protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("<html><head><meta name=\"txtweb-appkey\" content=\"9cf923ac-53bd-4388-85fa-f75bd432ba68\" /></head><body>"); try { hashcode = Request.QueryString["txtweb-mobile"]; Response.Write("Welcome to \"@txtforum\" where you can ask any type of technical/non-technical questions regarding txtweb.<br /><br />" + "<a href='./login.aspx?txtweb-mobile=" + hashcode + "'>@txtforum.login</a> : For login<br /><br />" + "<a href='./new_que.aspx?txtweb-mobile=" + hashcode + "'>@txtforum.ask</a> : For ask new question<br /><br />" + "<a href='./get_que_list.aspx?txtweb-mobile=" + hashcode + "'>@txtforum.que</a> : Get recent questions list<br /><br />" + "<a href='./get_quelist_me.aspx?txtweb-mobile=" + hashcode + "'></a> : Get questions asked by you<br /><br />" + "<a href='./quelist_myans.aspx?txtweb-mobile=" + hashcode + "'></a> : Get questions list in which you gave the answers<br /><br />"); } catch { //display error message Blogic ob = new Blogic(); Response.Write(ob.error_msg()); ob.CloseConnection(); } Response.Write("</body></html>"); }
//Handles finalize insert article public void Finalize_ArticleSubmission(Object s, EventArgs e) { //Instantiate the SQL command object Blogic FinalizeAddArticle = new Blogic(); int ID = (int)Util.Val(Request.QueryString["aid"]); Caching.PurgeCacheItems("Newest_Articles"); Caching.PurgeCacheItems("ArticleCategory_SideMenu"); //Add the parameters to the SQL command int Err = FinalizeAddArticle.FinalizeAddArticle(ID); // If error occured, stop further processing and notify user. if (Err != 0) { JSLiteral.Text = Util.JSProcessingErrorAlert; return; } //Release allocated memory FinalizeAddArticle = null; //If success, redirect to article submission confirmation/thank you page. Util.PageRedirect(9); //Release allocated memory Util = null; }
private void GetAllGuitars() { foreach (var guitar in Blogic.GetAllGuitars()) { Guitars.Add(new GuitarViewModel(guitar)); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { //Validate admin session username and password by comparing them to the admin user database record. UserNameVal.ValidateAdminUserNameandPass(); GetDropdownCategoryID(); lblusername.Text = "Welcome Admin: " + UserNameVal.AdminUsername; //Instantiate database field RecipeDetails Recipe = new RecipeDetails(); Recipe.ID = (int)Util.Val(Request.QueryString["id"]); strRecipeImage = GetRecipeImage.GetImage(Recipe.ID); Recipe.WhatPageID = constant.intRecipeAdminEditing; //Parameter 3 = we are pulling database field for Admin/editing.aspx //Fill up database fields Recipe.fillup(); Name.Text = Recipe.RecipeName; Author.Text = Recipe.Author; Hits.Text = Recipe.Hits.ToString(); Ingredients.Text = Recipe.Ingredients; Instructions.Text = Recipe.Instructions; //Release allocated memory Recipe = null; myBL = null; } }
//Data bind private void BindList() { //Instantiate Action Stored Procedure object Blogic FetchData = new Blogic(); Recipe.CatID = (int)Util.Val(Request.QueryString["catid"]); IDataReader dr = FetchData.GetCatName(Recipe.CatID); try { dr.Read(); Recipe.Category = dr["CAT_TYPE"].ToString(); lbcatname.Text = Recipe.Category.ToString(); lbcatname2.Text = Recipe.Category.ToString(); //Assing value to hidden HTML text field. Category.Value = Recipe.Category.ToString(); CAT_ID.Value = Recipe.CatID.ToString(); dr.Close(); } catch { //If no record, redirect to page not found. Util.PageRedirect(1); } //Release allocated memory FetchData = null; }
protected void Page_Load(object Sender, EventArgs E) { //Validate admin session username and password by comparing them to the admin user database record. UserNameVal.ValidateAdminUserNameandPass(); //Get total article count ArticleCount = FetchData.ArticleCountAll; //Assign selected value to lastviewed dropdown menu int lv = (int)Util.Val(Request.QueryString["lv"]); GetLastViewedSelectedValue(lv); if (!IsPostBack) { //Populate year in the dropdwonlist - starting from 2000 to the current year. int tempDT = DateTime.Now.Year; for (int i = tempDT; (tempDT - i) < 9; i--) { ddlyear.Items.Add(new ListItem(i.ToString(), i.ToString())); } MonthSearch(); GetLastViewedDDLSelectedIndex(); GetShowHideCommentDDLSelectedIndex(); GetEmailandSMTPInfo(); //Populate dropdown category list GetDropdownCategoryList(); //Display A-Z alhpabet letter recipe name lblalphaletter.Text = Utility.DisplayAZAlphabetLink(constant.AdminBackEnd); //Get admin username from the sessioan variable and place it in the label. lblusername.Text = "Welcome Admin: " + UserNameVal.AdminUsername + "<br>Login session will expire in " + Session.Timeout + " mins."; lblletterlegend.Text = "Recipe A-Z:"; lblunapproved2.Visible = false; lblmangermainpage.Text = "Default View"; lblmangermainpagelink.ToolTip = "Back to Default View"; lbCountRecipe.Text = "Total Approved Recipes: " + string.Format("{0:#,###}", FetchData.GetHomepageTotalRecipeCount); lbCountCat.Text = "Total Category: " + FetchData.GetHomepageTotalCategoryCount; lbCountComments.Text = "Total Comments: " + FetchData.AdminRecipeManagerGetTotalComments; lblunapproved.Text = "Waiting For Approval: " + FetchData.AdminRecipeManagerGetWaitingforApprovalCount; lblrecordperpage.Text = "Default 40 records per page"; lblrecordperpageFooter.Text = "Showing default 40 records per page"; lblrecordperpageTop.Text = "- 40 records per page"; approvallink.ToolTip = "There are (" + FetchData.AdminRecipeManagerGetWaitingforApprovalCount + ") recipes waiting for your approval. Click this link to approve the recipe"; //Set the default pagesize. dgrd_recipe.PageSize = 40; //Data binding BindData(); //Release allocated memory FetchData = null; Util = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Get data /// </summary> public override void fillup() { try { //Instantiate Action Stored Procedure object Blogic FetchData = new Blogic(); //Get email and SMTP configuration IDataReader dr = FetchData.GetConfiguration; dr.Read(); if (dr["Email"] != DBNull.Value) { this._FromAdminEmail = (string)dr["Email"]; } if (dr["SmtpServer"] != DBNull.Value) { this._ToAdminEmail = (string)dr["SmtpServer"]; //This use to be the STMP server, but now changed to ToAdminEmail } dr.Close(); dr = null; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// Create a hashtable for Article Category dropdownlist /// </summary> private static void createCategoryListArticle() { //Instantiate Action Stored Procedure object Blogic FetchData = new Blogic(); IDataReader dr = FetchData.GetArticleCategoryList; try { Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); while (dr.Read()) { ht.Add(dr["CAT_ID"].ToString(), dr["CAT_NAME"].ToString()); _CategoryListArticle = ht; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } //Release allocated memory dr.Close(); FetchData = null; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { //Instantiate sql params object Blogic myBL = new Blogic(); //Validate admin session username and password by comparing them to the admin user database record. UserNameVal.ValidateAdminUserNameandPass(); //Get admin username from the sessioan variable and place it in the label. lblusername.Text = "Welcome Admin: " + UserNameVal.AdminUsername; lbCountRecipe.Text = "There are " + string.Format("{0:#,###}", myBL.GetHomepageTotalRecipeCount) + " Approved Recipe"; lbCountCat.Text = "Total Category: " + myBL.GetHomepageTotalCategoryCount; //Hide comment editing form Panel1.Visible = false; catmanagerlink.Enabled = false; BindData(); myBL = null; } else { //Show comment editing form Panel1.Visible = true; catmanagerlink.Enabled = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Get recipe name, author, date, hits, rating, ingredients, instructions and other field from the DB matching the Recipe ID provided. /// </summary> /// <param name="ID">Recipe ID</param> public override void fillup() { //Instantiate Action Stored Procedure object Blogic FetchData = new Blogic(); try { IDataReader dr = FetchData.GetHomepageRecipeoftheDay; dr.Read(); if (dr["ID"] != DBNull.Value) { this._ID = (int)dr["ID"]; } if (dr["Name"] != DBNull.Value) { this._RecipeName = (string)dr["Name"]; } if (dr["CAT_ID"] != DBNull.Value) { this._CatID = (int)dr["CAT_ID"]; } if (dr["NO_RATES"] != DBNull.Value) { this._NoRates = dr["NO_RATES"].ToString(); } if (dr["HITS"] != DBNull.Value) { this._Hits = (int)dr["HITS"]; } if (dr["Rates"] != DBNull.Value) { this._Rating = dr["Rates"].ToString(); } if (dr["Category"] != DBNull.Value) { this._Category = (string)dr["Category"]; } if (dr["Ingredients"] != DBNull.Value) { this._Ingredients = (string)dr["Ingredients"]; } if (dr["Instructions"] != DBNull.Value) { this._Instructions = (string)dr["Instructions"]; } //Release allocated memory dr.Close(); dr = null; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } FetchData = null; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Instantiate object Blogic myBL = new Blogic(); //Instantiate object Utility Util = new Utility(); int CatId = (int)Util.Val(Request.QueryString["catid"]); //Display random recipe GetRandomrecipe(CatId); //Get the newest 10 recipes. Change the value to 5 if you want to display only 5 newest recipes. int TopNewest = 10; //Get the 15 popular recipes. Change the value to 5 or 10 if you want to display only 5/10 most popular recipes. int TopPopular = 15; NewestRecipeSideMenuProvider GetNewestRecipe = new NewestRecipeSideMenuProvider(CatId, TopNewest); PopularRecipeSideMenuProvider GetPopularRecipe = new PopularRecipeSideMenuProvider(CatId, TopPopular); string CategoryName = GetNewestRecipe.Category; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Request.QueryString["catid"])) { lblcatname.Text = CategoryName.ToString() + " "; lblcatnamepop.Text = CategoryName.ToString() + " "; lblrancatname.Text = CategoryName.ToString() + " "; lbTopCnt.Text = TopNewest.ToString(); } else { lblcatname.Text = ""; lbTopCnt.Text = TopNewest.ToString(); } RecipeNew.DataSource = GetNewestRecipe.GetNewestRecipe(); RecipeNew.DataBind(); TopRecipe.DataSource = GetPopularRecipe.GetPopularRecipe(); TopRecipe.DataBind(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Request.QueryString["catid"])) { lblpopcounter.Text = "Top Recipes"; } else { lblpopcounter.Text = "Top 15 Recipes"; } //Release allocated memory GetNewestRecipe = null; GetPopularRecipe = null; Util = null; }
public static void OtodikMenupont() { foreach (var item in Blogic.GetDriversPoints()) { Console.WriteLine(item.DriverName + " " + item.Points); } Console.ReadLine(); }
//Handle the delete button click event public void Delete_Recipes(object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { if ((e.CommandName == "Delete")) { TableCell iIdNumber2 = e.Item.Cells[0]; TableCell iIRecipename = e.Item.Cells[1]; #region Delete Recipe Image //Delete the recipe image if the recipe has an image. //Instantiate sql params object Blogic FetchData = new Blogic(); try { IDataReader dr = FetchData.GetRecipeImageFileNameForUpdate(int.Parse(iIdNumber2.Text)); dr.Read(); if (dr["RecipeImage"] != DBNull.Value) { System.IO.File.Delete(Server.MapPath(GetRecipeImage.ImagePath + dr["RecipeImage"].ToString())); } dr.Close(); } catch { } FetchData = null; #endregion //Refresh cached data Caching.PurgeCacheItems("MainCourse_RecipeCategory"); Caching.PurgeCacheItems("Ethnic_RecipeCategory"); Caching.PurgeCacheItems("RecipeCategory_SideMenu"); Caching.PurgeCacheItems("Newest_RecipesSideMenu_"); //Instantiate delete recipe object RecipeInfo DelRecipe = new RecipeInfo(); DelRecipe.ID = int.Parse(iIdNumber2.Text); //Perform delete recipe DelRecipe.Delete(); DelRecipe = null; //Redirect to confirm delete page strURLRedirect = "confirmdel.aspx?catname=" + iIRecipename.Text + "&mode=del"; Server.Transfer(strURLRedirect); } }
