Пример #1
 public VolumeUploadRequest(BlockVolumeWriter blockvolume, FileEntryItem blockEntry, IndexVolumeWriter indexVolume, FileEntryItem indexEntry)
     BlockVolume = blockvolume;
     BlockEntry  = blockEntry;
     IndexVolume = indexVolume;
     IndexEntry  = indexEntry;
Пример #2
 public VolumeUploadRequest(BlockVolumeWriter blockVolume, FileEntryItem blockEntry, TemporaryIndexVolume indexVolume, Options options, BackupDatabase database)
     BlockVolume = blockVolume;
     BlockEntry  = blockEntry;
     IndexVolume = indexVolume;
     Options     = options;
     Database    = database;
Пример #3
        public Task UpdateIndexVolumeAsync(IndexVolumeWriter indexvolume, BlockVolumeWriter blockvolume)
            if (indexvolume != null)
                return(Task.FromResult <bool>(true));

            return(RunOnMain(() =>
                m_database.AddIndexBlockLink(indexvolume.VolumeID, blockvolume.VolumeID, m_transaction);

                foreach (var b in m_database.GetBlocks(blockvolume.VolumeID, m_transaction))
                    indexvolume.AddBlock(b.Hash, b.Size);

                m_database.UpdateRemoteVolume(indexvolume.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeState.Uploading, -1, null, m_transaction);
Пример #4
        public void RunRepairRemote()
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(m_options.Dbpath))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Database file does not exist: {0}", m_options.Dbpath));


            using (var db = new LocalRepairDatabase(m_options.Dbpath))
                using (var backend = new BackendManager(m_backendurl, m_options, m_result.BackendWriter, db))
                    Utility.VerifyParameters(db, m_options);

                    var tp          = FilelistProcessor.RemoteListAnalysis(backend, m_options, db, m_result.BackendWriter);
                    var buffer      = new byte[m_options.Blocksize];
                    var blockhasher = System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create(m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm);
                    var hashsize    = blockhasher.HashSize / 8;

                    if (blockhasher == null)
                        throw new Exception(Strings.Foresthash.InvalidHashAlgorithm(m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm));
                    if (!blockhasher.CanReuseTransform)
                        throw new Exception(Strings.Foresthash.InvalidCryptoSystem(m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm));

                    var progress      = 0;
                    var targetProgess = tp.ExtraVolumes.Count() + tp.MissingVolumes.Count() + tp.VerificationRequiredVolumes.Count();

                    if (m_options.Dryrun)
                        if (tp.ParsedVolumes.Count() == 0 && tp.OtherVolumes.Count() > 0)
                            if (tp.BackupPrefixes.Length == 1)
                                throw new Exception(string.Format("Found no backup files with prefix {0}, but files with prefix {1}, did you forget to set the backup-prefix?", m_options.Prefix, tp.BackupPrefixes[0]));
                                throw new Exception(string.Format("Found no backup files with prefix {0}, but files with prefixes {1}, did you forget to set the backup-prefix?", m_options.Prefix, string.Join(", ", tp.BackupPrefixes)));
                        else if (tp.ParsedVolumes.Count() == 0 && tp.ExtraVolumes.Count() > 0)
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("No files were missing, but {0} remote files were, found, did you mean to run recreate-database?", tp.ExtraVolumes.Count()));

                    if (tp.ExtraVolumes.Count() > 0 || tp.MissingVolumes.Count() > 0 || tp.VerificationRequiredVolumes.Count() > 0)
                        if (tp.VerificationRequiredVolumes.Any())
                            using (var testdb = new LocalTestDatabase(db))
                                foreach (var n in tp.VerificationRequiredVolumes)
                                        if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)
                                            backend.WaitForComplete(db, null);

                                        m_result.OperationProgressUpdater.UpdateProgress((float)progress / targetProgess);

                                        long   size;
                                        string hash;
                                        KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string> > > res;

                                        using (var tf = backend.GetWithInfo(n.Name, out size, out hash))
                                            res = TestHandler.TestVolumeInternals(testdb, n, tf, m_options, m_result, 1);

                                        if (res.Value.Any())
                                            throw new Exception(string.Format("Remote verification failure: {0}", res.Value.First()));

                                        if (!m_options.Dryrun)
                                            m_result.AddMessage(string.Format("Sucessfully captured hash for {0}, updating database", n.Name));
                                            db.UpdateRemoteVolume(n.Name, RemoteVolumeState.Verified, size, hash);
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        m_result.AddError(string.Format("Failed to perform verification for file: {0}, please run verify; message: {1}", n.Name, ex.Message), ex);
                                        if (ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)

                        // TODO: It is actually possible to use the extra files if we parse them
                        foreach (var n in tp.ExtraVolumes)
                                if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)
                                    backend.WaitForComplete(db, null);

                                m_result.OperationProgressUpdater.UpdateProgress((float)progress / targetProgess);

