Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Increments a killers count at the specified depth.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="color">The killer color.</param>
        /// <param name="depth">The killer depth.</param>
        /// <param name="move">The killer move.</param>
        public void AddKiller(Color color, int depth, Move move)
            var fromIndex = BitPositionConverter.ToBitIndex(move.From);
            var toIndex   = BitPositionConverter.ToBitIndex(move.To);

            _table[(int)color][fromIndex][toIndex] += depth * depth;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds en passant to Zobrist hash.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="color">The piece color.</param>
        /// <param name="field">The field bitboard.</param>
        /// <param name="bitboard">The bitboard.</param>
        public static void AddEnPassant(Color color, ulong field, Bitboard bitboard)
            var fieldIndex    = BitOperations.GetBitIndex(field);
            var fieldPosition = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(fieldIndex);

            bitboard.Hash ^= ZobristContainer.EnPassant[fieldPosition.X - 1];
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the killers count for the specified move.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="move">The move</param>
        /// <returns>The killers count for the specified move.</returns>
        public int GetKillersCount(Move move)
            var fromIndex = BitPositionConverter.ToBitIndex(move.From);
            var toIndex   = BitPositionConverter.ToBitIndex(move.To);

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates a castling.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitboard">The bitboard.</param>
        public override void CalculateMove(Bitboard bitboard)
            var from = BitPositionConverter.ToULong(From);
            var to   = BitPositionConverter.ToULong(To);

            var rookFrom = 0ul;
            var rookTo   = 0ul;

            switch (CastlingType)
            case CastlingType.Short:
                rookFrom = Color == Color.White ? CastlingConstants.InitialRightRookBitboard : CastlingConstants.InitialRightRookBitboard << 56;
                rookTo   = rookFrom << 2;


            case CastlingType.Long:
                rookFrom = Color == Color.White ? CastlingConstants.InitialLeftRookBitboard : CastlingConstants.InitialLeftRookBitboard << 56;
                rookTo   = rookFrom >> 3;


            CalculatePieceMove(bitboard, from, to);
            CalculatePieceMove(bitboard, PieceType.Rook, rookFrom, rookTo);

            bitboard.ReversibleMoves = 0;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates a quiet move.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitboard">The bitboard.</param>
        public override void CalculateMove(Bitboard bitboard)
            var from = BitPositionConverter.ToULong(From);
            var to   = BitPositionConverter.ToULong(To);

            CalculatePieceMove(bitboard, from, to);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates en passant move.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitboard">The bitboard.</param>
        public override void CalculateMove(Bitboard bitboard)
            var from       = BitPositionConverter.ToULong(From);
            var to         = BitPositionConverter.ToULong(To);
            var enemyColor = ColorOperations.Invert(Color);

            RemoveEnPassantPiece(bitboard, enemyColor, to);
            CalculatePieceMove(bitboard, from, to);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a pieces array (for bitboards).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The pieces array.</returns>
        public ulong[] GetPiecesArray()
            var pieces = new ulong[12];

            foreach (var piece in Pieces)
                var bitPosition = BitPositionConverter.ToULong(piece.Position);
                pieces[FastArray.GetPieceIndex(piece.Color, piece.Type)] |= bitPosition;

Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates diagonal attacks (and moves if possible).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="leftAttackShift">The left attack shift.</param>
        /// <param name="rightAttackShift">The right attacks shift.</param>
        /// <param name="ignoreFields">The bitboard with fields to ignore (white and black pieces will have different ones).</param>
        /// <param name="opt">The generator parameters.</param>
        private static void CalculateDiagonalAttacks(int leftAttackShift, int rightAttackShift, ulong ignoreFields, GeneratorParameters opt)
            var piecesToParse = opt.Bitboard.Pieces[FastArray.GetPieceIndex(opt.FriendlyColor, PieceType.Pawn)];
            var validPieces   = piecesToParse & ~ignoreFields;

            var pattern       = opt.FriendlyColor == Color.White ? validPieces << leftAttackShift : validPieces >> rightAttackShift;
            var promotionLine = GetPromotionLine(opt.FriendlyColor);

