Пример #1
 protected override void SetBoundsCore(int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified)
     if (this.int_5 != 0)
             System.Type type  = typeof(Form);
             FieldInfo   field = type.GetField("FormStateExWindowBoundsWidthIsClientSize", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
             FieldInfo   info2 = type.GetField("formStateEx", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
             FieldInfo   info3 = type.GetField("restoredWindowBounds", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
             if (((field != null) && (info2 != null)) && (info3 != null))
                 Rectangle           rectangle = (Rectangle)info3.GetValue(this);
                 BitVector32.Section section   = (BitVector32.Section)field.GetValue(this);
                 BitVector32         vector    = (BitVector32)info2.GetValue(this);
                 if (vector[section] == 1)
                     width  = rectangle.Width;
                     height = rectangle.Height;
     base.SetBoundsCore(x, y, width, height, specified);
Пример #2
 protected virtual Size PatchFormSizeInRestoreWindowBoundsIfNecessary(int width, int height)
     if (WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal)
             FieldInfo       fiRestoredBoundsSpecified = typeof(Form).GetField("restoredWindowBoundsSpecified", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
             BoundsSpecified restoredSpecified         = (BoundsSpecified)fiRestoredBoundsSpecified.GetValue(this);
             if ((restoredSpecified & BoundsSpecified.Size) != BoundsSpecified.None)
                 FieldInfo fi1         = typeof(Form).GetField("FormStateExWindowBoundsWidthIsClientSize", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static),
                           fiFormState = typeof(Form).GetField("formStateEx", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance),
                           fiBounds    = typeof(Form).GetField("restoredWindowBounds", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                 if (fi1 != null && fiFormState != null && fiBounds != null)
                     Rectangle           restoredWindowBounds = (Rectangle)fiBounds.GetValue(this);
                     BitVector32.Section bi1   = (BitVector32.Section)fi1.GetValue(this);
                     BitVector32         state = (BitVector32)fiFormState.GetValue(this);
                     if (state[bi1] == 1)
                         width  = restoredWindowBounds.Width + BorderSize * 2;
                         height = restoredWindowBounds.Height + BorderSize * 2;
     return(new Size(width, height));
Пример #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //для того чтобы сделаь герлянду и чтобы лампочки менялись одновременно - нужно использовать то секции.

            BitVector32.Section firstSection  = BitVector32.CreateSection(10);                 // 0xA Hex - 1010 Bin   //4 байта
            BitVector32.Section secondSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(50, firstSection);   // 0x32 Hex - 110010 Bin
            BitVector32.Section thirdSection  = BitVector32.CreateSection(500, secondSection); // 0x1F4 Hex 111110100 Bin
            BitVector32.Section fourthSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(500, thirdSection);
            var packedBits = new BitVector32(0);

            packedBits[firstSection]  = 10;               // ....000000000000001010
            packedBits[secondSection] = 50;               // ....000000001100101010  //т.е добавилось 110010 после 1010
            packedBits[thirdSection]  = 500;              //и так далее
            packedBits[fourthSection] = 499;              //и так далее

            Console.WriteLine(packedBits[firstSection]);  //выведет 10
            Console.WriteLine(packedBits[secondSection]); //выведет 50
            Console.WriteLine(packedBits[thirdSection]);  //выведет 500
            Console.WriteLine(packedBits[fourthSection]); //выведет 499

            Console.WriteLine(packedBits);                //то, что нас интересует
            Console.WriteLine(packedBits.Data);           //выводится число, которое представляет собой последовательность бит.
            //это число нам ничего не говорит