                                if (!m_options.Dryrun)
                                    db.RegisterRemoteVolume(n.File.Name, n.FileType, RemoteVolumeState.Deleting);
                                    backend.Delete(n.File.Name, n.File.Size);
                                    m_result.AddDryrunMessage(string.Format("would delete file {0}", n.File.Name));
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                m_result.AddError(string.Format("Failed to perform cleanup for extra file: {0}, message: {1}", n.File.Name, ex.Message), ex);
                                if (ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)

                        foreach (var n in tp.MissingVolumes)
                            IDisposable newEntry = null;

                                if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)
                                    backend.WaitForComplete(db, null);

                                m_result.OperationProgressUpdater.UpdateProgress((float)progress / targetProgess);

                                if (n.Type == RemoteVolumeType.Files)
                                    var filesetId = db.GetFilesetIdFromRemotename(n.Name);
                                    var w         = new FilesetVolumeWriter(m_options, DateTime.UtcNow);
                                    newEntry = w;

                                    db.WriteFileset(w, null, filesetId);

                                    if (m_options.Dryrun)
                                        m_result.AddDryrunMessage(string.Format("would re-upload fileset {0}, with size {1}, previous size {2}", n.Name, Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(new System.IO.FileInfo(w.LocalFilename).Length), Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(n.Size)));
                                        db.UpdateRemoteVolume(w.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeState.Uploading, -1, null, null);
                                else if (n.Type == RemoteVolumeType.Index)
                                    var w = new IndexVolumeWriter(m_options);
                                    newEntry = w;

                                    foreach (var blockvolume in db.GetBlockVolumesFromIndexName(n.Name))
                                        var volumeid = db.GetRemoteVolumeID(blockvolume.Name);

                                        foreach (var b in db.GetBlocks(volumeid))
                                            w.AddBlock(b.Hash, b.Size);

                                        w.FinishVolume(blockvolume.Hash, blockvolume.Size);

                                        if (m_options.IndexfilePolicy == Options.IndexFileStrategy.Full)
                                            foreach (var b in db.GetBlocklists(volumeid, m_options.Blocksize, hashsize))
                                                w.WriteBlocklist(b.Item1, b.Item2, 0, b.Item3);


                                    if (m_options.Dryrun)
                                        m_result.AddDryrunMessage(string.Format("would re-upload index file {0}, with size {1}, previous size {2}", n.Name, Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(new System.IO.FileInfo(w.LocalFilename).Length), Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(n.Size)));
                                        db.UpdateRemoteVolume(w.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeState.Uploading, -1, null, null);
                                else if (n.Type == RemoteVolumeType.Blocks)
                                    var w = new BlockVolumeWriter(m_options);
                                    newEntry = w;

                                    using (var mbl = db.CreateBlockList(n.Name))
                                        //First we grab all known blocks from local files
                                        foreach (var block in mbl.GetSourceFilesWithBlocks(m_options.Blocksize))
                                            var hash = block.Hash;
                                            var size = (int)block.Size;

                                            foreach (var source in block.Sources)
                                                var file   = source.File;
                                                var offset = source.Offset;

                                                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(file))
                                                        using (var f = System.IO.File.OpenRead(file))
                                                            f.Position = offset;
                                                            if (size == Library.Utility.Utility.ForceStreamRead(f, buffer, size))
                                                                var newhash = Convert.ToBase64String(blockhasher.ComputeHash(buffer, 0, size));
                                                                if (newhash == hash)
                                                                    if (mbl.SetBlockRestored(hash, size))
                                                                        w.AddBlock(hash, buffer, 0, size, Duplicati.Library.Interface.CompressionHint.Default);
                                                catch (Exception ex)
                                                    m_result.AddError(string.Format("Failed to access file: {0}", file), ex);

                                        //Then we grab all remote volumes that have the missing blocks
                                        foreach (var vol in new AsyncDownloader(mbl.GetMissingBlockSources().ToList(), backend))
                                                using (var tmpfile = vol.TempFile)
                                                    using (var f = new BlockVolumeReader(RestoreHandler.GetCompressionModule(vol.Name), tmpfile, m_options))
                                                        foreach (var b in f.Blocks)
                                                            if (mbl.SetBlockRestored(b.Key, b.Value))
                                                                if (f.ReadBlock(b.Key, buffer) == b.Value)
                                                                    w.AddBlock(b.Key, buffer, 0, (int)b.Value, Duplicati.Library.Interface.CompressionHint.Default);
                                            catch (Exception ex)
                                                m_result.AddError(string.Format("Failed to access remote file: {0}", vol.Name), ex);

                                        // If we managed to recover all blocks, NICE!
                                        var missingBlocks = mbl.GetMissingBlocks().Count();
                                        if (missingBlocks > 0)
                                            //TODO: How do we handle this situation?
                                            m_result.AddMessage(string.Format("Repair cannot acquire {0} required blocks for volume {1}, which are required by the following filesets: ", missingBlocks, n.Name));
                                            foreach (var f in mbl.GetFilesetsUsingMissingBlocks())

                                            if (!m_options.Dryrun)
                                                m_result.AddMessage("This may be fixed by deleting the filesets and running repair again");

