Пример #1
        internal static OffsetResponse DeserializeOffsetResponse(byte[] buff, int count)
            var stream = new MemoryStream(buff, 0, count);

            stream.Position += 4; // skip body

            var response = new OffsetResponse();

            var len = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);

            // TODO: make sure connection is closed
            if (len != 1)
                throw new BrokerException("Invalid message format");

            response.TopicName = ReadString(stream);

            len = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
            response.Partitions = new OffsetResponse.PartitionOffsetData[len];
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                var part = response.Partitions[i] = new OffsetResponse.PartitionOffsetData();
                part.Partition = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
                part.ErrorCode = (ErrorCode)BigEndianConverter.ReadInt16(stream);
                var len2 = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
                part.Offsets = new long[len2];
                for (int j = 0; j < len2; j++)
                    part.Offsets[j] = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);

Пример #2
 public void Deserialize(ReusableMemoryStream stream, object extra)
     Partition           = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
     ErrorCode           = (ErrorCode)BigEndianConverter.ReadInt16(stream);
     HighWatermarkOffset = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
     Messages            = DeserializeMessageSet(stream, extra as Deserializers);
Пример #3
        public void TestSerializeMessageSet()
            using (var serialized = new ReusableMemoryStream(null))
                var set = new PartitionData
                    Partition        = 42,
                    CompressionCodec = CompressionCodec.None,
                    Messages         = new[]
                        new Message {
                            Key = Key, Value = Value
                        new Message {
                            Key = Key, Value = Value
                set.Serialize(serialized, SerializationConfig.ByteArraySerializers);
                serialized.Position = 0;

                Assert.AreEqual(42, BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(serialized));                        // Partition
                Assert.AreEqual(serialized.Length - 4 - 4, BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(serialized)); // MessageSet size
                Assert.AreEqual(0, BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(serialized));                         // First message offset
                int firstMsgSize = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(serialized);
                serialized.Position += firstMsgSize;
                Assert.AreEqual(0, BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(serialized)); // First message offset
                int secondMsgSize = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(serialized);
                serialized.Position += secondMsgSize;
                Assert.AreEqual(serialized.Length, serialized.Position);
 public void Deserialize(ReusableMemoryStream stream, object _, Basics.ApiVersion __)
     Partition = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
     Offset    = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
     Metadata  = Basics.DeserializeString(stream);
     ErrorCode = (ErrorCode)BigEndianConverter.ReadInt16(stream);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// FetchResponse => [TopicName [Partition ErrorCode HighwaterMarkOffset MessageSetSize MessageSet]]
        ///  TopicName => string
        ///  Partition => int32
        ///  ErrorCode => int16
        ///  HighwaterMarkOffset => int64
        ///  MessageSetSize => int32
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buff"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static FetchResponse DeserializeFetchResponse(byte[] buff)
            var stream = new MemoryStream(buff);

            stream.Position += 4; // skip body
            var response = new FetchResponse();

            var len = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);

            response.Topics = new FetchResponse.TopicFetchData[len];
            for (int t = 0; t < len; t++)
                var topic = new FetchResponse.TopicFetchData();
                response.Topics[t] = topic;
                topic.Topic        = ReadString(stream);
                var len2 = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
                topic.Partitions = new FetchResponse.PartitionFetchData[len2];
                for (int i = 0; i < len2; i++)
                    topic.Partitions[i] = new FetchResponse.PartitionFetchData
                        Partition           = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream),
                        ErrorCode           = (ErrorCode)BigEndianConverter.ReadInt16(stream),
                        HighWatermarkOffset = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream),
                        Messages            = ReadMessageSet(stream).ToArray()

Пример #6
        internal CompressionCodec     Compression;      // Only used in test for serializing
        #region Deserialization

        public void Deserialize(ReusableMemoryStream stream, object extra, Basics.ApiVersion version)
            Partition           = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
            ErrorCode           = (ErrorCode)BigEndianConverter.ReadInt16(stream);
            HighWatermarkOffset = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
            if (version >= Basics.ApiVersion.V4)
                LastStableOffset    = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
                AbortedTransactions = Basics.DeserializeArray <AbortedTransaction>(stream);
            if (version >= Basics.ApiVersion.V5)
                LogStartOffset = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
                Messages = version >= Basics.ApiVersion.V3
                    ? DeserializeRecordBatch(stream, extra as Deserializers)
                    : DeserializeMessageSet(stream, extra as Deserializers);
            catch (ProtocolException pEx)
                pEx.Partition = Partition;
Пример #7
                                                      + 4; // batchLength

