Пример #1
        private void AddBBfield(BloombergDataInstrument bdi, RequestItemField Field, int id)
            // Ignore duplicate field names
            if (!bdi.BBFields.ContainsKey(Field.Key))
                BloombergDataInstrumentField field = new BloombergDataInstrumentField(Field.Key);
                field.ID = id;

                foreach (OverrideField oField in Field.OverrideFields)
                    field.FieldOverrides.Add(oField.Name, oField.Value);

                bdi.BBFields.Add(Field.Key, field);
Пример #2
        private void AddResultsToRequestItems(List <BloombergDataInstrument> instruments)
            // Now for all requests, find the data
            foreach (RequestItem ri in _requestItems)
                if (!ri.SendToBloomberg)

                ri.Errors = "";
                BloombergDataInstrument source = null;

                source = instruments.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                    (ri.RequestType == BloombergDataInstrument.eRequestType.Reference && x.Ticker.ToUpper() == ri.BBTicker.ToUpper()) ||
                                                    (ri.RequestType != BloombergDataInstrument.eRequestType.Reference && x.ID == ri.ID));

                if (source != null)
                    if (source.ResponseError != "")
                        ri.Errors = source.ResponseError;
                        if (source.IsSecurityValid)
                            // If we have dates coming back from Bloomberg, create an entry for each date returned
                            // otherwise time stamp with Now
                            if (source.BBFields.ContainsKey("date"))
                                List <object> list = (List <object>)source.BBFields["date"].Value;
                                if (list != null)
                                    foreach (object val in list)
                                        DateTime timeStamp;
                                        if (DateTime.TryParse(val.ToString(), out timeStamp))
                                            ri.Data.Add(timeStamp, new string[source.BBFields.Count - 1]);
                                            throw new Exception("Expected date not found in AddResultsToRequestItems");
                            else if (source.BBFields.ContainsKey("time"))
                                List <object> list = (List <object>)source.BBFields["time"].Value;
                                if (list != null)
                                    foreach (object val in list)
                                        DateTime timeStamp;
                                        if (DateTime.TryParse(val.ToString(), out timeStamp))
                                            ri.Data.Add(timeStamp, new string[source.BBFields.Count - 1]);
                                            throw new Exception("Expected time not found in AddResultsToRequestItems");
                                ri.Data.Add(DateTime.Now, new string[source.BBFields.Count]);

                            // As we need to get a list of values from a list of fields and add it to a dictionary,
                            // it is easier to do using numbers and arrays
                            List <string[]> array = new List <string[]>();
                            foreach (string[] sa in ri.Data.Values)

                            // Loop through each field and find the values
                            int fieldPos = 0;
                            foreach (RequestItemField field in ri.riFields.Values)
                                BloombergDataInstrumentField fld = source.BBFields[field.Key];
                                if (fld.Name != "date" && fld.Name != "time")
                                { // handled earlier and is the key in the ri.Data dictionary
                                    if (fld.Value != null)
                                        if (fld.Value.GetType().Name == "List`1")
                                            List <object> list = (List <object>)fld.Value;

                                            for (int timeLine = 0; timeLine < list.Count; timeLine++)
                                                array[timeLine][fieldPos] = GetStringValue(list[timeLine]);
                                            array[0][fieldPos] = GetStringValue(fld.Value);
                                        string err = fld.Error;
                                        // Sometimes no error is returned even when the Value is null
                                        if (err == null)
                                            err = "N.A.";
                                        ri.Errors += string.Format("[{0}|{1}]", fld.Name, err);
                            // Invalid security
                            ri.Errors = source.SecurityErrors;
                    NLogger.Instance.Info("at end");
                    // No data returned
                    ri.Errors = "No data returned from BB";