/// <summary> /// Unsubscribes from information earlier subscribed to. Topics can include wildcards. /// </summary> /// <param name="Topics">Topics</param> /// <returns>Packet identifier assigned to unsubscription.</returns> public ushort UNSUBSCRIBE(params string[] Topics) { BinaryOutput Payload = new BinaryOutput(); ushort PacketIdentifier; PacketIdentifier = this.packetIdentifier++; if (PacketIdentifier == 0) { PacketIdentifier = this.packetIdentifier++; } Payload.WriteUInt16(PacketIdentifier); foreach (string Topic in Topics) { Payload.WriteString(Topic); } byte[] PayloadData = Payload.GetPacket(); BinaryOutput Packet = new BinaryOutput(); byte b = (byte)((int)MqttControlPacketType.UNSUBSCRIBE << 4); b |= 2; Packet.WriteByte(b); Packet.WriteUInt((uint)PayloadData.Length); Packet.WriteBytes(PayloadData); byte[] PacketData = Packet.GetPacket(); this.BeginWrite(PacketData, PacketIdentifier); return(PacketIdentifier); }
public override bool MoveStep() { if (Program.NrPlayers == 1) { return(base.MoveStep()); } else if (this.playerNr == 1) { int X = this.x; int Y = this.y; bool Result = base.MoveStep(); if (this.x != X || this.y != Y || Result) { BinaryOutput Output = new BinaryOutput(); Output.WriteByte(8); Output.WriteInt(this.x); Output.WriteInt(this.y); Output.WriteInt(this.vx); Output.WriteInt(this.vy); Output.WriteBool(Result); Program.MPE.SendUdpToAll(Output.GetPacket(), 3); } return(Result); } else { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Sends a PING message to the server. This is automatically done to keep the connection alive. Only call this method /// if you want to send additional PING messages, apart from the ones sent to keep the connection alive. /// </summary> public void PING() { BinaryOutput Packet = new BinaryOutput(); Packet.WriteByte((byte)MqttControlPacketType.PINGREQ << 4); Packet.WriteUInt(0); byte[] PacketData = Packet.GetPacket(); this.BeginWrite(PacketData, 0); EventHandler h = this.OnPing; if (!(h is null)) { try { h(this, new EventArgs()); } catch (Exception ex) { #if LineListener LLOut(ex.Message, Color.Yellow, Color.DarkRed); #endif } } }
private void CloseMqtt() { if (this.mqttConnection != null) { if (this.mqttConnection.State == MqttState.Connected) { BinaryOutput Output = new BinaryOutput(); Output.WriteByte(2); Output.WriteString(this.applicationName); Output.WriteGuid(this.localPlayer.PlayerId); this.mqttTerminatedPacketIdentifier = this.mqttConnection.PUBLISH(this.mqttNegotiationTopic, MqttQualityOfService.AtLeastOnce, false, Output); this.mqttConnection.OnPublished += new PacketAcknowledgedEventHandler(MqttConnection_OnPublished); #if LineListener Console.Out.WriteLine("Tx: BYE(" + this.localPlayer.ToString() + ")"); #endif } else { this.mqttConnection.Dispose(); this.mqttConnection = null; } } }
private void CONNECT(int KeepAliveSeconds) { this.State = MqttState.Authenticating; this.keepAliveSeconds = KeepAliveSeconds; this.nextPing = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(KeepAliveSeconds * 500); this.secondTimer = new Timer(this.secondTimer_Elapsed, null, 1000, 1000); BinaryOutput Payload = new BinaryOutput(); Payload.WriteString("MQTT"); Payload.WriteByte(4); // v3.1.1 byte b = 2; // Clean session. Payload.WriteByte(b); Payload.WriteByte((byte)(KeepAliveSeconds >> 8)); Payload.WriteByte((byte)KeepAliveSeconds); Payload.WriteString(this.clientId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.userName)) { b |= 128; Payload.WriteString(this.userName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.password)) { b |= 64; Payload.WriteString(this.password); } } byte[] PayloadData = Payload.GetPacket(); BinaryOutput Packet = new BinaryOutput(); Packet.WriteByte((byte)MqttControlPacketType.CONNECT << 4); Packet.WriteUInt((uint)PayloadData.Length); Packet.WriteBytes(PayloadData); byte[] PacketData = Packet.GetPacket(); this.BeginWrite(PacketData, 0); this.inputState = 0; this.BeginRead(); }