            while (pattern != 0)
                var patternLSB = BitOperations.GetLSB(pattern);
                pattern = BitOperations.PopLSB(pattern);

                var patternIndex = BitOperations.GetBitIndex(patternLSB);

                var pieceLSB   = opt.FriendlyColor == Color.White ? patternLSB >> leftAttackShift : patternLSB << rightAttackShift;
                var pieceIndex = BitOperations.GetBitIndex(pieceLSB);

                if ((opt.Mode & GeneratorMode.CalculateMoves) != 0)
                    var piecePosition  = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(pieceIndex);
                    var enPassantField = opt.Bitboard.EnPassant[(int)opt.EnemyColor] & patternLSB;

                    if ((patternLSB & opt.EnemyOccupancy) != 0 || enPassantField != 0)
                        var to = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(patternIndex);

                        if (enPassantField != 0)
                            opt.Bitboard.Moves.AddLast(new EnPassantMove(piecePosition, to, PieceType.Pawn, opt.FriendlyColor));
                        else if ((patternLSB & promotionLine) != 0)
                            opt.Bitboard.Moves.AddLast(new PromotionMove(piecePosition, to, PieceType.Pawn, opt.FriendlyColor, PieceType.Queen, true));
                            opt.Bitboard.Moves.AddLast(new PromotionMove(piecePosition, to, PieceType.Pawn, opt.FriendlyColor, PieceType.Rook, true));
                            opt.Bitboard.Moves.AddLast(new PromotionMove(piecePosition, to, PieceType.Pawn, opt.FriendlyColor, PieceType.Bishop, true));
                            opt.Bitboard.Moves.AddLast(new PromotionMove(piecePosition, to, PieceType.Pawn, opt.FriendlyColor, PieceType.Knight, true));
                            opt.Bitboard.Moves.AddLast(new KillMove(piecePosition, to, PieceType.Pawn, opt.FriendlyColor));

                if ((opt.Mode & GeneratorMode.CalculateAttacks) != 0)
                    opt.Bitboard.Attacks[patternIndex] |= pieceLSB;
                    opt.Bitboard.AttacksSummary[(int)opt.FriendlyColor] |= patternLSB;
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates en passant fields if current piece type is pawn.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitboard">The bitboard.</param>
        private void CalculateEnPassant(Bitboard bitboard)
            if (Piece == PieceType.Pawn)
                var enPassantPosition = GetEnPassantPosition();
                if (enPassantPosition.HasValue)
                    var enPassantLSB = BitPositionConverter.ToULong(enPassantPosition.Value);

                    bitboard.EnPassant[(int)Color] |= enPassantLSB;
                    IncrementalZobrist.AddEnPassant(Color, enPassantLSB, bitboard);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a en passant position from the specified bitboard.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="enPassant">The en passant bitboard.</param>
        /// <returns>The en passant position (null if en passant bitboard is equal to zero)</returns>
        private Position?GetEnPassantPosition(ulong enPassant)
            if (enPassant == 0)

            var lsb = BitOperations.GetLSB(enPassant);


            var bitIndex = BitOperations.GetBitIndex(lsb);

        /// <summary>
        /// Clears en passant from Zobrist hash.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="color">The piece color.</param>
        /// <param name="bitboard">The bitboard.</param>
        public static void ClearEnPassant(Color color, Bitboard bitboard)
            var enPassantToParse = bitboard.EnPassant[(int)color];

            while (enPassantToParse != 0)
                var fieldLSB = BitOperations.GetLSB(enPassantToParse);
                enPassantToParse = BitOperations.PopLSB(enPassantToParse);

                var fieldIndex    = BitOperations.GetBitIndex(fieldLSB);
                var fieldPosition = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(fieldIndex);

                bitboard.Hash ^= ZobristContainer.EnPassant[fieldPosition.X - 1];
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates a promotion move.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bitboard">The bitboard.</param>
        public override void CalculateMove(Bitboard bitboard)
            var from = BitPositionConverter.ToULong(From);
            var to   = BitPositionConverter.ToULong(To);

            if (KillMove)
                CalculateKill(bitboard, ColorOperations.Invert(Color), to);