//Handle edit databound public void Edit_Handle(object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e) { if ((e.CommandName == "edit")) { TableCell iIdNumber = e.Item.Cells[0]; TableCell iCatName = e.Item.Cells[1]; Panel1.Visible = true; Panel3.Visible = false; AddNewCat.Visible = false; lblnamedis2.Text = "Category Name:"; updatebutton.Visible = true; DelCategory.Visible = false; GroupID.Visible = false; CategoryID.Visible = true; lblheaderform.Text = "Updating Recipe Category #: " + iIdNumber.Text; e.Item.BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#F0E68C"); //This will be the value to be populated into the textboxes string CatName = iCatName.Text; CategoryName.Text = CatName.Substring(0, CatName.IndexOf("(")).Trim(); //Strip off recipe count CategoryID.Value = iIdNumber.Text; } else if ((e.CommandName == "delete")) { TableCell iIdNumber = e.Item.Cells[0]; TableCell iCatName = e.Item.Cells[1]; Panel1.Visible = true; Panel3.Visible = true; AddNewCat.Visible = false; lblnamedis2.Text = "Category Name:"; updatebutton.Visible = false; CategoryID.Visible = true; DelCategory.Visible = true; GroupID.Visible = false; CategoryID.Value = iIdNumber.Text; lblheaderform.Text = "Deleting Recipe Category #: " + iIdNumber.Text; e.Item.BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#F0E68C"); //This will be the value to be populated into the textboxes string CatNamedel = iCatName.Text; CategoryName.Text = CatNamedel.Substring(0, CatNamedel.IndexOf("(")).Trim(); //Strip off recipe count //Instantiate sql params object Blogic myBL = new Blogic(); lblrcdcount2.Text = "The number of recipes belong to " + CategoryName.Text + " category: " + myBL.CategoryCount(int.Parse(iIdNumber.Text)); myBL = null; } }
public Users(Dashboard parent_) { InitializeComponent(); parent = parent_; logic = new Blogic(); UpdateListUsers(); if (parent.Group == 1) { button1.Show(); button2.Show(); } }
public static void HetedikElsMenupont() { Console.WriteLine("Versenyhétvége száma: "); int raceNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); foreach (var item in Blogic.GetResultWithEngineNames(raceNumber)) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToString()); } Console.ReadLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Return GetData /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private static IDataReader GetData(int CatId) { //Instantiate Action Stored Procedure object Blogic FetchData = new Blogic(); //Get data IDataReader dr = FetchData.GetRelatedRecipe(CatId); return(dr); FetchData = null; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("<html><head><meta name=\"txtweb-appkey\" content=\"9cf923ac-53bd-4388-85fa-f75bd432ba68\" /></head><body>"); try { string query, hashcode, name; hashcode = Request.QueryString["hashcode"]; name = Request.QueryString["txtweb-message"]; if (Request.QueryString["type"] == "firstTime") //for first time user.... { query = string.Format("insert into user_info (hashcode,name) values (@hashcode,@name)"); Blogic ob = new Blogic(); SqlCommand cmd = ob.getCMD(query); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hashcode", hashcode); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", name); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Response.Write("Congratulation, you are successfully logged in..."); } else // if user is already exist, so update his/her name { query = string.Format("update user_info set name=@name where hashcode=@hashcode"); Blogic ob = new Blogic(); SqlCommand cmd = ob.getCMD(query); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", name); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hashcode", hashcode); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Response.Write("Your name is successfully updated..."); } //provide links for different pages..... Response.Write("<br /><br />Enjoy @txtforum....<br />" + "<a href='./login.aspx?txtweb-mobile=" + hashcode + "'>@txtforum.login</a> : For login<br />" + "<a href='./new_que.aspx?txtweb-mobile=" + hashcode + "'>@txtforum.ask</a> : For ask new question<br />" + "<a href='./get_que_list.aspx?txtweb-mobile=" + hashcode + "'>@txtforum.que</a> : Get recent questions list<br />" + "<a href='./get_quelist_me.aspx?txtweb-mobile=" + hashcode + "'></a> : Get questions asked by you<br />" + "<a href='./quelist_myans.aspx?txtweb-mobile=" + hashcode + "'></a> : Get questions list in which you gave the answers<br /><br />"); } catch { Blogic ob = new Blogic(); Response.Write(ob.error_msg()); //error message... ob.CloseConnection(); } Response.Write("</body></html>"); }
/// <summary> /// Return Newest Recipe Side Panel /// </summary> public static ExtendedCollection <Article> GetArticle(int Top) { //Instantiate Action Stored Procedure object Blogic FetchData = new Blogic(); ExtendedCollection <Article> GetArticles = new ExtendedCollection <Article>(); string Key = "Newest_Articles"; if (Caching.Cache[Key] != null) { GetArticles = (ExtendedCollection <Article>)Caching.Cache[Key]; } else { IDataReader dr = FetchData.GetNewestArticleSidePanel(Top); while (dr.Read()) { Article item = new Article(); item.ID = (int)dr["ID"]; if (dr["Title"] != DBNull.Value) { item.Title = (string)dr["Title"]; } if (dr["CAT_NAME"] != DBNull.Value) { item.Category = (string)dr["CAT_NAME"]; } if (dr["Post_Date"] != DBNull.Value) { item.Date = (DateTime)(dr["Post_Date"]); } if (dr["HITS"] != DBNull.Value) { item.Hits = (int)dr["HITS"]; } GetArticles.Add(item); Caching.CahceData(Key, GetArticles); } dr.Close(); } return(GetArticles); FetchData = null; }
public GuitarListViewModel() { GetAllGuitars(); _editedGuitar = new GuitarViewModel(Blogic.NewGuitar()); _selectedGuitar = new GuitarViewModel(Blogic.NewGuitar()); _addedGuitar = new GuitarViewModel(Blogic.NewGuitar()); _addedGuitar.Validate(); _view = (ListCollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(Guitars); _addNewGuiatCommand = new RelayCommand(param => this.AddNewGuitar(), param => this.CanAddNewGuitar()); _deleteGuitarCommand = new RelayCommand(param => this.DeleteGuitar()); _editGuitarCommand = new RelayCommand(param => this.EditGuitar(), param => this.CanEditGuitar()); }
//Handles update last viewed hours public void AdminUpdateLastViewedHours_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int GetMinutes; GetMinutes = int.Parse(ddllastviewedhours.SelectedValue); FetchData.AdminUpdateLastViewedHours(GetMinutes); FetchData = null; strURLRedirect = "recipemanager.aspx"; Response.Redirect(strURLRedirect); }
