public void SimulatedMove() { hypoteticalPosition = hypoteticalBestMove; hypoteticalPosition.hypoteticalPieceOnTop = this; // update hypotetical possible moves }
private void AddShapeToAllSlots() { if (this.board == null || (Object)this.ShapeSpawner == (Object)null) { return; } BoardSlot[, ,] boardSlotArray = this.board.TheGameBoard; int length1 = boardSlotArray.GetLength(0); int length2 = boardSlotArray.GetLength(1); int length3 = boardSlotArray.GetLength(2); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < length1; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < length2; ++index2) { for (int index3 = 0; index3 < length3; ++index3) { BoardSlot boardSlot = boardSlotArray[index1, index2, index3]; Vector3 zero =; Quaternion identity = Quaternion.identity; this.GetLayoutStuff(boardSlot, ref zero, ref identity); GameObject gameObject = Object.Instantiate((Object)this.ShapeSpawner, zero, identity) as GameObject; this.BoardSlotToVisualMap.Add(boardSlot, gameObject); } } } }
public void UpdateBoardSlot(BoardSlot boardSlot, BoardSlotChangeOrigin origin) { BoardBlock bBlock = GetBoardBlock(boardSlot.GetPosition()); if (boardSlot.IsEmpty()) { bBlock.BlockColor = ""; bBlock.BlockTextColor = ""; bBlock.BlockValue = ""; } else { Block block = boardSlot.GetBlock(); if (origin == BoardSlotChangeOrigin.Spawned) { ScaleHelper.ScaleIn(bBlock); } else if (origin == BoardSlotChangeOrigin.MergedInto) { ScaleHelper.Pulse(bBlock); } bBlock.BlockColor = ColorTranslator.ToHtml(block.BackgroundColor); bBlock.BlockTextColor = ColorTranslator.ToHtml(block.Color); bBlock.BlockValue = block.Value.ToString(); } }
public BoardSlot[,] BuildBoard(int p_size, Action <int, int> p_callback) { BoardSlot[,] result = new BoardSlot[p_size, p_size]; Rect gamePanelRect = RectTransformUtility.PixelAdjustRect(_gamePanelRT, _gameCanvas); float panelWidth = gamePanelRect.width; float panelHeight = gamePanelRect.height; _gamePanelGridLayout.cellSize = new Vector2(panelWidth / p_size, panelHeight / p_size); for (int i = 0; i < p_size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < p_size; j++) { BoardSlot newSlot = Instantiate(SlotPrefab); newSlot.Init(new Vector2Int(i, j), p_callback); newSlot.transform.SetParent(GamePanel.transform, false); newSlot.gameObject.SetActive(true); result[i, j] = newSlot; } } return(result); }
public void removeUnitAt(int x, int y) { if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < boardWidth && y < boardHeight) { BoardSlot bs = getSlot(new Vector2Int(x, y)); bs.unit = null; } }
void OnMouseDown() { if (currentslot != null && !completed) { = true; currentslot = null; } }
public void SetupDirectNeighborPointers() { this.xUpBoardSlot = this.ParentGameBoard.GetBoardSlotForPositionOffset(this, BoardSlot.xUpBoardPos, false, false, false, false); this.xDownBoardSlot = this.ParentGameBoard.GetBoardSlotForPositionOffset(this, BoardSlot.xDownBoardPos, false, false, false, false); this.yUpBoardSlot = this.ParentGameBoard.GetBoardSlotForPositionOffset(this, BoardSlot.yUpBoardPos, false, false, false, false); this.yDownBoardSlot = this.ParentGameBoard.GetBoardSlotForPositionOffset(this, BoardSlot.yDownBoardPos, false, false, false, false); this.zUpBoardSlot = this.ParentGameBoard.GetBoardSlotForPositionOffset(this, BoardSlot.zUpBoardPos, false, false, false, false); this.zDownBoardSlot = this.ParentGameBoard.GetBoardSlotForPositionOffset(this, BoardSlot.zDownBoardPos, false, false, false, false); }
private void OnEnable() { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward), out hit, Mathf.Infinity)) { highlightedSlot = hit.collider.GetComponent <BoardSlot>(); highlightedSlot.Highlight(true); } }