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Data used for testing unequal sections.
        /// </summary>
        /// Format is:
        ///  1. Section left
        ///  2. Section right
        /// <returns>Row of data</returns>
        public static IEnumerable <object[]> Section_Unequal_Data()
            BitVector32.Section original = BitVector32.CreateSection(16);
            BitVector32.Section nested   = BitVector32.CreateSection(16, original);

            yield return(new object[] { original, BitVector32.CreateSection(1) });

            yield return(new object[] { BitVector32.CreateSection(1), original });

            yield return(new object[] { original, nested });

            yield return(new object[] { nested, original });

            yield return(new object[] { nested, BitVector32.CreateSection(1, BitVector32.CreateSection(short.MaxValue)) });

            yield return(new object[] { BitVector32.CreateSection(1, BitVector32.CreateSection(short.MaxValue)), nested });

            yield return(new object[] { nested, BitVector32.CreateSection(16, BitVector32.CreateSection(short.MaxValue)) });

            yield return(new object[] { BitVector32.CreateSection(16, BitVector32.CreateSection(short.MaxValue)), nested });

            yield return(new object[] { nested, BitVector32.CreateSection(1, original) });

            yield return(new object[] { BitVector32.CreateSection(1, original), nested });
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Data used for testing equal sections.
        /// </summary>
        /// Format is:
        ///  1. Section left
        ///  2. Section right
        /// <returns>Row of data</returns>
        public static IEnumerable <object[]> Section_Equal_Data()
            BitVector32.Section original = BitVector32.CreateSection(16);
            BitVector32.Section nested   = BitVector32.CreateSection(16, original);

            yield return(new object[] { original, original });

            yield return(new object[] { original, BitVector32.CreateSection(16) });

            yield return(new object[] { BitVector32.CreateSection(16), original });

            // Since the max value is changed to an inclusive mask, equal to mask max value
            yield return(new object[] { original, BitVector32.CreateSection(31) });

            yield return(new object[] { nested, nested });

            yield return(new object[] { nested, BitVector32.CreateSection(16, original) });

            yield return(new object[] { BitVector32.CreateSection(16, original), nested });

            yield return(new object[] { nested, BitVector32.CreateSection(31, original) });

            yield return(new object[] { nested, BitVector32.CreateSection(16, BitVector32.CreateSection(16)) });

            yield return(new object[] { BitVector32.CreateSection(16, BitVector32.CreateSection(16)), nested });

            yield return(new object[] { nested, BitVector32.CreateSection(31, BitVector32.CreateSection(16)) });

            // Because it only stores the offset, and not the previous section, later sections may be equal
            yield return(new object[] { nested, BitVector32.CreateSection(16, BitVector32.CreateSection(8, BitVector32.CreateSection(1))) });

            yield return(new object[] { BitVector32.CreateSection(16, BitVector32.CreateSection(8, BitVector32.CreateSection(1))), nested });
    public static void Main()
        // Store and access individual bit values using masks
        BitVector32 bv1 = new BitVector32(0);

        Console.WriteLine("bv1 intial value: \t" + (Convert.ToString(bv1.Data, 2)).PadLeft(32, '0'));

        int bit1 = BitVector32.CreateMask();
        int bit2 = BitVector32.CreateMask(bit1);
        int bit3 = BitVector32.CreateMask(bit2);

        bv1[bit1] = true;
        bv1[bit3] = true;

        Console.WriteLine("bv1 b1 and b3 true: \t" + (Convert.ToString(bv1.Data, 2)).PadLeft(32, '0'));

        // Store and access larger values using sections

        BitVector32 bv2 = new BitVector32(0);

        Console.WriteLine("bv2 intial value: \t" + (Convert.ToString(bv2.Data, 2)).PadLeft(32, '0'));

        BitVector32.Section s1 = BitVector32.CreateSection(8);     // uses first 4 bits
        BitVector32.Section s2 = BitVector32.CreateSection(4, s1); // uses next 3 bits following s1

        bv2[s1] = 6;
        bv2[s2] = 4;

        Console.WriteLine("bv2 s1 and s2: \t\t" + (Convert.ToString(bv2.Data, 2)).PadLeft(32, '0'));
Пример #7
        public static void Set_Section_OutOfRangeTest(short maximum, int value)
                BitVector32         data    = new BitVector32();
                BitVector32.Section section = BitVector32.CreateSection(maximum);