                                                throw new Exception(string.Format("Repair not possible, missing {0} blocks!!!", missingBlocks));
                                            if (m_options.Dryrun)
                                                m_result.AddDryrunMessage(string.Format("would re-upload block file {0}, with size {1}, previous size {2}", n.Name, Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(new System.IO.FileInfo(w.LocalFilename).Length), Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(n.Size)));
                                                db.UpdateRemoteVolume(w.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeState.Uploading, -1, null, null);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                if (newEntry != null)
                                    try { newEntry.Dispose(); }
                                    catch { }
                                    finally { newEntry = null; }

                                m_result.AddError(string.Format("Failed to perform cleanup for missing file: {0}, message: {1}", n.Name, ex.Message), ex);

                                if (ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)
                        m_result.AddMessage("Destination and database are synchronized, not making any changes");

                    backend.WaitForComplete(db, null);
Пример #5
        public void RunRepairRemote()
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(m_options.Dbpath))
                throw new UserInformationException(string.Format("Database file does not exist: {0}", m_options.Dbpath), "RepairDatabaseFileDoesNotExist");


            using (var db = new LocalRepairDatabase(m_options.Dbpath))
                using (var backend = new BackendManager(m_backendurl, m_options, m_result.BackendWriter, db))
                    Utility.UpdateOptionsFromDb(db, m_options);
                    Utility.VerifyParameters(db, m_options);

                    if (db.PartiallyRecreated)
                        throw new UserInformationException("The database was only partially recreated. This database may be incomplete and the repair process is not allowed to alter remote files as that could result in data loss.", "DatabaseIsPartiallyRecreated");

                    if (db.RepairInProgress)
                        throw new UserInformationException("The database was attempted repaired, but the repair did not complete. This database may be incomplete and the repair process is not allowed to alter remote files as that could result in data loss.", "DatabaseIsInRepairState");

                    var tp          = FilelistProcessor.RemoteListAnalysis(backend, m_options, db, m_result.BackendWriter, null);
                    var buffer      = new byte[m_options.Blocksize];
                    var blockhasher = Library.Utility.HashAlgorithmHelper.Create(m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm);
                    var hashsize    = blockhasher.HashSize / 8;

                    if (blockhasher == null)
                        throw new UserInformationException(Strings.Common.InvalidHashAlgorithm(m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm), "BlockHashAlgorithmNotSupported");
                    if (!blockhasher.CanReuseTransform)
                        throw new UserInformationException(Strings.Common.InvalidCryptoSystem(m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm), "BlockHashAlgorithmNotSupported");

                    var progress      = 0;
                    var targetProgess = tp.ExtraVolumes.Count() + tp.MissingVolumes.Count() + tp.VerificationRequiredVolumes.Count();

                    if (m_options.Dryrun)
                        if (tp.ParsedVolumes.Count() == 0 && tp.OtherVolumes.Count() > 0)
                            if (tp.BackupPrefixes.Length == 1)
                                throw new UserInformationException(string.Format("Found no backup files with prefix {0}, but files with prefix {1}, did you forget to set the backup prefix?", m_options.Prefix, tp.BackupPrefixes[0]), "RemoteFolderEmptyWithPrefix");
                                throw new UserInformationException(string.Format("Found no backup files with prefix {0}, but files with prefixes {1}, did you forget to set the backup prefix?", m_options.Prefix, string.Join(", ", tp.BackupPrefixes)), "RemoteFolderEmptyWithPrefix");
                        else if (tp.ParsedVolumes.Count() == 0 && tp.ExtraVolumes.Count() > 0)
                            throw new UserInformationException(string.Format("No files were missing, but {0} remote files were, found, did you mean to run recreate-database?", tp.ExtraVolumes.Count()), "NoRemoteFilesMissing");

                    if (tp.ExtraVolumes.Count() > 0 || tp.MissingVolumes.Count() > 0 || tp.VerificationRequiredVolumes.Count() > 0)
                        if (tp.VerificationRequiredVolumes.Any())
                            using (var testdb = new LocalTestDatabase(db))
                                foreach (var n in tp.VerificationRequiredVolumes)
                                        if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)
                                            backend.WaitForComplete(db, null);

                                        m_result.OperationProgressUpdater.UpdateProgress((float)progress / targetProgess);

                                        long   size;
                                        string hash;
                                        KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string> > > res;

                                        using (var tf = backend.GetWithInfo(n.Name, out size, out hash))
                                            res = TestHandler.TestVolumeInternals(testdb, n, tf, m_options, 1);

                                        if (res.Value.Any())
                                            throw new Exception(string.Format("Remote verification failure: {0}", res.Value.First()));

                                        if (!m_options.Dryrun)
                                            Logging.Log.WriteInformationMessage(LOGTAG, "CapturedRemoteFileHash", "Sucessfully captured hash for {0}, updating database", n.Name);
                                            db.UpdateRemoteVolume(n.Name, RemoteVolumeState.Verified, size, hash);
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        Logging.Log.WriteErrorMessage(LOGTAG, "RemoteFileVerificationError", ex, "Failed to perform verification for file: {0}, please run verify; message: {1}", n.Name, ex.Message);
                                        if (ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)

