/// <summary>
    /// Creates bleed light objects based on the stored bleed light data.
    /// Does not set references to any other game objects for the bleed lights
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="bleedLightParent">Transform that will serve as the parent of the new bleed lights</param>
    /// <param name="bleedLightPrefab">Prefab of a bleed light</param>
    public static void LoadBleedLights(Transform bleedLightParent, GameObject bleedLightPrefab)
        // Get the amount of bleed lights
        ChildAmountData bleedLightAmData  = SaveSystem.LoadBleedLightAmount();
        int             amountBleedLights = bleedLightAmData.GetChildAmount();

        // Load each bleed light
        for (int i = 0; i < amountBleedLights; ++i)
            // Get the data saved for the bleed light
            BleedLightData bleedLightData = SaveSystem.LoadBleedLight(i);
            // Create the new bleed light as a child of the bleed light parent
            GameObject bleedLightObj = Object.Instantiate(bleedLightPrefab, bleedLightParent);

            // Set its transform components
            bleedLightObj.transform.position = bleedLightData.GetPosition();
            bleedLightObj.transform.rotation = bleedLightData.GetRotation();

            // Get its SpriteRenderer
            SpriteRenderer sprRendRef = bleedLightObj.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
            if (sprRendRef == null)
                Debug.LogError("No SpriteRenderer attached to " + bleedLightObj.name);
            // Set the color of the sprite renderer
            sprRendRef.color = bleedLightData.GetSpriteRendererColor();
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets bleed light references based on their data
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="roomParent">Parent of all the rooms</param>
    /// <param name="bleedLightsParent">Parent of all the bleed lights</param>
    private static void LoadBleedLightReferences(Transform roomParent, Transform bleedLightsParent)
        // Get the amount of bleed lights
        int amountBleedLights = bleedLightsParent.childCount;

        // Load each bleed light
        for (int i = 0; i < amountBleedLights; ++i)
            // Get the data saved for the bleed light
            BleedLightData bleedLightData = SaveSystem.LoadBleedLight(i);
            // Get the actual bleed light
            BleedLight curBleedLight = bleedLightsParent.GetChild(i).GetComponent <BleedLight>();

            // Set its references based on the data
            // Broadcast room
            int  broadcastSiblingIndex = bleedLightData.GetBroadcastRoomSiblingIndex();
            Room newBroadcastRoom      = roomParent.GetChild(broadcastSiblingIndex).GetComponent <Room>();
            curBleedLight.BroadcastRoom = newBroadcastRoom;
            // Receive room
            int  receiveSiblingIndex = bleedLightData.GetReceiveRoomSiblingIndex();
            Room newReceiveRoom      = roomParent.GetChild(receiveSiblingIndex).GetComponent <Room>();
            curBleedLight.ReceiveRoom = newReceiveRoom;