private void DeformMeshToCoverBoardSlot(BoardSlot slot, GameObject MeshGO) { if ((UnityEngine.Object)BaseMesh == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { BaseMesh = ShapeSpawner.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh; BaseMeshVerts = BaseMesh.vertices; } int VisualX; int VisualY; int VisualZ; GetVisualPositionsForBoardSlot(slot, out VisualX, out VisualY, out VisualZ); int keyForY1 = GetKeyForY(VisualY, VisualZ); if (vertlists.ContainsKey(keyForY1)) { Mesh mesh = MeshGO.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh; SphericalLayoutTest.VerticesInfo verticesInfo = vertlists[keyForY1]; mesh.vertices = verticesInfo.verts; mesh.normals = verticesInfo.normals; } else { float AzimuthToCenterDeg; float SlotAzimuthBreadthDeg; float ElevationToCenterDeg; float SlotElevationBreadthDeg; float SlotCenterRadius; GetSlotSphericalInfo(VisualX, VisualY, VisualZ, out AzimuthToCenterDeg, out SlotAzimuthBreadthDeg, out ElevationToCenterDeg, out SlotElevationBreadthDeg, out SlotCenterRadius); Mesh mesh = MeshGO.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh; Vector3[] vector3Array = new Vector3[mesh.vertexCount]; Transform transform = MeshGO.transform; Vector3 localScale = transform.localScale; for (int index = 0; index < vector3Array.Length; ++index) { Vector3 vector3 = BaseMeshVerts[index]; float polar = (AzimuthToCenterDeg + vector3.x * SlotAzimuthBreadthDeg) * (float)(Math.PI / 180.0); float elevation = (ElevationToCenterDeg + vector3.y * SlotElevationBreadthDeg) * (float)(Math.PI / 180.0); Vector3 outCart; SphericalCoordinates.SphericalToCartesian(SlotCenterRadius - localScale.z * vector3.z, polar, elevation, out outCart); outCart = transform.InverseTransformPoint(outCart); vector3Array[index] = outCart; } mesh.vertices = vector3Array; mesh.RecalculateNormals(); int keyForY2 = GetKeyForY(VisualY, VisualZ); if (vertlists.ContainsKey(keyForY2)) { return; } vertlists[keyForY2] = new SphericalLayoutTest.VerticesInfo(); vertlists[keyForY2].verts = vector3Array; vertlists[keyForY2].normals = mesh.normals; } }
//public virtual T GetGameShapeProxyAtScreenPosition<T>(Vector3 inScreenPosition) where T : GameShapeProxyBase //{ // T obj = (T)null; // if ((Object)this.ViewingCamera != (Object)null) // { // RaycastHit hitInfo; // if (Physics.Raycast(this.ViewingCamera.ScreenPointToRay(inScreenPosition), out hitInfo, 1000f)) // { // GameObject gameObject = hitInfo.collider.gameObject; // T gameShapeProxy = this.FindGameShapeProxy<T>(gameObject); // object[] objArray = new object[5]; // int index1 = 0; // string str1 = "Hit ("; // objArray[index1] = (object)str1; // int index2 = 1; // string name =; // objArray[index2] = (object)name; // int index3 = 2; // string str2 = ") with parent shapeproxy ("; // objArray[index3] = (object)str2; // int index4 = 3; // // ISSUE: variable of a boxed type // __Boxed<T> local = (object)gameShapeProxy; // objArray[index4] = (object)local; // int index5 = 4; // string str3 = ")"; // objArray[index5] = (object)str3; // Debug.Log((object)string.Concat(objArray)); // obj = gameShapeProxy; // } // else // obj = (T)null; // } // return obj; //} //protected T FindGameShapeProxy<T>(GameObject inGO) where T : GameShapeProxyBase //{ // T obj = (T)null; // return GameObjectHelpers.FindParentGameObjectComponent<T>(inGO); //} public bool GetCameraPositionForBoardSlot(BoardSlot slot, ref Vector3 result) { bool flag = false; result =; if (slot != null) { flag = this.GetCameraPositionForBoardPosition(slot.BoardPos, ref result); } return(flag); }
public void GetOccupiedSlotsCopy(List <BoardSlot> inOccupiedSlots) { for (int index = 0; index < this.OccupiedSlots.Count; ++index) { BoardSlot boardSlot = this.OccupiedSlots[index]; if (boardSlot != null && !inOccupiedSlots.Contains(boardSlot)) { inOccupiedSlots.Add(boardSlot); } } }
public BoardSlot getSlot(Vector2Int location) { if (location.x >= 0 && location.y >= 0 && location.x < boardWidth && location.y < boardHeight) { BoardSlot bs = _slots[location.x, location.y]; return(bs); } else { return(null); } }
public BaseUnit getPieceAtLoc(int x, int y) { if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < boardWidth && y < boardHeight) { BoardSlot bs = _slots[x, y]; return(bs.unit); } else { return(null); } }