                        // TODO: It is actually possible to use the extra files if we parse them
                        foreach (var n in tp.ExtraVolumes)
                                if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)
                                    backend.WaitForComplete(db, null);

                                m_result.OperationProgressUpdater.UpdateProgress((float)progress / targetProgess);

                                // If this is a new index file, we can accept it if it matches our local data
                                // This makes it possible to augment the remote store with new index data
                                if (n.FileType == RemoteVolumeType.Index && m_options.IndexfilePolicy != Options.IndexFileStrategy.None)
                                        string hash;
                                        long   size;
                                        using (var tf = backend.GetWithInfo(n.File.Name, out size, out hash))
                                            using (var ifr = new IndexVolumeReader(n.CompressionModule, tf, m_options, m_options.BlockhashSize))
                                                foreach (var rv in ifr.Volumes)
                                                    var entry = db.GetRemoteVolume(rv.Filename);
                                                    if (entry.ID < 0)
                                                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Unknown remote file {0} detected", rv.Filename));

                                                    if (!new [] { RemoteVolumeState.Uploading, RemoteVolumeState.Uploaded, RemoteVolumeState.Verified }.Contains(entry.State))
                                                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Volume {0} has local state {1}", rv.Filename, entry.State));

                                                    if (entry.Hash != rv.Hash || entry.Size != rv.Length || !new [] { RemoteVolumeState.Uploading, RemoteVolumeState.Uploaded, RemoteVolumeState.Verified }.Contains(entry.State))
                                                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Volume {0} hash/size mismatch ({1} - {2}) vs ({3} - {4})", rv.Filename, entry.Hash, entry.Size, rv.Hash, rv.Length));

                                                    db.CheckAllBlocksAreInVolume(rv.Filename, rv.Blocks);

                                                var blocksize = m_options.Blocksize;
                                                foreach (var ixb in ifr.BlockLists)
                                                    db.CheckBlocklistCorrect(ixb.Hash, ixb.Length, ixb.Blocklist, blocksize, hashsize);

                                                var selfid = db.GetRemoteVolumeID(n.File.Name);
                                                foreach (var rv in ifr.Volumes)
                                                    db.AddIndexBlockLink(selfid, db.GetRemoteVolumeID(rv.Filename), null);

                                        // All checks fine, we accept the new index file
                                        Logging.Log.WriteInformationMessage(LOGTAG, "AcceptNewIndexFile", "Accepting new index file {0}", n.File.Name);
                                        db.RegisterRemoteVolume(n.File.Name, RemoteVolumeType.Index, size, RemoteVolumeState.Uploading);
                                        db.UpdateRemoteVolume(n.File.Name, RemoteVolumeState.Verified, size, hash);
                                    catch (Exception rex)
                                        Logging.Log.WriteErrorMessage(LOGTAG, "FailedNewIndexFile", rex, "Failed to accept new index file: {0}, message: {1}", n.File.Name, rex.Message);

                                if (!m_options.Dryrun)
                                    db.RegisterRemoteVolume(n.File.Name, n.FileType, n.File.Size, RemoteVolumeState.Deleting);
                                    backend.Delete(n.File.Name, n.File.Size);
                                    Logging.Log.WriteDryrunMessage(LOGTAG, "WouldDeleteFile", "would delete file {0}", n.File.Name);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Logging.Log.WriteErrorMessage(LOGTAG, "FailedExtraFileCleanup", ex, "Failed to perform cleanup for extra file: {0}, message: {1}", n.File.Name, ex.Message);
                                if (ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)

                        if (!m_options.RebuildMissingDblockFiles)
                            var missingDblocks = tp.MissingVolumes.Where(x => x.Type == RemoteVolumeType.Blocks).ToArray();
                            if (missingDblocks.Length > 0)
                                throw new UserInformationException($"The backup storage destination is missing data files. You can either enable `--rebuild-missing-dblock-files` or run the purge command to remove these files. The following files are missing: {string.Join(", ", missingDblocks.Select(x => x.Name))}", "MissingDblockFiles");

                        foreach (var n in tp.MissingVolumes)
                            IDisposable newEntry = null;

                                if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)
                                    backend.WaitForComplete(db, null);

                                m_result.OperationProgressUpdater.UpdateProgress((float)progress / targetProgess);

                                if (n.Type == RemoteVolumeType.Files)
                                    var filesetId = db.GetFilesetIdFromRemotename(n.Name);
                                    var w         = new FilesetVolumeWriter(m_options, DateTime.UtcNow);
                                    newEntry = w;

                                    db.WriteFileset(w, filesetId, null);

                                    if (m_options.Dryrun)
                                        Logging.Log.WriteDryrunMessage(LOGTAG, "WouldReUploadFileset", "would re-upload fileset {0}, with size {1}, previous size {2}", n.Name, Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(new System.IO.FileInfo(w.LocalFilename).Length), Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(n.Size));
                                        db.UpdateRemoteVolume(w.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeState.Uploading, -1, null, null);
                                else if (n.Type == RemoteVolumeType.Index)
                                    var w = new IndexVolumeWriter(m_options);
                                    newEntry = w;

