Пример #1
        static void createTerrefyingHowl()
            var dazzling_display = library.Get <BlueprintAbility>("5f3126d4120b2b244a95cb2ec23d69fb");

            terrifying_howl_ability = library.CopyAndAdd <BlueprintAbility>("08cb5f4c3b2695e44971bf5c45205df0", "TerrifyingHowlAbility", "");
            terrifying_howl_ability.SetName("Terrifying Howl");
            terrifying_howl_ability.SetDescription("The barbarian unleashes a terrifying howl as a standard action. All shaken enemies within 30 feet must make a Will save (DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the barbarian’s level + the barbarian’s Strength modifier) or be frightened for 1d4+1 rounds.\n"
                                                   + "Once an enemy has made a save versus terrifying howl (successful or not), it is immune to this power for 24 hours.");
            terrifying_howl_ability.Type = AbilityType.Extraordinary;
            terrifying_howl_ability.RemoveComponents <SpellComponent>();
            terrifying_howl_ability.RemoveComponents <SpellListComponent>();
            terrifying_howl_ability.Range = AbilityRange.Personal;

            var frighteneed_buff = library.Get <BlueprintBuff>("f08a7239aa961f34c8301518e71d4cdf");
            var shaken_buff      = library.Get <BlueprintBuff>("25ec6cb6ab1845c48a95f9c20b034220");
            var cooldown_buff    = Helpers.CreateBuff("TerrifyingHowlCooldownBuff",
                                                      "Cooldown: Terrifying Howl",

            var on_failed_save = Common.createContextSavedApplyBuff(frighteneed_buff,
                                                                    is_dispellable: false

            var apply_cooldown = Common.createContextActionApplyBuff(cooldown_buff, Helpers.CreateContextDuration(Common.createSimpleContextValue(1),
                                                                     dispellable: false
            PrefabLink p = new PrefabLink();

            p.AssetId = "cbfe312cb8e63e240a859efaad8e467c";
            var fx = Common.createContextActionSpawnFx(p);

            var condition = Helpers.CreateConditional(new Condition[] { Helpers.CreateConditionHasBuffFromCaster(cooldown_buff, true),
                                                                        Helpers.Create <ContextConditionIsEnemy>() },
                                                      Common.createContextActionSavingThrow(SavingThrowType.Will, Helpers.CreateActionList(on_failed_save, apply_cooldown, fx)));

            condition.ConditionsChecker.Operation = Operation.And;

            terrifying_howl_ability.ReplaceComponent <AbilityEffectRunAction>(Helpers.CreateRunActions(condition));
            terrifying_howl_ability.AddComponent(Common.createContextCalculateAbilityParamsBasedOnClasses(new BlueprintCharacterClass[] { barbarian_class }, StatType.Strength));
            terrifying_howl_ability.AddComponent(dazzling_display.GetComponent <AbilitySpawnFx>());
            terrifying_howl_ability.AddComponent(Common.createAbilityCasterHasFacts(rage_marker_caster)); // allow to use only on rage
            terrifying_howl_feature        = Common.AbilityToFeature(terrifying_howl_ability, false);
            terrifying_howl_feature.Groups = new FeatureGroup[] { FeatureGroup.RagePower };
            terrifying_howl_feature.AddComponent(Helpers.PrerequisiteClassLevel(barbarian_class, 8));
Пример #2
        internal static void RemoveSlumberNerf()
            BlueprintAbility slumber_hex = library.Get <BlueprintAbility>("31f0fa4235ad435e95ebc89d8549c2ce");

            slumber_hex.RemoveComponents <AbilityTargetCasterHDDifference>();
                                           "Effect: A witch can cause a creature within 30 feet to fall into a deep, magical sleep, as per the spell sleep. The creature receives a Will save to negate the effect. If the save fails, the creature falls asleep for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s level.\n"
                                           + "The creature will not wake due to noise or light, but others can rouse it with a standard action. This hex ends immediately if the creature takes damage. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.");
            BlueprintAbility shaman_slumber_hex = library.Get <BlueprintAbility>("c04cde18e91e4f84898de92a372bc1e0");

            shaman_slumber_hex.RemoveComponents <AbilityTargetCasterHDDifference>();
                                                  "Effect: A witch can cause a creature within 30 feet to fall into a deep, magical sleep, as per the spell sleep. The creature receives a Will save to negate the effect. If the save fails, the creature falls asleep for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s level.\n"
                                                  + "The creature will not wake due to noise or light, but others can rouse it with a standard action. This hex ends immediately if the creature takes damage. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.");

