Пример #1
        private void UpdateInCache(Uri uri, string withFile)
            using (var progressHandler = EmulationManager.Instance.ProgressMonitor.Start("Updating cache"))
                lock (CacheDirectory)
                    var         index = ReadBinariesIndex();
                    BinaryEntry entry;
                    var         fileId = 0;
                    if (!index.TryGetValue(uri, out entry))
                        foreach (var element in index)
                            fileId = Math.Max(fileId, element.Value.Index) + 1;
                        fileId = entry.Index;
                    FileCopier.Copy(withFile, GetBinaryFileName(fileId), true);

                    // checksum will be 'null' if the uri pattern does not contain
                    // checksum/size information
                    TryGetChecksumAndSizeFromUri(uri, out var checksum, out var size);
                    index[uri] = new BinaryEntry(fileId, size, checksum);
Пример #2
        private void ReadFields(IndexInput meta /*, FieldInfos infos // LUCENENET: Not read */)
            int fieldNumber = meta.ReadVInt32();

            while (fieldNumber != -1)
                // check should be: infos.fieldInfo(fieldNumber) != null, which incorporates negative check
                // but docvalues updates are currently buggy here (loading extra stuff, etc): LUCENE-5616
                if (fieldNumber < 0)
                    // trickier to validate more: because we re-use for norms, because we use multiple entries
                    // for "composite" types like sortedset, etc.
                    throw new Exception("Invalid field number: " + fieldNumber + " (resource=" + meta + ")");
                byte type = meta.ReadByte();
                if (type == Lucene45DocValuesFormat.NUMERIC)
                    numerics[fieldNumber] = ReadNumericEntry(meta);
                else if (type == Lucene45DocValuesFormat.BINARY)
                    BinaryEntry b = ReadBinaryEntry(meta);
                    binaries[fieldNumber] = b;
                else if (type == Lucene45DocValuesFormat.SORTED)
                    ReadSortedField(fieldNumber, meta /*, infos // LUCENENET: Never read */);
                else if (type == Lucene45DocValuesFormat.SORTED_SET)
                    SortedSetEntry ss = ReadSortedSetEntry(meta);
                    sortedSets[fieldNumber] = ss;
                    if (ss.Format == Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.SORTED_SET_WITH_ADDRESSES)
                        ReadSortedSetFieldWithAddresses(fieldNumber, meta /*, infos // LUCENENET: Never read */);
                    else if (ss.Format == Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.SORTED_SET_SINGLE_VALUED_SORTED)
                        if (meta.ReadVInt32() != fieldNumber)
                            throw new Exception("sortedset entry for field: " + fieldNumber + " is corrupt (resource=" + meta + ")");
                        if (meta.ReadByte() != Lucene45DocValuesFormat.SORTED)
                            throw new Exception("sortedset entry for field: " + fieldNumber + " is corrupt (resource=" + meta + ")");
                        ReadSortedField(fieldNumber, meta /*, infos // LUCENENET: Never read */);
                        throw new Exception();
                    throw new Exception("invalid type: " + type + ", resource=" + meta);
                fieldNumber = meta.ReadVInt32();
Пример #3
 protected override MonotonicBlockPackedReader GetAddressInstance(IndexInput data, FieldInfo field,
     BinaryEntry bytes)
     return new MonotonicBlockPackedReader((IndexInput)data.Clone(), bytes.PackedIntsVersion, bytes.BlockSize, bytes.Count,
Пример #4
        private BinaryDocValues LoadBinary(FieldInfo field)
            BinaryEntry entry = binaries[field.Number];

            var bytes = new PagedBytes(16);

            bytes.Copy(data, entry.numBytes);
            var bytesReader = bytes.Freeze(true);