            CalculatePieceMove(bitboard, Piece, from, PromotionPiece, to);

            IncrementalMaterial.RemovePiece(bitboard, Color, Piece);
            IncrementalMaterial.AddPiece(bitboard, Color, PromotionPiece);
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates moves for the specified piece.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pieceType">The piece type.</param>
        /// <param name="pieceBitboard">The bitboard with set bit at piece position.</param>
        /// <param name="opt">The generator parameters.</param>
        /// <returns>The bitboard with available moves for the specified piece.</returns>
        private static ulong CalculateMoves(PieceType pieceType, ulong pieceBitboard, GeneratorParameters opt)
            if ((opt.Mode & GeneratorMode.CalculateMoves) == 0)

            var pieceIndex    = BitOperations.GetBitIndex(pieceBitboard);
            var piecePosition = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(pieceIndex);

            var pattern = MagicContainer.GetRookAttacks(pieceIndex, opt.OccupancySummary);

            pattern &= ~opt.FriendlyOccupancy;

            if (opt.QuiescenceSearch)
                pattern &= opt.EnemyOccupancy;

            var excludeFromAttacks = pattern;

            while (pattern != 0)
                var patternLSB = BitOperations.GetLSB(pattern);
                pattern = BitOperations.PopLSB(pattern);

                var patternIndex = BitOperations.GetBitIndex(patternLSB);

                var to = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(patternIndex);

                if ((patternLSB & opt.EnemyOccupancy) == 0)
                    opt.Bitboard.Moves.AddLast(new QuietMove(piecePosition, to, pieceType, opt.FriendlyColor));
                    opt.Bitboard.Moves.AddLast(new KillMove(piecePosition, to, pieceType, opt.FriendlyColor));

                if ((opt.Mode & GeneratorMode.CalculateAttacks) != 0)
                    opt.Bitboard.Attacks[patternIndex] |= pieceBitboard;
                    opt.Bitboard.AttacksSummary[(int)opt.FriendlyColor] |= patternLSB;

Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a en passant array (for bitboards).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The en passant array.</returns>
        public ulong[] GetEnPassantArray()
            var enPassant = new ulong[2];

            if (EnPassant.WhiteEnPassant != null)
                enPassant[(int)Color.White] = BitPositionConverter.ToULong(EnPassant.WhiteEnPassant.Value);

            if (EnPassant.BlackEnPassant != null)
                enPassant[(int)Color.Black] = BitPositionConverter.ToULong(EnPassant.BlackEnPassant.Value);

Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates pattern for the specified field and shift.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldIndex">The index field.</param>
        /// <param name="shift">The shift (the direction in which the calculating is made).</param>
        /// <returns>The pattern for the specified field.</returns>
        public ulong CalculatePattern(int fieldIndex, Position shift)
            var attacks         = 0ul;
            var currentPosition = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(fieldIndex);

            currentPosition += shift;
            while (currentPosition.IsValid())
                var positionBitIndex = BitPositionConverter.ToBitIndex(currentPosition);
                var bit = 1ul << positionBitIndex;
                attacks |= bit;

                currentPosition += shift;

Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates X-Ray attacks when friendly pawn is on bishop way.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pieceIndex">The field index with the specified bishop.</param>
        /// <param name="pattern">The bishop moves pattern.</param>
        /// <param name="opt">The generator parameters.</param>
        /// <returns>The attacks bitboard with pawn X-Ray attacks.</returns>
        private static ulong CalculatePawnBlockers(int pieceIndex, ulong pattern, GeneratorParameters opt)
            var patternWithFriendlyBlockers = pattern;
            var allowedBlockers             = opt.Bitboard.Pieces[FastArray.GetPieceIndex(opt.FriendlyColor, PieceType.Pawn)];

            var piecePosition    = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(pieceIndex);
            var friendlyBlockers = pattern & opt.FriendlyOccupancy & allowedBlockers;

            while (friendlyBlockers != 0)
                var friendlyBlockerLSB = BitOperations.GetLSB(friendlyBlockers);
                friendlyBlockers = BitOperations.PopLSB(friendlyBlockers);