            //hexstrike 82cad6f016c04bf49fa851f5e9e10953

            BlueprintAbility hexstrike_slumber = library.Get <BlueprintAbility>("82cad6f016c04bf49fa851f5e9e10953");

                                                 "Effect: A witch can cause a creature within 30 feet to fall into a deep, magical sleep, as per the spell sleep. The creature receives a Will save to negate the effect. If the save fails, the creature falls asleep for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s level.\n"
                                                 + "The creature will not wake due to noise or light, but others can rouse it with a standard action. This hex ends immediately if the creature takes damage. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.");

            BlueprintFeature slumber_hex_feature = library.Get <BlueprintFeature>("c086eeb69a4442df9c4bb8469a2c362d");

                                                   "Effect: A witch can cause a creature within 30 feet to fall into a deep, magical sleep, as per the spell sleep. The creature receives a Will save to negate the effect. If the save fails, the creature falls asleep for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s level.\n"
                                                   + "The creature will not wake due to noise or light, but others can rouse it with a standard action. This hex ends immediately if the creature takes damage. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.");
            BlueprintFeature shaman_slumber_hex_feature = library.Get <BlueprintFeature>("ee7a8e5dc78a4d6c9e44d88affe47088");

                                                          "Effect: A witch can cause a creature within 30 feet to fall into a deep, magical sleep, as per the spell sleep. The creature receives a Will save to negate the effect. If the save fails, the creature falls asleep for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s level.\n"
                                                          + "The creature will not wake due to noise or light, but others can rouse it with a standard action. This hex ends immediately if the creature takes damage. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.");
Пример #3
        static void createVirtuosoPerformance()
            var performance_resource        = library.Get <BlueprintAbilityResource>("e190ba276831b5c4fa28737e5e49e6a6");
            var inspire_competence          = library.Get <BlueprintActivatableAbility>("430ab3bb57f2cfc46b7b3a68afd4f74e");
            var increase_group_size         = Common.createIncreaseActivatableAbilityGroupSize(ActivatableAbilityGroup.BardicPerformance);
            var consume_additional_resource = Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.ConsumeResourceIfAbilitiesFromGroupActivated>(c =>
                c.group = ActivatableAbilityGroup.BardicPerformance;
                c.num_abilities_activated = 2;
                c.resource = performance_resource;
            var deactivate_performance = Helpers.Create <NewMechanics.DeactivatedAbilityFromGroup>(c =>
                c.group = ActivatableAbilityGroup.BardicPerformance;
                c.num_abilities_activated = 1;

            virtuoso_performance = library.CopyAndAdd <BlueprintAbility>("20b548bf09bb3ea4bafea78dcb4f3db6", "VirtuosoPerformanceAbility", ""); //echolocation
            virtuoso_performance.SetName("Virtuoso Performance");
            virtuoso_performance.SetDescription("While this spell is active, you may start a second bardic performance while maintaining another. Starting the second performance costs 2 rounds of bardic performance instead of 1. Maintaining both performances costs a total of 3 rounds of bardic performance for each round they are maintained. When this spell ends, one of the performances ends immediately.");
            virtuoso_performance.RemoveComponents <SpellListComponent>();
            virtuoso_performance.RemoveComponents <AbilityEffectRunAction>();
            virtuoso_performance.LocalizedDuration = Helpers.roundsPerLevelDuration;

            var buff = Helpers.CreateBuff("VirtuosoPerformanceBuff",
                                          Helpers.CreateAddFactContextActions(newRound: consume_additional_resource, deactivated: deactivate_performance)
            var apply_buff = Common.createContextActionApplyBuff(buff,
                                                                 Helpers.CreateContextDuration(bonus: Helpers.CreateContextValue(AbilityRankType.Default), rate: DurationRate.Rounds),
                                                                 is_from_spell: true);

