override protected void BuildProstateBiopsies(int PatientID)
            DataTable biopsiesDt;
            BiopsyDa  bDa = new BiopsyDa();

            biopsiesDt = bDa.GetProstateBiopsies(PatientID);

            if (biopsiesDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                DataView BiopsiesToDisplay = new DataView(biopsiesDt);

                // don't display any OUT Path records that have been reviewed
                DataView ReviewedBiopsies = new DataView(biopsiesDt);
                ReviewedBiopsies.RowFilter = BOL.Pathology.PathQuality + " IN ('REV', 'RR')";

                if (ReviewedBiopsies.Count > 0)
                    List <string> OutsidePathRecordsToFilter = new List <string>();
                    foreach (DataRowView ReviewedBiopsy in ReviewedBiopsies)
                        string ProcedureIdStr = ReviewedBiopsy["PrimaryKey"].ToString();
                    string biopsyFilter = "NOT (" + BOL.Pathology.PathQuality + " = 'OUT' AND PrimaryKey IN (" + string.Join(",", OutsidePathRecordsToFilter.ToArray()) + "))";
                    BiopsiesToDisplay.RowFilter = biopsyFilter;

                Biopsies.DataSource = BiopsiesToDisplay;
Пример #2
        protected virtual void BuildProstateBiopsies(int PatientID)
            DataTable biopsiesDt;
            BiopsyDa  bDa = new BiopsyDa();

            biopsiesDt = bDa.GetProstateBiopsies(PatientID);

            if (biopsiesDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                Biopsies.DataSource = biopsiesDt.DefaultView;
Пример #3
        protected void BuildBiopsies(int PatientID, string FormName, string FormType)
            DataSet  biopsiesDs;
            BiopsyDa bDa = new BiopsyDa();

            biopsiesDs = bDa.FormGetRecords(PatientID, "", FormName, FormType);

            if (biopsiesDs.Tables.Count > 0 && biopsiesDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                Biopsies.DataSource = biopsiesDs.Tables[0].DefaultView;
        override protected void BuildProstateBiopsies(int PatientID)
            DataTable biopsiesDt;
            BiopsyDa  bDa = new BiopsyDa();

            biopsiesDt = bDa.GetProstateBiopsies(PatientID);

            if (biopsiesDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                ProstateBiopsies = biopsiesDt; // for use in calculating active surveillance date

                foreach (DataRow row in biopsiesDt.Rows)
                    if (row[Procedure.ProcQuality].ToString().Equals("STD") && row[Procedure.ProcDate].ToString().Length > 0 && ((DateTime)row[Procedure.ProcDate]) < FirstMSKBiopsyDate)
                        FirstMSKBiopsyDate     = (DateTime)row[Procedure.ProcDate];
                        FirstMSKBiopsyDateText = row[Procedure.ProcDateText].ToString();
                        FirstMSKBiopsyProcId   = (int)row["PrimaryKey"];

                DataView BiopsiesToDisplay = new DataView(biopsiesDt);

                DataView ReviewedBiopsies = new DataView(biopsiesDt);
                ReviewedBiopsies.RowFilter = BOL.Pathology.PathQuality + " IN ('REV', 'RR')";

                if (ReviewedBiopsies.Count > 0)
                    List <string> OutsidePathRecordsToFilter = new List <string>();
                    foreach (DataRowView ReviewedBiopsy in ReviewedBiopsies)
                        string ProcedureIdStr = ReviewedBiopsy["PrimaryKey"].ToString();
                    string biopsyFilter = "NOT (" + BOL.Pathology.PathQuality + " = 'OUT' AND PrimaryKey IN (" + string.Join(",", OutsidePathRecordsToFilter.ToArray()) + "))";
                    BiopsiesToDisplay.RowFilter = biopsyFilter;

                Biopsies.DataSource = BiopsiesToDisplay;
                BlankBiopsyRecord.Visible = false;
Пример #5
        protected void BuildHpiBiopsies(int PatientID, string FormName, string FormType, int hpiBiopsyId)
            DataSet  biopsiesDs;
            string   sendBiopsyId = "";
            BiopsyDa bDa          = new BiopsyDa();

            if (hpiBiopsyId.ToString().Length > 0)
                sendBiopsyId = hpiBiopsyId.ToString();

            biopsiesDs = bDa.FormGetRecords(PatientID, sendBiopsyId, FormName, FormType);

            if (biopsiesDs.Tables.Count > 0 && biopsiesDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                hpiBiopsies.DataSource = biopsiesDs.Tables[0].DefaultView;
        override protected void EFormRepeaterOnDataBound(Object Sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            base.EFormRepeaterOnDataBound(Sender, e);