public override void AfterMove() { Color DestPixel = RetroApplication.Raster[this.x, this.y]; if (DestPixel.ToArgb() != Color.Black.ToArgb()) { if (DestPixel.R == 255 && DestPixel.B == 0) { RetroApplication.FillFlood(this.x, this.y, Color.Black); if (this.playerNr == 1) { BinaryOutput Output = new BinaryOutput(); int Gift = RetroApplication.Random(0, 31); Output.WriteByte(7); Output.WriteInt(Gift); this.GetGift(1, Gift, Output, null); if (Program.NrPlayers > 1) { Program.MPE.SendUdpToAll(Output.GetPacket(), 3); } } } else if (!this.immortal) { this.Die(); return; } } if (!this.invisible || this.playerNr == 2) { RetroApplication.Raster[this.x, this.y] = this.headColor; } if (this.immortal) { int SecondsLeft = 10 - (int)(DateTime.Now - this.immortalStart).TotalSeconds; if (SecondsLeft != this.immortalSecondsLeft) { if (SecondsLeft < 0) { this.immortal = false; Program.PlayerMsg(this.playerNr, string.Empty); } else { this.immortalSecondsLeft = SecondsLeft; Program.PlayerMsg(this.playerNr, "Immortal " + SecondsLeft.ToString()); } } } }
private void PINGRESP() { BinaryOutput Packet = new BinaryOutput(); Packet.WriteByte((byte)MqttControlPacketType.PINGRESP << 4); Packet.WriteUInt(0); byte[] PacketData = Packet.GetPacket(); this.BeginWrite(PacketData, 0); }
private void PUBCOMP(ushort PacketIdentifier) { BinaryOutput Packet = new BinaryOutput(); Packet.WriteByte((byte)MqttControlPacketType.PUBCOMP << 4); Packet.WriteUInt(2); Packet.WriteUInt16(PacketIdentifier); byte[] PacketData = Packet.GetPacket(); this.BeginWrite(PacketData, 0); }
private ushort PUBLISH(string Topic, MqttQualityOfService QoS, bool Retain, bool Duplicate, byte[] Data) { BinaryOutput Payload = new BinaryOutput(); ushort PacketIdentifier; Payload.WriteString(Topic); if (QoS > MqttQualityOfService.AtMostOne) { PacketIdentifier = this.packetIdentifier++; if (PacketIdentifier == 0) { PacketIdentifier = this.packetIdentifier++; } Payload.WriteUInt16(PacketIdentifier); } else { PacketIdentifier = 0; } Payload.WriteBytes(Data); byte[] PayloadData = Payload.GetPacket(); BinaryOutput Packet = new BinaryOutput(); byte b = (byte)((int)MqttControlPacketType.PUBLISH << 4); if (Duplicate) { b |= 8; } b |= (byte)((int)QoS << 1); if (Retain) { b |= 1; } Packet.WriteByte(b); Packet.WriteUInt((uint)PayloadData.Length); Packet.WriteBytes(PayloadData); byte[] PacketData = Packet.GetPacket(); this.BeginWrite(PacketData, PacketIdentifier); return(PacketIdentifier); }
private void DISCONNECT() { BinaryOutput Packet = new BinaryOutput(); Packet.WriteByte((byte)MqttControlPacketType.DISCONNECT << 4); Packet.WriteUInt(2); byte[] PacketData = Packet.GetPacket(); ManualResetEvent Done = new ManualResetEvent(false); this.stream.BeginWrite(PacketData, 0, PacketData.Length, this.EndDisconnect, Done); Done.WaitOne(1000); }