                var friendlyBlockerIndex    = BitOperations.GetBitIndex(friendlyBlockerLSB);
                var friendlyBlockerPosition = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(friendlyBlockerIndex);

                switch (opt.FriendlyColor)
                case Color.White when friendlyBlockerPosition.X > piecePosition.X && friendlyBlockerPosition.Y > piecePosition.Y && (friendlyBlockerLSB & (BitConstants.HFile | BitConstants.HRank)) == 0:
                    patternWithFriendlyBlockers |= friendlyBlockerLSB << 7;

                case Color.White when friendlyBlockerPosition.X <piecePosition.X && friendlyBlockerPosition.Y> piecePosition.Y && (friendlyBlockerLSB & (BitConstants.AFile | BitConstants.HRank)) == 0:
                    patternWithFriendlyBlockers |= friendlyBlockerLSB << 9;

                case Color.Black when friendlyBlockerPosition.X > piecePosition.X && friendlyBlockerPosition.Y < piecePosition.Y && (friendlyBlockerLSB & (BitConstants.HFile | BitConstants.ARank)) == 0:
                    patternWithFriendlyBlockers |= friendlyBlockerLSB >> 9;

                case Color.Black when friendlyBlockerPosition.X < piecePosition.X && friendlyBlockerPosition.Y < piecePosition.Y && (friendlyBlockerLSB & (BitConstants.AFile | BitConstants.ARank)) == 0:
                    patternWithFriendlyBlockers |= friendlyBlockerLSB >> 7;

Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates rook patterns for every field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The 64-element array with patterns.</returns>
        public ulong[] Generate()
            var predefinedMoves = new ulong[64];

            for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                var fieldBit = 1ul << i;
                var position = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(i);

                var filePattern = GetFilePattern(position) & ~BitConstants.TopBottomEdge;
                var rankPattern = GetRankPattern(position) & ~BitConstants.RightLeftEdge;

                predefinedMoves[i] = ~fieldBit & (filePattern | rankPattern);

        /// <summary>
        /// Generates available moves for the specified bitboard and shift.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="initialFieldIndex">The initial field index.</param>
        /// <param name="occupancy">The bitboard occupancy.</param>
        /// <param name="shift">The shift (direction of available moves generating).</param>
        /// <returns>The available moves bitboard (where 1 means possible position, otherwise 0).</returns>
        public ulong Calculate(int initialFieldIndex, ulong occupancy, Position shift)
            var attacks         = 0ul;
            var bit             = 0ul;
            var currentPosition = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(initialFieldIndex);

            currentPosition += shift;
            while (currentPosition.IsValid() && (bit & occupancy) == 0)
                var positionBitIndex = BitPositionConverter.ToBitIndex(currentPosition);

                bit      = 1ul << positionBitIndex;
                attacks |= bit;

                currentPosition += shift;

Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates available moves.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="opt">The generator parameters.</param>
        public static void Generate(GeneratorParameters opt)
            var piecesToParse = opt.Bitboard.Pieces[FastArray.GetPieceIndex(opt.FriendlyColor, PieceType.Knight)];

            while (piecesToParse != 0)
                var pieceLSB = BitOperations.GetLSB(piecesToParse);
                piecesToParse = BitOperations.PopLSB(piecesToParse);

                var pieceIndex    = BitOperations.GetBitIndex(pieceLSB);
                var piecePosition = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(pieceIndex);

                var pattern = PatternsContainer.KnightPattern[pieceIndex];

                while (pattern != 0)
                    var patternLSB = BitOperations.GetLSB(pattern);
                    pattern = BitOperations.PopLSB(pattern);

                    var patternIndex = BitOperations.GetBitIndex(patternLSB);

                    if ((opt.Mode & GeneratorMode.CalculateMoves) != 0 && (patternLSB & opt.FriendlyOccupancy) == 0)
                        var to = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(patternIndex);