                // In debug mode, attempting to set a value to a section that is too large triggers an assert.
                // There is no accompanying check in release mode, however, allowing invalid values to be set.
                Exception e = Assert.ThrowsAny <Exception>(() => data[section] = value);
                Assert.Equal("DebugAssertException", e.GetType().Name);
                data[section] = value;
                Assert.Equal(maximum & value, data.Data);
                Assert.NotEqual(value, data.Data);
                Assert.Equal(maximum & value, data[section]);
                Assert.NotEqual(value, data[section]);
                BitVector32         data   = new BitVector32();
                BitVector32.Section nested = BitVector32.CreateSection(maximum, BitVector32.CreateSection(short.MaxValue));
                Exception e = Assert.ThrowsAny <Exception>(() => data[nested] = value);
                Assert.Equal("DebugAssertException", e.GetType().Name);
                data[nested] = value;
                Assert.Equal((maximum & value) << 15, data.Data);
                Assert.NotEqual(value << 15, data.Data);
                Assert.Equal(maximum & value, data[nested]);
                Assert.NotEqual(value, data[nested]);
Пример #8
 public static void CreateSection_NextTest(short maximum, short mask)
     BitVector32.Section initial = BitVector32.CreateSection(short.MaxValue);
     BitVector32.Section section = BitVector32.CreateSection(maximum, initial);
     Assert.Equal(15, section.Offset);
     Assert.Equal(mask, section.Mask);
Пример #9
        static PlanetManager()
            LowBitsMask             = BitVector32.CreateSection(0xFF);
            HighBitsMask            = BitVector32.CreateSection(0xFF, LowBitsMask);
            LongitudeMask           = BitVector32.CreateSection(1);                            //The bit 0 indicates if the longitude is display or not
            LatitudeMask            = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, LongitudeMask);             //The bit 1 indicates if the latitude is on
            DistanceMask            = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, LatitudeMask);              //The bit 2 indicates if the distance is on
            LongitudeVelocitiesMask = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, DistanceMask);              //The bit 3 indicates if the longitude velocity is display or not
            LatitudeVelocitiesMask  = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, LongitudeVelocitiesMask);   //The bit 4 indicates if the latitude velocity is display or not
            DistanceVelocitiesMask  = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, LatitudeVelocitiesMask);    //The bit 5 indicates if the distance velocity is display or not

            AscendingMask  = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, DistanceVelocitiesMask);             //The bit 6 indicates if the Ascending is displayed or not
            DescendingMask = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, AscendingMask);                      //The bit 7 indicates if the Descending is displayed or not
            PerigeeMask    = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, DescendingMask);                     //The bit 8 indicates if the Perigee is displayed or not
            ApogeeMask     = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, PerigeeMask);                        //The bit 9 indicates if the Apogee is displayed or not

            AscendingLatitudeMask  = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, ApogeeMask);                 //The bit 10 indicates if the AscendingLatitude is displayed or not
            DescendingLatitudeMask = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, AscendingLatitudeMask);      //The bit 11 indicates if the DescendingLatitude is displayed or not
            PerigeeLatitudeMask    = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, DescendingLatitudeMask);     //The bit 12 indicates if the PerigeeLatitude is displayed or not
            ApogeeLatitudeMask     = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, PerigeeLatitudeMask);        //The bit 13 indicates if the ApogeeLatitude is displayed or not

            AscendingVelocitiesMask  = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, ApogeeLatitudeMask);       //The bit 14 indicates if the AscendingVelocities is displayed or not
            DescendingVelocitiesMask = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, AscendingVelocitiesMask);  //The bit 15 indicates if the DescendingVelocities is displayed or not
            PerigeeVelocitiesMask    = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, DescendingVelocitiesMask); //The bit 16 indicates if the PerigeeVelocities is displayed or not
            ApogeeVelocitiesMask     = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, PerigeeVelocitiesMask);    //The bit 17 indicates if the ApogeeVelocities is displayed or not
Пример #10
        public void SectionIncorrectSize()
            BitVector32.Section s1 = BitVector32.CreateSection(32767);
            BitVector32.Section s2 = BitVector32.CreateSection(32767, s1);

