG_HEADERS);
                //nothing to do
                CloseConnectionNoError("Nothing to send. Closing Connection.");

            //switch into Receiving Mode. Receive the TcpServer.response.
            if (!p_IsLastPacket)
                p_NetworkStream.Read(receivedPacketBuffer, 0, 0); //call empty read so we block this thread until we receive a response or we time out
            numOfBytesReceived = 0;

                int readCount = 0;

                while (p_NetworkStream.CanRead && !p_AbortConnection && !p_IsLastPacket)
                    //check to see whether we need to send extra termination package
                    if (p_SendTermPacket)
                        p_SendTermPacket = false;
                        BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest terminatorFR = new BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest(new byte[] { });
                        p_NetworkStream.Write(terminatorFR.GetDataBytes(), 0, terminatorFR.PacketLength);

                    //clear reading array
                    Array.Clear(receivedPacketBuffer, 0, receivedPacketBuffer.Length);
                    //read incoming packets until timeout or last package has been received.
                    numOfBytesReceived = p_NetworkStream.Read(receivedPacketBuffer, 0, receivedPacketBuffer.Length);

                    //analyze packet so far (adjust bytes from Receiving buffer):combine notProcessed with new Read bytes into new Received buffer if needed
                    if (notProcessedBytes != null)
                        //create tempArray that contains new set of bytes to be send a combination of newly received bytes as well as bytes that we were not able to process yet
                        byte[] tempArray = new byte[numOfBytesReceived + notProcessedBytes.Length];
                        Array.Copy(notProcessedBytes, 0, tempArray, 0, notProcessedBytes.Length);
                        Array.Copy(receivedPacketBuffer, 0, tempArray, notProcessedBytes.Length, numOfBytesReceived);

                        notProcessedBytes = AnalyzePackage(tempArray);
                        //send bytes we received for analysis
                        byte[] tempArray = new byte[numOfBytesReceived];
                        Array.Copy(receivedPacketBuffer, 0, tempArray, 0, numOfBytesReceived);
                        notProcessedBytes = AnalyzePackage(tempArray);

            catch (System.IO.IOException ex)
                ConnectionError("Server Connection is closing, Read timeout reached and no tomcat activity was detected.", "TimeOut");
                if (p_Logger != null)

            if (p_AbortConnection)
                ConnectionError("Server Connection was aborted:", "Failed");

            if (numOfBytesReceived == 0)
                // Nothing received from tomcat!
                ConnectionError("Nothing received from the tomcat. Closing the Connection.", "Failed");

            if (p_IsLastPacket == true)
                // keep alive timer needs reset (we are maintaining connection but resetting the timer
                if (p_KeepAliveTimer != null)


                //do nothing for now
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Main process hook for IIS invocation.
        /// </summary>
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            //check execution
            string executionFeedback = CheckExecution(context.Request.ServerVariables);
            bool   blnProceed        = true;

            /* debug: dump headers
             * string strOut = GetHeaders(context.Request.ServerVariables);
             * context.Response.Write(strOut);

            if (executionFeedback.Length == 0)
                //determine web doc root if needed
                if (BonCodeAJP13Settings.BONCODEAJP13_HEADER_SUPPORT)
                    BonCodeAJP13Settings.BonCodeAjp13_DocRoot = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~");

                //check whether we are resuable, we discard and re-establish connections if MAX_BONCODEAJP13_CONCURRENT_CONNECTIONS is set to zero
                if (BonCodeAJP13Settings.MAX_BONCODEAJP13_CONCURRENT_CONNECTIONS == 0)
                    p_isReusable = false;
                //determine whether we are declaring ourself as part of a reusable pool. If not we need to also take steps to
                //kill connections if we are close to the max of pool we maintain a ten thread margin
                //this allows limited processing to continue even if we are close to maxed out on connections
                if (p_isReusable && BonCodeAJP13Settings.MAX_BONCODEAJP13_CONCURRENT_CONNECTIONS < (p_InstanceCount + 10))
                    p_isReusable = false; //new connections will be dropped immediatly

                //assign reference to context to an instance handler
                p_Context = context;
                long streamLen = context.Request.InputStream.Length;
                //create TcpClient to pass to AJP13 processor, this will re-use connection until this instance is destroyed
                if (p_TcpClient == null)
                        p_TcpClient = new TcpClient(BonCodeAJP13Settings.BONCODEAJP13_SERVER, BonCodeAJP13Settings.BONCODEAJP13_PORT);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        //check whether we had issues connecting to tomcat
                        string errMsg = "Error connecting to Apache Tomcat instance.<hr>Please check that a Tomcat server is running at given location and port.<br>Details:<br>" + e.Message;
                        blnProceed = false;

                    //determine whether we will need to remove the connection later
                    if (!p_isReusable)
                        p_FlagKillConnection = true;
                        p_FlagKillConnection = false;

                if (blnProceed)
                    //initialize AJP13 protocol connection
                    BonCodeAJP13ServerConnection sconn = new BonCodeAJP13ServerConnection();
                    sconn.FlushDelegateFunction = PrintFlush; //this function will do the transfer to browser if we use Flush detection, we pass as delegate
                    sconn.FlushStatusFunction   = IsFlushing; //will let the implementation know if flushing is still in progress
                    sconn.SetTcpClient          = p_TcpClient;
                    //setup basic information (base ForwardRequest package)
                    BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest FR = new BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest(context.Request.ServerVariables);

                    //determine if extra ForwardRequests are needed.
                    //We need to create a collection of Requests (for form data and file uploads etc.)
                    if (context.Request.ContentLength > 0)
                        // need to create a collection of forward requests to package data in
                        int numOfPackets = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDouble(context.Request.ContentLength / Convert.ToDouble(BonCodeAJP13Consts.MAX_BONCODEAJP13_USERDATA_LENGTH))));
                        int iStart       = 0;
                        int iCount       = 0;
                        for (int i = 1; i <= numOfPackets; i++)
                            //we need to breakdown data into multiple FR packages to tomcat
                            if (i * BonCodeAJP13Consts.MAX_BONCODEAJP13_USERDATA_LENGTH <= streamLen)
                                //we are in the middle of transferring data grab next 8188 bytes and create package
                                iStart = (i - 1) * BonCodeAJP13Consts.MAX_BONCODEAJP13_USERDATA_LENGTH;
                                iCount = Convert.ToInt32(BonCodeAJP13Consts.MAX_BONCODEAJP13_USERDATA_LENGTH);
                                //last user package
                                iStart = (i - 1) * BonCodeAJP13Consts.MAX_BONCODEAJP13_USERDATA_LENGTH;
                                iCount = Convert.ToInt32(streamLen) - iStart;
                            //add package to collection
                            byte[] streamInput = new byte[iCount];
                            context.Request.InputStream.Read(streamInput, 0, iCount); //stream pointer moves with each read so we allways start at zero position
                            sconn.AddPacketToSendQueue(new BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest(streamInput));
                        //add an empty Forward Request packet as terminator to collection if multiple packets are used
                        //sconn.AddPacketToSendQueue(new BonCodeAJP13ForwardRequest(new byte[] { }));

                    //run connection (send and receive cycle)

                    //write the response to browser (if not already flushed)

                    //kill connections if we are not reusing connections
                    if (p_FlagKillConnection)
                ;  // proceed is true
                //execution was denied by logic, only print message