Пример #1
        public void AddsTwoPositive()
            var bi1 = BigInt.From(111111);
            var bi2 = BigInt.From(222222);

            Assert.AreEqual(BigInt.From(333333), BigInt.Add(bi1, bi2));
Пример #2
        public void AddsTwoNegative()
            var bi1 = BigInt.From(-111111);
            var bi2 = BigInt.From(-222222);

            Assert.AreEqual(BigInt.From(-333333), BigInt.Add(bi1, bi2));
Пример #3
        public void AddsTwoPositiveWithExtraDigit()
            var bi1 = BigInt.From(999999);
            var bi2 = BigInt.From(1);

            Assert.AreEqual(BigInt.From(1000000), BigInt.Add(bi1, bi2));
Пример #4
        public void BigIntAddTest(string value1, string value2, string result)
            var int1 = new BigInt(value1);
            var int2 = new BigInt(value2);

            Assert.Equal(result, int1.Add(int2).ToString());
Пример #5
        public void TestAdd(string a, string b, string expected)
            BigInt bi = new BigInt(a);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, bi.ToString());
Пример #6
        public void AddTest()
            BigInt a = new BigInt("489a03c58dcf7fcfc97e99ffef0bb4634", 16);
            BigInt b = new BigInt("510c6972d795ec0c2b081b81de767f808", 16);
            BigInt e = new BigInt("99a66d3865656bdbf486b581cd8233e3c", 16);

            Assert.AreEqual(e, a.Add(b));
Пример #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            BigInt b1 = new BigInt("-9");
            BigInt b2 = new BigInt("4332");

            BigInt b3 = BigInt.Add(b1, b2);

Пример #8
    public BigInt Mul(BigInt val, int n)
        var ret = new BigInt(0);

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            ret = ret.Add(val);
Пример #9
        public static Point HashToPoint(byte[] toHash, EllipticCurve ec)
            BigInt b = HashToField(toHash, ec.Field);

            Point P = ec.GetPoint(b);

            while (P == null)
                b = b.Add(BigInt.ONE);
                P = ec.GetPoint(b);
Пример #10
        public void Adding_strings_operator(string num1, string num2)
            // Arrange
            BigInt b1 = new BigInt(num1);
            BigInt b2 = new BigInt(num2);

            BigInteger b1_2 = new BigInteger(Convert.ToDecimal(num1));
            BigInteger b2_2 = new BigInteger(Convert.ToDecimal(num2));

            // Act
            BigInt     b3   = BigInt.Add(b1, b2);
            BigInteger b3_2 = b1_2 + b2_2;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(b3_2.ToString(), b3.ToString());
Пример #11
 public long Solve()
         BigInt sum = new BigInt();
         foreach (string number in _numbers)
         string value = sum.ToString();
         value = value.Substring(0, 10);
     catch (Exception e)
Пример #12
 public void ComputeTest()
     BigInt p = new BigInt("bffffffffffffffffffffffffffcffff3", 16);
     BigInt q = new BigInt("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffbffff", 16);
     BigInt cofactor = p.Add(BigInt.ONE);
     Fp field = new Fp(p);
     EllipticCurve curve = new EllipticCurve(field, BigInt.ZERO, BigInt.ONE);
     Pairing pairing = new TatePairing(curve, q, cofactor);
     BigInt xA = new BigInt("489a03c58dcf7fcfc97e99ffef0bb4634", 16);
     BigInt yA = new BigInt("510c6972d795ec0c2b081b81de767f808", 16);
     BigInt xB = new BigInt("40e98b9382e0b1fa6747dcb1655f54f75", 16);
     BigInt yB = new BigInt("b497a6a02e7611511d0db2ff133b32a3f", 16);
     Point a = new Point(xA, yA);
     Point b = new Point(xB, yB);
     FieldElement result = pairing.Compute(a, b);
     BigInt xE = new BigInt("18901869995136711856104482098716151434", 10);
     BigInt yE = new BigInt("3528981068833319305513374283552333670736", 10);
     FieldElement expected = new Complex(field, xE, yE);
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Пример #13
        protected void TestButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Reduce Max Bytes for demo purposes.
            BigInt.MaxBytes = 0x20;
            BigInt r;

            WriteLog("// Import from HEX and DEC strings.");
            WriteLog("var n1 = new BigInt(\"0x010203040506\");");
            WriteLog("var n2 = new BigInt(\"-280422911905295\");");
            var n1 = new BigInt("0x010203040506");
            var n2 = new BigInt("-280422911905295");

            WriteBi("n1", n1);
            WriteBi("n2", n2);
            // Negate.
            var nn1 = new BigInt();
            var nn2 = new BigInt();