/// <summary> /// Creates inter-player peer-to-peer connections between known players. /// </summary> public async Task ConnectPlayers() { if (this.state != MultiPlayerState.FindingPlayers) { throw new Exception("The multiplayer environment is not in the state of finding players."); } await this.SetState(MultiPlayerState.ConnectingPlayers); int Index = 0; BinaryOutput Output = new BinaryOutput(); Output.WriteByte(1); Output.WriteString(this.applicationName); this.localPlayer.Index = Index++; this.Serialize(this.localPlayer, Output); #if LineListener Console.Out.Write("Tx: INTERCONNECT(" + this.localPlayer.ToString()); #endif lock (this.remotePlayersByEndpoint) { Output.WriteUInt((uint)this.remotePlayersByEndpoint.Count); foreach (Player Player in this.remotePlayersByEndpoint.Values) { Player.Index = Index++; this.Serialize(Player, Output); #if LineListener Console.Out.Write("," + Player.ToString()); #endif } } this.mqttTerminatedPacketIdentifier = await this.mqttConnection.PUBLISH(this.mqttNegotiationTopic, MqttQualityOfService.AtLeastOnce, false, Output); this.mqttConnection.OnPublished += this.MqttConnection_OnPublished; #if LineListener Console.Out.WriteLine(")"); #endif await this.StartConnecting(); }
private void MqttConnection_OnStateChanged(object Sender, MqttState NewState) { if (NewState == MqttState.Connected) { this.mqttConnection.SUBSCRIBE(this.mqttNegotiationTopic); BinaryOutput Output = new BinaryOutput(); Output.WriteByte(0); Output.WriteString(this.applicationName); this.localPlayer.SetEndpoints(this.p2pNetwork.ExternalEndpoint, this.p2pNetwork.LocalEndpoint); this.Serialize(this.localPlayer, Output); this.mqttConnection.PUBLISH(this.mqttNegotiationTopic, MqttQualityOfService.AtLeastOnce, false, Output); #if LineListener Console.Out.WriteLine("Tx: HELLO(" + this.localPlayer.ToString() + ")"); #endif } }
/// <summary> /// Subscribes to information from a set of topics. Topics can include wildcards. /// </summary> /// <param name="Topics">Topics together with Quality of Service levels for each topic.</param> /// <returns>Packet identifier assigned to subscription.</returns> public ushort SUBSCRIBE(params KeyValuePair <string, MqttQualityOfService>[] Topics) { BinaryOutput Payload = new BinaryOutput(); ushort PacketIdentifier; PacketIdentifier = this.packetIdentifier++; if (PacketIdentifier == 0) { PacketIdentifier = this.packetIdentifier++; } Payload.WriteUInt16(PacketIdentifier); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MqttQualityOfService> Pair in Topics) { Payload.WriteString(Pair.Key); Payload.WriteByte((byte)Pair.Value); } byte[] PayloadData = Payload.GetPacket(); BinaryOutput Packet = new BinaryOutput(); byte b = (byte)((int)MqttControlPacketType.SUBSCRIBE << 4); b |= 2; Packet.WriteByte(b); Packet.WriteUInt((uint)PayloadData.Length); Packet.WriteBytes(PayloadData); byte[] PacketData = Packet.GetPacket(); this.BeginWrite(PacketData, PacketIdentifier); return(PacketIdentifier); }
/// <summary> /// Subscribes to information from a set of topics. Topics can include wildcards. /// </summary> /// <param name="Topics">Topics together with Quality of Service levels for each topic.</param> /// <returns>Packet identifier assigned to subscription.</returns> public ushort SUBSCRIBE(params KeyValuePair<string, MqttQualityOfService>[] Topics) { BinaryOutput Payload = new BinaryOutput(); ushort PacketIdentifier; PacketIdentifier = this.packetIdentifier++; if (PacketIdentifier == 0) PacketIdentifier = this.packetIdentifier++; Payload.WriteUInt16(PacketIdentifier); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, MqttQualityOfService> Pair in Topics) { Payload.WriteString(Pair.Key); Payload.WriteByte((byte)Pair.Value); } byte[] PayloadData = Payload.GetPacket(); BinaryOutput Packet = new BinaryOutput(); byte b = (byte)((int)MqttControlPacketType.SUBSCRIBE << 4); b |= 2; Packet.WriteByte(b); Packet.WriteUInt((uint)PayloadData.Length); Packet.WriteBytes(PayloadData); byte[] PacketData = Packet.GetPacket(); this.BeginWrite(PacketData, PacketIdentifier); return PacketIdentifier; }