/* * The initBoardSpace() function is used to internally build the array * of board slots used to virtualize the game board * * This should be called first thing before any interactions with the board take place, * if the board is resized post game start for some reason this should also be re-ran * */ private void _initBoardSpace() { Debug.Log("Initialized size " + boardWidth + ", " + boardHeight); _slots = new BoardSlot[boardWidth, boardHeight]; for (int _x = 0; _x < boardWidth; _x++) { for (int _y = 0; _y < boardHeight; _y++) { _slots[_x, _y] = new BoardSlot(_x, _y); } } }
public void Move(BoardSlot newPos) { if (position != null) { position.pieceOnTop = null; } position = newPos; position.pieceOnTop = this; transform.position = new Vector3(newPos.transform.position.x, newPos.transform.position.y, transform.position.z); // update possible moves // change turn }
public void GetLayoutStuff(BoardSlot slot, ref Vector3 newPosition, ref Quaternion FacingDirection) { BoardPosition boardPos = slot.BoardPos; float num1 = 360f / (float)this.board.BoardXSize; BoardPosition pos = boardPos; this.board.CreateSafeBoardPosition(ref pos); Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, this.ForwardAngle + (float)pos.X * num1, 0.0f); float num2 = this.BaseDistFromCenterAxis + this.GetCylinderDepthOffset(slot); newPosition = quaternion * Vector3.forward * num2; newPosition.y = this.GetCylinderPositionY(slot); FacingDirection = quaternion; }
private GameShape GetShapeInBoardSlotAtOffset(BoardPosition offset) { GameShape gameShape = (GameShape)null; BoardPosition pos = BoardPosition.AddBoardPositions(this.boardPos, offset); if (this.ParentGameBoard.CreateSafeBoardPosition(ref pos)) { BoardSlot boardSlotForPosition = this.ParentGameBoard.GetBoardSlotForPosition(pos); if (boardSlotForPosition != null) { gameShape = boardSlotForPosition.FilledShape; } } return(gameShape); }
private GameShape GetShapeInBoardSlotAtOffset(BoardPosition offset, bool bIgnoreSameFilledShape) { GameShape gameShape = (GameShape)null; BoardPosition pos = BoardPosition.AddBoardPositions(this.boardPos, offset); if (this.ParentGameBoard.CreateSafeBoardPosition(ref pos)) { BoardSlot boardSlotForPosition = this.ParentGameBoard.GetBoardSlotForPosition(pos); if (boardSlotForPosition != null && boardSlotForPosition.HasFilledShape() && (!bIgnoreSameFilledShape || bIgnoreSameFilledShape && boardSlotForPosition.FilledShape != this.FilledShape)) { gameShape = boardSlotForPosition.FilledShape; } } return(gameShape); }
private void CacheSphericalProxyInfo(BoardSlot slot, BoardSlotSphericalProxy slotproxy) { int VisualX; int VisualY; int VisualZ; GetVisualPositionsForBoardSlot(slot, out VisualX, out VisualY, out VisualZ); float AzimuthToCenterDeg; float SlotAzimuthBreadthDeg; float ElevationToCenterDeg; float SlotElevationBreadthDeg; float SlotCenterRadius; GetSlotSphericalInfo(VisualX, VisualY, VisualZ, out AzimuthToCenterDeg, out SlotAzimuthBreadthDeg, out ElevationToCenterDeg, out SlotElevationBreadthDeg, out SlotCenterRadius); slotproxy.SetSphericalPositions(AzimuthToCenterDeg, SlotAzimuthBreadthDeg, ElevationToCenterDeg, SlotElevationBreadthDeg); }
/// <summary> /// If the piece altitude is above PIECES_Y_OUT after CHECK_ALTITUDE_TIME, it is destroyed, an explosion is instantiated and the score is decreased /// </summary> /// <param name="bs"></param> /// <returns></returns> IEnumerator checkAltitude(BoardSlot bs) { Rigidbody rb = bs.Piece.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); Vector3 piecePosition = bs.Piece.transform.position; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(Globals.CHECK_ALTITUDE_TIME)); if (rb.transform.position.y > Globals.PIECES_Y_OUT) { explosionInstantiate(bs.OccupiedbyPlayer, piecePosition.x, piecePosition.y, piecePosition.z); incrementScore(bs.OccupiedbyPlayer, -1); bs.OccupiedbyPlayer = Globals.EMPTY; Destroy(bs.Piece); } yield return(null); }
