public void SubmitForm() { var newDate = new DateTime(Booking2Change.BookingTime.Year, Booking2Change.BookingTime.Month, Booking2Change.BookingTime.Day, Time.Hour, Time.Minute, 0); Booking2Change.BookingTime = newDate; BlazoredModal?.Close(ModalResult.Ok(Booking2Change)); }
public async Task CreateNewEmployee() { var authState = await authenticationStateTask; int UserId = 0; if (authState.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { var User = await UserManager.GetUserAsync(authState.User); UserId = User.Id; } var user = new Employee { FirstName = Input.FirstName, LastName = Input.LastName, Email = Input.Email, PhoneNumber = Input.PhoneNumber, Location = Input.Location, FranchiseeId = UserId, StoreId = Input.StoreId }; IdentityResult result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, Input.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { Logger.LogInformation("Franchisee created a new account with password."); await EmailManager.SendConfirmationEmailAsync(user); } await BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Ok(true)); }
public void Save() { var inscriptionController = new BaseController <Inscription>(); if (Inscription.ChildId == null) { StateHasChanged(); } else { Inscription.DayChoose = Inscription.DayChoose.Date.ToUniversalTime(); if (Edit) { inscriptionController.ReplaceOne(Inscription); inscriptionController.UpdateLinkedLists(Inscription); } else { inscriptionController.Insert(Inscription); inscriptionController.UpdateLinkedLists(Inscription); } BlazoredModal.Close(); } }
public async Task AddToDo() { if (CallbackAddToDo.HasDelegate) { await CallbackAddToDo.InvokeAsync(toDo); } await BlazoredModal.Close(); }
protected void Submit() { if (_editContext.Validate()) { UserRepository.Save(MobileSubscription); ToastService.ShowSuccess("Abonnement toegevoegd."); BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Ok <MobileSubscription>(MobileSubscription)); } }
private async Task HandleSubmit() { var result = await(AuthenticationService as IAuthenticationService).SignIn(LoginModel); IsAuthenticateError = !result; LoginModel = new LoginModel(); if (result) { await BlazoredModal.Close(); } }
private Task SubmitVoteAsync(string vote) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vote)) { return(Task.CompletedTask); } BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Ok(vote, typeof(string))); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
protected async Task SaveOriginAsync() { var isNewOrigin = Origin.OriginId == 0; if (isNewOrigin) { Origin.DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow; } else { Origin.DateModified = DateTime.UtcNow; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(OriginUri)) { Origin.Uri = new Uri(OriginUri); } Origin.ParentOrigin = SelectedParentOrigin; Origin.CreatedBy ??= UserId; Origin.ModifiedBy = UserId; if (Origin.Location != null) { if (Origin.Location.IsNotEmpty()) { if (Origin.Location.LocationId == 0) { Origin.Location.DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow; } else { Origin.Location.DateModified = DateTime.UtcNow; } } else { Origin.Location = null; } } Origin = await ApiClient.PutOriginAsync(Origin); if (BlazoredModal != null) { await BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Ok(Origin)); } else { await CancelAsync(isNewOrigin); } }
public async void HandleValidSubmit() { if (Agency.Id == 0 && await _agencyService.AddAgency(Agency)) { _toastService.ShowSuccess("Agence ajoutée avec succès"); await BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Ok(Agency)); } else if (Agency.Id > 0 && await _agencyService.UpdateAgency(Agency)) { _toastService.ShowSuccess("Agence enregistrée avec succès"); await BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Ok(Agency)); } }
protected async Task LogIn() { var result = await AccountService.Login(User); if (result.Successful) { BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Ok(true)); } else { ErrorMessage = result.Error; } }
private void ReturnLines(string text) { var lines = text.Split(new string[] { "\r\n", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var dto = new DTOs.ProxiesForImportDto { Lines = lines, DefaultType = defaultType, DefaultUsername = defaultUsername, DefaultPassword = defaultPassword }; BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Ok(dto)); }