        /// <remarks>
        /// From the official protocol documentation available at
        /// https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/A+Guide+To+The+Kafka+Protocol#AGuideToTheKafkaProtocol-FetchAPI
        /// "As an optimization the server is allowed to return a partial message at the end of the message set. Clients should handle this case."
        /// If the end of the RecordBatch exceeds the length of the whole response (= endOfAllBatches), we should discard this RecordBatch.
        /// </remarks>
        public static RecordBatch Deserialize(ReusableMemoryStream input, Deserializers deserializers, long endOfAllBatches)
            var recordBatch = new RecordBatch();

            if (input.Position + BytesNecessaryToGetLength > endOfAllBatches)
                throw new ProtocolException(
                          $"Trying to read a batch record at {input.Position} and the end of all batches is {endOfAllBatches}."
                          + $" There is not enough bytes remaining to even read the first fields...");
            recordBatch.BaseOffset = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(input);
            var batchLength = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(input);
            var endOfBatch  = input.Position + batchLength;

            if (endOfAllBatches < endOfBatch)
                // Partial message, CRCs won't match, return here so the CRC check doesn't throw
            recordBatch.PartitionLeaderEpoch = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(input);
            var magic = input.ReadByte();

            // Current magic value is 2
            if ((uint)magic != 2)
                throw new UnsupportedMagicByteVersion((byte)magic, "2");

            var crc = (uint)BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(input);
            var afterCrcPosition = input.Position; // The crc is calculated starting from this position

            Crc32.CheckCrcCastagnoli((int)crc, input, afterCrcPosition, endOfBatch - afterCrcPosition);

            var attributes = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt16(input);

            recordBatch.CompressionCodec = (CompressionCodec)(attributes & CompressionCodecMask);
            recordBatch.IsTransactional  = (attributes & TransactionalFlagMask) != 0;
            recordBatch.IsControl        = (attributes & ControlFlagMask) != 0;
            recordBatch.TimestampType    = (attributes & TimestampTypeMask) > 0
                ? TimestampType.LogAppendTime
                : TimestampType.CreateTime;

            var lastOffsetDelta = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(input);

            var firstTimestamp = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(input);
            var maxTimestamp   = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(input);

            recordBatch.ProducerId    = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(input);
            recordBatch.ProducerEpoch = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt16(input);
            recordBatch.BaseSequence  = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(input);

            var numberOfRecords = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(input);

            recordBatch.Records = DeserializeRecords(recordBatch, input, numberOfRecords, endOfBatch, firstTimestamp, deserializers);

 public void Deserialize(ReusableMemoryStream stream, object _, Basics.ApiVersion version)
     Partition = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
     Time      = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
     if (version == Basics.ApiVersion.V0)
         MaxNumberOfOffsets = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
Пример #9
 private static ProducerResponse.PartitionResponse DeserializePartitionResponse(MemoryStream stream)
     return(new ProducerResponse.PartitionResponse
         Partition = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream),
         ErrorCode = (ErrorCode)BigEndianConverter.ReadInt16(stream),
         Offset = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream)
Пример #10
 public void Deserialize(ReusableMemoryStream stream, object _, Basics.ApiVersion version)
     Partition = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
     ErrorCode = (ErrorCode)BigEndianConverter.ReadInt16(stream);
     Offset    = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
     if (version >= Basics.ApiVersion.V2)
         Timestamp = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
Пример #11
 // Used only in tests
 public void Deserialize(ReusableMemoryStream stream, object _, Basics.ApiVersion version)
     Partition   = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
     FetchOffset = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
     MaxBytes    = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
     if (version >= Basics.ApiVersion.V5)
         LogStartOffset = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
Пример #12
        //N.B., MessageSets are not preceded by an int32 like other array elements in the protocol.
        //MessageSet => [Offset MessageSize Message]
        //  Offset => int64
        //  MessageSize => int32
        //Message => Crc MagicByte Attributes Key Value
        //  Crc => int32
        //  MagicByte => int8
        //  Attributes => int8
        //  Key => bytes
        //  Value => bytes
        private static IEnumerable <Message> ReadMessageSet(MemoryStream stream)
            // "As an optimization the server is allowed to return a partial message at the end of the message set.
            // Clients should handle this case"

            var messageSetSize           = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
            var remainingMessageSetBytes = messageSetSize;

            while (remainingMessageSetBytes > 0)
                // we need at least be able to read offset and messageSize
                if (remainingMessageSetBytes < +8 + 4)
                    // not enough bytes left. This is a partial message. Skip to the end of the message set.
                    stream.Position += remainingMessageSetBytes;
                    yield break;

                var offset      = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
                var messageSize = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);

