private void SetSize(BillState state) { float t_height = startingHeight; float t_width = startingWidth; switch (state) { case BillState.Normal: break; case BillState.CrouchedOnLand: t_height = startingHeight / 4f; t_width = startingWidth * 2.8f; break; case BillState.CrouchedInWater: t_height = startingHeight / 10f; break; case BillState.InWater: t_height = startingHeight / 2f; break; case BillState.Jumping: t_height = startingHeight / 2f; break; } SetSizeHelper(t_height, t_width); }
public static void UpdateState(SpareEntities db, TB_BILL bill, BillState state) { bill.State = (int)state;//更新【单据】状态为:完成 OperateType operType; switch (state) { case BillState.New: case BillState.Handling: bill.StartTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(SysConfig.LongTimeString); operType = OperateType.Update; break; case BillState.Finished: bill.FinishTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(SysConfig.LongTimeString); operType = OperateType.Finish; break; case BillState.Cancelled: bill.FinishTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(SysConfig.LongTimeString); operType = OperateType.Cancel; break; default: bill.StartTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(SysConfig.LongTimeString); operType = OperateType.Update; break; } AddOrUpdate(db, bill); BillLogController.Add(db, bill, bill.OperName, operType); //创建【单据日志】 }
public static void UpdateState(SpareEntities db, TB_BILL bill, BillState state) { bill.State = (int)state;//更新【单据】状态为:完成 OperateType operType; switch (state) { case BillState.New: case BillState.Handling: operType = OperateType.Update; break; case BillState.Finished: operType = OperateType.Finish; break; case BillState.Cancelled: operType = OperateType.Cancel; break; default: operType = OperateType.Update; break; } BillLogController.Add(db, bill, bill.OperName, operType); //创建【单据日志】 }
protected override DataTemplate SelectTemplateCore(object item, DependencyObject container) { if (DesignMode.DesignModeEnabled) { return(OverdueBillItemTemplate); } BillState state = (item as Bill).State; switch (state) { case BillState.OVERDUE: return(OverdueBillItemTemplate); case BillState.CLOSED: return(ClosedBillItemTemplate); case BillState.OPEN: return(OpenBillItemTemplate); case BillState.FUTURE: return(FutureBillItemTemplate); default: return(OverdueBillItemTemplate); // base.SelectTemplateCore(item, container); } }
public Color GetBillColor(BillState state) { switch (state) { case BillState.None: { return(defaultBillColor); } case BillState.Done: { return(doneBillColor); } case BillState.Debt: { return(debtBillColor); } case BillState.Waiting: { return(wattingBillColor); } case BillState.Cancel: { return(cancelBillColor); } default: { return(defaultBillColor); } } }
public CityBill(CityOffice givenOwner, BillAction requestedAction, BillObject requestedTarget) { owners = new Stack <CityOffice>(); owners.Push(givenOwner); state = BillState.Proposed; action = requestedAction; target = requestedTarget; }
public SoaCellViewerVM(LeaseDTO leaseDTO, DateTime businessDate, BillState billState, ITenantDBsDir args) : base(args) { Lease = leaseDTO; Date = businessDate; Bill = billState; Adjustments = new AdjustmentsListVM(Lease.Id, Bill.BillCode, Date, AppArgs); Adjustments.TotalSumChanged += (s, e) => ReturnDialogResult(true); }
private void HandleKeyboardInput() { if (inputHelper.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.Escape)) { Exit(); } billState = BillState.IDLE; if (inputHelper.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && !inputHelper.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.Space)) { billState = BillState.FIGHT_STANCE; } if (inputHelper.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) { billState = BillState.WALKING; billPosition.X += 5f; titlePosition.X += 5f; frameratePosition.X += 5f; cameraPosition.X -= 5f; rectangle1.X += 5; rectangle2.X += 5; } else if (inputHelper.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) { billPosition.X -= 5f; titlePosition.X -= 5f; frameratePosition.X -= 5f; cameraPosition.X += 5f; rectangle1.X -= 5; rectangle2.X -= 5; billState = BillState.WALKING; } if (inputHelper.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down)) { billPosition.Y += 5f; billState = BillState.WALKING; //cameraPosition.Y -= 5f; } else if (inputHelper.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up)) { billPosition.Y -= 5f; billState = BillState.WALKING; //cameraPosition.Y += 5f; } if (inputHelper.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.Space)) { billState = BillState.ATTACKING; } view = Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(cameraPosition - screenCenter, 0f)) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(screenCenter, 0f)); }
public decimal GetTotalDue(LeaseDTO lse, BillState state, DateTime date) { if (state == null) { return(GetRegularDue(lse, date)); } else { return((state.OpeningBalance ?? 0) + state.TotalPenalties + state.TotalAdjustments + GetRegularDue(lse, date)); } }