public static void Main(string[] _) { Initialize(); Guid PlayerId = Guid.NewGuid(); string Player1Name; string Player2Name; Console.Out.WriteLine("Welcome to Mask! (Worms/Tron)"); Console.Out.WriteLine(new string('-', 70)); Console.Out.WriteLine("You control the work using the cursor keys."); Console.Out.WriteLine("Fire, using SPACE."); Console.Out.WriteLine("If you die, press ENTER to restart the game."); Console.Out.WriteLine("You can chat during the game."); Console.Out.WriteLine("Remember to try to fetch the gifts. You do that by moving into them."); Console.Out.WriteLine(); Console.Out.WriteLine("Hello. What is your name?"); Player1Name = Player2Name = Console.ReadLine(); using (MPE = new MultiPlayerEnvironment("Mask", false, "iot.eclipse.org", 1883, false, string.Empty, string.Empty, "RetroSharp/Examples/Games/Mask", 2, PlayerId, new KeyValuePair <string, string>("NAME", Player1Name))) { MPE.OnStateChange += (sender, state) => { switch (state) { case MultiPlayerState.SearchingForGateway: Console.Out.WriteLine("Searching for Internet Gateway."); break; case MultiPlayerState.RegisteringApplicationInGateway: Console.Out.WriteLine("Registering game in gateway."); break; case MultiPlayerState.FindingPlayers: Console.Out.WriteLine("Waiting for another player to connect."); Console.Out.WriteLine("Press ESC to play in single player mode."); OnKeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(MPE_Wait_OnKeyDown); break; case MultiPlayerState.ConnectingPlayers: Console.Out.WriteLine("Connecting to players."); break; } }; MPE.OnPlayerAvailable += (sender, player) => { Console.Out.WriteLine("New player available: " + player["NAME"]); MPE.ConnectPlayers(); }; MPE.OnPlayerConnected += (sender, player) => { Player2Name = player["NAME"]; }; MPE.OnPlayerDisconnected += (sender, player) => { PlayerMsg(2, "Disconnected"); NrPlayers = 1; LocalMachineIsGameServer = true; }; if (MPE.Wait(int.MaxValue)) { NrPlayers = MPE.PlayerCount; LocalMachineIsGameServer = MPE.LocalPlayerIsFirst; } else { PlayerMsg(2, "Network error"); NrPlayers = 1; } OnKeyDown -= new KeyEventHandler(MPE_Wait_OnKeyDown); ManualResetEvent Done = new ManualResetEvent(false); LinkedList <Shot> Shots = new LinkedList <Shot>(); LinkedList <Explosion> Explosions = new LinkedList <Explosion>(); LinkedList <Present> Presents = new LinkedList <Present>(); LinkedList <PlayerPosition> Player2Positions = new LinkedList <PlayerPosition>(); Player Player1 = new Player(1, 20, 28, 1, 0, 3, Color.Green, Color.LightGreen, 15); Player Player2 = new Player(2, 299, 179, -1, 0, 3, Color.Blue, Color.LightBlue, 15); bool Player1Up = false; bool Player1Down = false; bool Player1Left = false; bool Player1Right = false; bool Player1Fire = false; bool Player2Up = false; bool Player2Down = false; bool Player2Left = false; bool Player2Right = false; bool Player2Fire = false; Player1.Opponent = Player2; Player2.Opponent = Player1; Clear(); FillRectangle(0, 0, 319, 7, Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.DimGray)); SetClipArea(0, 8, 319, 199); string s = Player1Name.Length <= 10 ? Player1Name : Player1Name.Substring(0, 10); Console.Out.Write(s); s = Player2Name.Length <= 10 ? Player2Name : Player2Name.Substring(0, 10); GotoXY(ConsoleWidth - s.Length, 0); Console.Out.Write(s); OnKeyDown += (sender, e) => { switch (e.Key) { case Key.Escape: if (MPE.State == MultiPlayerState.FindingPlayers) { MPE.ConnectPlayers(); } else { Done.Set(); } break; case Key.C: if (e.Control) { Done.Set(); } break; case Key.Up: if (!Player1.Dead && Player1.VY != 1) { Player1Up = true; if (NrPlayers == 1) { if (!Player2.Dead) { Player2Down = true; } } else { MPE.SendUdpToAll(new byte[] { 0 }, 3); } } break; case Key.Down: if (!Player1.Dead && Player1.VY != -1) { Player1Down = true; if (NrPlayers == 1) { if (!Player2.Dead) { Player2Up = true; } } else { MPE.SendUdpToAll(new byte[] { 1 }, 3); } } break; case Key.Left: if (!Player1.Dead && Player1.VX != 1) { Player1Left = true; if (NrPlayers == 1) { if (!Player2.Dead) { Player2Right = true; } } else { MPE.SendUdpToAll(new byte[] { 2 }, 3); } } break; case Key.Right: if (!Player1.Dead && Player1.VX != -1) { Player1Right = true; if (NrPlayers == 1) { if (!Player2.Dead) { Player2Left = true; } } else { MPE.SendUdpToAll(new byte[] { 3 }, 3); } } break; case Key.Space: if (!Player1.Dead) { Player1Fire = true; if (NrPlayers == 1) { if (!Player2.Dead) { Player2Fire = true; } } else { MPE.SendUdpToAll(new byte[] { 4 }, 3); } } break; case Key.Enter: if (Player1.Dead) { if (NrPlayers > 1) { MPE.SendUdpToAll(new byte[] { 5 }, 3); } else { lock (Player2Positions) { Player2Positions.Clear(); } Shots.Clear(); Explosions.Clear(); Presents.Clear(); Player1 = new Player(1, 20, 28, 1, 0, 3, Color.Green, Color.LightGreen, 15); Player2 = new Player(2, 299, 179, -1, 0, 3, Color.Blue, Color.LightBlue, 15); Player1Up = false; Player1Down = false; Player1Left = false; Player1Right = false; Player1Fire = false; Player1.Opponent = Player2; Player2.Opponent = Player1; FillRectangle(0, 8, 319, 199, Color.Black); PlayerMsg(1, string.Empty); PlayerMsg(2, string.Empty); } } break; } }; OnKeyPressed += (sender, e) => { ChatCharacter(1, e.Character); MPE.SendTcpToAll(new byte[] { 10, (byte)(e.Character >> 8), (byte)(e.Character) }); }; OnUpdateModel += (sender, e) => { if (LocalMachineIsGameServer && Random() < 0.005) { int x1, y1; do { x1 = Random(30, 285); y1 = Random(38, 165); }while (!Present.CanPlace(x1, y1, x1 + 5, y1 + 5)); Presents.AddLast(new Present(x1, y1, x1 + 5, y1 + 5)); if (NrPlayers > 1) { BinaryOutput Output = new BinaryOutput(); Output.WriteByte(6); Output.WriteInt(x1); Output.WriteInt(y1); MPE.SendUdpToAll(Output.GetPacket(), 3); } } LinkedListNode <Present> PresentObj, NextPresentObj; PresentObj = Presents.First; while (!(PresentObj is null)) { NextPresentObj = PresentObj.Next; if (PresentObj.Value.Move()) { Presents.Remove(PresentObj); } PresentObj = NextPresentObj; } if (Player1Up) { Player1.Up(); Player1Up = false; } else if (Player1Down) { Player1.Down(); Player1Down = false; } else if (Player1Left) { Player1.Left(); Player1Left = false; } else if (Player1Right) { Player1.Right(); Player1Right = false; } if (Player2Up) { Player2.Up(); Player2Up = false; } else if (Player2Down) { Player2.Down(); Player2Down = false; } else if (Player2Left) { Player2.Left(); Player2Left = false; } else if (Player2Right) { Player2.Right(); Player2Right = false; } if (!Player1.Dead && Player1.Move()) { Explosions.AddLast(new Explosion(Player1.X, Player1.Y, 30, Color.White)); } if (!Player2.Dead) { if (NrPlayers == 1) { if (Player2.Move()) { Explosions.AddLast(new Explosion(Player2.X, Player2.Y, 30, Color.White)); } } else { lock (Player2Positions) { try { foreach (PlayerPosition P in Player2Positions) { Player2.BeforeMove(); Player2.SetPosition(P.X, P.Y, P.VX, P.VY); Player2.AfterMove(); if (P.Dead) { Player2.Die(); Explosions.AddLast(new Explosion(Player2.X, Player2.Y, 30, Color.White)); } } } finally { Player2Positions.Clear(); } } } } if (Player1Fire) { Player1.Fire(Shots); Player1Fire = false; } if (Player2Fire) { Player2.Fire(Shots); Player2Fire = false; } LinkedListNode <Shot> ShotObj, NextShotObj; ShotObj = Shots.First; while (!