                // we took 12 bytes there, check again that we have a full message.
                remainingMessageSetBytes -= 8 + 4;
                if (remainingMessageSetBytes < messageSize)
                    // not enough bytes left. This is a partial message. Skip to the end of the message set.
                    stream.Position += remainingMessageSetBytes;
                    yield break;

                // Message
                var crc        = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
                var crcPos     = stream.Position;
                var magic      = stream.ReadByte();
                var attributes = stream.ReadByte();
                var msg        = new Message();
                msg.Key    = ReadByteArray(stream);
                msg.Value  = ReadByteArray(stream);
                msg.Offset = offset;
                var pos = stream.Position;
                var computedCrcArray = Crc32.Compute(stream, crcPos, pos - crcPos);
                var computedCrc      = BigEndianConverter.ToInt32(computedCrcArray);
                if (computedCrc != crc)
                    throw new BrokerException(string.Format("Corrupt message: Crc does not match. Caclulated {0} but got {1}", computedCrc, crc));
                yield return(msg);

                // subtract messageSize of that message from remaining bytes
                remainingMessageSetBytes -= messageSize;
Пример #13
 public void Deserialize(ReusableMemoryStream stream, object extra, Basics.ApiVersion version)
     Partition           = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
     ErrorCode           = (ErrorCode)BigEndianConverter.ReadInt16(stream);
     HighWatermarkOffset = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
         Messages = DeserializeMessageSet(stream, extra as Deserializers);
     catch (ProtocolException pEx)
         pEx.Partition = Partition;
Пример #14
        public void Test000_BigEndianConverter()
            const byte b0 = 123;
            const byte b1 = 98;
            const byte b2 = 0;
            const byte b3 = 188;
            const byte b4 = 23;
            const byte b5 = 89;
            const byte b6 = 101;
            const byte b7 = 7;

            using (var s = new ReusableMemoryStream(null))
                var n1 = (short)((b0 << 8) | b1);
                BigEndianConverter.Write(s, n1);
                Assert.AreEqual(b0, s[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual(b1, s[1]);
                s.Position = 0;
                Assert.AreEqual(n1, BigEndianConverter.ReadInt16(s));

                var n2 = (int)((b0 << 24) | (b1 << 16) | (b2 << 8) | b3);
                s.Position = 0;
                BigEndianConverter.Write(s, n2);
                Assert.AreEqual(b0, s[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual(b1, s[1]);
                Assert.AreEqual(b2, s[2]);
                Assert.AreEqual(b3, s[3]);
                s.Position = 0;
                Assert.AreEqual(n2, BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(s));

                var n3 = (((long)b0 << 56) |
                          ((long)b1 << 48 | ((long)b2 << 40) | ((long)b3 << 32) | ((long)b4 << 24) |
                           ((long)b5 << 16) | ((long)b6 << 8) | b7));
                s.Position = 0;
                BigEndianConverter.Write(s, n3);
                Assert.AreEqual(b0, s[0]);
                Assert.AreEqual(b1, s[1]);
                Assert.AreEqual(b2, s[2]);
                Assert.AreEqual(b3, s[3]);
                Assert.AreEqual(b4, s[4]);
                Assert.AreEqual(b5, s[5]);
                Assert.AreEqual(b6, s[6]);
                Assert.AreEqual(b7, s[7]);
                s.Position = 0;
                Assert.AreEqual(n3, BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(s));
 public void Deserialize(ReusableMemoryStream stream, object noextra, Basics.ApiVersion version)
     Partition = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
     ErrorCode = (ErrorCode)BigEndianConverter.ReadInt16(stream);
     Timestamp = -1;
     if (version > Basics.ApiVersion.V0)
         Timestamp  = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
         Offsets    = new long[1];
         Offsets[0] = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
         Offsets = Basics.DeserializeArray(stream, BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64);
Пример #16
        public void TestSerializeMessageSetCompressed(CompressionCodec codec, byte attr)
            using (var serialized = Pool.Reserve())
                var set = new PartitionData
                    Partition        = 42,
                    CompressionCodec = codec,
                    Messages         = new[]
                        new Message {
                            Key = Key, Value = Value
                        new Message {
                            Key = Key, Value = Value
                set.Serialize(serialized, SerializationConfig.ByteArraySerializers);
                serialized.Position = 0;