                                    var h = Library.Utility.HashAlgorithmHelper.Create(m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm);

                                    foreach (var blockvolume in db.GetBlockVolumesFromIndexName(n.Name))
                                        var volumeid = db.GetRemoteVolumeID(blockvolume.Name);

                                        foreach (var b in db.GetBlocks(volumeid))
                                            w.AddBlock(b.Hash, b.Size);

                                        w.FinishVolume(blockvolume.Hash, blockvolume.Size);

                                        if (m_options.IndexfilePolicy == Options.IndexFileStrategy.Full)
                                            foreach (var b in db.GetBlocklists(volumeid, m_options.Blocksize, hashsize))
                                                var bh = Convert.ToBase64String(h.ComputeHash(b.Item2, 0, b.Item3));
                                                if (bh != b.Item1)
                                                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Internal consistency check failed, generated index block has wrong hash, {0} vs {1}", bh, b.Item1));

                                                w.WriteBlocklist(b.Item1, b.Item2, 0, b.Item3);


                                    if (m_options.Dryrun)
                                        Logging.Log.WriteDryrunMessage(LOGTAG, "WouldReUploadIndexFile", "would re-upload index file {0}, with size {1}, previous size {2}", n.Name, Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(new System.IO.FileInfo(w.LocalFilename).Length), Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(n.Size));
                                        db.UpdateRemoteVolume(w.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeState.Uploading, -1, null, null);
                                else if (n.Type == RemoteVolumeType.Blocks)
                                    var w = new BlockVolumeWriter(m_options);
                                    newEntry = w;

                                    using (var mbl = db.CreateBlockList(n.Name))
                                        //First we grab all known blocks from local files
                                        foreach (var block in mbl.GetSourceFilesWithBlocks(m_options.Blocksize))
                                            var hash = block.Hash;
                                            var size = (int)block.Size;

                                            foreach (var source in block.Sources)
                                                var file   = source.File;
                                                var offset = source.Offset;

                                                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(file))
                                                        using (var f = System.IO.File.OpenRead(file))
                                                            f.Position = offset;
                                                            if (size == Library.Utility.Utility.ForceStreamRead(f, buffer, size))
                                                                var newhash = Convert.ToBase64String(blockhasher.ComputeHash(buffer, 0, size));
                                                                if (newhash == hash)
                                                                    if (mbl.SetBlockRestored(hash, size))
                                                                        w.AddBlock(hash, buffer, 0, size, Duplicati.Library.Interface.CompressionHint.Default);
                                                catch (Exception ex)
                                                    Logging.Log.WriteErrorMessage(LOGTAG, "FileAccessError", ex, "Failed to access file: {0}", file);

                                        //Then we grab all remote volumes that have the missing blocks
                                        foreach (var vol in new AsyncDownloader(mbl.GetMissingBlockSources().ToList(), backend))
                                                using (var tmpfile = vol.TempFile)
                                                    using (var f = new BlockVolumeReader(RestoreHandler.GetCompressionModule(vol.Name), tmpfile, m_options))
                                                        foreach (var b in f.Blocks)
                                                            if (mbl.SetBlockRestored(b.Key, b.Value))
                                                                if (f.ReadBlock(b.Key, buffer) == b.Value)
                                                                    w.AddBlock(b.Key, buffer, 0, (int)b.Value, Duplicati.Library.Interface.CompressionHint.Default);
                                            catch (Exception ex)
                                                Logging.Log.WriteErrorMessage(LOGTAG, "RemoteFileAccessError", ex, "Failed to access remote file: {0}", vol.Name);

                                        // If we managed to recover all blocks, NICE!
                                        var missingBlocks = mbl.GetMissingBlocks().Count();
                                        if (missingBlocks > 0)
                                            Logging.Log.WriteInformationMessage(LOGTAG, "RepairMissingBlocks", "Repair cannot acquire {0} required blocks for volume {1}, which are required by the following filesets: ", missingBlocks, n.Name);
                                            foreach (var f in mbl.GetFilesetsUsingMissingBlocks())
                                                Logging.Log.WriteInformationMessage(LOGTAG, "AffectedFilesetName", f.Name);

                                            var recoverymsg = string.Format("If you want to continue working with the database, you can use the \"{0}\" and \"{1}\" commands to purge the missing data from the database and the remote storage.", "list-broken-files", "purge-broken-files");

                                            if (!m_options.Dryrun)
                                                Logging.Log.WriteInformationMessage(LOGTAG, "RecoverySuggestion", "This may be fixed by deleting the filesets and running repair again");