//Handles show hide comment configuration public void AdminShowHideComment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int showhide; showhide = int.Parse(ddlshowhide.SelectedValue); FetchData.AdminUpdateShowHideComment(showhide); FetchData = null; strURLRedirect = "recipemanager.aspx"; Response.Redirect(strURLRedirect); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("<html><head><meta name=\"txtweb-appkey\" content=\"9cf923ac-53bd-4388-85fa-f75bd432ba68\" /></head><body>"); try { que_id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["que_id"]); hashcode = Request.QueryString["hashcode"]; type = Request.QueryString["type"]; // vote/spam query_type = Request.QueryString["query_type"]; // insert/update switch (query_type) { //execute query according to the condition.... case "insert": query = string.Format("insert into vote_spam (que_id,hashcode,{0}) values ({1},'{2}','{3}')", type, que_id, hashcode, "True"); break; case "update": query = string.Format("update vote_spam set {0}='True' where que_id={1} and hashcode='{2}'", type, que_id, hashcode); break; } ob = new Blogic(); cmd = ob.getCMD(query); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //increase vote/spam by 1, in que_list table in db.... query = string.Format("update que_list set {0}={0}+1 where que_id={1}", type, que_id); cmd = ob.getCMD(query); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (type == "vote") { Response.Write("Thank you, your vote is successfully submitted.... :)"); } else { Response.Write("Thank you, your spam is considered...."); } } catch { ob = new Blogic(); Response.Write(ob.error_msg()); ob.CloseConnection(); } Response.Write("</body></html>"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Instantiate Action Stored Procedure object Blogic FetchData = new Blogic(); int i = 0; //Note: You need to change the domain name " and" to your site domain Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; XmlTextWriter objX = new XmlTextWriter(Response.OutputStream, Encoding.UTF8); objX.WriteStartDocument(); objX.WriteStartElement("rss"); objX.WriteAttributeString("version", "2.0"); objX.WriteStartElement("channel"); objX.WriteElementString("title", " Newest Recipe RSS Feed"); objX.WriteElementString("link", ""); objX.WriteElementString("description", "Recipe database from around the world"); objX.WriteElementString("copyright", "(c) 2005, and All rights reserved."); objX.WriteElementString("ttl", "10"); //Get data IDataReader dr = FetchData.GetRSSNewestRecipe; //loop through all record, and write XML for each item. for (i = 0; i <= 20 - 1; i++) { dr.Read(); objX.WriteStartElement("item"); objX.WriteElementString("title", dr["Name"].ToString()); objX.WriteElementString("link", "" + (int)dr["ID"]); objX.WriteElementString("pubDate", Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Date"]).ToShortDateString()); objX.WriteEndElement(); } dr.Close(); //End of XML file objX.WriteEndElement(); objX.WriteEndElement(); objX.WriteEndDocument(); //Close the XmlTextWriter object objX.Flush(); objX.Close(); Response.End(); FetchData = null; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ArticleUpdateSection = constant.intArticleAdminUpdate; if (!IsPostBack) { //Validate admin session username and password by comparing them to the admin user database record. UserNameVal.ValidateAdminUserNameandPass(); //Get admin username from the sessioan variable and place it in the label. lblusername.Text = "Welcome Admin: " + UserNameVal.AdminUsername; //Instantiate SQL params object Blogic myBL = new Blogic(); lbCountArticle.Text = "Total Approved Article: " + myBL.ArticleCountAll; //Return Update Category List AdminUpdateArtCatList.DataSource = myBL.GetArticleCategoryList; AdminUpdateArtCatList.DataBind(); //Return Add New Category List ArtCategoryList.DataSource = myBL.GetArticleCategoryList; ArtCategoryList.DataBind(); ShowEditArticleListing(); //Hide comment editing form Panel2.Visible = false; if (Request.QueryString["editcatid"] != null) { CategoryName.Text = Request.QueryString["catname"]; CategoryID.Value = Request.QueryString["editcatid"]; Panel2.Visible = true; Panel3.Visible = false; AddNewCat.Visible = false; lblheaderform.Text = "Updating Article Category ID# " + Request.QueryString["editcatid"]; } //Release allocated memory myBL = null; } else { //Show comment editing form Panel2.Visible = true; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Instantiate Action Stored Procedure object Blogic FetchData = new Blogic(); int i = 0; //Note: You need to change the domain name " and" to your site domain Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; XmlTextWriter objX = new XmlTextWriter(Response.OutputStream, Encoding.UTF8); objX.WriteStartDocument(); objX.WriteStartElement("rss"); objX.WriteAttributeString("version", "2.0"); objX.WriteStartElement("channel"); objX.WriteElementString("title", " Most Popular Recipe RSS Feed"); objX.WriteElementString("link", ""); objX.WriteElementString("description", "Recipe database from around the world"); objX.WriteElementString("copyright", "(c) 2005, and All rights reserved."); objX.WriteElementString("ttl", "10"); //Get datatable IDataReader dr = FetchData.GetRSSMostPopularRecipe; //loop through all record, and write XML for each item. for (i = 0; i <= 20 - 1; i++) { dr.Read(); objX.WriteStartElement("item"); objX.WriteElementString("title", dr["Name"].ToString()); objX.WriteElementString("link", "" + (int)dr["ID"]); objX.WriteElementString("pubDate", Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Date"]).ToShortDateString()); objX.WriteEndElement(); } dr.Close(); //End of XML file objX.WriteEndElement(); objX.WriteEndElement(); objX.WriteEndDocument(); //Close the XmlTextWriter object objX.Flush(); objX.Close(); Response.End(); FetchData = null; }
