public void TestBinairyHeapQueueOneElement() { // creates a new binairy heap. BinairyHeap <string> heap = new BinairyHeap <string>(); // enqueue one item. heap.Push("one", 1); // test the result. Assert.AreEqual(1, heap.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, heap.PeekWeight()); Assert.AreEqual("one", heap.Peek()); }
public void TestBinairyHeapQueueMultipleElements() { // creates a new binairy heap. BinairyHeap <string> heap = new BinairyHeap <string>(); // enqueue one item. heap.Push("one", 1); heap.Push("two", 2); heap.Push("three", 3); heap.Push("four", 4); heap.Push("five", 5); heap.Push("six", 6); // test the result. Assert.AreEqual(6, heap.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, heap.PeekWeight()); Assert.AreEqual("one", heap.Peek()); }
/// <summary> /// Does dykstra calculation(s) with several options. /// </summary> /// <param name="graph"></param> /// <param name="interpreter"></param> /// <param name="vehicle"></param> /// <param name="sourceList"></param> /// <param name="targetList"></param> /// <param name="weight"></param> /// <param name="stopAtFirst"></param> /// <param name="returnAtWeight"></param> /// <param name="forward"></param> /// <returns></returns> private PathSegment <long>[] DoCalculation(IBasicRouterDataSource <LiveEdge> graph, IRoutingInterpreter interpreter, Vehicle vehicle, PathSegmentVisitList sourceList, PathSegmentVisitList[] targetList, double weight, bool stopAtFirst, bool returnAtWeight, bool forward) { // make copies of the target and source visitlist. PathSegmentVisitList source = sourceList.Clone() as PathSegmentVisitList; PathSegmentVisitList[] targets = new PathSegmentVisitList[targetList.Length]; for (int targetIdx = 0; targetIdx < targetList.Length; targetIdx++) { targets[targetIdx] = targetList[targetIdx].Clone() as PathSegmentVisitList; } // initialize the result data structures. var segmentsAtWeight = new List <PathSegment <long> >(); var segmentsToTarget = new PathSegment <long> [targets.Length]; // the resulting target segments. long foundTargets = 0; // intialize dykstra data structures. IPriorityQueue <PathSegment <long> > heap = new BinairyHeap <PathSegment <long> >(); var chosenVertices = new HashSet <long>(); var labels = new Dictionary <long, IList <RoutingLabel> >(); foreach (long vertex in source.GetVertices()) { labels[vertex] = new List <RoutingLabel>(); PathSegment <long> path = source.GetPathTo(vertex); heap.Push(path, (float)path.Weight); } // set the from node as the current node and put it in the correct data structures. // intialize the source's neighbours. PathSegment <long> current = heap.Pop(); while (current != null && chosenVertices.Contains(current.VertexId)) { // keep dequeuing. current = heap.Pop(); } // test each target for the source. // test each source for any of the targets. var pathsFromSource = new Dictionary <long, PathSegment <long> >(); foreach (long sourceVertex in source.GetVertices()) { // get the path to the vertex. PathSegment <long> sourcePath = source.GetPathTo(sourceVertex); // get the source path. sourcePath = sourcePath.From; while (sourcePath != null) { // add the path to the paths from source. pathsFromSource[sourcePath.VertexId] = sourcePath; sourcePath = sourcePath.From; } } // loop over all targets for (int idx = 0; idx < targets.Length; idx++) { // check for each target if there are paths to the source. foreach (long targetVertex in targets[idx].GetVertices()) { PathSegment <long> targetPath = targets[idx].GetPathTo(targetVertex); // get the target path. targetPath = targetPath.From; while (targetPath != null) { // add the path to the paths from source. PathSegment <long> pathFromSource; if (pathsFromSource.TryGetValue(targetPath.VertexId, out pathFromSource)) { // a path is found. // get the existing path if any. PathSegment <long> existing = segmentsToTarget[idx]; if (existing == null) { // a path did not exist yet! segmentsToTarget[idx] = targetPath.Reverse().ConcatenateAfter(pathFromSource); foundTargets++; } else if (existing.Weight > targetPath.Weight + pathFromSource.Weight) { // a new path is found with a lower weight. segmentsToTarget[idx] = targetPath.Reverse().ConcatenateAfter(pathFromSource); } } targetPath = targetPath.From; } } } if (foundTargets == targets.Length && targets.Length > 0) { // routing is finished! return(segmentsToTarget.ToArray()); } if (stopAtFirst) { // only one entry