public void ConsecutiveOnesTest_BackLoad() { string binary = "001"; int result = BinaryCounter.ConsecutiveOnes(binary); Assert.AreEqual(1, result); }
public void ConsecutiveOnesTest_FrontLoad() { string binary = "1100"; int result = BinaryCounter.ConsecutiveOnes(binary); Assert.AreEqual(2, result); }
public void ConsecutiveOnesTest_None() { string binary = "00"; int result = BinaryCounter.ConsecutiveOnes(binary); Assert.AreEqual(0, result); }
public void ConsecutiveOnesTest_End() { string binary = "10111"; int result = BinaryCounter.ConsecutiveOnes(binary); Assert.AreEqual(3, result); }
// Instance of our LightSwitch class public LightSwitch() { button = new ToggleButton("off", "on"); counter = new BinaryCounter(0); += counter; Panel contentPane = new Panel(); contentPane.Controls.Add(button); contentPane.Controls.Add(counter); // TODO: Need to finish implementing this part (help: what is C#'s jFrame?) }
public LightSwitch() { button = new ToggleButton("off", "on"); counter = new BinaryCounter(0); button.addActionListener(counter); JPanel contentPane = new JPanel(); contentPane.add(button); contentPane.add(counter); JFrame frame = new JFrame("LightSwitch"); frame.DefaultCloseOperation = JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE; frame.ContentPane = contentPane; frame.pack(); frame.setSize(500, 200); frame.Visible = true; }
public LightSwitch() { Text = "Light Switch"; Size = new Size(500, 200); ToggleButton button = new ToggleButton("off", "on"); button.Text = "Off"; button.Location = new Point(100, 80); BinaryCounter counter = new BinaryCounter(0); button.Click += new EventHandler(counter.OnButtonClick); CenterToScreen(); }
private bool GenerateCounter() { Counter counter = null; if (RadiobuttonCounterBinary.IsChecked == true) { counter = new BinaryCounter(); } if (RadiobuttonCounterGray.IsChecked == true) { counter = new GrayCounter(); } if (RadiobuttonCounterJohnson.IsChecked == true) { counter = new JohnsonCounter(); } if (RadiobuttonCounterOneHot.IsChecked == true) { counter = new Circular1(); } if (RadiobuttonCounterOneZero.IsChecked == true) { counter = new Circular0(); } counter.IsUpDirection = RadiobuttonCounterUp.IsChecked == true; counter.StepCount = (uint)TextBoxCounterChangeBy.GetIntegerValue(); counter.CurrentValue = DataConvertorUtils.ToBitArray(TextBoxCounterStartValue.GetIntegerValue(), (int)genSettings.Size); if (counter.CurrentValue == null) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("You have errors, when enter StartValue for {0}. It must be one \'0\' and other \'1\'(Circular0) or one \'1\' and other \'0\'(Circular1)", counter.ToString()), "Error!"); return(false); } if (timeUnitUserControlClock.TimeInterval.GetTimeUnitInFS() == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Time must be non zero", "Error!", MessageBoxButton.OK); return(false); } counter.TimeStep = timeUnitUserControlCounter.TimeInterval; generator = counter; return(true); }
public LightSwitch() { Name = "LightSwitch"; Text = "LightSwitch"; SuspendLayout(); button = new ToggleButton("off", "on"); counter = new BinaryCounter(0); button.Click += new System.EventHandler(counter.actionPerformed); ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(500, 200); Controls.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.Control[] { button, counter }); ResumeLayout(false); }
public void ConsecutiveOnesTest_IntConversion10() { int result = BinaryCounter.ConsecutiveOnes(10); Assert.AreEqual(1, result); }