Пример #1
    public void Awake()
        // parse font xml
        if (!useRexPaintFont)
            string    fontXmlText = bitmapFontXml.text;
            XmlReader reader      = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(fontXmlText));
            while (reader.Read())
                // parse texture size
                if (reader.LocalName == "common")
                    textureSize = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("scaleW"));

                // parse glyph
                else if (reader.LocalName == "char")
                    string glyphString = char.ConvertFromUtf32(int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("id")));

                    // new glyph
                    if (!glyphs.ContainsKey(glyphString))
                        BitmapFontGlyph glyph = new BitmapFontGlyph();
                        glyph.glyphString = glyphString;
                        glyph.x           = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("x"));
                        glyph.y           = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("y"));
                        glyph.xOffset     = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("xoffset"));
                        glyph.yOffset     = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("yoffset"));
                        glyph.width       = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("width"));
                        glyph.height      = float.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("height"));
                        glyphs.Add(glyphString, glyph);
                        glyph.RecalculateGlyphMetrics(glyphWidth, glyphHeight, textureSize, 0f);

        // use REXPaint font instead
            // get ibmgraph mapping
            Dictionary <int, int> ibmGraphMapping = BitmapFont.GetIBMGRAPHMapping(IBMGRAPH);

            // set glyph size
            rexPaintGlyphSize = rexPaintTextureSize / (float)rexPaintGridSize;

            // set texture size
            textureSize = rexPaintTextureSize;

            // add glyphs
            for (int y = 0; y < rexPaintGridSize; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < rexPaintGridSize; x++)
                    string glyphString = CP437ToUnicode(Mathf.RoundToInt(y * rexPaintGridSize + x), ibmGraphMapping);

                    // new glyph
                    if (!glyphs.ContainsKey(glyphString))
                        BitmapFontGlyph glyph = new BitmapFontGlyph();
                        glyph.glyphString = glyphString;
                        glyph.x           = x * rexPaintGlyphSize;
                        glyph.y           = y * rexPaintGlyphSize;
                        glyph.xOffset     = 0f;
                        glyph.yOffset     = 0f;
                        glyph.width       = rexPaintGlyphSize;
                        glyph.height      = rexPaintGlyphSize;
                        glyphs.Add(glyph.glyphString, glyph);

        // finished loading font
        fontLoaded = true;
        Debug.Log("FONT TEXTURE SIZE: " + textureSize);
        Debug.Log(glyphs.Count + " GLYPHS LOADED!");
Пример #2
    public void Update()
        // finished initializing
        if (initialized)
            // update cells
            LinkedListNode <Cell> cellNode = cellList.First;
            while (cellNode != null)
                cellNode = cellNode.Next;

            // update display meshes
            for (int y = 0; y < displayHeight; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < displayWidth; x++)
                    // get top layer for cell
                    LinkedList <int> topLayersForCell = topLayers[x, y];

                    // get cell at top layer
                    Cell cell = null;
                    if (topLayersForCell.First != null)
                        cell = cells[topLayersForCell.Last.Value][x, y];

                    // empty cell
                    if (cell == null || cell.content == "")
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                            // update display mesh vertices, uvs and colors
                            foreground.meshVertices[(y * displayWidth + x) * 4 + i] = zero3;
                            foreground.meshUVs[(y * displayWidth + x) * 4 + i]      = zero2;
                            foreground.meshColors[(y * displayWidth + x) * 4 + i]   = clearColor;
                            background.meshColors[(y * displayWidth + x) * 4 + i]   = cell != null ? cell.backgroundColor : clearColor;

                    // filled cell
                        BitmapFontGlyph glyph = font.GetGlyph(cell.content);
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                            // update display mesh vertices, uvs and colors
                            foreground.meshVertices[(y * displayWidth + x) * 4 + i] = new Vector3(
                                x * quadWidth + glyph.vertices[i].x * quadWidth,
                                -y * quadHeight + glyph.vertices[i].y * quadHeight - quadHeight,
                            foreground.meshUVs[(y * displayWidth + x) * 4 + i]    = glyph.uvs[i];
                            foreground.meshColors[(y * displayWidth + x) * 4 + i] = cell.color;
                            background.meshColors[(y * displayWidth + x) * 4 + i] = cell.backgroundColor;

            // apply display mesh updates

            // capture screenshot
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P))
                //ScreenCapture.CaptureScreenshot("ascii_" + Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue) + ".png");