is needed. if (foundTargets > 0) { // targets found, return the shortest! PathSegment <long> shortest = null; foreach (PathSegment <long> foundTarget in segmentsToTarget) { if (shortest == null) { shortest = foundTarget; } else if (foundTarget != null && shortest.Weight > foundTarget.Weight) { shortest = foundTarget; } } segmentsToTarget = new PathSegment <long> [1]; segmentsToTarget[0] = shortest; return(segmentsToTarget); } else { // not targets found yet! segmentsToTarget = new PathSegment <long> [1]; } } // test for identical start/end point. for (int idx = 0; idx < targets.Length; idx++) { PathSegmentVisitList target = targets[idx]; if (returnAtWeight) { // add all the reached vertices larger than weight to the results. if (current.Weight > weight) { PathSegment <long> toPath = target.GetPathTo(current.VertexId); toPath.Reverse(); toPath = toPath.ConcatenateAfter(current); segmentsAtWeight.Add(toPath); } } else if (target.Contains(current.VertexId)) { // the current is a target! PathSegment <long> toPath = target.GetPathTo(current.VertexId); toPath = toPath.Reverse(); toPath = toPath.ConcatenateAfter(current); if (stopAtFirst) { // stop at the first occurance. segmentsToTarget[0] = toPath; return(segmentsToTarget); } else { // normal one-to-many; add to the result. // check if routing is finished. if (segmentsToTarget[idx] == null) { // make sure only the first route is set. foundTargets++; segmentsToTarget[idx] = toPath; if (foundTargets == targets.Length) { // routing is finished! return(segmentsToTarget.ToArray()); } } else if (segmentsToTarget[idx].Weight > toPath.Weight) { // check if the second, third or later is shorter. segmentsToTarget[idx] = toPath; } } } } // start OsmSharp.Routing. KeyValuePair <uint, LiveEdge>[] arcs = graph.GetArcs( Convert.ToUInt32(current.VertexId)); chosenVertices.Add(current.VertexId); // loop until target is found and the route is the shortest! while (true) { // get the current labels list (if needed). IList <RoutingLabel> currentLabels = null; if (interpreter.Constraints != null) { // there are constraints, get the labels. currentLabels = labels[current.VertexId]; labels.Remove(current.VertexId); } float latitude, longitude; graph.GetVertex(Convert.ToUInt32(current.VertexId), out latitude, out longitude); var currentCoordinates = new GeoCoordinate(latitude, longitude); // update the visited nodes. foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, LiveEdge> neighbour in arcs) { // check the tags against the interpreter. TagsCollection tags = graph.TagsIndex.Get(neighbour.Value.Tags); if (vehicle.CanTraverse(tags)) { // it's ok; the edge can be traversed by the given vehicle. bool?oneWay = vehicle.IsOneWay(tags); bool canBeTraversedOneWay = (!oneWay.HasValue || oneWay.Value == neighbour.Value.Forward); if ((current.From == null || interpreter.CanBeTraversed(current.From.VertexId, current.VertexId, neighbour.Key)) && // test for turning restrictions. canBeTraversedOneWay && !chosenVertices.Contains(neighbour.Key)) { // the neigbour is forward and is not settled yet! // check the labels (if needed). bool constraintsOk = true; if (interpreter.Constraints != null) { // check if the label is ok. RoutingLabel neighbourLabel = interpreter.Constraints.GetLabelFor( graph.TagsIndex.Get(neighbour.Value.Tags)); // only test labels if there is a change. if (currentLabels.Count == 0 || !neighbourLabel.Equals(currentLabels[currentLabels.Count - 1])) { // labels are different, test them! constraintsOk = interpreter.Constraints.ForwardSequenceAllowed(currentLabels, neighbourLabel); if (constraintsOk) { // update the labels. var neighbourLabels = new List <RoutingLabel>(currentLabels); neighbourLabels.Add(neighbourLabel); labels[neighbour.Key] = neighbourLabels; } } else { // set the same label(s). labels[neighbour.Key] = currentLabels; } } if (constraintsOk) { // all constraints are validated or there are none. graph.GetVertex(Convert.ToUInt32(neighbour.Key), out latitude, out longitude); var neighbourCoordinates = new GeoCoordinate(latitude, longitude); // calculate the weight. double weightToNeighbour = vehicle.Weight(tags, currentCoordinates, neighbourCoordinates); // calculate neighbours weight. double totalWeight = current.Weight + weightToNeighbour; // update the visit list; var neighbourRoute = new PathSegment <long>(neighbour.Key, totalWeight, current); heap.Push(neighbourRoute, (float)neighbourRoute.Weight); } } } } // while