            Literal ResultField   = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ResultField");
            Literal CommentsField = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("CommentsField");

            if ((e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) && e.Item.DataItem != null)
                DataRowView record = ((DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem);

                if (record["BxType"].ToString().Length > 0 && (record["BxType"].ToString().ToUpper().IndexOf("PROSTATE") > -1))
                    string resultText = "";

                    if (record["PathGG1"].ToString().Length > 0 || record["PathGG2"].ToString().Length > 0)
                        resultText = record["PathGG1"].ToString() + " + " + record["PathGG2"].ToString();
                        if (record["PathGGS"].ToString().Length > 0)
                            resultText += (" = " + record["PathGGS"].ToString());

                        if (record["PathResult"].ToString().Length > 0)
                            resultText += (" (" + record["PathResult"].ToString() + ")");
                        resultText = record["PathResult"].ToString();

                    ResultField.Text = resultText;
                    ResultField.Text = record["PathResult"].ToString();

                string comments = "";
                if (record[BOL.ProstatectomyPathology.PathHG_PIN].ToString().Length > 0)
                    comments += "PIN:" + record[BOL.ProstatectomyPathology.PathHG_PIN].ToString() + ", ";
                if (record["PathASAP"].ToString().Length > 0)
                    comments += "ASAP:" + record["PathASAP"].ToString();

                if (comments.Length > 0)
                    CommentsField.Text = comments;

                if (record[BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathologyId].ToString().Length > 0)
                    BiopsyDa  b       = new BiopsyDa();
                    DataTable coresDt = b.FormGetBiopsyCorePathsByPathologyId((int)record[BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathologyId]);

                    if (coresDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        string corefilter = "LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCoreGG1 + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCoreGG2 + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCoreGGS + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCorePercCancer + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCoreMaxCancerLength + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCoreLength + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCorePerineuralInv + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCorePNI_Diam + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCoreHG_PIN + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCoreNumCores + ") > 0";

                        DataView coresDv = new DataView(coresDt);
                        coresDv.RowFilter = corefilter;

                        if (coresDv.Count > 0)
                            HtmlTableRow CoresContainer = (HtmlTableRow)e.Item.FindControl("CoresContainer");
                            CoresContainer.Visible = true;

                            Repeater Cores = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("Cores");
                            Cores.DataSource = coresDv;
        protected void BiopsiesOnDataBound(Object Sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            Literal ResultField   = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ResultField");
            Literal CommentsField = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("CommentsField");

            if ((e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) && e.Item.DataItem != null)
                DataRowView record = ((DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem);

                if (record["BxType"].ToString().Length > 0 && (record["BxType"].ToString().ToUpper().IndexOf("PROSTATE") > -1))
                    string resultText = "";

                    if (record["PathGG1"].ToString().Length > 0 || record["PathGG2"].ToString().Length > 0)
                        resultText = record["PathGG1"].ToString() + " + " + record["PathGG2"].ToString();
                        if (record["PathGGS"].ToString().Length > 0)
                            resultText += (" = " + record["PathGGS"].ToString());

                        if (record["PathResult"].ToString().Length > 0)
                            resultText += (" (" + record["PathResult"].ToString() + ")");
                        resultText = record["PathResult"].ToString();

                    ResultField.Text = resultText;
                    ResultField.Text = record["PathResult"].ToString();

                string comments = "";
                if (record[BOL.ProstatectomyPathology.PathHG_PIN].ToString().Length > 0)
                    comments += "PIN:" + record[BOL.ProstatectomyPathology.PathHG_PIN].ToString() + ", ";
                if (record["PathASAP"].ToString().Length > 0)
                    comments += "ASAP:" + record["PathASAP"].ToString();

                if (comments.Length > 0)
                    CommentsField.Text = comments;

                if (record[BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathologyId].ToString().Length > 0)
                    BiopsyDa  b       = new BiopsyDa();
                    DataTable coresDt = b.FormGetBiopsyCorePathsByPathologyId((int)record["PathologyId"]);

                    if (coresDt.Rows.Count > 0)
//                        string corefilter = "LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCoreGG1 + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCoreGG2 + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCoreGGS + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCorePercCancer + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCoreMaxCancerLength + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCoreLength + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCorePerineuralInv + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCorePNI_Diam + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCoreHG_PIN + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCoreNumCores + ") > 0";
                        string corefilter = "LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCoreGG1 + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCoreGG2 + ") > 0 or LEN(" + BOL.BiopsyCoreProstatePathology.PathCoreGGS + ") > 0";

                        DataView coresDv = new DataView(coresDt);
                        coresDv.RowFilter = corefilter;

                        if (coresDv.Count > 0)
                            HtmlTableRow CoresContainer = (HtmlTableRow)e.Item.FindControl("CoresContainer");
                            CoresContainer.Visible            = true;
                            BiopsyCoresBlankDataTable.Visible = false;