            if (entry.minLength == entry.maxLength)
                int fixedLength = entry.minLength;
                return(new BinaryDocValuesAnonymousClass(bytesReader, fixedLength));
                data.Seek(data.Position + entry.missingBytes); // LUCENENET specific: Renamed from getFilePointer() to match FileStream
                var addresses = new MonotonicBlockPackedReader(data, entry.packedIntsVersion,
                                                               entry.blockSize, maxDoc, false);
                ramBytesUsed.AddAndGet(bytes.RamBytesUsed() + addresses.RamBytesUsed());
                return(new BinaryDocValuesAnonymousClass2(bytesReader, addresses));
Пример #5
 private bool UpdateInCache(Uri uri, string withFile)
     using (var progressHandler = EmulationManager.Instance.ProgressMonitor.Start("Updating cache"))
         lock (CacheDirectory)
             var         index = ReadBinariesIndex();
             BinaryEntry entry;
             var         fileId = 0;
             if (!index.TryGetValue(uri, out entry))
                 foreach (var element in index)
                     fileId = Math.Max(fileId, element.Value.Index) + 1;
                 fileId = entry.Index;
             FileCopier.Copy(withFile, GetBinaryFileName(fileId), true);
             long size;
             var  checksum = GetChecksumAndSizeFromUri(uri, out size);
             entry = new BinaryEntry(fileId, size, checksum);
             if (!Verify(withFile, entry))
             index[uri] = entry;
Пример #6
        private void ReadSortedField(int fieldNumber, IndexInput meta /*, FieldInfos infos // LUCENENET: Never read */)
            // sorted = binary + numeric
            if (meta.ReadVInt32() != fieldNumber)
                throw new Exception("sorted entry for field: " + fieldNumber + " is corrupt (resource=" + meta + ")");
            if (meta.ReadByte() != Lucene45DocValuesFormat.BINARY)
                throw new Exception("sorted entry for field: " + fieldNumber + " is corrupt (resource=" + meta + ")");
            BinaryEntry b = ReadBinaryEntry(meta);

            binaries[fieldNumber] = b;

            if (meta.ReadVInt32() != fieldNumber)
                throw new Exception("sorted entry for field: " + fieldNumber + " is corrupt (resource=" + meta + ")");
            if (meta.ReadByte() != Lucene45DocValuesFormat.NUMERIC)
                throw new Exception("sorted entry for field: " + fieldNumber + " is corrupt (resource=" + meta + ")");
            NumericEntry n = ReadNumericEntry(meta);

            ords[fieldNumber] = n;
Пример #7
        internal static BinaryEntry ReadBinaryEntry(IndexInput meta)
            BinaryEntry entry = new BinaryEntry();

            entry.format        = meta.ReadVInt32();
            entry.missingOffset = meta.ReadInt64();
            entry.minLength     = meta.ReadVInt32();
            entry.maxLength     = meta.ReadVInt32();
            entry.Count         = meta.ReadVInt64();
            entry.offset        = meta.ReadInt64();
            switch (entry.format)
            case Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.BINARY_FIXED_UNCOMPRESSED:

            case Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.BINARY_PREFIX_COMPRESSED:
                entry.AddressInterval     = meta.ReadVInt32();
                entry.AddressesOffset     = meta.ReadInt64();
                entry.PackedInt32sVersion = meta.ReadVInt32();
                entry.BlockSize           = meta.ReadVInt32();

            case Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.BINARY_VARIABLE_UNCOMPRESSED:
                entry.AddressesOffset     = meta.ReadInt64();
                entry.PackedInt32sVersion = meta.ReadVInt32();
                entry.BlockSize           = meta.ReadVInt32();

                throw new Exception("Unknown format: " + entry.format + ", input=" + meta);
Пример #8
 protected override MonotonicBlockPackedReader GetAddressInstance(IndexInput data, FieldInfo field,
                                                                  BinaryEntry bytes)
     return(new MonotonicBlockPackedReader((IndexInput)data.Clone(), bytes.PackedIntsVersion, bytes.BlockSize, bytes.Count,
Пример #9
        private BinaryDocValues LoadBinary(FieldInfo field)
            BinaryEntry entry = binaries[field.Number];

            var bytes = new PagedBytes(16);

            bytes.Copy(data, entry.numBytes);
            var bytesReader = bytes.Freeze(true);

            if (entry.minLength == entry.maxLength)
                int fixedLength = entry.minLength;
                return(new BinaryDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, bytesReader, fixedLength));
                data.Seek(data.GetFilePointer() + entry.missingBytes);
                var addresses = new MonotonicBlockPackedReader(data, entry.packedIntsVersion,
                                                               entry.blockSize, maxDoc, false);
                ramBytesUsed.AddAndGet(bytes.RamBytesUsed() + addresses.RamBytesUsed());
                return(new BinaryDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this, bytesReader, addresses));
Пример #10
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private index.BinaryDocValues loadBinary(index.FieldInfo field) throws java.io.IOException
        private BinaryDocValues loadBinary(FieldInfo field)
            BinaryEntry entry = binaries[field.number];