            WriteBi("n1 * -1", nn1);
            WriteBi("n2 * -1", nn2);
            // Add and subtract.
            r = BigInt.Add(n1, n2);
            WriteBi("n1 + n2", r);
            WriteBi("   - n2", BigInt.Subtract(r, n2));
            WriteBi("   - n1", BigInt.Subtract(r, n1));
            // Multiply and divide.
            r = BigInt.Multiply(n2, n1);
            WriteBi("n1 * n2", r);
            WriteBi("   / n1", BigInt.Divide(r, n2)[0]);
            WriteBi("   / n2", BigInt.Divide(r, n1)[0]);
Пример #14
        public void AddsNumberAndNegation()
            var bi1 = BigInt.From(222222);

            Assert.AreEqual(BigInt.Zero, BigInt.Add(bi1, bi1.Negate()));
Пример #15
    static void TestCurve(ECCurve curve, string[] kat)
        Console.Write("Test {0}: ", curve.Name);

        // ====================================================

        /* obsolete -- DEBUG
         * Console.WriteLine();
         * ZInt p = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(((ECCurvePrime)curve).mod);
         * ZInt a = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(((ECCurvePrime)curve).a);
         * ZInt b = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(((ECCurvePrime)curve).b);
         * Console.WriteLine("p  = {0}", p.ToHexString());
         * Console.WriteLine("a  = {0}", a.ToHexString());
         * Console.WriteLine("b  = {0}", b.ToHexString());
         * MutableECPoint F1 = curve.MakeGenerator();
         * byte[] enc = F1.Encode(false);
         * int flen = enc.Length >> 1;
         * for (int i = 0; i < enc.Length; i ++) {
         *      if (i == 1 || i == 1 + (enc.Length >> 1)) {
         *              Console.Write(" ");
         *      }
         *      Console.Write("{0:X2}", enc[i]);
         * }
         * Console.WriteLine();
         * byte[] X = new byte[flen];
         * byte[] Y = new byte[flen];
         * Array.Copy(enc, 1, X, 0, flen);
         * Array.Copy(enc, 1 + flen, Y, 0, flen);
         * ZInt x1 = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(X);
         * ZInt y1 = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(Y);
         * Console.WriteLine("X1 = {0}", x1.ToHexString());
         * Console.WriteLine("Y1 = {0}", y1.ToHexString());
         * MutableECPoint F2 = F1.Dup();
         * F2.DoubleCT();
         * MutableECPoint F3 = F2.Dup();
         * MutableECPoint F4 = F2.Dup();
         * enc = F2.Encode(false);
         * for (int i = 0; i < enc.Length; i ++) {
         *      if (i == 1 || i == 1 + (enc.Length >> 1)) {
         *              Console.Write(" ");
         *      }
         *      Console.Write("{0:X2}", enc[i]);
         * }
         * Console.WriteLine();
         * Array.Copy(enc, 1, X, 0, flen);
         * Array.Copy(enc, 1 + flen, Y, 0, flen);
         * ZInt x2 = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(X);
         * ZInt y2 = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(Y);
         * Console.WriteLine("X2 = {0}", x2.ToHexString());
         * Console.WriteLine("Y2 = {0}", y2.ToHexString());
         * if ((x1 * x1 * x1 + a * x1 + b - y1 * y1) % p != 0) {
         *      throw new Exception("Generator not on curve");
         * }
         * if ((x2 * x2 * x2 + a * x2 + b - y2 * y2) % p != 0) {
         *      throw new Exception("Double not on curve");
         * }
         * if (F3.AddCT(F1) == 0) {
         *      throw new Exception("Addition failed");
         * }
         * MutableECPoint F5 = F3.Dup();
         * enc = F3.Encode(false);
         * for (int i = 0; i < enc.Length; i ++) {
         *      if (i == 1 || i == 1 + (enc.Length >> 1)) {
         *              Console.Write(" ");
         *      }
         *      Console.Write("{0:X2}", enc[i]);
         * }
         * Console.WriteLine();
         * Array.Copy(enc, 1, X, 0, flen);
         * Array.Copy(enc, 1 + flen, Y, 0, flen);
         * ZInt x3 = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(X);
         * ZInt y3 = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(Y);
         * Console.WriteLine("X3 = {0}", x3.ToHexString());
         * Console.WriteLine("Y3 = {0}", y3.ToHexString());
         * if ((x3 * x3 * x3 + a * x3 + b - y3 * y3) % p != 0) {
         *      throw new Exception("Triple not on curve");
         * }
         * ZInt l3 = ((p + y2 - y1)
         * ZInt.ModPow(p + x2 - x1, p - 2, p)) % p;
         * ZInt x3p = (l3 * l3 + p + p - x1 - x2) % p;
         * ZInt y3p = (l3 * (p + x1 - x3p) + p - y1) % p;
         * Console.WriteLine("X3p = {0}", x3p.ToHexString());
         * Console.WriteLine("Y3p = {0}", y3p.ToHexString());
         * Console.WriteLine("[X:{0}, Y:{1}]", x3 == x3p, y3 == y3p);
         * if (F5.AddCT(F4) == 0) {
         *      throw new Exception("Addition failed");
         * }
         * enc = F5.Encode(false);
         * for (int i = 0; i < enc.Length; i ++) {
         *      if (i == 1 || i == 1 + (enc.Length >> 1)) {
         *              Console.Write(" ");
         *      }
         *      Console.Write("{0:X2}", enc[i]);
         * }
         * Console.WriteLine();
         * Array.Copy(enc, 1, X, 0, flen);
         * Array.Copy(enc, 1 + flen, Y, 0, flen);
         * ZInt x5 = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(X);
         * ZInt y5 = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(Y);