public BillState ComputeBill(BillCode billCode, LeaseDTO lease, DateTime date, decimal?previousBalance) { var composr = GetBillComposer(billCode); var state = new BillState { BillCode = billCode, OpeningBalance = previousBalance, Penalties = composr.ComputePenalties(lease, date, previousBalance), Payments = composr.ReadPayments(lease, date), Adjustments = composr.ReadAdjustments(lease, date), }; state.ClosingBalance = composr.ComputeClosingBalance(lease, state, date); return(state); }
public override decimal ComputeClosingBalance(LeaseDTO lse, BillState billState, DateTime date) { switch (lse.Rent.PenaltyRule) { case RentPenalty.DailySurcharge: case RentPenalty.DailySurcharge_NoRoundOff: case RentPenalty.MonthlySurcharge: case RentPenalty.ZeroSurcharge: return base.ComputeClosingBalance(lse, billState, date); case RentPenalty.ZeroBackrent: return 0.0M; default: throw Fault.BadArg(nameof(lse.Rent.PenaltyRule), lse.Rent.PenaltyRule); } }
private void SetState(BillState state) { switch (state) { case BillState.Normal: onFloor = !isFallingThrough; inWater = false; isJumping = false; break; case BillState.CrouchedOnLand: isCrouched = true; break; case BillState.CrouchedInWater: isCrouched = true; break; case BillState.InWater: inWater = true; onFloor = false; isFallingThrough = false; isCrouched = false; if (currentState != BillState.CrouchedInWater) { stopMoving = true; Invoke("StartMovingInWater", 0.5f); SetSize(BillState.CrouchedInWater); } break; case BillState.Jumping: onFloor = false; isJumping = true; isCrouched = false; break; } if (!stopMoving) { SetSize(state); } currentState = state; }
protected virtual void Respawn() { vel =; onFloor = false; currentState = BillState.Null; SetState(BillState.Jumping); if (inWater) { // ScaleUp(); inWater = false; } transform.position = spawner.transform.position; leftOrRight = 1; StartCoroutine(Blink(invincibleSeconds)); gun = new BasicGun(this); }
/// <summary> /// Checks for at least one filter in the GetCustomer request. /// See GetCustomer Post /// </summary> /// <returns>bool</returns> internal override bool isValid() { if (DateAddedFrom != DateTime.MinValue) { return(true); } if (DateAddedTo != DateTime.MinValue) { return(true); } if (DateUpdatedFrom != DateTime.MinValue) { return(true); } if (DateUpdatedTo != DateTime.MinValue) { return(true); } int requiredFilterCount = Username.NullSafeLength() + Type.NullSafeLength() + Active.NullSafeLength() + Email.NullSafeLength() + Company.NullSafeLength() + OnCreditHold.NullSafeLength() + NewsletterSubscriber.NullSafeLength() + UserGroup.NullSafeLength() + BillState.NullSafeLength(); if (requiredFilterCount != 0) { return(true); } throw new NetoRequestException("At least one filter is required in the GetCustomer request"); }
public void Begin() { state = BillState.InProgress; }
protected virtual void Respawn() { vel =; onFloor = false; currentState = BillState.Null; SetState (BillState.Jumping); if (inWater) { // ScaleUp(); inWater = false; } transform.position = spawner.transform.position; leftOrRight = 1; StartCoroutine(Blink(invincibleSeconds)); gun = new BasicGun (this); }
private void SetState (BillState state) { switch (state) { case BillState.Normal: onFloor = !isFallingThrough; inWater = false; isJumping = false; break; case BillState.CrouchedOnLand: isCrouched = true; break; case BillState.CrouchedInWater: isCrouched = true; break; case BillState.InWater: inWater = true; onFloor = false; isFallingThrough = false; isCrouched = false; if (currentState != BillState.CrouchedInWater) { stopMoving = true; Invoke("StartMovingInWater", 0.5f); SetSize (BillState.CrouchedInWater); } break; case BillState.Jumping: onFloor = false; isJumping = true; isCrouched = false; break; } if (!stopMoving) SetSize (state); currentState = state; }
public virtual decimal ComputeClosingBalance(LeaseDTO lse, BillState billState, DateTime date) => GetTotalDue(lse, billState, date) - billState.TotalPayments;
public void Finish() { state = BillState.Complete; AssignBack(); }
public List <DropDownListItem> GetListItemStateBill(List <DropDownListItem> items, BillState state) { items = dropDownListItems; switch (state) { case BillState.None: { items[0].IsDisabled = true; items[1].IsDisabled = false; items[2].IsDisabled = false; items[3].IsDisabled = false; items[4].IsDisabled = false; break; } case BillState.Done: { items[0].IsDisabled = true; items[1].IsDisabled = true; items[2].IsDisabled = true; items[3].IsDisabled = true; items[4].IsDisabled = true; break; } case BillState.Debt: { items[0].IsDisabled = true; items[1].IsDisabled = false; items[2].IsDisabled = true; items[3].IsDisabled = true; items[4].IsDisabled = true; break; } case BillState.Waiting: { items[0].IsDisabled = true; items[1].IsDisabled = false; items[2].IsDisabled = false; items[3].IsDisabled = true; items[4].IsDisabled = true; break; } case BillState.Cancel: { items[0].IsDisabled = true; items[1].IsDisabled = false; items[2].IsDisabled = false; items[3].IsDisabled = false; items[4].IsDisabled = true; break; } default: { items[0].IsDisabled = true; items[1].IsDisabled = false; items[2].IsDisabled = false; items[3].IsDisabled = false; items[4].IsDisabled = false; break; } } items[0].IsDisabled = false; items[1].IsDisabled = false; items[2].IsDisabled = false; items[3].IsDisabled = false; items[4].IsDisabled = false; return(items); }