            PagedBytes bytes = new PagedBytes(16);

            bytes.copy(data, entry.numBytes);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final util.PagedBytes.Reader bytesReader = bytes.freeze(true);
            PagedBytes.Reader bytesReader = bytes.freeze(true);
            if (entry.minLength == entry.maxLength)
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final int fixedLength = entry.minLength;
                int fixedLength = entry.minLength;
                return(new BinaryDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, bytesReader, fixedLength));
                data.seek(data.FilePointer + entry.missingBytes);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final util.packed.MonotonicBlockPackedReader addresses = new util.packed.MonotonicBlockPackedReader(data, entry.packedIntsVersion, entry.blockSize, maxDoc, false);
                MonotonicBlockPackedReader addresses = new MonotonicBlockPackedReader(data, entry.packedIntsVersion, entry.blockSize, maxDoc, false);
                ramBytesUsed_Renamed.addAndGet(bytes.ramBytesUsed() + addresses.ramBytesUsed());
                return(new BinaryDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this, bytesReader, addresses));
Пример #11
        private bool Verify(string fileName, BinaryEntry entry)
            if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                Logger.LogAs(this, LogLevel.Warning, "Binary {0} found in index but is missing in cache.", fileName);

            if (entry.Checksum != null)
                var actualSize = new FileInfo(fileName).Length;
                if (actualSize != entry.Size)
                    Logger.LogAs(this, LogLevel.Warning, "Size of the file differs: is {0}B, should be {1}B.", actualSize, entry.Size);

                if (ConfigurationManager.Instance.Get("file-fetcher", "calculate-checksum", true))
                    byte[] checksum;
                    using (var progressHandler = EmulationManager.Instance.ProgressMonitor.Start("Calculating SHA1 checksum..."))
                        checksum = GetSHA1Checksum(fileName);
                    if (!checksum.SequenceEqual(entry.Checksum))
                        Logger.LogAs(this, LogLevel.Warning, "Checksum of the file differs, is {0}, should be {1}.", ChecksumToText(checksum), ChecksumToText(entry.Checksum));

Пример #12
        private BinaryDocValues GetCompressedBinary(FieldInfo field, BinaryEntry bytes)
            IndexInput data = (IndexInput)this.data.Clone();

            MonotonicBlockPackedReader addresses = GetIntervalInstance(data, field, bytes);

            return(new CompressedBinaryDocValues(bytes, addresses, data));
Пример #13
        private BinaryDocValues GetVariableBinary(FieldInfo field, BinaryEntry bytes)
            IndexInput data = (IndexInput)this.data.Clone();

            MonotonicBlockPackedReader addresses = GetAddressInstance(data, field, bytes);

            return(new Int64BinaryDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(bytes, data, addresses));
Пример #14
 public CompressedBinaryDocValues(BinaryEntry bytes, MonotonicBlockPackedReader addresses, IndexInput data)
     this.bytes          = bytes;
     this.interval       = bytes.AddressInterval;
     this.addresses      = addresses;
     this.data           = data;
     this.numValues      = bytes.Count;
     this.numIndexValues = addresses.Count;
     this.termsEnum      = GetTermsEnum(data);
Пример #15
 public CompressedBinaryDocValues(BinaryEntry bytes, MonotonicBlockPackedReader addresses, IndexInput data)
     this.Bytes             = bytes;
     this.Interval          = bytes.AddressInterval;
     this.Addresses         = addresses;
     this.Data              = data;
     this.NumValues         = bytes.Count;
     this.NumIndexValues    = addresses.Size();
     this.TermsEnum_Renamed = GetTermsEnum(data);
Пример #16
        private bool VerifyCachedFile(string fileName, BinaryEntry entry)
            if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                Logger.LogAs(this, LogLevel.Warning, "Binary {0} found in index but is missing in cache.", fileName);

            if (entry.Checksum == null)

            return(VerifySize(fileName, entry.Size) && VerifyChecksum(fileName, entry.Checksum));
Пример #17
        private static BinaryEntry ReadBinaryEntry(IndexInput meta) // LUCENENET: CA1822: Mark members as static
            var entry = new BinaryEntry();

            entry.offset        = meta.ReadInt64();
            entry.numBytes      = meta.ReadInt32();
            entry.count         = meta.ReadInt32();
            entry.missingOffset = meta.ReadInt64();
            if (entry.missingOffset != -1)
                entry.missingBytes = meta.ReadInt64();
                entry.missingBytes = 0;