                                                throw new UserInformationException(string.Format("Repair not possible, missing {0} blocks.\n" + recoverymsg, missingBlocks), "RepairIsNotPossible");
                                                Logging.Log.WriteInformationMessage(LOGTAG, "RecoverySuggestion", recoverymsg);
                                            if (m_options.Dryrun)
                                                Logging.Log.WriteDryrunMessage(LOGTAG, "WouldReUploadBlockFile", "would re-upload block file {0}, with size {1}, previous size {2}", n.Name, Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(new System.IO.FileInfo(w.LocalFilename).Length), Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(n.Size));
                                                db.UpdateRemoteVolume(w.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeState.Uploading, -1, null, null);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                if (newEntry != null)
                                    try { newEntry.Dispose(); }
                                    catch { }
                                    finally { newEntry = null; }

                                Logging.Log.WriteErrorMessage(LOGTAG, "CleanupMissingFileError", ex, "Failed to perform cleanup for missing file: {0}, message: {1}", n.Name, ex.Message);

                                if (ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)
                        Logging.Log.WriteInformationMessage(LOGTAG, "DatabaseIsSynchronized", "Destination and database are synchronized, not making any changes");

                    backend.WaitForComplete(db, null);
Пример #6
        public static Task Run(BackupDatabase database, Options options, ITaskReader taskreader)
                Input = Channels.OutputBlocks.ForRead,
                Output = Channels.BackendRequest.ForWrite,
                SpillPickup = Channels.SpillPickup.ForWrite,

                       async self =>
                var noIndexFiles = options.IndexfilePolicy == Options.IndexFileStrategy.None;
                var fullIndexFiles = options.IndexfilePolicy == Options.IndexFileStrategy.Full;

                BlockVolumeWriter blockvolume = null;
                TemporaryIndexVolume indexvolume = null;

                    while (true)
                        var b = await self.Input.ReadAsync();

                        // Lazy-start a new block volume
                        if (blockvolume == null)
                            // Before we start a new volume, probe to see if it exists
                            // This will delay creation of volumes for differential backups
                            // There can be a race, such that two workers determine that
                            // the block is missing, but this will be solved by the AddBlock call
                            // which runs atomically
                            if (await database.FindBlockIDAsync(b.HashKey, b.Size) >= 0)

                            blockvolume = new BlockVolumeWriter(options);
                            blockvolume.VolumeID = await database.RegisterRemoteVolumeAsync(blockvolume.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeType.Blocks, RemoteVolumeState.Temporary);

                            indexvolume = noIndexFiles ? null : new TemporaryIndexVolume(options);

                        var newBlock = await database.AddBlockAsync(b.HashKey, b.Size, blockvolume.VolumeID);

                        if (newBlock)
                            blockvolume.AddBlock(b.HashKey, b.Data, b.Offset, (int)b.Size, b.Hint);
                            if (indexvolume != null)
                                indexvolume.AddBlock(b.HashKey, b.Size);
                                if (b.IsBlocklistHashes && fullIndexFiles)
                                    indexvolume.AddBlockListHash(b.HashKey, b.Size, b.Data);

                            // If the volume is full, send to upload
                            if (blockvolume.Filesize > options.VolumeSize - options.Blocksize)
                                //When uploading a new volume, we register the volumes and then flush the transaction
                                // this ensures that the local database and remote storage are as closely related as possible
                                await database.UpdateRemoteVolumeAsync(blockvolume.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeState.Uploading, -1, null);


                                await database.CommitTransactionAsync("CommitAddBlockToOutputFlush");

                                FileEntryItem blockEntry = blockvolume.CreateFileEntryForUpload(options);

                                TemporaryIndexVolume indexVolumeCopy = null;
                                if (indexvolume != null)
                                    indexVolumeCopy = new TemporaryIndexVolume(options);
                                    indexvolume.CopyTo(indexVolumeCopy, false);

                                var uploadRequest = new VolumeUploadRequest(blockvolume, blockEntry, indexVolumeCopy, options, database);

                                blockvolume = null;
                                indexvolume = null;

                                // Write to output at the end here to prevent sending a full volume to the SpillCollector
                                await self.Output.WriteAsync(uploadRequest);

                        // We ignore the stop signal, but not the pause and terminate
                        await taskreader.ProgressAsync;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (ex.IsRetiredException())
                        // If we have collected data, merge all pending volumes into a single volume
                        if (blockvolume != null && blockvolume.SourceSize > 0)
                            await self.SpillPickup.WriteAsync(new SpillVolumeRequest(blockvolume, indexvolume));

Пример #7
        internal bool DoCompact(LocalDeleteDatabase db, bool hasVerifiedBackend, ref System.Data.IDbTransaction transaction, BackendManager sharedBackend)
            var report = db.GetCompactReport(m_options.VolumeSize, m_options.Threshold, m_options.SmallFileSize, m_options.SmallFileMaxCount, transaction);


            if (report.ShouldReclaim || report.ShouldCompact)
                // Workaround where we allow a running backendmanager to be used
                using (var bk = sharedBackend == null ? new BackendManager(m_backendurl, m_options, m_result.BackendWriter, db) : null)
                    var backend = bk ?? sharedBackend;
                    if (!hasVerifiedBackend && !m_options.NoBackendverification)
                        FilelistProcessor.VerifyRemoteList(backend, m_options, db, m_result.BackendWriter);