            BitVector32.Section s3 = BitVector32.CreateSection(4, s2);
Пример #11
        protected override void SetClientSizeCore(int x, int y)
            System.Type type  = typeof(Control);
            System.Type type2 = typeof(Form);
            FieldInfo   field = type.GetField("clientWidth", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            FieldInfo   info2 = type.GetField("clientHeight", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            FieldInfo   info3 = type2.GetField("FormStateSetClientSize", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            FieldInfo   info4 = type2.GetField("formState", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            if (((field != null) && (info2 != null)) && ((info4 != null) && (info3 != null)))
                base.Size = new Size(x, y);
                field.SetValue(this, x);
                info2.SetValue(this, y);
                BitVector32.Section section = (BitVector32.Section)info3.GetValue(this);
                BitVector32         vector  = (BitVector32)info4.GetValue(this);
                vector[section] = 1;
                info4.SetValue(this, vector);
                vector[section] = 0;
                info4.SetValue(this, vector);
                base.SetClientSizeCore(x, y);
Пример #12
        public void Indexers()
            BitVector32 b = new BitVector32(7);

            Assert.IsTrue(b [0], "#1");
            Assert.IsTrue(b [1], "#2");
            Assert.IsTrue(b [2], "#3");
            Assert.IsTrue(b [4], "#4");
            Assert.IsTrue(!b [8], "#5");
            Assert.IsTrue(!b [16], "#6");
            b [8] = true;
            Assert.IsTrue(b [4], "#7");
            Assert.IsTrue(b [8], "#8");
            Assert.IsTrue(!b [16], "#9");
            b [8] = false;
            Assert.IsTrue(b [4], "#10");
            Assert.IsTrue(!b [8], "#11");
            Assert.IsTrue(!b [16], "#12");

            BitVector32.Section s = BitVector32.CreateSection(31);
            s = BitVector32.CreateSection(64, s);
            // Print (s);

            // b = new BitVector32 (0x777777);
            BitVector32 b1 = new BitVector32(0xffff77);
            BitVector32 b2 = new BitVector32(b1 [s]);

            //Console.WriteLine (b1.ToString ());
            //Console.WriteLine (b2.ToString ());
            Assert.AreEqual(123, b1 [s], "#14");

            // b1 [s] = 15;
            //Console.WriteLine (b1.ToString ());
Пример #13
        protected override void SetClientSizeCore(int x, int y)
            FieldInfo fiWidth     = typeof(Control).GetField("clientWidth", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            FieldInfo fiHeight    = typeof(Control).GetField("clientHeight", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            FieldInfo fi1         = typeof(Form).GetField("FormStateSetClientSize", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static),
                      fiFormState = typeof(Form).GetField("formState", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            if (fiWidth != null && fiHeight != null && fiFormState != null && fi1 != null)
                this.Size = SizeFromClientSize(new Size(x, y));

                fiWidth.SetValue(this, x);
                fiHeight.SetValue(this, y);
                BitVector32.Section bi1   = (BitVector32.Section)fi1.GetValue(this);
                BitVector32         state = (BitVector32)fiFormState.GetValue(this);
                state[bi1] = 1;
                fiFormState.SetValue(this, state);
                state[bi1] = 0;
                fiFormState.SetValue(this, state);
                base.SetClientSizeCore(x, y);
        public Tuple <ushort, double>[] GetAverages(ushort[] data)
            Dictionary <ushort, SensorData> sensors = new Dictionary <ushort, SensorData>();

            foreach (var d in data)
                BitVector32         item       = new BitVector32(d);
                BitVector32.Section checksum   = BitVector32.CreateSection(1);
                BitVector32.Section sensorData = BitVector32.CreateSection(2067, checksum);
                BitVector32.Section sensorCode = BitVector32.CreateSection(7, sensorData);

                if (ChecksumOK(item[checksum], d >> 1))
                    ushort code = (ushort)item[sensorCode];