//Handles update admin email and SMTP server address public void AdminUpdateEmailAndSMTPAddress_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string AdminEmail; string SMTPServer; AdminEmail = Request.Form["emailadd"]; SMTPServer = Request.Form["smtpadd"]; FetchData.AdminUpdateEmailAndSMTPAddress(AdminEmail, SMTPServer); FetchData = null; strURLRedirect = "confirmemailupdate.aspx"; Response.Redirect(strURLRedirect); }
/// <summary> /// Returns Most Popular Recipes Side Menu /// </summary> public ExtendedCollection <Recipe> GetPopularRecipe() { //Instantiate Action Stored Procedure object Blogic FetchData = new Blogic(); ExtendedCollection <Recipe> GetRecipe = new ExtendedCollection <Recipe>(); string Key = "MostPopular_RecipesSideMenu_" + CatID.ToString(); if (Caching.Cache[Key] != null) { GetRecipe = (ExtendedCollection <Recipe>)Caching.Cache[Key]; } else { IDataReader dr = FetchData.GetMostpopularRecipesSideMenu(CatID, Top); while (dr.Read()) { Recipe item = new Recipe(); item.ID = (int)dr["ID"]; if (dr["Name"] != DBNull.Value) { item.RecipeName = (string)dr["Name"]; } if (dr["Category"] != DBNull.Value) { item.Category = (string)dr["Category"]; } if (dr["HITS"] != DBNull.Value) { item.Hits = (int)dr["HITS"]; } GetRecipe.Add(item); Caching.CahceData(Key, GetRecipe); } dr.Close(); } return(GetRecipe); FetchData = null; }
//Data binding private void BindData() { //Return datatable. DataTable dt = myBL.AdminGetRecipeComments; //Assign dt to new DataView object DataView dv = new DataView(dt); lbCountComments.Text = "Total Comments: " + dv.Count.ToString(); Recipes_table.DataSource = dv; Recipes_table.DataBind(); //Release allocated memory myBL = null; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("<html><head><meta name=\"txtweb-appkey\" content=\"9cf923ac-53bd-4388-85fa-f75bd432ba68\" /></head><body>"); try { string hashcode = Request.QueryString["txtweb-mobile"]; query = string.Format("select name from user_info where hashcode=@hashcode"); Blogic ob = new Blogic(); SqlCommand cmd = ob.getCMD(query); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hashcode", hashcode); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (!dr.Read()) //first time user { Response.Write("Create your account.....<br /><br />" +"<form action='./login2.aspx' class='txtweb-form' method='get'>" + "<input type='hidden' name='type' value='firstTime' />" + "<input type='hidden' name='hashcode' value='" + hashcode + "' />" + "Your name<input type='text' name='txtweb-message' />" + "<input type='submit' value='submit' /></form><br /><br />" +"Note: Your mobile hashcode is considered as password, so you don't need any password."); } else //if user is already register, so update his/her name.... { Response.Write("Welcome " + dr.GetValue(0).ToString() + ",<br /><br />" + "For change your name<br /><br />" + " <form action='./login2.aspx' class='txtweb-form' method='get'>" + "<input type='hidden' name='hashcode' value='" + hashcode + "' />" + "Your name<input type='text' name='txtweb-message' />" + "<input type='submit' value='submit' /></form> "); } } catch { Blogic ob = new Blogic(); Response.Write(ob.error_msg()); //print error_message... ob.CloseConnection(); } Response.Write("</body></html>"); }
/// <summary> /// Show or hide recipe comment /// </summary> public override void fillup() { //Find control Panel Panel1 = (Panel)(placeholder.FindControl("Panel1")); Image CommentImg = (Image)(placeholder.FindControl("CommentImg")); HyperLink CommentLink = (HyperLink)(placeholder.FindControl("CommentLink")); //Instantiate Action Stored Procedure object Blogic FetchData = new Blogic(); try { IDataReader dr = FetchData.GetConfiguration; dr.Read(); //Show hide comment if (dr["HideShowComment"] != DBNull.Value) { this._ShowHideComment = (int)dr["HideShowComment"]; } dr.Close(); dr = null; if (IsShowHideComment) { //If true, display recipe comments, else hide. //Get datasourse RepeaterName.DataSource = RecipeCommentProvider.GetComments(ID); RepeaterName.DataBind(); Panel1.Visible = true; } else { Panel1.Visible = false; CommentImg.Visible = false; CommentLink.Visible = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } FetchData = null; }
protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { //Instantiate Action Stored Procedure object Blogic FetchData = new Blogic(); GetMetaKeywords(); lbltotalRecipe.Text = "There are " + string.Format("{0:#,###}", FetchData.GetHomepageTotalRecipeCount) + " recipes in " + FetchData.GetHomepageTotalCategoryCount + " categories"; BindList(); //Display random image Myranimage.ImageUrl = Utility.GetRandomImage; FetchData = null; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("<html><head><meta name=\"txtweb-appkey\" content=\"9cf923ac-53bd-4388-85fa-f75bd432ba68\" /></head><body>"); try { string hashcode = Request.QueryString["txtweb-mobile"]; //query for check user is exist or not.. query = string.Format("select name from user_info where hashcode=@hashcode"); ob = new Blogic(); SqlCommand cmd = ob.getCMD(query); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hashcode", hashcode); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) //if user is exist in database then proceed him/her to ask a question { Response.Write("Ask a new question....<br /><br />" + "Type, #t \"your que title\" #d \"your que description\"<br />" //<your que title> print ni ho rha h + "Use, #e For line break or enter<br />" + "Note: #t and #d both are very important, you can't submit question without it.<br /><br />"); Response.Write("For asking a new question....<br /><br />" + "<form action='./new_que2.aspx' method='get' class='txtweb-form'>" + "<input type='hidden' name='hashcode' value='" + hashcode + "' />" + "Title and Description<input type='text' name='txtweb-message' />" + "<input type='submit' value='Submit' />"); } else //if user is not exist in database, then redirect him/her to login.aspx { Response.Redirect("./login.aspx?txtweb-mobile=" + hashcode); } } catch { ob = new Blogic(); Response.Write(ob.error_msg()); ob.CloseConnection(); } Response.Write("</body></html>"); }