(ShotObj is null)) { NextShotObj = ShotObj.Next; if (ShotObj.Value.Move()) { Shots.Remove(ShotObj); Explosions.AddLast(new Explosion(ShotObj.Value.X, ShotObj.Value.Y, ShotObj.Value.Power, Color.White)); } ShotObj = NextShotObj; } LinkedListNode <Explosion> ExplosionObj, NextExplosionObj; ExplosionObj = Explosions.First; while (!(ExplosionObj is null)) { NextExplosionObj = ExplosionObj.Next; if (ExplosionObj.Value.Move()) { Explosions.Remove(ExplosionObj); } ExplosionObj = NextExplosionObj; } }; MPE.OnGameDataReceived += (sender, e) => { byte Command = e.Data.ReadByte(); switch (Command) { case 0: // Remote player presses UP if (!Player2.Dead) { Player2Down = true; } break; case 1: // Remote player presses DOWN if (!Player2.Dead) { Player2Up = true; } break; case 2: // Remote player presses LEFT if (!Player2.Dead) { Player2Right = true; } break; case 3: // Remote player presses RIGHT if (!Player2.Dead) { Player2Left = true; } break; case 4: // Remote player presses SPACE (Fire) if (!Player2.Dead) { Player2Fire = true; } break; case 5: // Remote player presses ENTER (Restart) case 9: // Acknowledgement of remote player presses ENTER (Restart) if (Command == 5) { MPE.SendUdpToAll(new byte[] { 9 }, 3); } lock (Player2Positions) { Player2Positions.Clear(); } Shots.Clear(); Explosions.Clear(); Presents.Clear(); Player1 = new Player(1, 20, 28, 1, 0, 3, Color.Green, Color.LightGreen, 15); Player2 = new Player(2, 299, 179, -1, 0, 3, Color.Blue, Color.LightBlue, 15); Player1Up = false; Player1Down = false; Player1Left = false; Player1Right = false; Player1Fire = false; Player1.Opponent = Player2; Player2.Opponent = Player1; FillRectangle(0, 8, 319, 199, Color.Black); PlayerMsg(1, string.Empty); PlayerMsg(2, string.Empty); BorderColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.DimGray); break; case 6: // New Present int x1 = 315 - (int)e.Data.ReadInt(); int y1 = 203 - (int)e.Data.ReadInt(); Presents.AddLast(new Present(x1, y1, x1 + 5, y1 + 5)); break; case 7: // Gift x1 = (int)e.Data.ReadInt(); Player2.GetGift(2, x1, null, e.Data); break; case 8: // Move player 2 lock (Player2Positions) { Player2Positions.AddLast(new PlayerPosition(e.Data)); } break; case 10: // chat character char ch = (char)e.Data.ReadUInt16(); ChatCharacter(2, ch); break; } }; while (!Done.WaitOne(1000)) { ; } } Terminate(); }
private void PUBREL(ushort PacketIdentifier) { BinaryOutput Packet = new BinaryOutput(); Packet.WriteByte((byte)(((int)MqttControlPacketType.PUBREL << 4) | 2)); Packet.WriteUInt(2); Packet.WriteUInt16(PacketIdentifier); byte[] PacketData = Packet.GetPacket(); this.BeginWrite(PacketData, PacketIdentifier); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Initialize(); WriteLine("What is your name?", C64Colors.LightBlue); string Name = Console.In.ReadLine(); BinaryOutput Payload; WriteLine("Hello " + Name + ".", C64Colors.LightBlue); WriteLine("Strings entered below will be seen by everybody running the application.", C64Colors.LightBlue); WriteLine("Enter an empty string to close the application.", C64Colors.LightBlue); WriteLine(new string('-', ConsoleWidth), C64Colors.LightBlue); using (MqttConnection MqttConnection = ConnectToMqttServer("iot.eclipse.org", true, string.Empty, string.Empty)) { WriteLine("<" + MqttConnection.State.ToString() + ">", C64Colors.LightGreen); MqttConnection.TrustServer = true; MqttConnection.OnConnectionError += (sender, ex) => { WriteLine("Unable to connect:", C64Colors.Red); }; MqttConnection.OnError += (sender, ex) => { WriteLine(ex.Message, C64Colors.Red); }; MqttConnection.OnStateChanged += (sender, state) => { WriteLine("<" + MqttConnection.State.ToString() + ">", C64Colors.LightGreen); if (state == MqttState.Connected) { MqttConnection.SUBSCRIBE("RetroSharp/Examples/Networking/MultiUserChat"); Payload = new BinaryOutput(); Payload.WriteString(MqttConnection.ClientId); Payload.WriteString(Name); Payload.WriteByte(0); MqttConnection.PUBLISH("RetroSharp/Examples/Networking/MultiUserChat", MqttQualityOfService.AtLeastOne, false, Payload); } }; MqttConnection.OnContentReceived += (sender, Content) => { string ClientId = Content.DataInput.ReadString(); if (ClientId != sender.ClientId) { string Author = Content.DataInput.ReadString(); byte Command = Content.DataInput.ReadByte(); switch (Command) { case 0: WriteLine("<" + Author + " enters the room.>", C64Colors.LightGreen); break; case 1: string Text = Content.DataInput.ReadString(); WriteLine(Author + ": " + Text, C64Colors.LightBlue); break; case 2: WriteLine("<" + Author + " left the room.>", C64Colors.LightGreen); break; } } }; while (true) { string s = Console.In.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { break; } Payload = new BinaryOutput(); Payload.WriteString(MqttConnection.ClientId); Payload.WriteString(Name); Payload.WriteByte(1); Payload.WriteString(s); MqttConnection.PUBLISH("RetroSharp/Examples/Networking/MultiUserChat", MqttQualityOfService.AtLeastOne, false, Payload); } MqttConnection.UNSUBSCRIBE("RetroSharp/Examples/Networking/MultiUserChat"); int PacketIdentifier = 0; ManualResetEvent Terminated = new ManualResetEvent(false); MqttConnection.OnPublished += (sender, e) => { if (PacketIdentifier == e) { Terminated.Set(); } }; Payload = new BinaryOutput(); Payload.WriteString(MqttConnection.ClientId); Payload.WriteString(Name); Payload.WriteByte(2); PacketIdentifier = MqttConnection.PUBLISH("RetroSharp/Examples/Networking/MultiUserChat", MqttQualityOfService.AtLeastOne, false, Payload); Terminated.WaitOne(5000); } Terminate(); }
private ushort PUBLISH(string Topic, MqttQualityOfService QoS, bool Retain, bool Duplicate, byte[] Data) { BinaryOutput Payload = new BinaryOutput(); ushort PacketIdentifier; Payload.WriteString(Topic); if (QoS > MqttQualityOfService.AtMostOne) { PacketIdentifier = this.packetIdentifier++; if (PacketIdentifier == 0) PacketIdentifier = this.packetIdentifier++; Payload.WriteUInt16(PacketIdentifier); } else PacketIdentifier = 0; Payload.WriteBytes(Data); byte[] PayloadData = Payload.GetPacket(); BinaryOutput Packet = new BinaryOutput(); byte b = (byte)((int)MqttControlPacketType.PUBLISH << 4); if (Duplicate) b |= 8; b |= (byte)((int)QoS << 1); if (Retain) b |= 1; Packet.WriteByte(b); Packet.WriteUInt((uint)PayloadData.Length); Packet.WriteBytes(PayloadData); byte[] PacketData = Packet.GetPacket(); this.BeginWrite(PacketData, PacketIdentifier); return PacketIdentifier; }
/// <summary> /// Sends a PING message to the server. This is automatically done to keep the connection alive. Only call this method /// if you want to send additional PING messages, apart from the ones sent to keep the connection alive. /// </summary> public void PING() { BinaryOutput Packet = new BinaryOutput(); Packet.WriteByte((byte)MqttControlPacketType.PINGREQ << 4); Packet.WriteUInt(0); byte[] PacketData = Packet.GetPacket(); this.BeginWrite(PacketData, 0); EventHandler h = this.OnPing; if (h != null) { try { h(this, new EventArgs()); } catch (Exception ex) { #if LineListener LLOut(ex.Message, Color.Yellow, Color.DarkRed); #endif } } }