         * Console.WriteLine("X5 = {0}", x5.ToHexString());
         * Console.WriteLine("Y5 = {0}", y5.ToHexString());
         * if ((x5 * x5 * x5 + a * x5 + b - y5 * y5) % p != 0) {
         *      throw new Exception("Quintuple not on curve");
         * }
         * ZInt l5 = ((p + y3 - y2)
         * ZInt.ModPow(p + x3 - x2, p - 2, p)) % p;
         * ZInt x5p = (l5 * l5 + p + p - x2 - x3) % p;
         * ZInt y5p = (l5 * (p + x2 - x5p) + p - y2) % p;
         * Console.WriteLine("X5p = {0}", x5p.ToHexString());
         * Console.WriteLine("Y5p = {0}", y5p.ToHexString());
         * Console.WriteLine("[X:{0}, Y:{1}]", x5 == x5p, y5 == y5p);
         * F1.Set(curve.MakeGenerator());
         * if (F1.MulSpecCT(new byte[] { 0x05 }) == 0) {
         *      throw new Exception("Multiplication failed");
         * }
         * enc = F1.Encode(false);
         * for (int i = 0; i < enc.Length; i ++) {
         *      if (i == 1 || i == 1 + (enc.Length >> 1)) {
         *              Console.Write(" ");
         *      }
         *      Console.Write("{0:X2}", enc[i]);
         * }
         * Console.WriteLine();
         * Array.Copy(enc, 1, X, 0, flen);
         * Array.Copy(enc, 1 + flen, Y, 0, flen);
         * ZInt x5t = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(X);
         * ZInt y5t = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(Y);
         * Console.WriteLine("X5t = {0}", x5t.ToHexString());
         * Console.WriteLine("Y5t = {0}", y5t.ToHexString());
         * if ((x5t * x5t * x5t + a * x5t + b - y5t * y5t) % p != 0) {
         *      throw new Exception("Quintuple not on curve (2)");
         * }
         * Console.WriteLine("[X:{0}, Y:{1}]", x5t == x5p, y5t == y5p);
         * F1.Set(F5);
         * F2.SetZero();
         * if (F1.AddCT(F2) == 0) {
         *      throw new Exception("Addition failed (+0)");
         * }
         * enc = F1.Encode(false);
         * for (int i = 0; i < enc.Length; i ++) {
         *      if (i == 1 || i == 1 + (enc.Length >> 1)) {
         *              Console.Write(" ");
         *      }
         *      Console.Write("{0:X2}", enc[i]);
         * }
         * Console.WriteLine();
         * Array.Copy(enc, 1, X, 0, flen);
         * Array.Copy(enc, 1 + flen, Y, 0, flen);
         * ZInt x5q = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(X);
         * ZInt y5q = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(Y);
         * Console.WriteLine("X5q = {0}", x5q.ToHexString());
         * Console.WriteLine("Y5q = {0}", y5q.ToHexString());
         * Console.WriteLine("[X:{0}, Y:{1}]", x5q == x5p, y5q == y5p);
         * F2.SetZero();
         * if (F2.AddCT(F1) == 0) {
         *      throw new Exception("Addition failed (0+)");
         * }
         * enc = F2.Encode(false);
         * for (int i = 0; i < enc.Length; i ++) {
         *      if (i == 1 || i == 1 + (enc.Length >> 1)) {
         *              Console.Write(" ");
         *      }
         *      Console.Write("{0:X2}", enc[i]);
         * }
         * Console.WriteLine();
         * Array.Copy(enc, 1, X, 0, flen);
         * Array.Copy(enc, 1 + flen, Y, 0, flen);
         * ZInt x5r = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(X);
         * ZInt y5r = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(Y);
         * Console.WriteLine("X5r = {0}", x5r.ToHexString());
         * Console.WriteLine("Y5r = {0}", y5r.ToHexString());
         * Console.WriteLine("[X:{0}, Y:{1}]", x5r == x5p, y5r == y5p);
         * EC rG = EC.Make(p.ToBytesUnsignedBE(),
         *      a.ToBytesUnsignedBE(), b.ToBytesUnsignedBE());
         * rG.Set(x1.ToBytesUnsignedBE(), y1.ToBytesUnsignedBE());
         * for (int i = 1; i <= 30; i ++) {
         *      Console.Write(".");
         *      ZInt n = ZInt.MakeRand(i);
         *      byte[] nb = n.ToBytesUnsignedBE();
         *      F1 = curve.MakeGenerator();
         *      if (F1.MulSpecCT(nb) == 0) {
         *              throw new Exception("Multiplication error");
         *      }
         *      enc = F1.Encode(false);
         *      ZInt xp, yp;
         *      if (enc.Length == 1) {
         *              xp = 0;
         *              yp = 0;
         *      } else {
         *              Array.Copy(enc, 1, X, 0, flen);
         *              Array.Copy(enc, 1 + flen, Y, 0, flen);
         *              xp = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(X);
         *              yp = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(Y);
         *      }
         *      EC rH = rG.Dup();
         *      rH.Mul(nb);
         *      ZInt xh = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(rH.X);
         *      ZInt yh = ZInt.DecodeUnsignedBE(rH.Y);
         *      if (xp != xh || yp != yh) {
         *              Console.WriteLine();
         *              Console.WriteLine("n = {0}", n);
         *              Console.WriteLine("xp = {0}", xp.ToHexString());
         *              Console.WriteLine("yp = {0}", yp.ToHexString());
         *              Console.WriteLine("xh = {0}", xh.ToHexString());
         *              Console.WriteLine("yh = {0}", yh.ToHexString());
         *              throw new Exception("Bad mult result");
         *      }
         * }
         * Console.WriteLine();