public void GetLayoutStuff(BoardSlot slot, ref Vector3 newPosition, ref Quaternion FacingDirection) { int VisualX; int VisualY; int VisualZ; GetVisualPositionsForBoardSlot(slot, out VisualX, out VisualY, out VisualZ); Vector3 pos; Vector3 norm; GetPositionAndNormalForSlotXAndY(VisualX, VisualY, VisualZ, out pos, out norm); Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.LookRotation(norm, Vector3.up); newPosition = pos; FacingDirection = quaternion; }
private float GetCylinderPositionY(BoardSlot slot) { float num1 = 2f; float num2; if (this.board.BoardYSize % 2 == 0) { int num3 = this.board.BoardYSize / 2; num2 = slot.BoardPos.Y >= num3 ? (float)((double)(slot.BoardPos.Y - num3) * (double)num1 + 0.5 * (double)num1) : (float)-((double)(num3 - 1 - slot.BoardPos.Y) * (double)num1 + 0.5 * (double)num1); } else { int num3 = this.board.BoardYSize / 2; num2 = slot.BoardPos.Y >= num3 ? (slot.BoardPos.Y <= num3 ? 0.0f : (float)(slot.BoardPos.Y - num3) * num1) : (float)-(double)(num3 - slot.BoardPos.Y) * num1; } return(num2); }
private static Word GetWordFromRow(int row, int startColumn) { List <BoardSlot> letterPositions = new List <BoardSlot>(); var column = startColumn; while (column - 1 >= 0) { var boardSlot = Board.Board.Slots[row, column - 1]; if (boardSlot.IsFilled || boardSlot.IsPending) { column--; } else { break; } } var horizontalWordSB = new StringBuilder(); int points = 0; BoardSlot currentBoardSlot = Board.Board.Slots[row, column]; do { horizontalWordSB.Append(currentBoardSlot.CurrentLetter); points += currentBoardSlot.Points; letterPositions.Add(currentBoardSlot); column++; if (column == Board.Board.Columns) { break; } currentBoardSlot = Board.Board.Slots[row, column]; }while (currentBoardSlot.IsFilled || currentBoardSlot.IsPending); return(new Word { Text = horizontalWordSB.ToString().ToUpperInvariant(), Points = points, LetterPositions = letterPositions }); }
private static Word GetWordFromColumn(int column, int startRow) { List <BoardSlot> letterPositions = new List <BoardSlot>(); var row = startRow; while (row - 1 >= 0) { var boardSlot = Board.Board.Slots[row - 1, column]; if (boardSlot.IsFilled || boardSlot.IsPending) { row--; } else { break; } } var verticalWordSB = new StringBuilder(); int points = 0; BoardSlot currentBoardSlot = Board.Board.Slots[row, column]; do { verticalWordSB.Append(currentBoardSlot.CurrentLetter); points += currentBoardSlot.Points; letterPositions.Add(currentBoardSlot); row++; if (row == Board.Board.Rows) { break; } currentBoardSlot = Board.Board.Slots[row, column]; }while (currentBoardSlot.IsFilled || currentBoardSlot.IsPending); return(new Word { Text = verticalWordSB.ToString().ToUpperInvariant(), Points = points, LetterPositions = letterPositions }); }
private bool MergeBlocks(BoardSlot from, BoardSlot to, bool onlySimulate) { if (from.GetBlock().Value == to.GetBlock().Value) { if (!onlySimulate) { int newValue = from.GetBlock().Value * 2; Board.ReplaceBlock(to, new Block(newValue)); Board.RemoveBlock(from); Score.Add(newValue); } return(true); } return(false); }
public GameShape GetNeighborShapeInDirection(BoardPosition inDirection) { GameShape gameShape = (GameShape)null; BoardPosition pos = this.BoardPos + new BoardPosition() { X = Mathf.Clamp(inDirection.X, -1, 1), Y = Mathf.Clamp(inDirection.Y, -1, 1), Z = Mathf.Clamp(inDirection.Z, -1, 1) }; if (this.ParentGameBoard.CreateSafeBoardPosition(ref pos)) { BoardSlot boardSlotForPosition = this.ParentGameBoard.GetBoardSlotForPosition(pos); if (boardSlotForPosition != null) { gameShape = boardSlotForPosition.FilledShape; } } return(gameShape); }