//Handles approve recipe public void Approve_Recipe(object sender, EventArgs e) { ID = (int)Util.Val(Request.QueryString["id"]); Caching.PurgeCacheItems("MainCourse_RecipeCategory"); Caching.PurgeCacheItems("Ethnic_RecipeCategory"); Caching.PurgeCacheItems("RecipeCategory_SideMenu"); Caching.PurgeCacheItems("Newest_RecipesSideMenu_"); // myBL.AdminApproveRecipe(ID); //Release allocated memory. myBL = null; //If success, redirect to recipe approval confirmation page. Util.PageRedirect(8); Util = null; }
//Handles final login process with validation private void ProcessLoginCheck(string Username, string UserPwd) { //Instantiate validation Utility Util = new Utility(); //Instantiate stored procedure logic Blogic myBL = new Blogic(); //Check whether admin username and password exist in the admin user database. if (!myBL.AdminUserNameExist(Username)) { lblerror.Text = "Username does not exist"; JSLiteral.Text = Util.JSAlert("Username does not exist"); return; } else if (!myBL.AdminPasswordExist(UserPwd)) { lblerror.Text = "Invalid Password"; JSLiteral.Text = Util.JSAlert("Invalid Password"); return; } else { //Assign variable for username and password to use for the session. string Getadminusername; string Getadminpassword; Getadminusername = myBL.GetAdminUserNameSession(Username); Getadminpassword = myBL.GetAdminPasswordSession(UserPwd); myBL = null; //Store admin username and password construct in session state Session.Add("adminuserid", Getadminusername); Session.Add("adminpassword", Getadminpassword); //If everything is okay, then redirect to the Admin Recipe Manager page. //5 = recipemanager Util.PageRedirect(5); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("<html><head><meta name=\"txtweb-appkey\" content=\"9cf923ac-53bd-4388-85fa-f75bd432ba68\" /></head><body>"); try { //get answer from que_desc.aspx... ans = Request.QueryString["txtweb-message"]; ans = ans.Replace("#E", "#e"); ans = ans.Replace("#e", "<br />"); que_id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["que_id"]); hashcode = Request.QueryString["hashcode"]; //get date & time, according to India.. TimeZoneInfo tzi = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("India Standard Time"); DateTime dt = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, tzi); //query for insert answer in our database.. query = string.Format("insert into ans_list (que_id,ans_desc,sub_by,date) values ({0},@answer,'{1}','{2}')", que_id, hashcode, dt); ob = new Blogic(); SqlCommand cmd = ob.getCMD(query); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@answer", ans); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Response.Redirect("que_desc.aspx?que_id=" + que_id + "&hashcode=" + hashcode); ob.CloseConnection(); } catch { ob = new Blogic(); Response.Write(ob.error_msg()); ob.CloseConnection(); } Response.Write("</body></html>"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("<html><head><meta name=\"txtweb-appkey\" content=\"9cf923ac-53bd-4388-85fa-f75bd432ba68\" /></head><body>"); try { hashcode = Request.QueryString["hashcode"]; full_msg = Request.QueryString["txtweb-message"]; full_msg = full_msg.Replace("#T", "#t"); full_msg = full_msg.Replace("#D", "#d"); full_msg = full_msg.Replace("#E", "#e"); //separate the question title from full_msg.... title = full_msg.Substring(full_msg.IndexOf("#t") + 2, full_msg.IndexOf("#d") - (full_msg.IndexOf("#t") + 2)); //get title of the que. title = title.Replace("#e", " "); //separate the question description from full_msg.... desc = full_msg.Substring(full_msg.IndexOf("#d") + 2); // get description of the que. desc = desc.Replace("#e", "<br />"); //insert current date & time according to India... TimeZoneInfo tji = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("India Standard Time"); DateTime dt = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, tji); //insert question in db..... query = string.Format("insert into que_list (title,que_desc,sub_by,sub_date) values (@title,@desc,@hashcode,'{0}')", dt); ob = new Blogic(); cmd = ob.getCMD(query); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@title", title); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@desc", desc); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hashcode", hashcode); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); ob.CloseConnection(); //print the question description query = string.Format("select top 1 que_id from que_list where sub_by='{0}' order by sub_date desc", hashcode); //query for select latest question ob = new Blogic(); //asked by user.... cmd = ob.getCMD(query); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { Response.Redirect("./que_desc.aspx?que_id=" + dr.GetValue(0).ToString() + "&hashcode=" + hashcode); } ob.CloseConnection(); } catch { //error message, if user doesn't ask question in a proper format... Response.Write("Please type in a proper format....<br /><br />" + "Type, #t \"your que title\" #d \"your que description\"<br />" + "Use, #e For line break or enter<br />" + "Note: #t and #d both are very important, you can't submit question without it.<br /><br />"); Response.Write("For asking a new question....<br /><br />" + "<form action='./new_que2.aspx' method='get' class='txtweb-form'>" + "<input type='hidden' name='hashcode' value='" + hashcode + "' />" + "Title and Description<input type='text' name='txtweb-message' />" + "<input type='submit' value='Submit' />"); } Response.Write("</body></html>"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { //Validate admin session username and password by comparing them to the admin user database record. UserNameVal.ValidateAdminUserNameandPass(); //Get admin username from the sessioan variable and place it in the label. lblusername.Text = "Welcome Admin: " + UserNameVal.AdminUsername; GetArticleCategoryName(); IDataReader dr = myBL.GetLastArticleID; dr.Read(); Label1.Text = dr["Col"].ToString(); dr.Close(); //Release allocated memory myBL = null; Util = null; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("<html><head><meta name=\"txtweb-appkey\" content=\"9cf923ac-53bd-4388-85fa-f75bd432ba68\" /></head><body>"); try { if (Request.QueryString["next_index"] == null) { hashcode = Request.QueryString["txtweb-mobile"]; } else { hashcode = Request.QueryString["hashcode"]; } //check either user is already exist or not, if he/she is not exist so redirect to him/her to login.aspx.... query = string.Format("select name from user_info where hashcode=@hashcode"); ob = new Blogic(); cmd = ob.getCMD(query); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hashcode", hashcode); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) //if user is exist, display the que_list to him/her { if (Request.QueryString["next_index"] == null) { hashcode = Request.QueryString["txtweb-mobile"]; index = 1; } else { hashcode = Request.QueryString["hashcode"]; index = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["next_index"]); } //query for display recent questions in which user gave the answers..... query = string.Format("select * from (select row_number() over(order by desc) as row_num,ans_list.que_id,que_list.title,,que_list.spam from ans_list join que_list on ans_list.que_id=que_list.que_id where ans_list.sub_by='{0}') as list where row_num>={1} and row_num<={2}", hashcode, index, index + 4); ob = new Blogic(); cmd = ob.getCMD(query); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { Response.Write("<a href='./que_desc.aspx?que_id=" + dr.GetValue(1).ToString() + "&hashcode=" + hashcode + "' >" + dr.GetValue(2).ToString() + "</a><br />" //que_title + dr.GetValue(3).ToString() + " votes, " //number of votes + dr.GetValue(4).ToString() + " spam<br /><br />"); //number of spam } next_index = index + 5; Response.Write("<a href='./quelist_myans.aspx?next_index=" + next_index + "&hashcode=" + hashcode + "' class='txtweb-menu-for' accesskey='M''>More</a>"); } else { Response.Redirect("./login.aspx?txtweb-mobile=" + hashcode); } } catch { ob = new Blogic(); Response.Write(ob.error_msg()); //error msg... ob.CloseConnection(); } Response.Write("</body></html>"); }
protected void Page_Load(object Sender, EventArgs E) { //Validate admin session username and password by comparing them to the admin user database record. UserNameVal.ValidateAdminUserNameandPass(); //Get total article count ArticleCount = FetchData.ArticleCountAll; //Assign selected value to lastviewed dropdown menu int lv = (int)Util.Val(Request.QueryString["lv"]); GetLastViewedSelectedValue(lv); if (!IsPostBack) { //Populate year in the dropdwonlist - starting from 2000 to the current year. int tempDT = DateTime.Now.Year; for (int i = tempDT; (tempDT - i) < 9; i--) ddlyear.Items.Add(new ListItem(i.ToString(), i.ToString())); MonthSearch(); GetLastViewedDDLSelectedIndex(); GetShowHideCommentDDLSelectedIndex(); GetEmailandSMTPInfo(); //Populate dropdown category list GetDropdownCategoryList(); //Display A-Z alhpabet letter recipe name lblalphaletter.Text = Utility.DisplayAZAlphabetLink(constant.AdminBackEnd); //Get admin username from the sessioan variable and place it in the label. lblusername.Text = "Welcome Admin: " + UserNameVal.AdminUsername + "<br>Login session will expire in " + Session.Timeout + " mins."; lblletterlegend.Text = "Recipe A-Z:"; lblunapproved2.Visible = false; lblmangermainpage.Text = "Default View"; lblmangermainpagelink.ToolTip = "Back to Default View"; lbCountRecipe.Text = "Total Approved Recipes: " + string.Format("{0:#,###}", FetchData.GetHomepageTotalRecipeCount); lbCountCat.Text = "Total Category: " + FetchData.GetHomepageTotalCategoryCount; lbCountComments.Text = "Total Comments: " + FetchData.AdminRecipeManagerGetTotalComments; lblunapproved.Text = "Waiting For Approval: " + FetchData.AdminRecipeManagerGetWaitingforApprovalCount; lblrecordperpage.Text = "Default 40 records per page"; lblrecordperpageFooter.Text = "Showing default 40 records per page"; lblrecordperpageTop.Text = "- 40 records per page"; approvallink.ToolTip = "There are (" + FetchData.AdminRecipeManagerGetWaitingforApprovalCount + ") recipes waiting for your approval. Click this link to approve the recipe"; //Set the default pagesize. dgrd_recipe.PageSize = 40; //Data binding BindData(); //Release allocated memory FetchData = null; Util = null; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("<html><head><meta name=\"txtweb-appkey\" content=\"9cf923ac-53bd-4388-85fa-f75bd432ba68\" /></head><body>"); try { hashcode = Request.QueryString["hashcode"]; que_id = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["que_id"]); /**** PART-1 ****/ //query for que_description.... query = string.Format("select que_list.title,que_list.que_desc, from que_list join user_info on que_list.sub_by=user_info.hashcode where que_list.que_id={0}", que_id); ob = new Blogic(); cmd = ob.getCMD(query); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) { //print que_description... Response.Write("Title: " + dr.GetValue(0).ToString() + "<br /><br />Description: " + dr.GetValue(1).ToString() + "<br />By: " + dr.GetValue(2).ToString()+"<br /><br />"); } /***********************/ /**** PART-2 ****/ //query for check vote/spam...... query_for_vs = string.Format("select vote,spam from vote_spam where que_id={0} and hashcode='{1}'", que_id, hashcode); Blogic ob_vs = new Blogic(); SqlCommand command = ob_vs.getCMD(query_for_vs); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); //print link for vote/spam..... if (reader.Read()) { if (reader.GetValue(0).ToString() == "False") { Response.Write("<a href='./vote_spam.aspx?que_id=" + que_id + "&hashcode=" + hashcode + "&query_type=update&type=vote' >Vote up this question<br /></a>"); } if (reader.GetValue(1).ToString() == "False") { Response.Write("<a href='./vote_spam.aspx?que_id=" + que_id + "&hashcode=" + hashcode + "&query_type=update&type=spam'>Spam this question</a>"); } } else { Response.Write("<a href='./vote_spam.aspx?que_id="+que_id+"&hashcode="+hashcode+"&query_type=insert&type=vote'>Vote up this question<br /></a>"); Response.Write("<a href='./vote_spam.aspx?que_id=" + que_id + "&hashcode=" + hashcode + "&query_type=insert&type=spam'>Spam this question</a>"); } Response.Write("<br />*****"); ob_vs.CloseConnection(); ob.CloseConnection(); /***********************/ /**** PART-3 ****/ //query for print answers....... query = string.Format("select ans_list.ans_desc, from ans_list join user_info on ans_list.sub_by=user_info.hashcode where que_id={0} order by", que_id); cmd = ob.getCMD(query); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); Response.Write("<br /><br />Answers....