                    BlockVolumeWriter newvol = new BlockVolumeWriter(m_options);
                    newvol.VolumeID = db.RegisterRemoteVolume(newvol.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeType.Blocks, RemoteVolumeState.Temporary, transaction);

                    IndexVolumeWriter newvolindex = null;
                    if (m_options.IndexfilePolicy != Options.IndexFileStrategy.None)
                        newvolindex          = new IndexVolumeWriter(m_options);
                        newvolindex.VolumeID = db.RegisterRemoteVolume(newvolindex.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeType.Index, RemoteVolumeState.Temporary, transaction);
                        db.AddIndexBlockLink(newvolindex.VolumeID, newvol.VolumeID, transaction);

                    long   blocksInVolume = 0;
                    byte[] buffer         = new byte[m_options.Blocksize];
                    var    remoteList     = db.GetRemoteVolumes().Where(n => n.State == RemoteVolumeState.Uploaded || n.State == RemoteVolumeState.Verified).ToArray();

                    //These are for bookkeeping
                    var uploadedVolumes   = new List <KeyValuePair <string, long> >();
                    var deletedVolumes    = new List <KeyValuePair <string, long> >();
                    var downloadedVolumes = new List <KeyValuePair <string, long> >();

                    //We start by deleting unused volumes to save space before uploading new stuff
                    var fullyDeleteable = (from v in remoteList
                                           where report.DeleteableVolumes.Contains(v.Name)
                                           select(IRemoteVolume) v).ToList();
                    deletedVolumes.AddRange(DoDelete(db, backend, fullyDeleteable, ref transaction));

                    // This list is used to pick up unused volumes,
                    // so they can be deleted once the upload of the
                    // required fragments is complete
                    var deleteableVolumes = new List <IRemoteVolume>();

                    if (report.ShouldCompact)
                        var volumesToDownload = (from v in remoteList
                                                 where report.CompactableVolumes.Contains(v.Name)
                                                 select(IRemoteVolume) v).ToList();

                        using (var q = db.CreateBlockQueryHelper(transaction))
                            foreach (var entry in new AsyncDownloader(volumesToDownload, backend))
                                using (var tmpfile = entry.TempFile)
                                    if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)
                                        backend.WaitForComplete(db, transaction);

                                    downloadedVolumes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, long>(entry.Name, entry.Size));
                                    var inst = VolumeBase.ParseFilename(entry.Name);
                                    using (var f = new BlockVolumeReader(inst.CompressionModule, tmpfile, m_options))
                                        foreach (var e in f.Blocks)
                                            if (q.UseBlock(e.Key, e.Value, transaction))
                                                //TODO: How do we get the compression hint? Reverse query for filename in db?
                                                var s = f.ReadBlock(e.Key, buffer);
                                                if (s != e.Value)
                                                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Size mismatch problem for block {0}, {1} vs {2}", e.Key, s, e.Value));

                                                newvol.AddBlock(e.Key, buffer, 0, s, Duplicati.Library.Interface.CompressionHint.Compressible);
                                                if (newvolindex != null)
                                                    newvolindex.AddBlock(e.Key, e.Value);

                                                db.MoveBlockToNewVolume(e.Key, e.Value, newvol.VolumeID, transaction);

                                                if (newvol.Filesize > m_options.VolumeSize)
                                                    uploadedVolumes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, long>(newvol.RemoteFilename, newvol.Filesize));
                                                    if (newvolindex != null)
                                                        uploadedVolumes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, long>(newvolindex.RemoteFilename, newvolindex.Filesize));

                                                    if (!m_options.Dryrun)
                                                        backend.Put(newvol, newvolindex);
                                                        Logging.Log.WriteDryrunMessage(LOGTAG, "WouldUploadGeneratedBlockset", "Would upload generated blockset of size {0}", Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(newvol.Filesize));

                                                    newvol          = new BlockVolumeWriter(m_options);
                                                    newvol.VolumeID = db.RegisterRemoteVolume(newvol.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeType.Blocks, RemoteVolumeState.Temporary, transaction);

                                                    if (m_options.IndexfilePolicy != Options.IndexFileStrategy.None)
                                                        newvolindex          = new IndexVolumeWriter(m_options);
                                                        newvolindex.VolumeID = db.RegisterRemoteVolume(newvolindex.RemoteFilename, RemoteVolumeType.Index, RemoteVolumeState.Temporary, transaction);
                                                        db.AddIndexBlockLink(newvolindex.VolumeID, newvol.VolumeID, transaction);

                                                    blocksInVolume = 0;

                                                    //After we upload this volume, we can delete all previous encountered volumes
                                                    deletedVolumes.AddRange(DoDelete(db, backend, deleteableVolumes, ref transaction));
                                                    deleteableVolumes = new List <IRemoteVolume>();