                            Repeater Cores = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("Cores");
                            Cores.DataSource = coresDv;

                // add class to MSK Biopsies
                if (FirstMSKBiopsyProcId > 0 && ((int)record["PrimaryKey"]).Equals(FirstMSKBiopsyProcId))
                    HtmlTableRow BiopsyPopDataRow = (HtmlTableRow)e.Item.FindControl("BiopsyPopDataRow");
                    BiopsyPopDataRow.Attributes.Add("class", "local-institution");
Пример #8
        public static string ActiveSurveillanceDate(int patientID)
            string ASDateStr = "";

            if (patientID != 0)
                DateTime ASStatusDate             = new DateTime();
                string   ASStatusDateText         = "";
                bool     PatientHasASStatusRecord = false;

                // check for Previous AS Status----------------------------------
                StatusDa sDa = new StatusDa();
                DataSet  sDs = sDa.GetStatus(patientID, "Prostate%");

                if (sDs.Tables.Count > 0 && sDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataView sDv = new DataView(sDs.Tables[0]);
                    sDv.RowFilter = BOL.Status.Status_Field + " IN ('Active Surveillance', 'Watchful Waiting') and " + BOL.Status.StatusDate + " IS NOT NULL";
                    sDv.Sort      = "StatusDate ASC";

                    if (sDv.Count > 0)
                        ASStatusDate             = (DateTime)sDv[0][BOL.Status.StatusDate];
                        ASStatusDateText         = sDv[0][BOL.Status.StatusDateText].ToString();
                        PatientHasASStatusRecord = true;

                if (PatientHasASStatusRecord)
                    DateTime ASDate     = new DateTime();
                    string   ASDateText = "";

                    DataTable ProstateBiopsies;
                    BiopsyDa  bDa = new BiopsyDa();
                    ProstateBiopsies = bDa.GetProstateBiopsies(patientID);

                    // make sure patient has biopsies
                    if (ProstateBiopsies.Rows.Count > 0)
                        // check for GGS > 0
                        DataView PVView = new DataView(ProstateBiopsies);
                        PVView.RowFilter = BOL.Procedure.ProcDate + " IS NOT NULL and (" + BOL.BiopsyProstatePathology.PathGG1 + " > 0 or " + BOL.BiopsyProstatePathology.PathGG2 + " > 0 or " + BOL.BiopsyProstatePathology.PathGGS + " > 0)";
                        if (PVView.Count > 0)
                            PVView.Sort = BOL.Procedure.ProcDate + " ASC";

                            // info on first positive biopsy--------------
                            DateTime FirstPosBiopsyDate     = ((DateTime)PVView[0][BOL.Procedure.ProcDate]);
                            string   FirstPosBiopsyDateText = PVView[0][BOL.Procedure.ProcDateText].ToString();
                            bool     FirstPosBiopsyIsSTD    = PVView[0][BOL.Procedure.ProcQuality].ToString().Equals("STD");

                            // info on first positive MSK biopsy (might be the same as above)--------------
                            DateTime FirstMSKPosBiopsyDate     = new DateTime();
                            string   FirstMSKPosBiopsyDateText = "";

                            DataView MSKPosBiopies = new DataView(PVView.ToTable());
                            MSKPosBiopies.RowFilter = BOL.Procedure.ProcQuality + " = 'STD'";

                            if (FirstPosBiopsyIsSTD)
                                FirstMSKPosBiopsyDate     = FirstPosBiopsyDate;
                                FirstMSKPosBiopsyDateText = FirstPosBiopsyDateText;
                                if (MSKPosBiopies.Count > 0)
                                    FirstMSKPosBiopsyDate     = ((DateTime)MSKPosBiopies[0][BOL.Procedure.ProcDate]);
                                    FirstMSKPosBiopsyDateText = MSKPosBiopies[0][BOL.Procedure.ProcDateText].ToString();

                            //all MSK Biopsies
                            DataView MSKAllBiopsies = new DataView(ProstateBiopsies);
                            MSKAllBiopsies.RowFilter = BOL.Procedure.ProcQuality + " = 'STD'";
                            DateTime FirstMSKBiopsyDate     = new DateTime();
                            string   FirstMSKBiopsyDateText = "";
                            DateTime LastMSKBiopsyDate      = new DateTime();
                            string   LastMSKBiopsyDateText  = "";
                            if (MSKAllBiopsies.Count > 0)
                                FirstMSKBiopsyDate     = ((DateTime)MSKAllBiopsies[0][BOL.Procedure.ProcDate]);
                                FirstMSKBiopsyDateText = MSKAllBiopsies[0][BOL.Procedure.ProcDate].ToString();
                                LastMSKBiopsyDate      = ((DateTime)MSKAllBiopsies[MSKAllBiopsies.Count - 1][BOL.Procedure.ProcDate]);
                                LastMSKBiopsyDateText  = MSKAllBiopsies[MSKAllBiopsies.Count - 1][BOL.Procedure.ProcDate].ToString();