                    if (!sensors.ContainsKey(code))
                        sensors.Add(code, new SensorData {
                            Sum = 0, Count = 0
                    sensors[code].Sum += item[sensorData];
            Tuple <ushort, double>[] result = new Tuple <ushort, double> [sensors.Count];
            int index = 0;

            foreach (var sensor in sensors)
                result[index++] = new Tuple <ushort, double>(sensor.Key, (double)sensor.Value.Sum / sensor.Value.Count);
Пример #15
        static void Main()
            BitVector32.Section firstSection  = BitVector32.CreateSection(10);                 // 0xA Hex - 1010 Bin
            BitVector32.Section secondSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(50, firstSection);   // 0x32 Hex - 110010 Bin
            BitVector32.Section thirdSection  = BitVector32.CreateSection(500, secondSection); // 0x1F4 Hex - 111110100 Bin
            BitVector32.Section fourthSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(500, thirdSection);
            var packedBits = new BitVector32(0);

            packedBits[firstSection]  = 10;
            packedBits[secondSection] = 50;
            packedBits[thirdSection]  = 500;
            packedBits[fourthSection] = 499;


            Console.WriteLine(packedBits);              // packedBits = {BitVector32{0000000000000 111110100 110010 1010}}

            // packedBits.Data = 512 810

            // Delay.
Пример #16
        protected override void SetClientSizeCore(int x, int y)
            if (_clientWidthField != null && _clientHeightField != null && _formStateField != null && _formStateSetClientSizeField != null)
                _clientWidthField.SetValue(this, x);
                _clientHeightField.SetValue(this, y);

                BitVector32.Section section = (BitVector32.Section)_formStateSetClientSizeField.GetValue(this);

                var vector = (BitVector32)_formStateField.GetValue(this);

                vector[section] = 1;

                _formStateField.SetValue(this, vector);


                vector[section] = 0;

                _formStateField.SetValue(this, vector);

                Size = SizeFromClientSize(new Size(x, y));

                //Size = new Size(x, y);

                if (startupSize == Size.Empty)
                    startupSize = Size;
                base.SetClientSizeCore(x, y);
Пример #17
        protected override void SetBoundsCore(
            int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified)
            if (_inWmWindowPosChanged != 0)
                    Type      type = typeof(Form);
                    FieldInfo fi1  = type.GetField("FormStateExWindowBoundsWidthIsClientSize",
                                                   BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static),
                              fiFormState = type.GetField("formStateEx",
                                                          BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance),
                              fiBounds = type.GetField("restoredWindowBounds",
                                                       BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

                    if (fi1 != null && fiFormState != null && fiBounds != null)
                        Rectangle           restoredWindowBounds = (Rectangle)fiBounds.GetValue(this);
                        BitVector32.Section bi1   = (BitVector32.Section)fi1.GetValue(this);
                        BitVector32         state = (BitVector32)fiFormState.GetValue(this);
                        if (state[bi1] == 1)
                            width  = restoredWindowBounds.Width;
                            height = restoredWindowBounds.Height;

            base.SetBoundsCore(x, y, width, height, specified);
Пример #18
        public void InitFromBytes(byte[] data)
            byte[] modulationDataByteArray = new byte[4];
            byte[] otherDataByteArray      = new byte[4];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, modulationDataByteArray, 0, 4);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 4, otherDataByteArray, 0, 4);

            this.modulationData = BitConverter.ToUInt32(modulationDataByteArray, 0);
            BitVector32 tempBitVector = new BitVector32(BitConverter.ToInt32(otherDataByteArray, 0));

