Пример #1
        public bool PayYourBill(string strCardNumber, string strCCNumber, int strCardExpiryMonth, int strCardExpiryYear
             , string strAmount, CardTypeV1 CardType, string strFirstName, string strLastname,
             string strStreet, string strCity, StateV1 State, CountryV1 Country, string ZipCode,
             string strPhone, string strEmail, string strCustomerIp, out string confirmationId, out string errorMesg)
                CCAuthRequestV1 ccAuthRequest = new CCAuthRequestV1();
                MerchantAccountV1 merchantAccount = new MerchantAccountV1();
                merchantAccount.accountNum = WebConfig.AccountNumber;
                merchantAccount.storeID = WebConfig.StoteId;
                merchantAccount.storePwd = WebConfig.StotePwd;
                ccAuthRequest.merchantAccount = merchantAccount;
                ccAuthRequest.merchantRefNum = WebConfig.ReferancePrefix + DateTime.Now.ToString();

                ccAuthRequest.amount = strAmount + ".00";
                CardV1 card = new CardV1();
                card.cardNum = strCardNumber;
                CardExpiryV1 cardExpiry = new CardExpiryV1();
                cardExpiry.month = strCardExpiryMonth;
                cardExpiry.year = strCardExpiryYear;
                card.cardExpiry = cardExpiry;
                card.cardType = CardType;
                card.cardTypeSpecified = true;
                card.cvdIndicator = 1;
                card.cvdIndicatorSpecified = true;
                card.cvd = strCCNumber;
                ccAuthRequest.card = card;
                BillingDetailsV1 billingDetails = new BillingDetailsV1();
                billingDetails.cardPayMethod = CardPayMethodV1.WEB; //WEB = Card Number Provided
                billingDetails.cardPayMethodSpecified = true;
                billingDetails.firstName = strFirstName;
                billingDetails.lastName = strLastname;
                billingDetails.street = strStreet;
                billingDetails.city = strCity;
                //billingDetails.Item = (object)State; // California
                //billingDetails.country = Country; // United States
                billingDetails.countrySpecified = false;
                billingDetails.zip = ZipCode;
                billingDetails.phone = strPhone;
                billingDetails.email = strEmail;
                ccAuthRequest.billingDetails = billingDetails;
                ccAuthRequest.previousCustomer = true;
                ccAuthRequest.previousCustomerSpecified = true;
                ccAuthRequest.customerIP = strCustomerIp;
                ccAuthRequest.productType = ProductTypeV1.M;
                //M = Both Digital and Physical(e.g., software downloaded followed by media
                ccAuthRequest.productTypeSpecified = true;
                //Request a 3D Secure Lookup
                CardRiskServiceV1[] riskServices = { CardRiskServiceV1.TDS };
                ccAuthRequest.cardRiskService = riskServices;
                // Perform the Web Services call for the purchase
                CreditCardServiceV1 ccService = new CreditCardServiceV1();
                CCTxnResponseV1 ccTxnResponse = ccService.ccPurchase(ccAuthRequest);
                // Print out the result
                String responseTxt = ccTxnResponse.code + " - " + ccTxnResponse.decision + " - "
                + ccTxnResponse.description + Environment.NewLine;
                // Print out the PAReq and ACSUrl
                if ((ccTxnResponse.tdsResponse != null) &&
                (ccTxnResponse.tdsResponse.paymentRequest != null) &&
                (ccTxnResponse.tdsResponse.acsURL != null))
                    responseTxt += "PaReq: " + ccTxnResponse.tdsResponse.paymentRequest +
                    Environment.NewLine +
                    "ACSUrl: " + ccTxnResponse.tdsResponse.acsURL +
                responseTxt += "Details:" + Environment.NewLine;
                if (ccTxnResponse.detail != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ccTxnResponse.detail.Length; i++)
                        responseTxt += " - " + ccTxnResponse.detail[i].tag + " - " +
                        ccTxnResponse.detail[i].value + Environment.NewLine;
                responseTxt = responseTxt.Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine);
                if (DecisionV1.ACCEPTED.Equals(ccTxnResponse.decision))
                    confirmationId = ccTxnResponse.confirmationNumber;
                    errorMesg = ccTxnResponse.description;
                    return true;
                    //  return "Transaction Successful.";
                    confirmationId = string.Empty;
                    errorMesg = ccTxnResponse.description;
                    return false;
                    //  return ("Transaction Failed with decision: " + ccTxnResponse.decision);
                throw new ApplicationException("PAYMENT");
                confirmationId = string.Empty;
                errorMesg = "Transaction Failed. Please try again later.";
                return false;

Пример #2
 public PaymentGateWay()
     BillingDetailsV1 = new BillingDetailsV1();