                Assert.AreEqual(42, BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(serialized));                        // Partition
                Assert.AreEqual(serialized.Length - 4 - 4, BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(serialized)); // MessageSet size
                Assert.AreEqual(0, BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(serialized));                         // First message offset
                int firstMsgSize = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(serialized);
                serialized.Position += firstMsgSize;
                Assert.AreEqual(serialized.Length, serialized.Position);
                int msgPos   = 4 + 4 + 8 + 4;              // partition, msgset size, offset, msg size
                int valuePos = msgPos + 4 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 4; // + crc, magic, attr, key size, value size
                serialized.Position  = msgPos;
                serialized.Position += 5;
                Assert.AreEqual(attr, serialized.ReadByte());                                            // attributes
                Assert.AreEqual(-1, BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(serialized));                           // No key => size = -1
                Assert.AreEqual(serialized.Length - valuePos, BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(serialized)); // check rest of message length match
Пример #17
 public void Deserialize(ReusableMemoryStream stream, object extra, Basics.ApiVersion version)
     ProducerId  = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
     FirstOffset = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
Пример #18
        // Deserialize a message set to a sequence of messages.
        // This handles the "partial message allowed at end of message set" from Kafka brokers
        // and compressed message sets (the method recursively calls itself in this case and
        // flatten the result). The returned enumeration must be enumerated for deserialization
        // effectiveley occuring.
        private static IEnumerable <ResponseMessage> LazyDeserializeMessageSet(ReusableMemoryStream stream, int messageSetSize, Deserializers deserializers)
            var remainingMessageSetBytes = messageSetSize;

            while (remainingMessageSetBytes > 0)
                const int offsetSize  = 8;
                const int msgsizeSize = 4;
                if (remainingMessageSetBytes < offsetSize + msgsizeSize)
                    // This is a partial message => skip to the end of the message set.
                    // TODO: unit test this
                    stream.Position += remainingMessageSetBytes;
                    yield break;

                var offset      = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
                var messageSize = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);

                remainingMessageSetBytes -= offsetSize + msgsizeSize;
                if (remainingMessageSetBytes < messageSize)
                    // This is a partial message => skip to the end of the message set.
                    stream.Position += remainingMessageSetBytes;
                    yield break;

                // Message body
                var crc         = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
                var crcStartPos = stream.Position; // crc is computed from this position
                var magic       = stream.ReadByte();
                if (magic != 0)
                    throw new UnsupportedMagicByteVersion((byte)magic);
                var attributes = stream.ReadByte();

                // Check for compression
                var codec = (CompressionCodec)(attributes & 3); // Lowest 2 bits
                if (codec == CompressionCodec.None)
                    var msg = new ResponseMessage
                        Offset  = offset,
                        Message = new Message
                            Key   = Basics.DeserializeByteArray(stream, deserializers.Item1),
                            Value = Basics.DeserializeByteArray(stream, deserializers.Item2)
                    CheckCrc(crc, stream, crcStartPos);
                    yield return(msg);
                    // Key is null, read/check/skip
                    if (BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream) != -1)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Compressed messages key should be null");

                    // Uncompress
                    var compressedLength = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
                    var dataPos          = stream.Position;
                    stream.Position += compressedLength;
                    CheckCrc(crc, stream, crcStartPos);
                    using (var uncompressedStream = stream.Pool.Reserve())
                        Uncompress(uncompressedStream, stream.GetBuffer(), (int)dataPos, compressedLength, codec);
                        // Deserialize recursively
                        foreach (var m in LazyDeserializeMessageSet(uncompressedStream, (int)uncompressedStream.Length, deserializers))
                            // Flatten
                            yield return(m);