            BitVector32.Section punchthroughAlphaSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(1);
            BitVector32.Section colorASection            = BitVector32.CreateSection(16383 /*(1 << 14) - 1*/, punchthroughAlphaSection);
            BitVector32.Section colorAIsOpaque           = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, colorASection);
            BitVector32.Section colorBSection            = BitVector32.CreateSection(32767 /*(1 << 15) - 1*/, colorAIsOpaque);
            BitVector32.Section colorBIsOpaque           = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, colorBSection);

            if (tempBitVector[punchthroughAlphaSection] == 1)
                this.usePunchthroughAlpha = true;

            this.colorA = (uint)tempBitVector[colorASection];

            if (tempBitVector[colorAIsOpaque] == 1)
                this.colorAIsOpaque = true;

            this.colorB = (uint)tempBitVector[colorBSection];

            if (tempBitVector[colorBIsOpaque] == 1)
                this.colorBIsOpaque = true;
Пример #19
 public PaletteEntry()
     vector = new BitVector32(0);
     red    = BitVector32.CreateSection(31);
     green  = BitVector32.CreateSection(31, red);
     blue   = BitVector32.CreateSection(31, green);
     stp    = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, blue);
Пример #20
 public TexturePageInfo()
     vector        = new BitVector32(0);
     page_x        = BitVector32.CreateSection(15);
     page_y        = BitVector32.CreateSection(1, page_x);
     blending_mode = BitVector32.CreateSection(3, page_y);
     depth         = BitVector32.CreateSection(3, blending_mode);
Пример #21
        private static BitVector32.Section partner;     //The bits 16-31 together identify the planet pair

        static RelationKind()
            reserved   = BitVector32.CreateSection(0xFFF);
            aspectType = BitVector32.CreateSection(15, reserved);
            exterior   = BitVector32.CreateSection(255, aspectType);
            interior   = BitVector32.CreateSection(255, exterior);
            partner    = BitVector32.CreateSection(Int16.MaxValue, aspectType);
Пример #22
 public void SectionIncorrectSize()
     BitVector32.Section s1 = BitVector32.CreateSection(32767);
     BitVector32.Section s2 = BitVector32.CreateSection(32767, s1);
     try {
         BitVector32.Section s3 = BitVector32.CreateSection(4, s2);
         Assert.Fail("Illegal section created");
     } catch (ArgumentException) {}
Пример #23
 public DCB()
     this.DCBlength = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(this);
     this.Control   = new BitVector32(0);
     this.sect1     = BitVector32.CreateSection(15);
     this.DTRsect   = BitVector32.CreateSection(3, this.sect1);
     this.sect2     = BitVector32.CreateSection(0x3f, this.DTRsect);
     this.RTSsect   = BitVector32.CreateSection(3, this.sect2);
Пример #24
        private bool IsFormStateClientSizeSet()
            FieldInfo fi1 = typeof(Form).GetField("FormStateSetClientSize", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);

            BitVector32.Section bi1   = (BitVector32.Section)fi1.GetValue(this);
            BitVector32         state = (BitVector32)FormStateCoreField.GetValue(this);

            return(state[bi1] == 1);
Пример #25
        public void SectionCorrectSize()
            BitVector32.Section s1 = BitVector32.CreateSection(32767);
            BitVector32.Section s2 = BitVector32.CreateSection(32767, s1);
            BitVector32.Section s3 = BitVector32.CreateSection(3, s2);
            BitVector32         v1 = new BitVector32(0);

            v1[s3] = 3;
            Assert.AreEqual(v1[s3], 3);
Пример #26
        private static BitVector32.Section yearMask;              //The bits 20 - 31 : 12 bits

        static PoboDayStructure()
            minutesMask = BitVector32.CreateSection(0x3F);
            hoursMask   = BitVector32.CreateSection(0x1F, minutesMask);
            dayMask     = BitVector32.CreateSection(0x1F, hoursMask);
            monthMask   = BitVector32.CreateSection(0xF, dayMask);
            yearMask    = BitVector32.CreateSection(0xFFF, monthMask);

            Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PoboDayStructure));
Пример #27
        public void CreateSection()
            BitVector32.Section s = BitVector32.CreateSection(1);
            Assert.AreEqual((short)1, s.Mask, "#1");

            s = BitVector32.CreateSection(2);
            Assert.AreEqual((short)3, s.Mask, "#2");

            s = BitVector32.CreateSection(3);
            Assert.AreEqual((short)3, s.Mask, "#3");

            s = BitVector32.CreateSection(5);
            Assert.AreEqual((short)7, s.Mask, "#4");

            s = BitVector32.CreateSection(20);
            Assert.AreEqual((short)0x1f, s.Mask, "#4");

            s = BitVector32.CreateSection(Int16.MaxValue);
            Assert.AreEqual((short)0x7fff, s.Mask, "#5");

            s = BitVector32.CreateSection(Int16.MaxValue - 100);
            Assert.AreEqual((short)0x7fff, s.Mask, "#6");