            virtuoso_performance.AddToSpellList(Helpers.bardSpellList, 4);
            virtuoso_performance.AddSpellAndScroll("33770ff24b320e343bb767815f800fc4"); //echolocation
Пример #4
        static void createGangUp()
            var freebooter_bane_buff = library.Get <BlueprintBuff>("76dabd40a1c1c644c86ce30e41ad5cab");
            var gang_up_buff         = library.CopyAndAdd <BlueprintBuff>(vindicative_smite_buff.AssetGuid, "GangUpBuff", "");

            gang_up_buff.SetName("Gang Up");
            gang_up_buff.ReplaceComponent <ACBonusAgainstTarget>(a => { a.CheckCaster = false; a.CheckCasterFriend = true; });
            gang_up_buff.ReplaceComponent <AttackBonusAgainstTarget>(a => { a.CheckCaster = false; a.CheckCasterFriend = true; });
            gang_up_buff.ReplaceComponent <DamageBonusAgainstTarget>(a => { a.CheckCaster = false; a.CheckCasterFriend = true; });

            gang_up_ability = library.CopyAndAdd <BlueprintAbility>(vindicative_smite_ability.AssetGuid, "GangUpAbility", "");
            gang_up_ability.RemoveComponents <AbilityTargetHasFact>();
            gang_up_ability.RemoveComponents <AbilityResourceLogic>();
            gang_up_ability.AddComponent(Common.createAbilityTargetHasFact(false, vindicative_smite_buff));
            gang_up_ability.ActionType = CommandType.Move;

            foreach (var c in gang_up_ability.GetComponents <ContextRankConfig>().ToArray())
                var new_c = c.CreateCopy();
                Helpers.SetField(new_c, "m_Min", 1);
                Helpers.SetField(new_c, "m_UseMin", true);
                Helpers.SetField(new_c, "m_Progression", ContextRankProgression.Div2);
                gang_up_ability.ReplaceComponent(c, new_c);

            var apply_buff = Common.createContextActionApplyBuff(gang_up_buff, Helpers.CreateContextDuration(Helpers.CreateContextValue(AbilityRankType.SpeedBonus)), dispellable: false);

            gang_up_ability.ReplaceComponent <AbilityEffectRunAction>(a => a.Actions = Helpers.CreateActionList(apply_buff));
            gang_up_ability.AddComponent(Helpers.CreateContextRankConfig(ContextRankBaseValueType.StatBonus, min: 1, type: AbilityRankType.SpeedBonus, stat: StatType.Charisma));
            gang_up_ability.SetDescription("At 5th level, a vindictive bastard forms a close bond with her companions. This allows her to spend a move action to grant half her vindictive smite bonus against a single target to all allies who can see and hear her. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the vindictive bastard’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1).");

            swift_gang_up_ability            = library.CopyAndAdd <BlueprintAbility>(gang_up_ability.AssetGuid, "SwiftGangUpAbility", "");
            swift_gang_up_ability.ActionType = CommandType.Swift;
            swift_gang_up_ability.SetName("Swift Justice");
            swift_gang_up_ability.SetDescription("At 11th level, a vindictive bastard can activate her gang up ability as a swift action.");

            gang_up       = Common.AbilityToFeature(gang_up_ability, false, "");
            swift_justice = Common.AbilityToFeature(swift_gang_up_ability, false, "");
Пример #5
 // Token: 0x06000025 RID: 37 RVA: 0x00002918 File Offset: 0x00000B18
 public static void modSlumber()
         foreach (string assetId in RemoveSlumberHD.guids)
             BlueprintAbility blueprintAbility = RemoveSlumberHD.library.Get <BlueprintAbility>(assetId);
             if (blueprintAbility != null)
                 blueprintAbility.RemoveComponents <AbilityTargetCasterHDDifference>();
     catch (Exception ex)
Пример #6
        static internal void createDeadlyJuggernaut()
            var sneak_attack = library.Get <BlueprintFeature>("df4f34f7cac73ab40986bc33f87b1a3c");
            var false_life   = library.Get <BlueprintAbility>("7a5b5bf845779a941a67251539545762");