<br /><br />"); while (dr.Read()) { //print answers Response.Write(dr.GetValue(0).ToString() +"<br />By: "+dr.GetValue(1).ToString()+"<br /><br />"); } ob.CloseConnection(); /***********************/ /**** PART-4 ****/ //Take input for answer.... Response.Write("<br /><br />Give your answer....<br />(Use #e for line break or enter)<br />" + "<form action='./que_desc2.aspx' class='txtweb-form' method='get'>" + "Your answer<input type='text' name='txtweb-message' />" + "<input type='hidden' name='hashcode' value='" + hashcode + "' />" + "<input type='hidden' name='que_id' value='" + que_id + "' />" + "<input type='submit' value='submit' /></form>"); } /***********************/ catch { ob = new Blogic(); Response.Write(ob.error_msg()); //error msg.... ob.CloseConnection(); } Response.Write("</body></html>"); }
//which define in Blogin.cs file protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write("<html><head><meta name=\"txtweb-appkey\" content=\"9cf923ac-53bd-4388-85fa-f75bd432ba68\" /></head><body>"); try { if (Request.QueryString["next_index"] == null) { hashcode = Request.QueryString["txtweb-mobile"]; } else //execute when user click on "More" link.. { hashcode = Request.QueryString["hashcode"]; } //check either user is already exist or not, if he/she is not exist so redirect to him/her to login.aspx.... query = string.Format("select name from user_info where hashcode=@hashcode"); //initialize an object "ob" of Blogic class, which //we declare in Blogic.cs file ob = new Blogic(); cmd = ob.getCMD(query); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hashcode", hashcode); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (dr.Read()) //if user is exist, display the que_list to him/her { if (Request.QueryString["next_index"] == null) { hashcode = Request.QueryString["txtweb-mobile"]; index = 1; } else { hashcode = Request.QueryString["hashcode"]; index = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["next_index"]); } //query for select recent que_list..... query = string.Format("select * from (select row_number() over(order by sub_date desc) as row_num,que_id,title,vote,spam from que_list) as list where row_num>={0} and row_num<={1}", index, index + 4); ob = new Blogic(); cmd = ob.getCMD(query); dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { Response.Write("<a href='./que_desc.aspx?que_id=" + dr.GetValue(1).ToString() + "&hashcode=" + hashcode + "' >" + dr.GetValue(2).ToString() + "</a><br />" //que. title + dr.GetValue(3).ToString() + " votes, " //number of votes + dr.GetValue(4).ToString() + " spam<br /><br />"); //number of spam } next_index = index + 5; Response.Write("<a href='./get_que_list.aspx?next_index=" + next_index + "&hashcode=" + hashcode + "' class='txtweb-menu-for' accesskey='M' '>More</a>"); } else { Response.Redirect("./login.aspx?txtweb-mobile=" + hashcode); } } catch { //display error message... Response.Write(ob.error_msg()); } //close the connection ob.CloseConnection(); Response.Write("</body></html>"); }
private void Page_Init(Object sender, EventArgs e) { //Instantiate sql params object Blogic myBL = new Blogic(); int ID = (int)Util.Val(Request.QueryString["id"]); string FileName = ""; try { IDataReader dr = myBL.GetRecipeImageFileNameForUpdate(ID); dr.Read(); if (dr["RecipeImage"] != DBNull.Value) { FileName = (string)dr["RecipeImage"]; } dr.Close(); } catch { //Redirect to image not found. //1 = pagenotfound.aspx Util.PageRedirect(1); } string Directory = Server.MapPath("~/RecipeImageUpload/"); string path = Directory + FileName; int roundedDia = 30; using (System.Drawing.Image imgin = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path)) { System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(imgin.Width, imgin.Height); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); g.Clear(Color.White); Brush brush = new System.Drawing.TextureBrush(imgin); FillRoundedRectangle(g, new Rectangle(0, 0, imgin.Width, imgin.Height), roundedDia, brush); // done with drawing dispose graphics object. g.Dispose(); // Stream Image to client. Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "image/pjpeg"; bitmap.Save(Response.OutputStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); Response.End(); //dispose bitmap object. bitmap.Dispose(); //Release allocated memory myBL = null; Util = null; } }
//Handles show edit article listing private void ShowEditArticleListing() { //Instantiate sql params object Blogic myBL = new Blogic(); //Instantiate validation Utility Util = new Utility(); int CatId; CatId = (int)Util.Val(Request.QueryString["catid"]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Request.QueryString["catid"])) { Panel1.Visible = false; } else { Panel1.Visible = true; try { IDataReader dr = myBL.GetArticleCategory(CatId, 3); //3 = Category OrderBy Name. dr.Read(); lbcatname.Text = dr["CAT_NAME"].ToString(); dr.Close(); ArticleCat.DataSource = myBL.GetArticleCategory(CatId, 3); //3 = Category OrderBy Name. ArticleCat.DataBind(); } catch { Error.Text = "No Record Found."; return; } //Release allocated memory myBL = null; Util = null; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { //Validate admin session username and password by comparing them to the admin user database record. UserNameVal.ValidateAdminUserNameandPass(); //Get admin username from the sessioan variable and place it in the label. lblusername.Text = "Welcome Admin: " + UserNameVal.AdminUsername; lbCountRecipe.Text = "There are " + string.Format("{0:#,###}", myBL.GetHomepageTotalRecipeCount) + " Approved Recipe"; //Hide comment editing form Panel1.Visible = false; countcommentlink.Enabled = false; BindData(); } else { //Show comment editing form Panel1.Visible = true; countcommentlink.Enabled = true; } myBL = null; }