                        if ((patternLSB & opt.EnemyOccupancy) == 0 && !opt.QuiescenceSearch)
                            opt.Bitboard.Moves.AddLast(new QuietMove(piecePosition, to, PieceType.Knight, opt.FriendlyColor));
                        else if ((patternLSB & opt.EnemyOccupancy) != 0)
                            opt.Bitboard.Moves.AddLast(new KillMove(piecePosition, to, PieceType.Knight, opt.FriendlyColor));

                    if ((opt.Mode & GeneratorMode.CalculateAttacks) != 0)
                        opt.Bitboard.Attacks[patternIndex] |= pieceLSB;
                        opt.Bitboard.AttacksSummary[(int)opt.FriendlyColor] |= patternLSB;
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates double push moves.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="opt">The generator parameters.</param>
        private static void CalculateMovesForDoublePush(GeneratorParameters opt)
            if ((opt.Mode & GeneratorMode.CalculateMoves) == 0 || opt.QuiescenceSearch)

            var   piecesToParse = opt.Bitboard.Pieces[FastArray.GetPieceIndex(opt.FriendlyColor, PieceType.Pawn)];
            ulong validPieces;
            ulong pattern;

            if (opt.FriendlyColor == Color.White)
                validPieces  = piecesToParse & BitConstants.BRank;
                validPieces &= ~opt.OccupancySummary >> 8;
                pattern      = validPieces << 16;
                validPieces  = piecesToParse & BitConstants.GRank;
                validPieces &= ~opt.OccupancySummary << 8;
                pattern      = validPieces >> 16;

            pattern &= ~opt.OccupancySummary;

            while (pattern != 0)
                var patternLSB = BitOperations.GetLSB(pattern);
                pattern = BitOperations.PopLSB(pattern);

                var patternIndex = BitOperations.GetBitIndex(patternLSB);

                var pieceLSB   = opt.FriendlyColor == Color.White ? patternLSB >> 16 : patternLSB << 16;
                var pieceIndex = BitOperations.GetBitIndex(pieceLSB);

                var from = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(pieceIndex);
                var to   = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(patternIndex);

                opt.Bitboard.Moves.AddLast(new QuietMove(from, to, PieceType.Pawn, opt.FriendlyColor));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FriendlyAttacksList"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attacks">The array of attack bitboards (where index means field index (source piece position),
        ///                       and set bits are the destination attack positions.</param>
        /// <param name="pieces">The list of pieces.</param>
        public FriendlyAttacksList(ulong[] attacks, FriendlyPiecesList pieces)
            for (var i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                var fieldAttackers = attacks[i];
                var targetPosition = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(i);

                while (fieldAttackers != 0)
                    var attackerLSB = BitOperations.GetLSB(fieldAttackers);
                    fieldAttackers = BitOperations.PopLSB(fieldAttackers);

                    var attackerIndex    = BitOperations.GetBitIndex(attackerLSB);
                    var attackerPosition = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(attackerIndex);
                    var attackerColor    = pieces.First(p => p.Position == attackerPosition).Color;

                    Add(new FriendlyAttack(attackerColor, attackerPosition, targetPosition));
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates Zobrist hash for en passant.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hash">The current hash.</param>
        /// <param name="enPassant">The array of en passant.</param>
        /// <returns>The updated Zobrist hash.</returns>
        private static ulong CalculateEnPassant(ulong hash, ulong[] enPassant)
            for (var colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < 2; colorIndex++)
                var enPassantToParse = enPassant[colorIndex];

                while (enPassantToParse != 0)
                    var pieceLSB = BitOperations.GetLSB(enPassantToParse);
                    enPassantToParse = BitOperations.PopLSB(enPassantToParse);

                    var fieldIndex    = BitOperations.GetBitIndex(pieceLSB);
                    var fieldPosition = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(fieldIndex);

                    hash ^= ZobristContainer.EnPassant[fieldPosition.X - 1];

Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates single push moves.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="opt">The generator parameters.</param>
        private static void CalculateMovesForSinglePush(GeneratorParameters opt)
            if ((opt.Mode & GeneratorMode.CalculateMoves) == 0)

            var piecesToParse = opt.Bitboard.Pieces[FastArray.GetPieceIndex(opt.FriendlyColor, PieceType.Pawn)];

            var promotionLine = GetPromotionLine(opt.FriendlyColor);

            var pattern = opt.FriendlyColor == Color.White ? piecesToParse << 8 : piecesToParse >> 8;

            pattern &= ~opt.OccupancySummary;

            while (pattern != 0)
                var patternLSB = BitOperations.GetLSB(pattern);
                pattern = BitOperations.PopLSB(pattern);

                var patternIndex = BitOperations.GetBitIndex(patternLSB);

                var pieceLSB   = opt.FriendlyColor == Color.White ? patternLSB >> 8 : patternLSB << 8;
                var pieceIndex = BitOperations.GetBitIndex(pieceLSB);

                var from = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(pieceIndex);
                var to   = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(patternIndex);

                if ((patternLSB & promotionLine) == 0 && !opt.QuiescenceSearch)
                    opt.Bitboard.Moves.AddLast(new QuietMove(from, to, PieceType.Pawn, opt.FriendlyColor));
                else if ((patternLSB & promotionLine) != 0)
                    opt.Bitboard.Moves.AddLast(new PromotionMove(from, to, PieceType.Pawn, opt.FriendlyColor, PieceType.Queen, false));
                    opt.Bitboard.Moves.AddLast(new PromotionMove(from, to, PieceType.Pawn, opt.FriendlyColor, PieceType.Rook, false));
                    opt.Bitboard.Moves.AddLast(new PromotionMove(from, to, PieceType.Pawn, opt.FriendlyColor, PieceType.Bishop, false));
                    opt.Bitboard.Moves.AddLast(new PromotionMove(from, to, PieceType.Pawn, opt.FriendlyColor, PieceType.Knight, false));
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FriendlyPiecesList"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pieces">The array of pieces.</param>
        public FriendlyPiecesList(ulong[] pieces)
            for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                var pieceArray = pieces[i];

                while (pieceArray != 0)
                    var lsb = BitOperations.GetLSB(pieceArray);
                    pieceArray = BitOperations.PopLSB(pieceArray);

                    var bitIndex = BitOperations.GetBitIndex(lsb);
                    var position = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(bitIndex);

                    var pieceType  = (PieceType)(i % 6);
                    var pieceColor = (Color)(i / 6);

                    Add(new FriendlyPiece(position, pieceType, pieceColor));
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates SEE for the specified field and initial attacker.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="field">The field to analyze.</param>
        /// <param name="initialAttacker">The initial attacker.</param>
        /// <param name="attackers">The bitboard with all attackers that will be a part of SEE.</param>
        /// <param name="initialColor">The color of the first attacker.</param>
        /// <param name="bitboard">The bitboard.</param>
        /// <returns>The SEE result with the score and other data.</returns>
        private SEEResult CalculateScoreForField(ulong field, ulong initialAttacker, ulong attackers, Color initialColor, Bitboard bitboard)
            var enemyColor = ColorOperations.Invert(initialColor);

            var seeResult = new SEEResult
                InitialAttackerFrom = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(BitOperations.GetBitIndex(initialAttacker)),
                InitialAttackerTo   = BitPositionConverter.ToPosition(BitOperations.GetBitIndex(field)),

                InitialAttackerType = GetPieceType(initialAttacker, initialColor, bitboard),
                AttackedPieceType   = GetPieceType(field, enemyColor, bitboard)

            seeResult.Score = MaterialValues.PieceValues[(int)seeResult.AttackedPieceType];
            attackers      &= ~initialAttacker;

            var currentColor = enemyColor;
            var currentSign  = -1;

            var currentPieceOnField = seeResult.InitialAttackerType;

            while (attackers != 0)
                var leastValuablePieceType = GetAndPopLeastValuablePiece(ref attackers, currentColor, bitboard);
                if (!leastValuablePieceType.HasValue)

                seeResult.Score += currentSign * MaterialValues.PieceValues[(int)currentPieceOnField];

                currentPieceOnField = leastValuablePieceType.Value;
                currentColor        = ColorOperations.Invert(currentColor);
                currentSign        *= -1;