public SettledBill(BillState state) { this.Bill = state.Bill; }
public void Reject() { state = BillState.Proposed; AssignBack(); }
public IActionResult Unifiedorder(UnidiedorderData udata) { using (_dbContext) { var response = ResponseModelFactory.CreateResultInstance; var stu = _dbContext.StudentBill.FirstOrDefault(x => x.StudentBillUuid == udata.BillGuid); if (stu == null) { response.SetFailed("未查找到对应缴费信息"); return(Ok(response)); } if (stu.OrderMoney >= stu.AmountPayable) { response.SetFailed("已缴费"); return(Ok(response)); } //时间戳 string timeStamp = TenPayV3Util.GetTimestamp(); //随机字符串 string nonceStr = TenPayV3Util.GetNoncestr(); string appid = "wx0bf342f51437ca67"; //获取学校绑定商户信息 var school = _dbContext.School.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SchoolUuid == udata.Guid); if (school == null) { response.SetFailed("未查找到对应学校"); return(Ok(response)); } if (school.Yard == null || school.Secretkey == null) { response.SetFailed("未查找到对应学校商户信息"); return(Ok(response)); } //商户号 string mch_id = school.Yard; //"1600884893"; //商户支付秘钥 string partnerKey = AES.AesDecrypt(school.Secretkey, HaiKan3.Utils.AES.Key); //"ew6QCdWiDfcif902EbC07dh0icTuM5le"; //签名 string sign = ""; string sign_type = "MD5"; //商品描述 string body = udata.Body; //商户订单号 string out_trade_no = ""; //标价金额(单位:分) int total_fee = udata.Totalfee; //终端IP //string spbill_create_ip = ""; //Request.HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString(); string spbill_create_ip = Request.HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString(); _logger.LogInformation("ip:" + spbill_create_ip); //通知地址 string notify_url = ""; //string notify_url = ""; //交易类型 string trade_type = "JSAPI"; //预支付id string prepayId = ""; //微信调用支付的签名 string paySign = ""; //用户openid string openid = udata.Openid; Store_Info info = new Store_Info() { address = "xxxxxx", area_code = "330185", id = "MSZzf" + appid, name = "码上知支付商城", }; TenPayV3UnifiedorderRequestData_SceneInfo sceneInfo = new TenPayV3UnifiedorderRequestData_SceneInfo(false); sceneInfo.store_info = info; //生成订单号 out_trade_no = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + TenPayV3Util.BuildRandomStr(14); _logger.LogInformation("订单号:" + out_trade_no); TenPayV3UnifiedorderRequestData requestData = new TenPayV3UnifiedorderRequestData(appid, mch_id, body, out_trade_no, total_fee, spbill_create_ip, notify_url, Senparc.Weixin.TenPay.TenPayV3Type.JSAPI, openid, partnerKey, nonceStr, null, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddHours(2), null, null, "CNY", null, null, false, sceneInfo, null); var urlFormat = ReurnPayApiUrl("{0}pay/unifiedorder"); var data = requestData.PackageRequestHandler.ParseXML();//获取XML _logger.LogInformation("xml:" + data); var str = PostXmlMethod.PostXmla(urlFormat, data); _logger.LogInformation("postxml:" + str); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); StringReader stream = new StringReader(str); //读取字符串为数据量 XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(stream); //对XML的数据流的只进只读访问 ds.ReadXml(reader); //把数据读入DataSet if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["return_code"].ToString() == "SUCCESS") { _logger.LogInformation("成功"); _logger.LogInformation("timeStamp:" + timeStamp + "; nonceStr:" + nonceStr + "; prepayId:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["prepay_id"].ToString() + "; paySign:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sign"].ToString() + "; partnerKey:" + partnerKey); response.SetData(new { appid = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["appid"].ToString(), timeStamp, nonceStr, prepayId = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["prepay_id"].ToString(), sign_type, paySign = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sign"].ToString(), sjcode = Electroniccode.getString(32), key = partnerKey, outtradeno = out_trade_no }); BillState bill = new BillState() { BillUuid = Guid.NewGuid(), BillNum = out_trade_no, Appid = appid, MchId = mch_id, Money = total_fee, Key = partnerKey, SbillUuid = udata.BillGuid, }; _logger.LogInformation("订单记录:" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bill)); _dbContext.BillState.Add(bill); _dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(response)); } else { response.SetFailed(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["return_msg"].ToString()); _logger.LogInformation("异常"); _logger.LogInformation(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["return_msg"].ToString()); return(Ok(response)); } } else { response.SetFailed("订单信息为空"); return(Ok(response)); } } }
public static bool? Show(LeaseDTO leaseDTO, DateTime businessDate, BillState billState, ITenantDBsDir args) => new SoaCellViewerVM(leaseDTO, businessDate, billState, args).Show<SoaCellViewerWindow>(showModal: true);