protected async Task SalvarEdicao() { var titulo = isEditing ? "Atualização de Afiliado" : "Inclusão de Afiliado"; await AddOrUpdateAfiliado(esteAfiliado); await MessageBox(titulo, "Registro Gravado com Sucesso!!!", "success", "Ok", string.Empty, false); await BlazoredModal.Close(); SetNew(); StateHasChanged(); OpenPage("/afiliadoindex", true); }
protected async Task SalvarLancamento() { var titulo = isEditing ? "Alteração de Lançamento" : "Inclusão de Lançamento"; var mensagem = isEditing ? "Lançamento alterado com sucesso!!!" : "Lançamento incluído com sucesso!!!"; await AddOrUpdateLancamento(); //await MessageBox(titulo, mensagem, "success", "Ok", string.Empty, false); ShowToast(titulo, mensagem, MatToastType.Success); await BlazoredModal.Close(); await GoToIndex(true); }
protected async Task HandleValidSubmit() { var response = await AirportDataService.AddAirport(Airport); if (response != null) { await BlazoredModal.Close(); ToastService.ShowSuccess($"New Airport {response.ICAO} was created"); } //await CloseEventCallback.InvokeAsync(true); StateHasChanged(); }
protected void Submit() { if (_item != null) { ParentItem.AddItem(_item); Repository.Save(ParentItem); BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Ok <Item>(_item)); ToastService.ShowSuccess("Item inbegrepen"); } else { ToastService.ShowWarning("Selecteer een item."); } }
protected async Task CreateAccount() { ShowErrors = false; var result = await AccountService.Register(User); if (result.Successful) { BlazoredModal.Close(); } else { Errors = result.Errors; ShowErrors = true; } }
protected async Task CreateTable() { ShowErrors = false; var result = await TableService.Create(PokerTable); if (result.Successful) { BlazoredModal.Close(); } else { Errors = result.Errors; ShowErrors = true; } }
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { try { _accounts = await UserRepository.GetAllMobileAccounts(); if (Account != null) { _selectedAccount = Account.Id; CheckHasSubs(); } } catch (Exception ex) { BlazoredModal.Close(); } }
protected async Task EditNotes() { ShowErrors = false; Console.WriteLine(EditNotesModel.CurrentNote); var result = await PlayerNoteService.Create(new CreateNoteModel { Description = EditNotesModel.CurrentNote, NotedPlayerName = NotedPlayerName }); if (result.Successful) { BlazoredModal.Close(); } else { Errors = result.Errors; ShowErrors = true; } }
protected async Task <bool> MessageBoxModal(string titulo, string conteudo, string icone, string textoConfirma = "Confirma", string textoCancela = "Cancela", bool isConfirmed = true, bool isHtml = false) { _ = BlazoredModal.Close().ConfigureAwait(false); bool choice = false; var myicone = (SweetAlertIcon)icone; if (!isConfirmed) { textoConfirma = "Ok"; } await Swal.FireAsync(new SweetAlertOptions { Title = titulo, Html = isHtml ? conteudo : null, Text = conteudo, AllowEnterKey = true, Icon = myicone, ShowCancelButton = isConfirmed, ConfirmButtonText = textoConfirma, CancelButtonText = textoCancela, CancelButtonColor = "error", AllowEscapeKey = true }).ContinueWith(swalTask => { SweetAlertResult result = swalTask.Result; if (result.Dismiss != DismissReason.Cancel) { choice = true; } else if (result.Dismiss == DismissReason.Cancel) { Swal.FireAsync( "Oops!!!!!", "Ação Cancelada!", SweetAlertIcon.Error ); } }); return(choice); }
public async Task CreateNewFranchisee() { var user = new Franchisee { FirstName = Input.FirstName, LastName = Input.LastName, Email = Input.Email, PhoneNumber = Input.PhoneNumber, Location = Input.Location }; IdentityResult result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, Input.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { Logger.LogInformation("Franchisee created a new account with password."); await EmailManager.SendConfirmationEmailAsync(user); } await BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Ok(true)); }
protected async Task SaveSpecimenAsync() { var isNewSpecimen = Specimen.SpecimenId == 0; if (isNewSpecimen) { Specimen.DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow; } else { Specimen.DateModified = DateTime.UtcNow; } if (SelectedLifeform != null) { Specimen.Lifeform = SelectedLifeform.LifeformId > 0 ? SelectedLifeform : null; } PopulateInventoryItemName(); Specimen.InventoryItem.Origin = SelectedOrigin; Specimen.InventoryItem.Name = Specimen.Name; Specimen.InventoryItem.Quantity = Specimen.Quantity; Specimen.Photos = UploadedPhotos.Any() ? UploadedPhotos : null; Specimen = await ApiClient.PutSpecimenAsync(Specimen); if (BlazoredModal != null) { await BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Ok(Specimen)); } else { await CancelAsync(isNewSpecimen); } }