                BitVector32.Section s2 = BitVector32.CreateSection(0);
            catch (ArgumentException) {}

                BitVector32.Section s2 = BitVector32.CreateSection(-1);
            catch (ArgumentException) {}

                BitVector32.Section s2 = BitVector32.CreateSection(Int16.MinValue);
            catch (ArgumentException) {}

            s = BitVector32.CreateSection(20);
            Assert.AreEqual((short)0x1f, s.Mask, "#10a");
            Assert.AreEqual((short)0x00, s.Offset, "#10b");
            s = BitVector32.CreateSection(120, s);
            Assert.AreEqual((short)0x7f, s.Mask, "#10c");
            Assert.AreEqual((short)0x05, s.Offset, "#10d");
            s = BitVector32.CreateSection(1000, s);
            Assert.AreEqual((short)0x3ff, s.Mask, "#10e");
            Assert.AreEqual((short)0x0c, s.Offset, "#10f");
Пример #28
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create array of 5 elements and 3 true values.
            bool[] array = new bool[5];
            array[0] = true;
            array[1] = false; // <-- False value is default
            array[2] = true;
            array[3] = false;
            array[4] = true;

            // Create BitArray from the array.
            BitArray bitArray = new BitArray(array);

            // Display all bits.
            foreach (bool bit in bitArray)
            //Display bits using index into bit array
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            //Do XOR
            BitArray bitArray1 = new BitArray(array);
            BitArray bitArray2 = bitArray1.Xor(bitArray);

            //Use BitVector32 to create masks
            BitVector32 vector    = new BitVector32(0);               //specifying 0 as initial value make sure all bits are clear
            int         firstBit  = BitVector32.CreateMask();         //uses first bit if no param specified
            int         secondBit = BitVector32.CreateMask(firstBit); //passing previous bit mask as param
            int         thirdBit  = BitVector32.CreateMask(secondBit);

            vector[firstBit]             = true;
            vector[secondBit + thirdBit] = true;
            //vector[secondBit | thirdBit] = true;// this also works

            Console.WriteLine("Bit vector {0}", vector);
            Console.WriteLine("Bit vector {0}", vector.Data);
            Console.WriteLine("Bit vector {0}", vector.ToString());

            //Using BitVector32 to do bit packing - ie taking several smaller number and packing them into one large number
            //Create sections of various sizes to store the smaller numebers - note there is no "new"
            BitVector32.Section firstSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(10);
            BitVector32.Section secSection   = BitVector32.CreateSection(50, firstSection);
            BitVector32.Section thirdSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(500, secSection);
            BitVector32         packedBits   = new BitVector32(0);

            packedBits[firstSection] = 10;
            packedBits[secSection]   = 20;
            packedBits[thirdSection] = 490;
            Console.WriteLine(" first sec {0} sec sec {1} third sec {2}", packedBits[firstSection], packedBits[secSection], packedBits[thirdSection]);
Пример #29
        public static void Section_ToStringTest()
            Random random = new Random(-55);

            short maxValue = (short)random.Next(1, short.MaxValue);

            BitVector32.Section section1 = BitVector32.CreateSection(maxValue);
            BitVector32.Section section2 = BitVector32.CreateSection(maxValue);

            Assert.Equal(section1.ToString(), section2.ToString());
            Assert.Equal(section1.ToString(), BitVector32.Section.ToString(section2));
Пример #30
        public static void Section_Unequal_EqualsTest(BitVector32.Section left, BitVector32.Section right)
            Assert.False(left.Equals(new object()));

            Assert.False(left == right);
            Assert.False(right == left);
            Assert.True(left != right);
            Assert.True(right != left);