the visit list is not empty. current = null; if (heap.Count > 0) { // choose the next vertex. current = heap.Pop(); while (current != null && chosenVertices.Contains(current.VertexId)) { // keep dequeuing. current = heap.Pop(); } if (current != null) { chosenVertices.Add(current.VertexId); } } while (current != null && current.Weight > weight) { if (returnAtWeight) { // add all the reached vertices larger than weight to the results. segmentsAtWeight.Add(current); } // choose the next vertex. current = heap.Pop(); while (current != null && chosenVertices.Contains(current.VertexId)) { // keep dequeuing. current = heap.Pop(); } } if (current == null) { // route is not found, there are no vertices left // or the search whent outside of the max bounds. break; } // check target. for (int idx = 0; idx < targets.Length; idx++) { PathSegmentVisitList target = targets[idx]; if (target.Contains(current.VertexId)) { // the current is a target! PathSegment <long> toPath = target.GetPathTo(current.VertexId); toPath = toPath.Reverse(); toPath = toPath.ConcatenateAfter(current); if (stopAtFirst) { // stop at the first occurance. segmentsToTarget[0] = toPath; return(segmentsToTarget); } else { // normal one-to-many; add to the result. // check if routing is finished. if (segmentsToTarget[idx] == null) { // make sure only the first route is set. segmentsToTarget[idx] = toPath; } else if (segmentsToTarget[idx].Weight > toPath.Weight) { // check if the second, third or later is shorter. segmentsToTarget[idx] = toPath; } // remove this vertex from this target's paths. target.Remove(current.VertexId); // if this target is empty it's optimal route has been found. if (target.Count == 0) { // now the shortest route has been found for sure! foundTargets++; if (foundTargets == targets.Length) { // routing is finished! return(segmentsToTarget.ToArray()); } } } } } // get the neigbours of the current node. arcs = graph.GetArcs(Convert.ToUInt32(current.VertexId)); } // return the result. if (!returnAtWeight) { return(segmentsToTarget.ToArray()); } return(segmentsAtWeight.ToArray()); }
/// <summary> /// Implements a very simple dykstra version. /// </summary> /// <param name="from"></param> /// <param name="to"></param> /// <param name="via"></param> /// <param name="max_weight"></param> /// <param name="max_settles"></param> /// <returns></returns> private float CalculateWeight(uint from, uint to, uint via, float max_weight, int max_settles) { int max_hops = 5; float weight = float.MaxValue; // creates the settled list. HashSet<uint> settled = new HashSet<uint>(); settled.Add(via); // creates the priorty queue. BinairyHeap<SettledVertex> heap = new BinairyHeap<SettledVertex>(); heap.Push(new SettledVertex(from, 0, 0), 0); // keep looping until the queue is empty or the target is found! while (heap.Count > 0) { // pop the first customer. SettledVertex current = heap.Pop(); if (!settled.Contains(current.VertexId)) { // the current vertex has net been settled. settled.Add(current.VertexId); // settled the vertex. // test stop conditions. if (current.VertexId == to) { // target is found! return current.Weight; } // test the hop count. if (current.Hops < max_hops) { // the neighbours will only increase hops! if (settled.Count >= max_settles) { // do not continue searching. return float.MaxValue; } // get the neighbours. KeyValuePair<uint, CHEdgeData>[] neighbours = _data.GetArcs(current.VertexId); for (int idx = 0; idx < neighbours.Length; idx++) { if (neighbours[idx].Value.Forward && (neighbours[idx].Key == to || !settled.Contains(neighbours[idx].Key))) { SettledVertex neighbour = new SettledVertex(neighbours[idx].Key, neighbours[idx].Value.Weight + current.Weight, current.Hops + 1); if (neighbour.Weight < max_weight) { if (neighbours[idx].Key == to) { return neighbour.Weight; } heap.Push(neighbour, neighbour.Weight); } } } } } } return weight; }