Пример #18
        public override BinaryDocValues GetBinary(FieldInfo field)
            BinaryEntry bytes = binaries[field.Number];

            switch (bytes.format)
            case Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.BINARY_FIXED_UNCOMPRESSED:
                return(GetFixedBinary(/*field, LUCENENET: Never read */ bytes));

            case Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.BINARY_VARIABLE_UNCOMPRESSED:
                return(GetVariableBinary(field, bytes));

            case Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.BINARY_PREFIX_COMPRESSED:
                return(GetCompressedBinary(field, bytes));

                throw new Exception();
Пример #19
        private BinaryEntry ReadBinaryEntry(IndexInput meta)
            var entry = new BinaryEntry();

            entry.offset        = meta.ReadLong();
            entry.numBytes      = meta.ReadInt();
            entry.count         = meta.ReadInt();
            entry.missingOffset = meta.ReadLong();
            if (entry.missingOffset != -1)
                entry.missingBytes = meta.ReadLong();
                entry.missingBytes = 0;

Пример #20
        private BinaryDocValues LoadBinary(BinaryEntry entry)
            var bytes = new byte[entry.numBytes];

            data.ReadBytes(bytes, 0, entry.numBytes);
            data.Seek(entry.offset + entry.numBytes + entry.missingBytes);

            var address = new int[entry.count + 1];

            for (int i = 0; i < entry.count; i++)
                address[i] = data.ReadInt();
            address[entry.count] = data.ReadInt();

            ramBytesUsed.AddAndGet(RamUsageEstimator.SizeOf(bytes) + RamUsageEstimator.SizeOf(address));

            return(new BinaryDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(bytes, address));
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private index.BinaryDocValues loadBinary(BinaryEntry entry) throws java.io.IOException
        private BinaryDocValues loadBinary(BinaryEntry entry)
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final byte[] bytes = new byte[entry.numBytes];
            sbyte[] bytes = new sbyte[entry.numBytes];
            data.readBytes(bytes, 0, entry.numBytes);
            data.seek(entry.offset + entry.numBytes + entry.missingBytes);

//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final int[] address = new int[entry.count+1];
            int[] address = new int[entry.count + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < entry.count; i++)
                address[i] = data.readInt();
            address[entry.count] = data.readInt();

            ramBytesUsed_Renamed.addAndGet(RamUsageEstimator.sizeOf(bytes) + RamUsageEstimator.sizeOf(address));

            return(new BinaryDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, bytes, address));
        private BinaryDocValues LoadBinary(FieldInfo field)
            BinaryEntry entry = binaries[field.Number];

            PagedBytes bytes = new PagedBytes(16);

            bytes.Copy(data, entry.NumBytes);
            PagedBytes.Reader bytesReader = bytes.Freeze(true);
            if (entry.MinLength == entry.MaxLength)
                int fixedLength = entry.MinLength;
                return(new BinaryDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(bytesReader, fixedLength));
                MonotonicBlockPackedReader addresses = new MonotonicBlockPackedReader(data, entry.PackedInt32sVersion, entry.BlockSize, maxDoc, false);
                ramBytesUsed.AddAndGet(bytes.RamBytesUsed() + addresses.RamBytesUsed());
                return(new BinaryDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(bytesReader, addresses));
Пример #23
        private void ReadSortedSetFieldWithAddresses(int fieldNumber, IndexInput meta, FieldInfos infos)
            // sortedset = binary + numeric (addresses) + ordIndex
            if (meta.ReadVInt32() != fieldNumber)
                throw new Exception("sortedset entry for field: " + fieldNumber + " is corrupt (resource=" + meta + ")");
            if (meta.ReadByte() != Lucene45DocValuesFormat.BINARY)
                throw new Exception("sortedset entry for field: " + fieldNumber + " is corrupt (resource=" + meta + ")");
            BinaryEntry b = ReadBinaryEntry(meta);

            binaries[fieldNumber] = b;

            if (meta.ReadVInt32() != fieldNumber)
                throw new Exception("sortedset entry for field: " + fieldNumber + " is corrupt (resource=" + meta + ")");
            if (meta.ReadByte() != Lucene45DocValuesFormat.NUMERIC)
                throw new Exception("sortedset entry for field: " + fieldNumber + " is corrupt (resource=" + meta + ")");
            NumericEntry n1 = ReadNumericEntry(meta);

            ords[fieldNumber] = n1;

            if (meta.ReadVInt32() != fieldNumber)
                throw new Exception("sortedset entry for field: " + fieldNumber + " is corrupt (resource=" + meta + ")");
            if (meta.ReadByte() != Lucene45DocValuesFormat.NUMERIC)
                throw new Exception("sortedset entry for field: " + fieldNumber + " is corrupt (resource=" + meta + ")");
            NumericEntry n2 = ReadNumericEntry(meta);