/// <summary> /// Unsubscribes from information earlier subscribed to. Topics can include wildcards. /// </summary> /// <param name="Topics">Topics</param> /// <returns>Packet identifier assigned to unsubscription.</returns> public ushort UNSUBSCRIBE(params string[] Topics) { BinaryOutput Payload = new BinaryOutput(); ushort PacketIdentifier; PacketIdentifier = this.packetIdentifier++; if (PacketIdentifier == 0) PacketIdentifier = this.packetIdentifier++; Payload.WriteUInt16(PacketIdentifier); foreach (string Topic in Topics) Payload.WriteString(Topic); byte[] PayloadData = Payload.GetPacket(); BinaryOutput Packet = new BinaryOutput(); byte b = (byte)((int)MqttControlPacketType.UNSUBSCRIBE << 4); b |= 2; Packet.WriteByte(b); Packet.WriteUInt((uint)PayloadData.Length); Packet.WriteBytes(PayloadData); byte[] PacketData = Packet.GetPacket(); this.BeginWrite(PacketData, PacketIdentifier); return PacketIdentifier; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Initialize(); Console.Out.Write("Host Name (default iot.eclipse.org): "); string Host = Console.In.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Host)) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Using iot.eclipse.org."); Host = "iot.eclipse.org"; } Console.Out.WriteLine(); Console.Out.Write("Port Number (default 1883): "); string s = Console.In.ReadLine(); int Port; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Using port 1883."); Port = 1883; } else { Port = int.Parse(s); } Console.Out.WriteLine(); BinaryOutput Payload; int PacketsLeft = NrTestsPerQoS; using (MqttConnection MqttConnection = ConnectToMqttServer("iot.eclipse.org", Port, string.Empty, string.Empty)) { WriteLine("<" + MqttConnection.State.ToString() + ">", C64Colors.LightGreen); MqttConnection.TrustServer = true; MqttConnection.OnConnectionError += (sender, ex) => { WriteLine("Unable to connect:", C64Colors.Red); }; MqttConnection.OnError += (sender, ex) => { WriteLine(ex.Message, C64Colors.Red); }; MqttConnection.OnContentReceived += (sender, Content) => { string ClientId = Content.DataInput.ReadString(); if (ClientId == sender.ClientId) { DateTime TP = Content.DataInput.ReadDateTime(); MqttQualityOfService QoS = (MqttQualityOfService)Content.DataInput.ReadByte(); Console.Out.WriteLine("Latency: " + (DateTime.Now - TP).TotalMilliseconds + " ms (" + QoS.ToString() + ")"); bool Resend; if (--PacketsLeft > 0) { Resend = true; } else if (QoS < MqttQualityOfService.ExactlyOne) { QoS = (MqttQualityOfService)((int)QoS + 1); PacketsLeft = NrTestsPerQoS; Resend = true; } else { Resend = false; } if (Resend) { Payload = new BinaryOutput(); Payload.WriteString(MqttConnection.ClientId); Payload.WriteDateTime(DateTime.Now); Payload.WriteByte((byte)QoS); MqttConnection.PUBLISH("RetroSharp/Examples/Networking/Latency", QoS, false, Payload); } else { Console.Out.WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue."); } } }; MqttConnection.OnStateChanged += (sender, state) => { WriteLine("<" + MqttConnection.State.ToString() + ">", C64Colors.LightGreen); if (state == MqttState.Connected) { MqttConnection.SUBSCRIBE("RetroSharp/Examples/Networking/Latency"); Payload = new BinaryOutput(); Payload.WriteString(MqttConnection.ClientId); Payload.WriteDateTime(DateTime.Now); Payload.WriteByte((byte)MqttQualityOfService.AtMostOne); MqttConnection.PUBLISH("RetroSharp/Examples/Networking/Latency", MqttQualityOfService.AtMostOne, false, Payload); } }; Console.In.ReadLine(); } Terminate(); }