/// <summary> /// Implements a very simple dykstra version. /// </summary> /// <param name="from"></param> /// <param name="to"></param> /// <param name="via"></param> /// <param name="max_weight"></param> /// <param name="max_settles"></param> /// <returns></returns> private float CalculateWeight(uint from, uint to, uint via, float max_weight, int max_settles) { int max_hops = 5; float weight = float.MaxValue; // creates the settled list. HashSet <uint> settled = new HashSet <uint>(); settled.Add(via); // creates the priorty queue. BinairyHeap <SettledVertex> heap = new BinairyHeap <SettledVertex>(); heap.Push(new SettledVertex(from, 0, 0), 0); // keep looping until the queue is empty or the target is found! while (heap.Count > 0) { // pop the first customer. SettledVertex current = heap.Pop(); if (!settled.Contains(current.VertexId)) { // the current vertex has net been settled. settled.Add(current.VertexId); // settled the vertex. // test stop conditions. if (current.VertexId == to) { // target is found! return(current.Weight); } // test the hop count. if (current.Hops < max_hops) { // the neighbours will only increase hops! if (settled.Count >= max_settles) { // do not continue searching. return(float.MaxValue); } // get the neighbours. KeyValuePair <uint, CHEdgeData>[] neighbours = _data.GetArcs(current.VertexId); for (int idx = 0; idx < neighbours.Length; idx++) { if (neighbours[idx].Value.Forward && (neighbours[idx].Key == to || !settled.Contains(neighbours[idx].Key))) { SettledVertex neighbour = new SettledVertex(neighbours[idx].Key, neighbours[idx].Value.Weight + current.Weight, current.Hops + 1); if (neighbour.Weight < max_weight) { if (neighbours[idx].Key == to) { return(neighbour.Weight); } heap.Push(neighbour, neighbour.Weight); } } } } } } return(weight); }
public void TestBinairyHeapQueueDeQueueRandom() { // the elements. List <KeyValuePair <string, float> > elements = new List <KeyValuePair <string, float> >(); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("one", 1)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("two", 2)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("three", 3)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("four", 4)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("five", 5)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("six", 6)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("seven", 7)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("eight", 8)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("nine", 9)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("ten", 10)); // creates a new binairy heap. BinairyHeap <string> heap = new BinairyHeap <string>(); // enqueue one item. while (elements.Count > 0) { // keep selecting existing elements. int selected = OsmSharp.Math.Random.StaticRandomGenerator.Get().Generate(elements.Count); KeyValuePair <string, float> selected_pair = elements[selected]; elements.RemoveAt(selected); // add to the heap. heap.Push(selected_pair.Key, selected_pair.Value); } // test the result. Assert.AreEqual(10, heap.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, heap.PeekWeight()); Assert.AreEqual("one", heap.Peek()); // remove the items one by one and test the results again. while (heap.Count > 0) { // keep removing. Assert.AreEqual(10 - elements.Count, heap.Count); Assert.AreEqual(elements.Count + 1, heap.PeekWeight()); // dequeue. elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>(heap.Pop(), elements.Count + 1)); } // try to dequeue again. Assert.AreEqual(null, heap.Pop()); // clear the elements list and try again! elements.Clear(); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("one", 1)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("two", 2)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("three", 3)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("four", 4)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("five", 5)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("six", 6)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("seven", 7)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("eight", 8)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("nine", 9)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>("ten", 10)); // enqueue one item. while (elements.Count > 0) { // keep selecting existing elements. int selected = OsmSharp.Math.Random.StaticRandomGenerator.Get().Generate(elements.Count); KeyValuePair <string, float> selected_pair = elements[selected]; elements.RemoveAt(selected); // add to the heap. heap.Push(selected_pair.Key, selected_pair.Value); } // test the result. Assert.AreEqual(10, heap.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, heap.PeekWeight()); Assert.AreEqual("one", heap.Peek()); // remove the items one by one and test the results again. while (heap.Count > 0) { // keep removing. Assert.AreEqual(10 - elements.Count, heap.Count); Assert.AreEqual(elements.Count + 1, heap.PeekWeight()); // dequeue. elements.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, float>(heap.Pop(), elements.Count + 1)); } // try to dequeue again. Assert.AreEqual(null, heap.Pop()); }