            ordIndexes[fieldNumber] = n2;
Пример #24
        public override Bits GetDocsWithField(FieldInfo field)
            switch (field.DocValuesType)
            case FieldInfo.DocValuesType_e.SORTED_SET:
                return(DocValues.DocsWithValue(GetSortedSet(field), maxDoc));

            case FieldInfo.DocValuesType_e.SORTED:
                return(DocValues.DocsWithValue(GetSorted(field), maxDoc));

            case FieldInfo.DocValuesType_e.BINARY:
                BinaryEntry be = binaries[field.Number];
                return(GetMissingBits(field.Number, be.missingOffset, be.missingBytes));

            case FieldInfo.DocValuesType_e.NUMERIC:
                NumericEntry ne = numerics[field.Number];
                return(GetMissingBits(field.Number, ne.missingOffset, ne.missingBytes));

                throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
Пример #25
        public override IBits GetDocsWithField(FieldInfo field)
            switch (field.DocValuesType)
            case DocValuesType.SORTED_SET:
                return(DocValues.DocsWithValue(GetSortedSet(field), maxDoc));

            case DocValuesType.SORTED:
                return(DocValues.DocsWithValue(GetSorted(field), maxDoc));

            case DocValuesType.BINARY:
                BinaryEntry be = binaries[field.Number];

            case DocValuesType.NUMERIC:
                NumericEntry ne = numerics[field.Number];

                throw new InvalidOperationException();
Пример #26
        public override IBits GetDocsWithField(FieldInfo field)
            switch (field.DocValuesType)
            case DocValuesType.SORTED_SET:
                return(DocValues.DocsWithValue(GetSortedSet(field), maxDoc));

            case DocValuesType.SORTED:
                return(DocValues.DocsWithValue(GetSorted(field), maxDoc));

            case DocValuesType.BINARY:
                BinaryEntry be = binaries[field.Number];
                return(GetMissingBits(field.Number, be.missingOffset, be.missingBytes));

            case DocValuesType.NUMERIC:
                NumericEntry ne = numerics[field.Number];
                return(GetMissingBits(field.Number, ne.missingOffset, ne.missingBytes));

                throw AssertionError.Create();
Пример #27
        private BinaryDocValues GetFixedBinary(/* FieldInfo field, // LUCENENET: Never read */ BinaryEntry bytes)
            IndexInput data = (IndexInput)this.data.Clone();

            return(new Int64BinaryDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(bytes, data));
Пример #28
 private bool UpdateInCache(Uri uri, string withFile)
     using(var progressHandler = EmulationManager.Instance.ProgressMonitor.Start("Updating cache"))
             var index = ReadBinariesIndex();
             BinaryEntry entry;
             var fileId = 0;
             if(!index.TryGetValue(uri, out entry))
                 foreach(var element in index)
                     fileId = Math.Max(fileId, element.Value.Index) + 1;
                 fileId = entry.Index;
             FileCopier.Copy(withFile, GetBinaryFileName(fileId), true);
             long size;
             var checksum = GetChecksumAndSizeFromUri(uri, out size);
             entry = new BinaryEntry(fileId, size, checksum);
             if(!Verify(withFile, entry))
                 return false;
             index[uri] = entry;
             return true;
Пример #29
            public static Entry CreateEntry( string name, object value, string defaultNamespace, string defaultDeclaringClass )
                string stringValue = value as string;
                System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmapValue = value as System.Drawing.Bitmap;
                byte[] rawValue = value as byte[];
                Entry entry = null;

                if(stringValue != null)
                    entry = new StringEntry( name, stringValue );
                else if(bitmapValue != null)
                    entry = new BitmapEntry( name, bitmapValue );
                if(rawValue != null)
                    entry = TinyResourcesEntry.TryCreateTinyResourcesEntry( name, rawValue );

                    if(entry == null)
                        entry = new BinaryEntry( name, rawValue );

                if(entry == null)
                    throw new Exception();

                if(entry.Namespace.Length == 0)
                    entry.Namespace = defaultNamespace;

                if(entry.ClassName.Length == 0)
                    ResourceTypeDescription typeDescription = ResourceTypeDescriptionFromResourceType( entry.ResourceType );
                    entry.ClassName = typeDescription.defaultEnum;

                    if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty( defaultDeclaringClass ))
                        entry.ClassName = string.Format( "{0}+{1}", defaultDeclaringClass, entry.ClassName );

                return entry;
        internal static BinaryEntry ReadBinaryEntry(IndexInput meta)
            BinaryEntry entry = new BinaryEntry();
            entry.Format = meta.ReadVInt();
            entry.MissingOffset = meta.ReadLong();
            entry.MinLength = meta.ReadVInt();
            entry.MaxLength = meta.ReadVInt();
            entry.Count = meta.ReadVLong();
            entry.Offset = meta.ReadLong();
            switch (entry.Format)
                case Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.BINARY_FIXED_UNCOMPRESSED:

                case Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.BINARY_PREFIX_COMPRESSED:
                    entry.AddressInterval = meta.ReadVInt();
                    entry.AddressesOffset = meta.ReadLong();
                    entry.PackedIntsVersion = meta.ReadVInt();
                    entry.BlockSize = meta.ReadVInt();

                case Lucene45DocValuesConsumer.BINARY_VARIABLE_UNCOMPRESSED:
                    entry.AddressesOffset = meta.ReadLong();
                    entry.PackedIntsVersion = meta.ReadVInt();
                    entry.BlockSize = meta.ReadVInt();

                    throw new Exception("Unknown format: " + entry.Format + ", input=" + meta);
            return entry;
 /// <summary>
 /// returns an address instance for prefix-compressed binary values.
 /// @lucene.internal
 /// </summary>
 protected internal virtual MonotonicBlockPackedReader GetIntervalInstance(IndexInput data, FieldInfo field, BinaryEntry bytes)
     MonotonicBlockPackedReader addresses;
     long interval = bytes.AddressInterval;
     lock (AddressInstances)
         MonotonicBlockPackedReader addrInstance;
         if (!AddressInstances.TryGetValue(field.Number, out addrInstance))
             long size;
             if (bytes.Count % interval == 0)
                 size = bytes.Count / interval;
                 size = 1L + bytes.Count / interval;
             addrInstance = new MonotonicBlockPackedReader(data, bytes.PackedIntsVersion, bytes.BlockSize, size, false);
             AddressInstances[field.Number] = addrInstance;
             RamBytesUsed_Renamed.AddAndGet(addrInstance.RamBytesUsed() + RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_INT);
         addresses = addrInstance;
     return addresses;
        private BinaryDocValues LoadBinary(BinaryEntry entry)
            var bytes = new byte[entry.numBytes];
            data.ReadBytes(bytes, 0, entry.numBytes);
            data.Seek(entry.offset + entry.numBytes + entry.missingBytes);

            var address = new int[entry.count + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < entry.count; i++)
                address[i] = data.ReadInt();
            address[entry.count] = data.ReadInt();

            ramBytesUsed.AddAndGet(RamUsageEstimator.SizeOf(bytes) + RamUsageEstimator.SizeOf(address));

            return new BinaryDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(bytes, address);
        private void ReadFields(IndexInput meta, FieldInfos infos)
            int fieldNumber = meta.ReadVInt32();

            while (fieldNumber != -1)
                // check should be: infos.fieldInfo(fieldNumber) != null, which incorporates negative check
                // but docvalues updates are currently buggy here (loading extra stuff, etc): LUCENE-5616
                if (fieldNumber < 0)
                    // trickier to validate more: because we re-use for norms, because we use multiple entries
                    // for "composite" types like sortedset, etc.
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("Invalid field number: " + fieldNumber + ", input=" + meta);
                int fieldType = meta.ReadByte();
                if (fieldType == NUMBER)
                    var entry = new NumericEntry();
                    entry.Offset = meta.ReadInt64();
                    entry.Format = (sbyte)meta.ReadByte();
                    switch (entry.Format)
                    case DELTA_COMPRESSED:
                    case TABLE_COMPRESSED:
                    case GCD_COMPRESSED:
                    case UNCOMPRESSED:

                        throw new CorruptIndexException("Unknown format: " + entry.Format + ", input=" + meta);
                    if (entry.Format != UNCOMPRESSED)
                        entry.PackedInt32sVersion = meta.ReadVInt32();
                    numerics[fieldNumber] = entry;
                else if (fieldType == BYTES)
                    BinaryEntry entry = new BinaryEntry();
                    entry.Offset    = meta.ReadInt64();
                    entry.NumBytes  = meta.ReadInt64();
                    entry.MinLength = meta.ReadVInt32();
                    entry.MaxLength = meta.ReadVInt32();
                    if (entry.MinLength != entry.MaxLength)
                        entry.PackedInt32sVersion = meta.ReadVInt32();
                        entry.BlockSize           = meta.ReadVInt32();
                    binaries[fieldNumber] = entry;
                else if (fieldType == FST)
                    FSTEntry entry = new FSTEntry();
                    entry.Offset      = meta.ReadInt64();
                    entry.NumOrds     = meta.ReadVInt64();
                    fsts[fieldNumber] = entry;
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("invalid entry type: " + fieldType + ", input=" + meta);
                fieldNumber = meta.ReadVInt32();
Пример #34
 private void ReadFields(IndexInput meta, FieldInfos infos)
     int fieldNumber = meta.ReadVInt();
     while (fieldNumber != -1)
         int fieldType = meta.ReadByte();
         if (fieldType == NUMBER)
             var entry = new NumericEntry {offset = meta.ReadLong(), missingOffset = meta.ReadLong()};
             if (entry.missingOffset != -1)
                 entry.missingBytes = meta.ReadLong();
                 entry.missingBytes = 0;
             entry.format = meta.ReadByte();
             switch (entry.format)
                 case DELTA_COMPRESSED:
                 case TABLE_COMPRESSED:
                 case GCD_COMPRESSED:
                 case UNCOMPRESSED:
                     throw new CorruptIndexException("Unknown format: " + entry.format + ", input=" + meta);
             if (entry.format != UNCOMPRESSED)
                 entry.packedIntsVersion = meta.ReadVInt();
             numerics[fieldNumber] = entry;
         else if (fieldType == BYTES)
             var entry = new BinaryEntry
                 offset = meta.ReadLong(),
                 numBytes = meta.ReadLong(),
                 missingOffset = meta.ReadLong()
             if (entry.missingOffset != -1)
                 entry.missingBytes = meta.ReadLong();
                 entry.missingBytes = 0;
             entry.minLength = meta.ReadVInt();
             entry.maxLength = meta.ReadVInt();
             if (entry.minLength != entry.maxLength)
                 entry.packedIntsVersion = meta.ReadVInt();
                 entry.blockSize = meta.ReadVInt();
             binaries[fieldNumber] = entry;
         else if (fieldType == FST)
             var entry = new FSTEntry {offset = meta.ReadLong(), numOrds = meta.ReadVLong()};
             fsts[fieldNumber] = entry;
             throw new CorruptIndexException("invalid entry type: " + fieldType + ", input=" + meta);
         fieldNumber = meta.ReadVInt();
Пример #35
        private bool Verify(string fileName, BinaryEntry entry)
            if(entry.Checksum != null)
                long actualSize = -1;
                    actualSize = new FileInfo(fileName).Length;
                catch (FileNotFoundException)
                    Logger.LogAs(this, LogLevel.Warning, "File {0} not found in cached binaries folder.", fileName);
                    return false;

                if(actualSize != entry.Size)
                    Logger.LogAs(this, LogLevel.Warning, "Size of the file differs: is {0}B, should be {1}B.", actualSize, entry.Size);
                    return false;

                if(ConfigurationManager.Instance.Get("file-fetcher", "calculate-checksum", true))
                    byte[] checksum;
                    using(var progressHandler = EmulationManager.Instance.ProgressMonitor.Start("Calculating SHA1 checksum..."))
                        checksum = GetSHA1Checksum(fileName);
                        Logger.LogAs(this, LogLevel.Warning, "Checksum of the file differs, is {0}, should be {1}.", ChecksumToText(checksum), ChecksumToText(entry.Checksum));
                        return false;
            return true;
 public CompressedBinaryDocValues(BinaryEntry bytes, MonotonicBlockPackedReader addresses, IndexInput data)
     this.Bytes = bytes;
     this.Interval = bytes.AddressInterval;
     this.Addresses = addresses;
     this.Data = data;
     this.NumValues = bytes.Count;
     this.NumIndexValues = addresses.Size();
     this.TermsEnum_Renamed = GetTermsEnum(data);
        private void ReadFields(IndexInput meta, FieldInfos infos)
            int fieldNumber = meta.ReadVInt();
            while (fieldNumber != -1)
                // check should be: infos.fieldInfo(fieldNumber) != null, which incorporates negative check
                // but docvalues updates are currently buggy here (loading extra stuff, etc): LUCENE-5616
                if (fieldNumber < 0)
                    // trickier to validate more: because we re-use for norms, because we use multiple entries
                    // for "composite" types like sortedset, etc.
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("Invalid field number: " + fieldNumber + ", input=" + meta);
                int fieldType = meta.ReadByte();
                if (fieldType == NUMBER)
                    var entry = new NumericEntry {Offset = meta.ReadLong(), Format = (sbyte)meta.ReadByte()};
                    switch (entry.Format)
                        case DELTA_COMPRESSED:
                        case TABLE_COMPRESSED:
                        case GCD_COMPRESSED:
                        case UNCOMPRESSED:

                            throw new CorruptIndexException("Unknown format: " + entry.Format + ", input=" + meta);
                    if (entry.Format != UNCOMPRESSED)
                        entry.PackedIntsVersion = meta.ReadVInt();
                    Numerics[fieldNumber] = entry;
                else if (fieldType == BYTES)
                    BinaryEntry entry = new BinaryEntry();
                    entry.Offset = meta.ReadLong();
                    entry.NumBytes = meta.ReadLong();
                    entry.MinLength = meta.ReadVInt();
                    entry.MaxLength = meta.ReadVInt();
                    if (entry.MinLength != entry.MaxLength)
                        entry.PackedIntsVersion = meta.ReadVInt();
                        entry.BlockSize = meta.ReadVInt();
                    Binaries[fieldNumber] = entry;
                else if (fieldType == FST)
                    FSTEntry entry = new FSTEntry();
                    entry.Offset = meta.ReadLong();
                    entry.NumOrds = meta.ReadVLong();
                    Fsts[fieldNumber] = entry;
                    throw new CorruptIndexException("invalid entry type: " + fieldType + ", input=" + meta);
                fieldNumber = meta.ReadVInt();
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an address instance for variable-length binary values.
        /// <para/>
        /// @lucene.internal
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual MonotonicBlockPackedReader GetAddressInstance(IndexInput data, FieldInfo field, BinaryEntry bytes)
            MonotonicBlockPackedReader addresses;

            lock (addressInstances)
                MonotonicBlockPackedReader addrInstance;
                if (!addressInstances.TryGetValue(field.Number, out addrInstance) || addrInstance == null)
                    addrInstance = new MonotonicBlockPackedReader(data, bytes.PackedInt32sVersion, bytes.BlockSize, bytes.Count, false);
                    addressInstances[field.Number] = addrInstance;
                    ramBytesUsed.AddAndGet(addrInstance.RamBytesUsed() + RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_INT32);
                addresses = addrInstance;
Пример #39
        private BinaryDocValues GetFixedBinary(FieldInfo field, BinaryEntry bytes)
            IndexInput data = (IndexInput)this.data.Clone();

            return(new Int64BinaryDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, bytes, data));
Пример #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an address instance for prefix-compressed binary values.
        /// <para/>
        /// @lucene.internal
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual MonotonicBlockPackedReader GetIntervalInstance(IndexInput data, FieldInfo field, BinaryEntry bytes)
            MonotonicBlockPackedReader addresses;
            long interval = bytes.AddressInterval;

            lock (addressInstances)
                if (!addressInstances.TryGetValue(field.Number, out MonotonicBlockPackedReader addrInstance))
                    long size;
                    if (bytes.Count % interval == 0)
                        size = bytes.Count / interval;
                        size = 1L + bytes.Count / interval;
                    addrInstance = new MonotonicBlockPackedReader(data, bytes.PackedInt32sVersion, bytes.BlockSize, size, false);
                    addressInstances[field.Number] = addrInstance;
                    ramBytesUsed.AddAndGet(addrInstance.RamBytesUsed() + RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_INT32);
                addresses = addrInstance;
        private BinaryDocValues GetVariableBinary(FieldInfo field, BinaryEntry bytes)
            IndexInput data = (IndexInput)this.Data.Clone();

            MonotonicBlockPackedReader addresses = GetAddressInstance(data, field, bytes);

            return new LongBinaryDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this, bytes, data, addresses);
        private BinaryDocValues GetFixedBinary(FieldInfo field, BinaryEntry bytes)
            IndexInput data = (IndexInput)this.Data.Clone();

            return new LongBinaryDocValuesAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this, bytes, data);
        private BinaryDocValues GetCompressedBinary(FieldInfo field, BinaryEntry bytes)
            IndexInput data = (IndexInput)this.Data.Clone();

            MonotonicBlockPackedReader addresses = GetIntervalInstance(data, field, bytes);

            return new CompressedBinaryDocValues(bytes, addresses, data);
        private BinaryEntry ReadBinaryEntry(IndexInput meta)
            var entry = new BinaryEntry();
            entry.offset = meta.ReadLong();
            entry.numBytes = meta.ReadInt();
            entry.count = meta.ReadInt();
            entry.missingOffset = meta.ReadLong();
            if (entry.missingOffset != -1)
                entry.missingBytes = meta.ReadLong();
                entry.missingBytes = 0;

            return entry;
Пример #45
 protected override MonotonicBlockPackedReader GetIntervalInstance(IndexInput data, FieldInfo field,
     BinaryEntry bytes)
     throw new InvalidOperationException();