public void SetBoardObject(int i, BoardCell elementCell) { if (i >= boardElements.Length) { return; } BoardObject element = elementCell.GetPlacedObject(); if (element == null) { return; } BoardObjectState objectState = new BoardObjectState(); = element.GetObjectID(); Vector2Int pos = elementCell.GetPosition(); objectState.x = pos.x; objectState.y = pos.y; objectState.args = element.GetArgs(); objectState.orientation = (int)element.GetDirection(); boardElements[i] = objectState; }
public void RotateObject(Vector2Int origin, int direction, float time, out Coroutine coroutine) { // Check direction coroutine = null; if (direction == 0) { return; } direction = direction < 0 ? -1 : 1; // Check if origin object exists if (!IsInBoardBounds(origin)) { return; } BoardObject bObject = board[origin.x, origin.y].GetPlacedObject(); if (bObject == null) { return; // No to rotate } // You cannot rotate an object that is already rotating if (bObject.GetDirection() == BoardObject.Direction.PARTIAL) { return; } coroutine = StartCoroutine(InternalRotateObject(bObject, direction, time)); }
private IEnumerator InternalRotateObject(BoardObject bObject, int direction, float time) { // Get direction BoardObject.Direction currentDirection = bObject.GetDirection(); BoardObject.Direction targetDirection = (BoardObject.Direction)((((int)currentDirection + direction) + 8) % 8); // Froze direction bObject.SetDirection(BoardObject.Direction.PARTIAL, false); Vector3 fromAngles = bObject.transform.localEulerAngles; fromAngles.y = (int)currentDirection * 45.0f; Vector3 toAngles = bObject.transform.localEulerAngles; toAngles.y = ((int)currentDirection + direction) * 45.0f; // Interpolate movement float auxTimer = 0.0f; while (auxTimer < time) { Vector3 lerpAngles = Vector3.Lerp(fromAngles, toAngles, auxTimer / time); bObject.transform.localEulerAngles = lerpAngles; auxTimer += Time.deltaTime; yield return(null); } // Set final rotation (defensive code) bObject.SetDirection(targetDirection); }
private void OnLeftDown() { if (!modifiable) { return; } if (orbitCamera != null && !orbitCamera.IsReset()) { return; } if (boardObject == null) { boardObject = GetComponent <BoardObject>(); } if (argumentLoader != null) { argumentLoader.SetBoardObject(boardObject); } if (cameraInput != null) { cameraInput.SetDragging(true); } zCoord = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position).z; mouseOffset = transform.position - GetMouseWorldPos(); dragging = true; string name = boardObject.GetName(); TrackerAsset.Instance.setVar("element_type", name.ToLower()); TrackerAsset.Instance.setVar("element_name", boardObject.GetNameWithIndex().ToLower()); TrackerAsset.Instance.setVar("position", lastPos.ToString()); TrackerAsset.Instance.setVar("rotation", boardObject.GetDirection().ToString().ToLower()); TrackerAsset.Instance.setVar("action", "pick"); TrackerAsset.Instance.GameObject.Interacted(boardObject.GetID()); }
// Smooth interpolation, this code must be called by blocks public bool MoveObject(Vector2Int origin, Vector2Int direction, float time, out Coroutine coroutine) { coroutine = null; // Check valid direction if (!(direction.magnitude == 1.0f && (Mathf.Abs(direction.x) == 1 || Mathf.Abs(direction.y) == 1))) { return(false); } // Check if origin object exists if (!IsInBoardBounds(origin)) { return(false); } BoardObject bObject = board[origin.x, origin.y].GetPlacedObject(); if (bObject == null) { return(false); // No object to move } // Check if direction in valid if (IsInBoardBounds(origin + direction)) { // A valid direction BoardCell fromCell = board[origin.x, origin.y]; BoardCell toCell = board[origin.x + direction.x, origin.y + direction.y]; if (toCell.GetPlacedObject() != null) { if (bObject.GetAnimator() != null) { if (bObject.GetDirection() == BoardObject.Direction.LEFT || bObject.GetDirection() == BoardObject.Direction.RIGHT || bObject.GetDirection() == BoardObject.Direction.DOWN_RIGHT || bObject.GetDirection() == BoardObject.Direction.UP_LEFT) { if (direction.y != 0) { bObject.GetAnimator().Play("Collision"); } else { bObject.GetAnimator().Play("Collision2"); } } else { if (direction.y != 0) { bObject.GetAnimator().Play("Collision2"); } else { bObject.GetAnimator().Play("Collision"); } } } return(false); } coroutine = StartCoroutine(InternalMoveObject(fromCell, toCell, time)); return(true); } else { // Not a valid direction return(false); } }