                            if (FirstMSKBiopsyDate > DateTime.MinValue && ASStatusDate < FirstMSKBiopsyDate)  // patient has an MSK Pos biopsy and AS Record is earlier
                                if (!FirstPosBiopsyIsSTD && (FirstMSKBiopsyDate - FirstPosBiopsyDate).TotalDays > 365)
                                    // AS Date is set
                                    ASDate     = ASStatusDate;
                                    ASDateText = ASStatusDateText;
                                    // AS Date is set
                                    ASDate     = FirstMSKBiopsyDate;
                                    ASDateText = FirstMSKBiopsyDateText;

                            if (ASDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue)) // AS Date is not set yet
                                if (FirstPosBiopsyIsSTD)
                                    if (MSKPosBiopies.Count > 1 && ((DateTime)MSKPosBiopies[1][BOL.Procedure.ProcDate] - FirstMSKPosBiopsyDate).TotalDays <= 365)
                                        ASDate     = (DateTime)MSKPosBiopies[1][BOL.Procedure.ProcDate];
                                        ASDateText = MSKPosBiopies[1][BOL.Procedure.ProcDateText].ToString();
                                        ASDate     = FirstPosBiopsyDate;     // same value as FirstMSKPosBiopsyDate;
                                        ASDateText = FirstPosBiopsyDateText; // same value as FirstMSKPosBiopsyDateText;
                                else // first pos biopsy is outside
                                    int FirstBiopsyGG1 = 0;
                                    int FirstBiopsyGG2 = 0;
                                    int FirstBiopsyGGS = 0;

                                    if (PVView[0][BOL.BiopsyProstatePathology.PathGGS].ToString().Length > 0)
                                        // if first biopsy has GGS = 6 AND has subsequent MSK biopsy         //not necessary anymore--> (msk biopsy is 1 yr or more later)
                                        // if the last MSK biopsy is after the first pos biopsy, there is a subsequent MSK biopsy
                                        if (MSKAllBiopsies.Count > 0 && (LastMSKBiopsyDate > FirstPosBiopsyDate)) //FirstBiopsyGGS == 6 &&
                                            // get first MSK biopsy after first pos biopsy
                                            DataRowView ASMSKBiopsy = FirstBiopsyAfterDate(MSKAllBiopsies.ToTable(), FirstPosBiopsyDate);
                                            if (ASMSKBiopsy != null)
                                                ASDate     = (DateTime)ASMSKBiopsy[BOL.Procedure.ProcDate];
                                                ASDateText = ASMSKBiopsy[BOL.Procedure.ProcDateText].ToString();
                                            ASDate     = ASStatusDate;
                                            ASDateText = ASStatusDateText;
                                    else if (int.TryParse(PVView[0][BOL.BiopsyProstatePathology.PathGG1].ToString(), out FirstBiopsyGG1) && int.TryParse(PVView[0][BOL.BiopsyProstatePathology.PathGG2].ToString(), out FirstBiopsyGG2))
                                        //                                    FirstBiopsyGGS = FirstBiopsyGG1 + FirstBiopsyGG2;
                                        // if first biopsy has GGS = 6 AND has subsequent MSK biopsy         //not necessary anymore--> (msk biopsy is 1 yr or more later)
                                        // if the last MSK biopsy is after the first pos biopsy, there is a subsequent MSK biopsy
                                        if (MSKAllBiopsies.Count > 0 && (LastMSKBiopsyDate > FirstPosBiopsyDate)) //FirstBiopsyGGS == 6 &&
                                            // get first MSK biopsy after first pos biopsy
                                            DataRowView ASMSKBiopsy = FirstBiopsyAfterDate(MSKAllBiopsies.ToTable(), FirstPosBiopsyDate);
                                            if (ASMSKBiopsy != null)
                                                ASDate     = (DateTime)ASMSKBiopsy[BOL.Procedure.ProcDate];
                                                ASDateText = ASMSKBiopsy[BOL.Procedure.ProcDateText].ToString();
                                            ASDate     = ASStatusDate;
                                            ASDateText = ASStatusDateText;
                                        ASDate     = ASStatusDate;
                                        ASDateText = ASStatusDateText;

                            // if ASDate has been set, display ASDateText
                            if (ASDate > DateTime.MinValue)
                                ASDateStr = ASDateText;
                        //else leave blank