                remainingMessageSetBytes -= messageSize;
Пример #19
 // Used only in tests
 public void Deserialize(ReusableMemoryStream stream, object noextra)
     Partition   = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
     FetchOffset = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
     MaxBytes    = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
Пример #20
        // Deserialize a message set to a sequence of messages.
        // This handles the "partial message allowed at end of message set" from Kafka brokers
        // and compressed message sets (the method recursively calls itself in this case and
        // flatten the result). The returned enumeration must be enumerated for deserialization
        // effectiveley occuring.
        // A message set can contain a mix of v0 and v1 messages.
        // In the case of compressed messages, offsets are returned differently by brokers.
        // Messages inside compressed message v0 will have absolute offsets assigned.
        // Messages inside compressed message v1 will have relative offset assigned, starting
        // from 0. The wrapping compressed message itself is assigned the absolute offset of the last
        // message in the set. That means in this case we can only assign offsets after having decompressing
        // all messages. Lazy deserialization won't be so lazy anymore...
        private static IEnumerable <ResponseMessage> LazyDeserializeMessageSet(ReusableMemoryStream stream, int messageSetSize, Deserializers deserializers)
            var remainingMessageSetBytes = messageSetSize;

            while (remainingMessageSetBytes > 0)
                const int offsetSize  = 8;
                const int msgsizeSize = 4;
                if (remainingMessageSetBytes < offsetSize + msgsizeSize)
                    // This is a partial message => skip to the end of the message set.
                    // TODO: unit test this
                    stream.Position += remainingMessageSetBytes;
                    yield break;

                var offset      = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
                var messageSize = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);

                remainingMessageSetBytes -= offsetSize + msgsizeSize;
                if (remainingMessageSetBytes < messageSize)
                    // This is a partial message => skip to the end of the message set.
                    stream.Position += remainingMessageSetBytes;
                    yield break;

                // Message body
                var crc         = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
                var crcStartPos = stream.Position; // crc is computed from this position
                var magic       = stream.ReadByte();
                if ((uint)magic > 1)
                    throw new UnsupportedMagicByteVersion((byte)magic);
                var  attributes = stream.ReadByte();
                long timestamp  = 0;
                if (magic == 1)
                    timestamp = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);

                // Check for compression
                var codec = (CompressionCodec)(attributes & 3); // Lowest 2 bits
                if (codec == CompressionCodec.None)
                    var msg = new ResponseMessage
                        Offset  = offset,
                        Message = new Message
                            Key       = Basics.DeserializeByteArray(stream, deserializers.Item1),
                            Value     = Basics.DeserializeByteArray(stream, deserializers.Item2),
                            TimeStamp = timestamp
                    CheckCrc(crc, stream, crcStartPos);
                    yield return(msg);
                    // Key is null, read/check/skip
                    if (BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream) != -1)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Compressed messages key should be null");

                    // Uncompress
                    var compressedLength = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
                    var dataPos          = stream.Position;
                    stream.Position += compressedLength;
                    CheckCrc(crc, stream, crcStartPos);
                    using (var uncompressedStream = stream.Pool.Reserve())
                        Uncompress(uncompressedStream, stream.GetBuffer(), (int)dataPos, compressedLength, codec);
                        // Deserialize recursively
                        if (magic == 0) // v0 message
                            foreach (var m in
                                     LazyDeserializeMessageSet(uncompressedStream, (int)uncompressedStream.Length,
                                // Flatten
                                yield return(m);
                        else // v1 message, we have to assign the absolute offsets
                            var innerMsgs = ResponseMessageListPool.Reserve();
                            // We need to deserialize all messages first, because the wrapper offset is the
                            // offset of the last messe in the set, so wee need to know how many messages there are
                            // before assigning offsets.
                                                                         (int)uncompressedStream.Length, deserializers));
                            var baseOffset = offset - innerMsgs.Count + 1;
                            foreach (var msg in innerMsgs)
                                yield return
                                    (new ResponseMessage
                                    Offset = msg.Offset + baseOffset,
                                    Message = msg.Message

                remainingMessageSetBytes -= messageSize;
Пример #21
 public void Deserialize(ReusableMemoryStream stream, object noextra = null)
     Partition = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
     ErrorCode = (ErrorCode)BigEndianConverter.ReadInt16(stream);
     Offset    = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
Пример #22
        //N.B., MessageSets are not preceded by an int32 like other array elements in the protocol.
        //MessageSet => [Offset MessageSize Message]
        //  Offset => int64
        //  MessageSize => int32
        //Message => Crc MagicByte Attributes Key Value
        //  Crc => int32
        //  MagicByte => int8
        //  Attributes => int8
        //  Key => bytes
        //  Value => bytes
        private static IEnumerable <Message> ReadMessageSet(Stream stream, int messageSetSize)
            // "As an optimization the server is allowed to return a partial message at the end of the message set.
            // Clients should handle this case"