public void TestBinairyHeapQueueDeQueueRandom() { // the elements. List<KeyValuePair<string, float>> elements = new List<KeyValuePair<string, float>>(); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("one", 1)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("two", 2)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("three", 3)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("four", 4)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("five", 5)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("six", 6)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("seven", 7)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("eight", 8)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("nine", 9)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("ten", 10)); // creates a new binairy heap. BinairyHeap<string> heap = new BinairyHeap<string>(); // enqueue one item. while (elements.Count > 0) { // keep selecting existing elements. int selected = OsmSharp.Tools.Math.Random.StaticRandomGenerator.Get().Generate(elements.Count); KeyValuePair<string, float> selected_pair = elements[selected]; elements.RemoveAt(selected); // add to the heap. heap.Push(selected_pair.Key, selected_pair.Value); } // test the result. Assert.AreEqual(10, heap.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, heap.PeekWeight()); Assert.AreEqual("one", heap.Peek()); // remove the items one by one and test the results again. while (heap.Count > 0) { // keep removing. Assert.AreEqual(10 - elements.Count, heap.Count); Assert.AreEqual(elements.Count + 1, heap.PeekWeight()); // dequeue. elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>(heap.Pop(), elements.Count + 1)); } // try to dequeue again. Assert.AreEqual(null, heap.Pop()); // clear the elements list and try again! elements.Clear(); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("one", 1)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("two", 2)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("three", 3)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("four", 4)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("five", 5)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("six", 6)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("seven", 7)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("eight", 8)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("nine", 9)); elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>("ten", 10)); // enqueue one item. while (elements.Count > 0) { // keep selecting existing elements. int selected = OsmSharp.Tools.Math.Random.StaticRandomGenerator.Get().Generate(elements.Count); KeyValuePair<string, float> selected_pair = elements[selected]; elements.RemoveAt(selected); // add to the heap. heap.Push(selected_pair.Key, selected_pair.Value); } // test the result. Assert.AreEqual(10, heap.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, heap.PeekWeight()); Assert.AreEqual("one", heap.Peek()); // remove the items one by one and test the results again. while (heap.Count > 0) { // keep removing. Assert.AreEqual(10 - elements.Count, heap.Count); Assert.AreEqual(elements.Count + 1, heap.PeekWeight()); // dequeue. elements.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, float>(heap.Pop(), elements.Count + 1)); } // try to dequeue again. Assert.AreEqual(null, heap.Pop()); }
public void TestBinairyHeapQueueOneElement() { // creates a new binairy heap. BinairyHeap<string> heap = new BinairyHeap<string>(); // enqueue one item. heap.Push("one", 1); // test the result. Assert.AreEqual(1, heap.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, heap.PeekWeight()); Assert.AreEqual("one", heap.Peek()); }
public void TestBinairyHeapQueueMultipleElements() { // creates a new binairy heap. BinairyHeap<string> heap = new BinairyHeap<string>(); // enqueue one item. heap.Push("one", 1); heap.Push("two", 2); heap.Push("three", 3); heap.Push("four", 4); heap.Push("five", 5); heap.Push("six", 6); // test the result. Assert.AreEqual(6, heap.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, heap.PeekWeight()); Assert.AreEqual("one", heap.Peek()); }