private void CalculateAmount(string id) { string Elmahid = string.Format("ElmahId: {0} Uri: {1}", Guid.NewGuid(), HttpContext.Current.Request.Url); using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodStart(Elmahid, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } _bill_Sys_Menu = new Bill_Sys_Menu(); decimal amount; try { amount = _bill_Sys_Menu.GetICcodeAmount(id); txtAmount.Text = Convert.ToDecimal(amount * Convert.ToDecimal(txtUnit.Text)).ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(ex); using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodEnd(Elmahid, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } string str2 = "Error Request=" + Elmahid + ".Please share with Technical support."; base.Response.Redirect("Bill_Sys_ErrorPage.aspx?ErrMsg=" + str2); } //Method End using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodEnd(Elmahid, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } }
protected void BindMainMenuList() { string id = string.Format("Id: {0} Uri: {1}", Guid.NewGuid(), HttpContext.Current.Request.Url); using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodStart(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } try { ListItem _objLI = new ListItem("--- Select Menu --- ", "-1"); _objMenu = new Bill_Sys_Menu(); extCIddlMainMenu.DataSource = _objMenu.GetMainMenuList(txtCompanyID.Text); extCIddlMainMenu.DataValueField = "CODE"; extCIddlMainMenu.DataTextField = "DESCRIPTION"; extCIddlMainMenu.DataBind(); extCIddlMainMenu.Items.Insert(0, _objLI); } catch (Exception ex) { Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(ex); using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodEnd(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } string str2 = "Error Request=" + id + ".Please share with Technical support."; base.Response.Redirect("Bill_Sys_ErrorPage.aspx?ErrMsg=" + str2); } //Method End using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodEnd(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } }
protected void BindMenuListBox() { string id = string.Format("Id: {0} Uri: {1}", Guid.NewGuid(), HttpContext.Current.Request.Url); using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodStart(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } try { _objMenu = new Bill_Sys_Menu(); if (extCIddlMainMenu.Text != "NA") { lstMenu.DataSource = _objMenu.GetChildMenu(Convert.ToInt32(extCIddlMainMenu.Text)); lstMenu.DataTextField = "SZ_MENU_NAME"; lstMenu.DataValueField = "I_MENU_ID"; lstMenu.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(ex); using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodEnd(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } string str2 = "Error Request=" + id + ".Please share with Technical support."; base.Response.Redirect("Bill_Sys_ErrorPage.aspx?ErrMsg=" + str2); } //Method End using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodEnd(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } }
void FillChildMenu(TreeNode node) { string MenuID = node.Value; objBillSysMenu = new Bill_Sys_Menu(); //string connString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Connection_String"]; //SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connString); //SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("select i_menu_id,sz_menu_name from mst_menu where i_parent_id = '" + MenuID + "'", connection); //SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command); DataSet ChildMenuTable = new DataSet(); ChildMenuTable = objBillSysMenu.GetChildMenu(Convert.ToInt32(MenuID)); // adapter.Fill(ChildMenuTable); if (ChildMenuTable.Tables.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in ChildMenuTable.Tables[0].Rows) { TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(row["sz_menu_name"].ToString(), row["i_menu_id"].ToString()); newNode.PopulateOnDemand = true; newNode.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.None; newNode.ShowCheckBox = true; node.ChildNodes.Add(newNode); } } }
private string GenerateMenuID() { string id = string.Format("Id: {0} Uri: {1}", Guid.NewGuid(), HttpContext.Current.Request.Url); using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodStart(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } _arrayList = new ArrayList(); _bill_Sys_Menu = new Bill_Sys_Menu(); string MenuID = ""; try { if (extddlParentID.Text.ToString() != "NA" && extddlParentID.Text.ToString() != "") { _arrayList = _bill_Sys_Menu.GetMenuID(extddlParentID.Text.ToString()); if (_arrayList[1].ToString() != null && _arrayList[1].ToString() != "") { MenuID = _arrayList[0].ToString() + Convert.ToChar(((int)Convert.ToChar(_arrayList[1])) + 1); } else { MenuID = _arrayList[0].ToString() + "A"; } } else { _arrayList = _bill_Sys_Menu.GetMenuID("0"); MenuID = Convert.ToChar(((int)Convert.ToChar(_arrayList[0])) + 1) + "A"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(ex); using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodEnd(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } string str2 = "Error Request=" + id + ".Please share with Technical support."; base.Response.Redirect("Bill_Sys_ErrorPage.aspx?ErrMsg=" + str2); } return(MenuID); //Method End using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodEnd(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } }
protected void saveSelectedDoc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string id = string.Format("Id: {0} Uri: {1}", Guid.NewGuid(), HttpContext.Current.Request.Url); using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodStart(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } try { _objMenu = new Bill_Sys_Menu(); _objMenu.DeleteTxnMenuRole(extCIddlRoleName.Text); if (Request.Form["_ctl0:ContentPlaceHolder1:lbTest"] != null) { String szIDs = Request.Form["_ctl0:ContentPlaceHolder1:lbTest"].ToString(); String[] IDs = szIDs.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < IDs.Length; i++) { _objMenu.SaveTxnMenuRole(extCIddlRoleName.Text, Convert.ToInt32(IDs[i].ToString())); } } lblMsg.Text = "Menu saved Successfully ...!"; lblMsg.Visible = true; BindRoleMenuListBox(); } catch (Exception ex) { Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(ex); using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodEnd(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } string str2 = "Error Request=" + id + ".Please share with Technical support."; base.Response.Redirect("Bill_Sys_ErrorPage.aspx?ErrMsg=" + str2); } //Method End using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodEnd(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string id = string.Format("Id: {0} Uri: {1}", Guid.NewGuid(), HttpContext.Current.Request.Url); using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodStart(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } try { objBillSysMenu = new Bill_Sys_Menu(); for (int i = 0; i < tvwmenu.CheckedNodes.