        /// <summary>   Gets the output file from the input file path. </summary>
        /// <param name="tagsDirectory">    Pathname of the tags directory. </param>
        /// <param name="dataDirectory">    Pathname of the data directory. </param>
        /// <param name="inputFile">        The input file path. </param>
        /// <returns>   The output file path. </returns>
        private string GetOutputFile(string tagsDirectory, string dataDirectory, string inputFile)
            var input = new BlamTagPath(tagsDirectory);


            var outputFile = Path.Combine(dataDirectory, input.TagPath);

            outputFile = Path.ChangeExtension(outputFile, ".dae");

        /// <summary>	Adds a job to the extraction queue</summary>
        /// <param name="modelFile">	    The path of the model tag. </param>
        /// <param name="extractionData">	The extraction data to use. </param>
        public void AddJob(string modelFile, IExtractionData extractionData)
            // Clone the extraction data, then override the model extraction data values
            var clonedData          = extractionData.Clone() as IExtractionData;
            var modelExtractionData = clonedData.Get <ModelExtractionData>();

            var outputFile = GetOutputFile(modelExtractionData.TagsDirectory.AbsoluteFolder, modelExtractionData.DataDirectory.AbsoluteFolder, modelFile);

            var tagPath = new BlamTagPath(modelExtractionData.TagsDirectory.AbsoluteFolder);


            modelExtractionData.TagFile    = tagPath;
            modelExtractionData.OutputFile = outputFile;

            // Add an extraction job to the extraction manager
            var modelExtractor = mExtractorFactory.GetExtractionJob(Path.GetExtension(modelFile), clonedData);

        /// <summary>	Imports lightmap coordinates into a bsp. </summary>
        public void ImportLightmap()
            // Verify the directory settings are correct
            var importerSettings = GetImporterSettings();

            if (!Directory.Exists(importerSettings.DataFolder))
                mMessageHandler.SendMessage("The selected data directory does not exist");

            if (!Directory.Exists(importerSettings.TagsFolder))
                mMessageHandler.SendMessage("The selected tags directory does not exist");

            var tagsDir = new BlamPath(importerSettings.TagsFolder);
            var dataDir = new BlamPath(importerSettings.DataFolder);

            // Get the input files
            string structureBSPPath = GetInputFile(GetImporterSettings().TagsFolder, "Select the BSP tag", "Structure BSP (*.scenario_structure_bsp)|*.scenario_structure_bsp");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(structureBSPPath))
                mMessageHandler.SendMessage("No BSP tag was selected");

            string colladaPath = GetInputFile(GetImporterSettings().DataFolder, "Select the COLLADA file", "COLLADA (*.dae)|*.dae");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(colladaPath))
                mMessageHandler.SendMessage("No COLLADA file was selected");

            // Verify the selected files are under the right directories
            var absoluteBSPFile = Path.GetFullPath(structureBSPPath);

            if (System.String.Compare(absoluteBSPFile, 0, tagsDir.AbsoluteFolder, 0, tagsDir.AbsoluteFolder.Length, true) != 0)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The selected BSP file is not under the tags directory", "Invalid File Path", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            var absoluteCOLLADAFile = Path.GetFullPath(colladaPath);

            if (System.String.Compare(absoluteCOLLADAFile, 0, dataDir.AbsoluteFolder, 0, dataDir.AbsoluteFolder.Length, true) != 0)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The selected COLLADA file is not under the data directory", "Invalid File Path", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            // Run the import process
            var lightmapImporter = new Importer.LightmapImporter();

            lightmapImporter.MessageSent += MessageRedirect;

            var tagPath = new BlamTagPath(tagsDir.AbsoluteFolder);


            bool result = lightmapImporter.ImportTexcoords(tagsDir.AbsoluteFolder, tagPath.TagPath, absoluteCOLLADAFile);

            lightmapImporter.MessageSent -= MessageRedirect;

            if (!result)
                mMessageHandler.SendMessage("Lightmap UV import failed");

            mMessageHandler.SendMessage("Lightmap UV import completed");