private void RefreshOverview() { Controls.Clear(); AxisList.Clear(); foreach (KeyValuePair <Guid, List <Control> > entry in ControlManager.Blocks) { foreach (Control c in entry.Value) { try { BlockHandlerController.GetID(c.BlockGUID); } catch { continue; } if (c.Axis == null) { continue; } if (!Controls.ContainsKey(c.Axis)) { Controls[c.Axis] = new List <Control>(); } if (!AxisList.Contains(c.Axis)) { AxisList.Add(c.Axis); } if (!Controls[c.Axis].Contains(c)) { Controls[c.Axis].Add(c); } } } }
internal static ControlOverview Open(bool onload = false) { BlockHandlerController.InitializeBuildingBlockIDs(); foreach (ControlOverview x in ACM.Instance.gameObject.GetComponents <ControlOverview>()) { Destroy(x); } var instance = ACM.Instance.gameObject.AddComponent <ControlOverview>(); instance.enabled = false; instance.windowRect.x = Screen.width - 280 - 400; instance.windowRect.y = 200; instance.RefreshOverview(); if (onload) { if (instance.AxisList.TrueForAll(name => { var axis = AxisManager.Get(name); return(axis != null && (axis.Status == AxisStatus.OK || axis.Status == AxisStatus.NotRunning)); })) { Destroy(instance); return(null); } } instance.enabled = true; return(instance); }
/// <summary> /// Handles starting and stopping of the simulation. /// </summary> /// <param name="isSimulating"></param> internal void OnSimulationToggle(bool isSimulating) { Functions.ResetTimer(); BlockHandlerController.DestroyBlockHandlers(); if (enableScript && PythonEnvironment.Loaded) { DestroyScriptingEnvironment(); CreateScriptingEnvironment(); } ScriptOptions.Instance.SuccessMessage = null; ScriptOptions.Instance.NoteMessage = null; ScriptOptions.Instance.ErrorMessage = null; }
/// <summary> /// Is called on OnInitialisation to retrieve BlockHandler reference. /// If the control has no associated block, it is deleted. /// </summary> protected virtual void Initialise() { try { Block = BlockHandlerController.GetBlock(BlockGUID); var axis = AxisManager.Get(Axis); if (Enabled && Block != null && axis != null && axis.Status == AxisStatus.OK) { ClearKeys(); } } catch (BlockNotFoundException) { Block = null; ControlManager.Blocks.Remove(BlockGUID); } }
private void DoWindow(int id) { // Draw close button if (GUI.Button(new Rect(windowRect.width - 38, 8, 30, 30), "×", Elements.Buttons.Red)) { Visible = false; } string sequential_id; try { sequential_id = BlockHandlerController.GetID(block.Guid); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { Visible = false; return; } // Sequential identifier field GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.TextField(sequential_id); if (GUILayout.Button("✂", Elements.Buttons.Red, GUILayout.Width(30))) { Clipboard = sequential_id; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // GUID field GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.TextField(block.Guid.ToString()); if (GUILayout.Button("✂", Elements.Buttons.Red, GUILayout.Width(30))) { Clipboard = block.Guid.ToString(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, windowRect.width,; }
private void DrawAxis(string axis) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); var buttonRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(new GUIContent(" "), Elements.Buttons.Default); var a = AxisManager.Get(axis); if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, axis, a != null ? a.Saveable ? Elements.Buttons.Default : Elements.Buttons.Disabled : Elements.Buttons.Red)) { var callback = new SelectAxisDelegate((InputAxis new_axis) => { AssignAxis(axis, new_axis.Name); }); if (popup == null) { popup = AxisSelector.Open(callback, true); } else { popup.Callback = callback; } popup.windowRect.x = windowRect.x + buttonRect.x - 8; popup.windowRect.y = windowRect.y + + buttonRect.y - scrollPosition.y - 8; } if (a != null && GUILayout.Button("✎", new GUIStyle(Elements.Buttons.Default) { fontSize = 20, padding = new RectOffset(-3, 0, 0, 0) }, GUILayout.Width(30), GUILayout.MaxHeight(28))) { var Editor = ACM.Instance.gameObject.AddComponent <AxisEditorWindow>(); Editor.windowRect.x = Mathf.Clamp(windowRect.x + windowRect.width, -320 +, Screen.width -; Editor.windowRect.y = Mathf.Clamp(windowRect.y, 0, Screen.height -; Editor.EditAxis(a, new SelectAxisDelegate((InputAxis new_axis) => { AssignAxis(axis, new_axis.Name); })); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Draw graph string text; if (a == null) { text = "NOT FOUND"; } else if (a.Status != AxisStatus.OK) { text = InputAxis.GetStatusString(a.Status); } else { text = ""; } GUILayout.Label(" <color=#808080><b>" + text + "</b></color>", new GUIStyle(Elements.Labels.Default) { richText = true, alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, margin = new RectOffset(8, 8, 8, 8) }, GUILayout.Height(20)); var graphRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); Util.DrawRect(graphRect, Color.gray); Util.FillRect(new Rect( graphRect.x + graphRect.width / 2, graphRect.y, 1, graphRect.height), Color.gray); if (a != null && a.Status == AxisStatus.OK) { Util.FillRect(new Rect( graphRect.x + graphRect.width / 2 + graphRect.width / 2 * a.OutputValue, graphRect.y, 1, graphRect.height), Color.yellow); } // Draw assigned controls list foreach (Control c in Controls[axis]) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("×", new GUIStyle(Elements.Buttons.Red) { margin = new RectOffset(8, 8, 0, 0) }, GUILayout.Width(20), GUILayout.Height(20))) { c.Axis = null; c.Enabled = false; } string block_name; try { block_name = BlockHandlerController.GetID(c.BlockGUID); } catch { block_name = "..."; } GUILayout.Label("<b>" + c.Name + "</b> for " + block_name, Elements.Labels.LogEntry); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.Box(GUIContent.none, GUILayout.Height(8)); }
/// <summary> /// Mod functionality. /// Calls Python functions. /// </summary> private void Update() { // Initialize block handlers if (Game.IsSimulating && !BlockHandlerController.Initialised) { BlockHandlerController.InitializeBlockHandlers(); } // Initialize block identifiers if (!Game.IsSimulating && rebuildIDs) { rebuildIDs = false; BlockHandlerController.InitializeBuildingBlockIDs(); } // Execute code on first call if (Game.IsSimulating && PythonEnvironment.Loaded && enableScript && (scriptFile != null || scriptCode != null)) { LoadScript(); scriptFile = null; scriptCode = null; } // Toggle watchlist visibility if (PythonEnvironment.Loaded && Keybindings.Get("Watchlist").Pressed()) { Watchlist.Instance.Visible = !Watchlist.Instance.Visible; } // Toggle options visibility if (PythonEnvironment.Loaded && Keybindings.Get("Script Options").Pressed()) { ScriptOptions.Instance.Visible = !ScriptOptions.Instance.Visible; } if (!Game.IsSimulating) { // Show block identifiers if (PythonEnvironment.Loaded && Keybindings.Get("Show Block ID").IsDown()) { ShowBlockIdentifiers(); } } if (!Game.IsSimulating) { return; } // Call script update. try { if (!runtime_error) { PythonEnvironment.ScripterEnvironment?.CallUpdate(); } } catch (Exception e) { runtime_error = true; if (e.InnerException != null) { e = e.InnerException; } ScriptOptions.Instance.ErrorMessage = "Runtime error.\nSee console (Ctrl+K) for more info."; Debug.Log("<b><color=#FF0000>Python error: " + e.Message + "</color></b>\n" + PythonEnvironment.FormatException(e)); } }