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { objBillSysMenu.DeleteTxnMenuRole(ddlUserRole.SelectedValue); } objBillSysMenu.SaveTxnMenuRole(ddlUserRole.SelectedValue, Convert.ToInt32(tvwmenu.CheckedNodes[i].Value)); } BindTreeView(); lblMsg.Visible = true; lblMsg.Text = "Menu Saved Successfully...!"; } catch (Exception ex) { Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(ex); using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodEnd(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } string str2 = "Error Request=" + id + ".Please share with Technical support."; base.Response.Redirect("Bill_Sys_ErrorPage.aspx?ErrMsg=" + str2); } //Method End using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodEnd(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } }
protected void extddlIC9Code_extendDropDown_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string id = string.Format("Id: {0} Uri: {1}", Guid.NewGuid(), HttpContext.Current.Request.Url); using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodStart(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } _bill_Sys_Menu = new Bill_Sys_Menu(); try { if (txtUnit.Text != "") { CalculateAmount(extddlIC9Code.Text.ToString()); } else { txtAmount.Text = _bill_Sys_Menu.GetICcodeAmount(extddlIC9Code.Text.ToString()).ToString(); txtTempAmt.Value = _bill_Sys_Menu.GetICcodeAmount(extddlIC9Code.Text.ToString()).ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(ex); using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodEnd(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } string str2 = "Error Request=" + id + ".Please share with Technical support."; base.Response.Redirect("Bill_Sys_ErrorPage.aspx?ErrMsg=" + str2); } //Method End using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodEnd(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } }
protected void PopulateddlUserRole() { string id = string.Format("Id: {0} Uri: {1}", Guid.NewGuid(), HttpContext.Current.Request.Url); using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodStart(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } try { objBillSysMenu = new Bill_Sys_Menu(); ddlUserRole.DataSource = objBillSysMenu.GetRoleList(); ddlUserRole.DataTextField = "Description"; ddlUserRole.DataValueField = "Code"; ddlUserRole.DataBind(); ListItem objListItem = new ListItem(" --- Select ---", "NA"); ddlUserRole.Items.Insert(0, objListItem); } catch (Exception ex) { Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(ex); using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodEnd(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } string str2 = "Error Request=" + id + ".Please share with Technical support."; base.Response.Redirect("Bill_Sys_ErrorPage.aspx?ErrMsg=" + str2); } //Method End using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodEnd(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } }
public void FillMasterMenu(TreeNode node) { objBillSysMenu = new Bill_Sys_Menu(); //string connString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Connection_String"]; //SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connString); //SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("select i_menu_id,sz_menu_name from mst_menu where i_parent_id is null", connection); //SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command); DataSet MenuTable = new DataSet(); MenuTable = objBillSysMenu.GetMasterMenu(); // adapter.Fill(MenuTable); if (MenuTable.Tables.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in MenuTable.Tables[0].Rows) { TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(row["sz_menu_name"].ToString(), row["i_menu_id"].ToString()); newNode.PopulateOnDemand = true; newNode.ShowCheckBox = true; newNode.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand; node.ChildNodes.Add(newNode); } } }
protected void BindTreeView() { string id = string.Format("Id: {0} Uri: {1}", Guid.NewGuid(), HttpContext.Current.Request.Url); using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodStart(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } try { foreach (TreeNode treenode in tvwmenu.Nodes[0].ChildNodes) { if (treenode.ChildNodes.Count > 0) { foreach (TreeNode childTreenode in treenode.ChildNodes) { childTreenode.Checked = false; } } treenode.Checked = false; } //string connString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Connection_String"]; //SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connString); //SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("select i_menu_id from TXN_USER_ACCESS where SZ_USER_ROLE_ID = '" + ddlUserRole.SelectedValue + "'", connection); //SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command); objBillSysMenu = new Bill_Sys_Menu(); DataSet ChildMenuTable = new DataSet(); ChildMenuTable = objBillSysMenu.GetSelectedMenu(ddlUserRole.SelectedValue); // adapter.Fill(ChildMenuTable); if (ChildMenuTable.Tables.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in ChildMenuTable.Tables[0].Rows) { String menuid = row["i_menu_id"].ToString(); foreach (TreeNode treenode in tvwmenu.Nodes[0].ChildNodes) { if (treenode.ChildNodes.Count > 0) { TreeNode parentTreenode = new TreeNode(); TreeNode _parentTreenode = new TreeNode(); parentTreenode = treenode; Boolean status = false; int st = 1; sa: foreach (TreeNode childTreenode in parentTreenode.ChildNodes) { if (childTreenode.Value == menuid) { status = false; childTreenode.Checked = true; break; } if (childTreenode.ChildNodes.Count > 0) { status = true; _parentTreenode = parentTreenode; parentTreenode = childTreenode; goto sa; } if (status == true && parentTreenode.ChildNodes.Count == st) { status = false; parentTreenode = _parentTreenode; childTreenode.Parent.Checked = true; } st = st + 1; } } if (treenode.Value == menuid) { treenode.Checked = true; break; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(ex); using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodEnd(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } string str2 = "Error Request=" + id + ".Please share with Technical support."; base.Response.Redirect("Bill_Sys_ErrorPage.aspx?ErrMsg=" + str2); } //Method End using (Utils utility = new Utils()) { utility.MethodEnd(id, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()); } }