            deadly_juggernaut = library.CopyAndAdd <BlueprintAbility>("779179912e6c6fe458fa4cfb90d96e10", "DeadlyJuggernautAbility", "");
            deadly_juggernaut.RemoveComponents <SpellListComponent>();
            deadly_juggernaut.ReplaceComponent <AbilitySpawnFx>(false_life.GetComponent <AbilitySpawnFx>());
            deadly_juggernaut.ReplaceComponent <SpellComponent>(false_life.GetComponent <SpellComponent>());

            deadly_juggernaut.SetName("Deadly Juggernaut");
            deadly_juggernaut.SetDescription("With every enemy life you take, you become increasingly dangerous and difficult to stop. During the duration of the spell, you gain a cumulative +1 luck bonus on melee attack rolls, melee weapon damage rolls, Strength checks, and Strength-based skill checks as well as DR 2/— each time you reduce a qualifying opponent to 0 or few hit points (maximum +5 bonus and DR 10/—) with a melee attack.");
            deadly_juggernaut.RemoveComponents <AbilityEffectRunAction>();

            BlueprintBuff[] buffs = new BlueprintBuff[5];

            for (int i = 0; i < buffs.Length; i++)
                int bonus = i + 1;
                buffs[i] = Helpers.CreateBuff($"DeadlyJuggernaut{i + 1}Buff",
                                              $"Deadly Juggernaut (+{i + 1})",
                                              Common.createAttackTypeAttackBonus(Common.createSimpleContextValue(bonus), AttackTypeAttackBonus.WeaponRangeType.Melee, ModifierDescriptor.Luck),
                                              Helpers.CreateAddStatBonus(StatType.AdditionalDamage, bonus, ModifierDescriptor.Luck),
                                              Common.createAbilityScoreCheckBonus(Common.createSimpleContextValue(bonus), ModifierDescriptor.Luck, StatType.Strength),
                                              Helpers.CreateAddStatBonus(StatType.SkillAthletics, bonus, ModifierDescriptor.Luck),
                                              Common.createPhysicalDR(bonus * 2)

            var conditional = Helpers.CreateConditional(Helpers.CreateConditionHasBuff(buffs[0]),
                                                        new GameAction[] { Common.createContextActionApplyBuff(buffs[1], Helpers.CreateContextDuration(), is_from_spell: true, is_child: true, is_permanent: true),
                                                                           Common.createContextActionRemoveBuff(buffs[0]) },
                                                        new GameAction[] { Common.createContextActionApplyBuff(buffs[0], Helpers.CreateContextDuration(), is_from_spell: true, is_child: true, is_permanent: true) }

            for (int i = 1; i < buffs.Length; i++)
                GameAction[] if_true = null;
                if (i < buffs.Length - 1)
                    if_true = new GameAction[] { Common.createContextActionRemoveBuff(buffs[i]),
                                                 Common.createContextActionApplyBuff(buffs[i + 1],
                                                                                     is_from_spell: true,
                                                                                     is_child: true,
                                                                                     is_permanent: true) };
                conditional = Helpers.CreateConditional(Helpers.CreateConditionHasBuff(buffs[i]),
                                                        new GameAction[] { conditional });

            var on_kill = Common.createAddInitiatorAttackWithWeaponTrigger(Helpers.CreateActionList(conditional),
                                                                           reduce_hp_to_zero: true,
                                                                           check_weapon_range_type: true,
                                                                           on_initiator: true,
                                                                           range_type: AttackTypeAttackBonus.WeaponRangeType.Melee);

            var buff = Helpers.CreateBuff("DeadlyJuggernautBuff",

            buff.Stacking = StackingType.Replace;
            var apply_buff = Common.createContextActionApplyBuff(buff,
                                                                 Helpers.CreateContextDuration(bonus: Helpers.CreateContextValue(AbilityRankType.Default), rate: DurationRate.Minutes),
                                                                 is_from_spell: true);


            deadly_juggernaut.AddToSpellList(Helpers.clericSpellList, 3);
            deadly_juggernaut.AddToSpellList(Helpers.inquisitorSpellList, 3);
            deadly_juggernaut.AddToSpellList(Helpers.paladinSpellList, 3);
            deadly_juggernaut.AddSpellAndScroll("539ff89add7d8e4409ab92df30e6afee"); //lead_blades