                            if (blocksInVolume > 0)
                                uploadedVolumes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, long>(newvol.RemoteFilename, newvol.Filesize));
                                if (newvolindex != null)
                                    uploadedVolumes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, long>(newvolindex.RemoteFilename, newvolindex.Filesize));
                                if (!m_options.Dryrun)
                                    backend.Put(newvol, newvolindex);
                                    Logging.Log.WriteDryrunMessage(LOGTAG, "WouldUploadGeneratedBlockset", "Would upload generated blockset of size {0}", Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(newvol.Filesize));
                                db.RemoveRemoteVolume(newvol.RemoteFilename, transaction);
                                if (newvolindex != null)
                                    db.RemoveRemoteVolume(newvolindex.RemoteFilename, transaction);
                                    newvolindex.FinishVolume(null, 0);

                    deletedVolumes.AddRange(DoDelete(db, backend, deleteableVolumes, ref transaction));

                    var downloadSize = downloadedVolumes.Where(x => x.Value >= 0).Aggregate(0L, (a, x) => a + x.Value);
                    var deletedSize  = deletedVolumes.Where(x => x.Value >= 0).Aggregate(0L, (a, x) => a + x.Value);
                    var uploadSize   = uploadedVolumes.Where(x => x.Value >= 0).Aggregate(0L, (a, x) => a + x.Value);

                    m_result.DeletedFileCount    = deletedVolumes.Count;
                    m_result.DownloadedFileCount = downloadedVolumes.Count;
                    m_result.UploadedFileCount   = uploadedVolumes.Count;
                    m_result.DeletedFileSize     = deletedSize;
                    m_result.DownloadedFileSize  = downloadSize;
                    m_result.UploadedFileSize    = uploadSize;
                    m_result.Dryrun = m_options.Dryrun;

                    if (m_result.Dryrun)
                        if (downloadedVolumes.Count == 0)
                            Logging.Log.WriteDryrunMessage(LOGTAG, "CompactResults", "Would delete {0} files, which would reduce storage by {1}", m_result.DeletedFileCount, Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(m_result.DeletedFileSize));
                            Logging.Log.WriteDryrunMessage(LOGTAG, "CompactResults", "Would download {0} file(s) with a total size of {1}, delete {2} file(s) with a total size of {3}, and compact to {4} file(s) with a size of {5}, which would reduce storage by {6} file(s) and {7}",
                                                           Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(m_result.DeletedFileSize), m_result.UploadedFileCount,
                                                           m_result.DeletedFileCount - m_result.UploadedFileCount,
                                                           Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(m_result.DeletedFileSize - m_result.UploadedFileSize));
                        if (m_result.DownloadedFileCount == 0)
                            Logging.Log.WriteInformationMessage(LOGTAG, "CompactResults", "Deleted {0} files, which reduced storage by {1}", m_result.DeletedFileCount, Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(m_result.DeletedFileSize));
                            Logging.Log.WriteInformationMessage(LOGTAG, "CompactResults", "Downloaded {0} file(s) with a total size of {1}, deleted {2} file(s) with a total size of {3}, and compacted to {4} file(s) with a size of {5}, which reduced storage by {6} file(s) and {7}",
                                                                m_result.DeletedFileCount - m_result.UploadedFileCount,
                                                                Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(m_result.DeletedFileSize - m_result.UploadedFileSize));

                    backend.WaitForComplete(db, transaction);

                m_result.EndTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                return((m_result.DeletedFileCount + m_result.UploadedFileCount) > 0);
                m_result.EndTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
Пример #8
 public VolumeUploadRequest(BlockVolumeWriter blockvolume, TemporaryIndexVolume indexvolume)
     BlockVolume = blockvolume;
     IndexVolume = indexvolume;
Пример #9
        private void FinishVolumeAndUpload(LocalDeleteDatabase db, BackendManager backend, BlockVolumeWriter newvol, IndexVolumeWriter newvolindex, List <KeyValuePair <string, long> > uploadedVolumes)
            Action indexVolumeFinished = () => {
                if (newvolindex != null && m_options.IndexfilePolicy == Options.IndexFileStrategy.Full)
                    foreach (var blocklist in db.GetBlocklists(newvol.VolumeID, m_options.Blocksize, m_options.BlockhashSize))
                        newvolindex.WriteBlocklist(blocklist.Item1, blocklist.Item2, 0, blocklist.Item3);

            uploadedVolumes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, long>(newvol.RemoteFilename, newvol.Filesize));
            if (newvolindex != null)
                uploadedVolumes.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, long>(newvolindex.RemoteFilename, newvolindex.Filesize));
            if (!m_options.Dryrun)
                backend.Put(newvol, newvolindex, indexVolumeFinished);
                Logging.Log.WriteDryrunMessage(LOGTAG, "WouldUploadGeneratedBlockset", "Would upload generated blockset of size {0}", Library.Utility.Utility.FormatSizeString(newvol.Filesize));
Пример #10
 public VolumeUploadRequest(BlockVolumeWriter blockvolume, bool createindexvolume)
     BlockVolume       = blockvolume;
     CreateIndexVolume = createindexvolume;
Пример #11
 public SpillVolumeRequest(BlockVolumeWriter blockvolume, TemporaryIndexVolume indexvolume)
     BlockVolume = blockvolume;
     IndexVolume = indexvolume;