protected void Cancel() => BlazoredModal.Close();
void OkClicked() { BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Ok <FuzzyModelDescriptionData>(Data)); }
protected async Task SaveActivityAsync() { var isNewActivity = Activity.ActivityId == 0; if (isNewActivity) { Activity.DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow; } else { Activity.DateModified = DateTime.UtcNow; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Activity.Name)) { PopulateActivityName(); } Activity.Photos = UploadedPhotos.Any() ? UploadedPhotos : null; if (SelectedSpecimen != null) { Activity.Specimen = SelectedSpecimen; } if (UpdateSpecimen && Activity.Quantity.HasValue) { var stage = GetSpecimenStage(Activity.ActivityType); if (Activity.Quantity == SelectedSpecimen.InventoryItem.Quantity) { SelectedSpecimen.SpecimenStage = stage; } else { var newSpecimen = new Specimen { SpecimenStage = stage, Lifeform = SelectedSpecimen.Lifeform, InventoryItem = new InventoryItem { Name = SelectedSpecimen.InventoryItem.Name, ItemType = ItemType.Specimen, Quantity = Activity.Quantity.Value, Status = SelectedSpecimen.InventoryItem.Status, Inventory = SelectedSpecimen.InventoryItem.Inventory, Origin = SelectedSpecimen.InventoryItem.Origin, DateAcquired = Activity.DateOccurred, DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow, CreatedBy = UserId }, ParentSpecimen = SelectedSpecimen, CreatedBy = UserId, DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow }; newSpecimen = await ApiClient.PutSpecimenAsync(newSpecimen); Activity.Specimen = newSpecimen; SelectedSpecimen.InventoryItem.Quantity -= Activity.Quantity.Value; } await ApiClient.PutSpecimenAsync(SelectedSpecimen); } Activity = await ApiClient.PutActivityAsync(Activity); Id = Activity.ActivityId; if (BlazoredModal != null) { await BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Ok(Activity)); } else { await CancelAsync(isNewActivity); } }
void OkClicked() { BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Ok(true)); }
void OkClicked() { BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Ok <string>(string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value) ? "" : Value)); }
protected void JoinTable() { BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Ok(JoinTableModal.Amount)); }
void CancelClicked() { BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Cancel()); }
protected async Task SavePlantInfoAsync() { var isNewPlantInfo = PlantInfo.PlantInfoId == 0; if (isNewPlantInfo) { PlantInfo.DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow; } else { PlantInfo.DateModified = DateTime.UtcNow; } PlantInfo.Origin = SelectedOrigin; PlantInfo.Photos = UploadedPhotos.Any() ? UploadedPhotos : null; PlantInfo.Lifeform = PlantInfo.SelectedLifeform; PlantInfo.CreatedBy = UserId; PlantInfo.Requirements.StratificationStages = ChosenStratificationStages != null && ChosenStratificationStages.Any() ? ChosenStratificationStages.ToList() : null; PlantInfo.WildlifeEffects = ChosenWildlifeEffects != null && ChosenWildlifeEffects.Any() ? ChosenWildlifeEffects.ToList() : null; PlantInfo.SoilTypes = ChosenSoilTypes != null && ChosenSoilTypes.Any() ? ChosenSoilTypes.ToList() : null; if (PlantInfo.Height.MinimumHeight.HasValue || PlantInfo.Height.MaximumHeight.HasValue) { PlantInfo.Height.Unit = DistanceUnit.Feet; } else { PlantInfo.Height.Unit = DistanceUnit.Unknown; } if (PlantInfo.Spread.MinimumSpread.HasValue || PlantInfo.Spread.MaximumSpread.HasValue) { PlantInfo.Spread.Unit = DistanceUnit.Feet; } else { PlantInfo.Spread.Unit = DistanceUnit.Unknown; } if (MinimumZoneId != PlantInfo.Requirements.ZoneRequirements?.MinimumZone?.Id) { PlantInfo.Requirements.ZoneRequirements = new ZoneRequirements { MinimumZone = Zones.First(z => z.Id == MinimumZoneId) }; } if (MaximumZoneId != PlantInfo.Requirements.ZoneRequirements?.MaximumZone?.Id) { if (PlantInfo.Requirements.ZoneRequirements == null) { PlantInfo.Requirements.ZoneRequirements = new ZoneRequirements { MaximumZone = Zones.First(z => z.Id == MaximumZoneId) }; } else { PlantInfo.Requirements.ZoneRequirements.MaximumZone = Zones.First(z => z.Id == MaximumZoneId); } } PlantInfo = await ApiClient.PutPlantInfoAsync(PlantInfo); if (BlazoredModal != null) { await BlazoredModal.Close(ModalResult.Ok(PlantInfo)); } else { await CancelAsync(isNewPlantInfo); } }