        // ====================================================

        MutableECPoint G = curve.MakeGenerator();

        if (G.IsInfinity)
            throw new Exception("Generator is infinity");
        MutableECPoint P = G.Dup();
        MutableECPoint Q = G.Dup();
        MutableECPoint R = G.Dup();
        MutableECPoint S = G.Dup();
        MutableECPoint T = G.Dup();

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            byte[] u, v, w;
            u = MakeRandPoint(P);
                v = MakeRandPoint(Q);
            } while (BigInt.Compare(u, v) == 0);
            // byte[] s = BigInt.Add(u, v);
            byte[] t;
                w = MakeRandPoint(R);
                t = BigInt.Add(v, w);
            } while (BigInt.Compare(u, w) == 0 ||
                     BigInt.Compare(v, w) == 0 ||
                     BigInt.Compare(u, t) == 0);
            if (P.Eq(Q) || P.Eq(R) || Q.Eq(R))
                throw new Exception("Equal points");
            Add(S, Q);
            Add(S, R);
            Add(T, R);
            Add(T, P);
            if (!S.Eq(T) || !T.Eq(S))
                throw new Exception("Associativity error");
            if (!S.Eq(T) || !T.Eq(S))
                throw new Exception("Normalization error (1)");
            if (!S.Eq(T) || !T.Eq(S))
                throw new Exception("Normalization error (2)");

            byte[] enc1 = P.Encode(false);
            byte[] enc2 = P.Encode(true);
            byte[] enc3 = new byte[enc1.Length];
            Array.Copy(enc1, 1, enc3, 1, enc1.Length - 1);
            enc3[0] = (byte)(enc2[0] | 0x04);
            if (!P.Eq(Q) || !Q.Eq(P))
                throw new Exception("Encode/decode error 1");
            if (!P.Eq(Q) || !Q.Eq(P))
                throw new Exception("Encode/decode error 2");
            if (!P.Eq(Q) || !Q.Eq(P))
                throw new Exception("Encode/decode error 3");

        Console.Write(" ");
        for (int i = 0; i < kat.Length; i += 2)
            byte[] n = ToBin(kat[i]);
            if (P.MulSpecCT(n) == 0)
                throw new Exception("Multiplication error");
            byte[] er = ToBin(kat[i + 1]);
            if (!Eq(er, P.Encode(false)))
                throw new Exception("KAT failed");
            byte[] eg = curve.GetGenerator(false);
            byte[] ed = new byte[eg.Length];
            curve.Mul(eg, n, ed, false);
            if (!Eq(ed, er))
                throw new Exception("KAT failed (API 2)");