public void GetNeighborShapes(Dictionary <GameShape, int> neighbors) { bool bIgnoreSameFilledShape = true; GameShape other1 = this.xUpBoardSlot == null?this.GetShapeInBoardSlotAtOffset(BoardSlot.xUpBoardPos, bIgnoreSameFilledShape) : this.xUpBoardSlot.GetFilledShape(); if (other1 != null) { BoardSlot.AddOrIncrementDictSet(neighbors, other1); } GameShape other2 = this.xDownBoardSlot == null?this.GetShapeInBoardSlotAtOffset(BoardSlot.xDownBoardPos, bIgnoreSameFilledShape) : this.xDownBoardSlot.GetFilledShape(); if (other2 != null) { BoardSlot.AddOrIncrementDictSet(neighbors, other2); } GameShape other3 = this.yUpBoardSlot == null?this.GetShapeInBoardSlotAtOffset(BoardSlot.yUpBoardPos, bIgnoreSameFilledShape) : this.yUpBoardSlot.GetFilledShape(); if (other3 != null) { BoardSlot.AddOrIncrementDictSet(neighbors, other3); } GameShape other4 = this.yDownBoardSlot == null?this.GetShapeInBoardSlotAtOffset(BoardSlot.yDownBoardPos, bIgnoreSameFilledShape) : this.yDownBoardSlot.GetFilledShape(); if (other4 != null) { BoardSlot.AddOrIncrementDictSet(neighbors, other4); } GameShape other5 = this.zUpBoardSlot == null?this.GetShapeInBoardSlotAtOffset(BoardSlot.zUpBoardPos, bIgnoreSameFilledShape) : this.zUpBoardSlot.GetFilledShape(); if (other5 != null) { BoardSlot.AddOrIncrementDictSet(neighbors, other5); } GameShape other6 = this.zDownBoardSlot == null?this.GetShapeInBoardSlotAtOffset(BoardSlot.zDownBoardPos, bIgnoreSameFilledShape) : this.zDownBoardSlot.GetFilledShape(); if (other6 == null) { return; } BoardSlot.AddOrIncrementDictSet(neighbors, other6); }
private void UpdateSlotVisuals() { if (board == null || (UnityEngine.Object)ShapeSpawner == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { return; } using (Dictionary <BoardSlot, GameObject> .Enumerator enumerator = BoardSlotToVisualMap.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { KeyValuePair <BoardSlot, GameObject> current = enumerator.Current; Vector3 zero =; Quaternion identity = Quaternion.identity; BoardSlot key = current.Key; GameObject MeshGO = current.Value; GetLayoutStuff(key, ref zero, ref identity); MeshGO.transform.position = zero; MeshGO.transform.rotation = identity; DeformMeshToCoverBoardSlot(key, MeshGO); } } }
public int GetVerticalScore(int firstId) { int score = 0; int wordFactor = 1; for (int i = firstId; i < 225; i += 15) { BoardSlot boardSlot = BoardSlots[i].GetComponent <BoardSlot>(); if (BoardSlots[i] && ! { if (!boardSlot.completed) { //score +=[i].GetComponentInChildren<BoardTile>().letter) * (int)boardSlot.letterFactor; score += BoardSlots[i].GetComponentInChildren <BoardTile>().score *(int)boardSlot.letterFactor; if ((int)boardSlot.wordFactor > 1) { wordFactor *= (int)boardSlot.wordFactor; } } else { //score +=[i].GetComponentInChildren<BoardTile>().letter); score += BoardSlots[i].GetComponentInChildren <BoardTile>().score; } if (i + 15 > 224) { break; } } else { break; } } return(score * wordFactor); }
private void AddShapeToAllSlots() { if (board == null || (UnityEngine.Object)ShapeSpawner == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { return; } BoardSlot[, ,] boardSlotArray = board.TheGameBoard; int length1 = boardSlotArray.GetLength(0); int length2 = boardSlotArray.GetLength(1); int length3 = boardSlotArray.GetLength(2); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < length1; ++index1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < length2; ++index2) { for (int index3 = 0; index3 < length3; ++index3) { BoardSlot boardSlot = boardSlotArray[index1, index2, index3]; Vector3 zero =; Quaternion identity = Quaternion.identity; GetLayoutStuff(boardSlot, ref zero, ref identity); // Add object GameObject gameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate((UnityEngine.Object)ShapeSpawner, zero, identity) as GameObject; BoardSlotToVisualMap.Add(boardSlot, gameObject); BoardSlotSphericalProxy slotproxy = gameObject.GetComponent <BoardSlotSphericalProxy>(); if ((UnityEngine.Object)slotproxy == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { slotproxy = gameObject.AddComponent <BoardSlotSphericalProxy>(); slotproxy.SetSlot(boardSlot); } BoardSlotToProxyMap.Add(boardSlot, slotproxy); CacheSphericalProxyInfo(boardSlot, slotproxy); } } } }