Пример #1
    private void OnCreateBoard(IBoard board)
        var maxPosY = float.MinValue;
        var maxPosX = float.MinValue;
        var minPosY = float.MaxValue;
        var minPosX = float.MaxValue;

        foreach (var pos in board.Positions)
            var hex          = pos.Point;
            var cell         = BoardManipulationOddR.GetCellCoordinate(hex);
            var worldCellPos = tileMap.CellToWorld(cell);

            if (worldCellPos.x > maxPosX)
                maxPosX = worldCellPos.x;
            if (worldCellPos.y > maxPosY)
                maxPosY = worldCellPos.y;

            if (worldCellPos.x < minPosX)
                minPosX = worldCellPos.x;
            if (worldCellPos.y < minPosY)
                minPosY = worldCellPos.y;

        Centralize(minPosX, minPosY, maxPosX, maxPosY);
Пример #2
        public void GeneratePositions()
            var hexPoints  = Data.GetHexPoints();
            var cellPoints = BoardManipulationOddR.ConvertGroup(hexPoints);

            Positions = new Position <T> [cellPoints.Length];
            for (var index = 0; index < cellPoints.Length; index++)
                var i = cellPoints[index];
                Positions[index] = new Position <T>(i);
 private void CreateBoard()
     //using the tile map orientation to pick the default value
     if (tileMap.orientation == Tilemap.Orientation.XY)
     BoardManipulation = new BoardManipulationOddR(boardShape);
        void OnDrawGizmos()
            if (CurrentBoard == null)

            foreach (var hex in controller.boardShape.GetHexPoints())
                var cell          = BoardManipulationOddR.GetCellCoordinate(hex);
                var worldPosition = tileMap.CellToWorld(cell);
                Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(worldPosition, 0.93f);
Пример #5
        void InitializeGameDataStructures(GameArgs args)
                //Create Players
                var userId = args.GameParameters.Profiles.UserPlayer.id;
                var aiId   = args.GameParameters.Profiles.AiPlayer.id;
                var user   = new Player(userId, args.GameParameters, args.Dispatcher);
                var ai     = new Player(aiId, args.GameParameters, args.Dispatcher);
                Players = new[] { user, ai };

                //Create Hands
                Hands = new IHand[]
                    new Hand(user.Id, args.GameParameters, Dispatcher),
                    new Hand(ai.Id, args.GameParameters, Dispatcher)

                //Create Inventories
                Inventories = new IInventory[]
                    new Inventory(user.Id, Parameters, Dispatcher),
                    new Inventory(ai.Id, Parameters, Dispatcher)

                //Create Score
                Score = new Score(Players, args.GameParameters, args.Dispatcher);

            //Create Board
            Board = new Board <CreatureElement>(args.GameParameters, Dispatcher);

            //Create Board Manipulation
            BoardManipulation = new BoardManipulationOddR(args.GameParameters.BoardData);

            //Create Pool
            Pool = new Pool <CardPool>(args.GameParameters, Dispatcher);

                //Create Library
                var libData = new Dictionary <PlayerId, CardData[]>
                    { PlayerId.User, args.GameParameters.Profiles.UserPlayer.LibraryData.GetDeck() },
                    { PlayerId.Ai, args.GameParameters.Profiles.AiPlayer.LibraryData.GetDeck() }

                Library = new Library(libData, Dispatcher);
Пример #6
        void CreateBoardUi()
            foreach (var element in _registerUiElements.Values)

            foreach (var pos in CurrentBoard.Positions)
                var hex  = pos.Point;
                var cell = BoardManipulationOddR.GetCellCoordinate(hex);
                TileMap.SetTile(cell, test);
Пример #7
        private void InitializeGameDataStructures(GameArgs args)
                var localPlayer  = args.LocalPlayer;
                var remotePlayer = args.RemotePlayer;
                Players = new[] { localPlayer, remotePlayer };

                //Create Hands
                Hands = new IHand[]
                    new Hand(localPlayer.Seat, args.GameParameters, Dispatcher),
                    new Hand(remotePlayer.Seat, args.GameParameters, Dispatcher)

                //Create Inventories
                Inventories = new IInventory[]
                    new Inventory(localPlayer.Seat, Parameters, Dispatcher),
                    new Inventory(remotePlayer.Seat, Parameters, Dispatcher)

                //Create Score
                Score = new Score(Players, args.GameParameters, args.Dispatcher);

            //Create Board
            Board = new Board <CreatureElement>(args.GameParameters, Dispatcher);

            //Create Board Manipulation
            BoardManipulation = new BoardManipulationOddR(args.GameParameters.BoardData);

            //Create Pool
            Pool = new Pool <CardPool>(args.GameParameters, Dispatcher);

                //Create Library
                var libData = new Dictionary <SeatType, CardData[]>
                    { SeatType.Bottom, args.GameParameters.Profiles.localPlayer.libraryData.GetDeck() },
                    { SeatType.Top, args.GameParameters.Profiles.remotePlayer.libraryData.GetDeck() }

                Library = new Library(libData, Dispatcher);
Пример #8
 private void OnCreateBoard(IBoard board)
     foreach (var p in board.Positions)
         var hex           = p.Point;
         var cell          = BoardManipulationOddR.GetCellCoordinate(hex);
         var worldPosition = TileMap.CellToWorld(cell);
         var highlight     = Instantiate(highlightTiles, worldPosition, Quaternion.identity, transform)
                             .GetComponent <UiHoverParticleSystem>();
         highlight.name = hex.ToString();
         if (!_highlights.ContainsKey(hex))
             _highlights.Add(hex, highlight);
        void DrawPositions()
            const string uiPosition = "UiPosition_";
            var          identity   = Quaternion.identity;

            _positions = new GameObject[CurrentBoard.Positions.Length];
            for (var i = 0; i < CurrentBoard.Positions.Length; i++)
                var hex           = CurrentBoard.Positions[i].Point;
                var cell          = BoardManipulationOddR.GetCellCoordinate(hex);
                var worldPosition = tileMap.CellToWorld(cell);
                var gameObj       = Instantiate(textPosition, worldPosition, identity, transform);
                _positions[i] = gameObj;
                var tmpText   = gameObj.GetComponent <TMP_Text>();
                var sPosition = $"x:{hex.q}\ny:{hex.r}\nz:{hex.s}";
//                var sPosition = $"x:{cell.x}\ny:{cell.y}";
                tmpText.text = sPosition;
                tmpText.name = uiPosition + sPosition;