            var remainingMessageSetBytes = messageSetSize;

            while (remainingMessageSetBytes > 0)
                // we need at least be able to read offset and messageSize
                if (remainingMessageSetBytes < 8 + 4)
                    // not enough bytes left. This is a partial message. Skip to the end of the message set.
                    stream.Position += remainingMessageSetBytes;
                    yield break;

                var offset      = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
                var messageSize = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);

                // we took 12 bytes there, check again that we have a full message.
                remainingMessageSetBytes -= 8 + 4;
                if (remainingMessageSetBytes < messageSize)
                    // not enough bytes left. This is a partial message. Skip to the end of the message set.
                    stream.Position += remainingMessageSetBytes;
                    yield break;

                // Message
                var  crc   = (uint)BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
                byte magic = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
                if (magic != 0)
                    throw new BrokerException("Invalid kafks message magic");  // TODO: use special exception for data corruption
                var attributes  = (byte)stream.ReadByte();
                var compression = ParseCompression(attributes);
                var key         = ReadByteArray(stream);
                var value       = ReadByteArray(stream);
                if (compression == CompressionType.None)
                    var msg = new Message();
                    msg.Key    = key;
                    msg.Value  = value;
                    msg.Offset = offset;

                    var computedCrc = Crc32.Update(magic);
                    computedCrc = Crc32.Update(attributes, computedCrc);
                    if (key == null)
                        computedCrc = Crc32.Update(_minusOne32, computedCrc);
                        computedCrc = Crc32.Update(key.Length, computedCrc);
                        computedCrc = Crc32.Update(key, computedCrc);
                    if (value == null)
                        computedCrc = Crc32.Update(_minusOne32);
                        computedCrc = Crc32.Update(value.Length, computedCrc);
                        computedCrc = Crc32.Update(value, computedCrc);
                    computedCrc = Crc32.GetHash(computedCrc);

                    if (computedCrc != crc)
                        throw new BrokerException(string.Format("Corrupt message: Crc does not match. Caclulated {0} but got {1}", computedCrc, crc));
                    yield return(msg);
                else if (compression == CompressionType.Gzip)
                    var decompressedStream = new MemoryStream();
                    new GZipStream(new MemoryStream(value), CompressionMode.Decompress).CopyTo(decompressedStream);
                    decompressedStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    // Recursion
                    var innerMessages = ReadMessageSet(decompressedStream, (int)decompressedStream.Length);
                    foreach (var innerMessage in innerMessages)
                        yield return(innerMessage);
                else if (compression == CompressionType.Lz4)
                    using (var lz4Stream = new Lz4KafkaStream(new MemoryStream(value), CompressionStreamMode.Decompress))
                        var decompressed = new MemoryStream();
                        decompressed.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        var decompressedMessages = ReadMessageSet(decompressed, (int)decompressed.Length);
                        foreach (var msg in decompressedMessages)
                            yield return(msg);
                else if (compression == CompressionType.Snappy)
                    if (_snappyCompressedBuffer == null)
                        KafkaSnappyStream.AllocateBuffers(out _snappyUncompressedBuffer, out _snappyCompressedBuffer);

                    using (var snappyStream = new KafkaSnappyStream(new MemoryStream(value), CompressionStreamMode.Decompress, _snappyUncompressedBuffer, _snappyCompressedBuffer))
                        var decompressed = new MemoryStream();
                        decompressed.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        var decompressedMessages = ReadMessageSet(decompressed, (int)decompressed.Length);
                        foreach (var msg in decompressedMessages)
                            yield return(msg);
                    throw new BrokerException(string.Format("Unknown compression type: {0}", attributes & 3));

                // subtract messageSize of that message from remaining bytes
                remainingMessageSetBytes -= messageSize;
Пример #23
 public void Deserialize(ReusableMemoryStream stream, object noextra)
     Partition          = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);
     Time               = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(stream);
     MaxNumberOfOffsets = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(stream);