Пример #1
        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            UIDocument uidoc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uidoc.Document.PathName))
                    throw new IcnException("The project must be saved before it can be exported to a BIMserver", 10, "QuickExport");
                if (uidoc.Document.PathName.EndsWith(".rfa", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    throw new IcnException("Revit Families can not be exported to a BIMserver", 10, "QuickExport");

                BimServerExportForm form = new BimServerExportForm(uidoc);
                // check if there is a connection to a BIMserver configured, if not keep asking the user till he creates one or gives up
                while (!form.Cmd.BimServerExport.CheckLogin())
                    BimServerLoginForm login = new BimServerLoginForm(uidoc, form.Data);
                    if (DialogResult.Cancel == login.ShowDialog())

                // at this point we have a valid connection to the BIMserver.

                KnownProjects kp = new KnownProjects();
                //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(form.Data.ProjectName) || !kp.ContainsKey(uidoc.Document.PathName ?? string.Empty))
                if (!form.Cmd.BimServerExport.CheckProject(kp))
                    MessageBox.Show(@"This Revit project is not yet linked to a project on the BIMserver. Use the Projects tool do to so before uploading", @"BIMserver Export");

                // initialise the form controls with the settings from form.Data
                form.Show();                                    // <-- making this form modeless means that errors are no longer caught in the command
            catch (IcnException iex)
                iex.Display(@"Exception in BIMserver Export");
            catch (Exception ex)
                string mssg = ex.Message;
                MessageBox.Show(mssg, @"Exception in BIMserver Export");

            // autocancel for now
Пример #2
        internal Commander(Form form, UIDocument uidoc)
            if (null == form || null == uidoc)
                throw new IcnException("One or more parameters not set to a reference", 10, "BimServerExchange Commander");

            // shared commander
            ServerInterface = new CmdServerInterface(this);
            IfcExporter     = new CmdIfcExporterAPI(this, uidoc);

            // foreach form and context that has a separate commander create it here
            if (form is BimServerLoginForm)
                BimServerLogin = new CmdBimServerLogin((BimServerLoginForm)form, uidoc);

            if (form is BimServerExportForm)
                BimServerExportForm qx = (BimServerExportForm)form;
                BimServerExport = new CmdBimServerExport(qx, uidoc);
                ServerInterface.ReportStatus = qx.ReportStatus;

            if (form is BimServerExchangeForm)
                BimServerExchangeForm ex = (BimServerExchangeForm)form;
                BimServerExchange            = new CmdBimServerExchange(ex, uidoc);
                ServerInterface.ReportStatus = ex.ReportStatus;

            if (form is ProcessingStatusForm)
                ProcessingStatusForm sx = (ProcessingStatusForm)form;
                ProcessingStatus             = new CmdProcessingStatus(sx);
                ServerInterface.ReportStatus = sx.ReportStatus;

            throw new IcnException($"Unhandled Form of type '{form.GetType().Name}'", 20, "Commander");
 internal CmdBimServerExport(BimServerExportForm form, UIDocument uidoc)
     Form  = form;
     UIDoc = uidoc;