Пример #1
        public Address(int addressId)
            Hashtable ht = BewebData.GetValues("SELECT * FROM Address WHERE AddressId=@AddressId",
                                               new Parameter("AddressId", TypeCode.Int32, addressId.ToString()));

            if (ht.Count > 0)
                AddressId             = Convert.ToInt32(ht["AddressId"]);
                Specified             = ht["Specified"].ToString();
                Latitude              = Convert.ToDouble(ht["Latitude"]);
                Longitude             = Convert.ToDouble(ht["Longitude"]);
                Altitude              = Convert.ToDouble(ht["Altitude"]);
                Zoom                  = Convert.ToInt32(ht["Zoom"]);
                Proper                = ht["Proper"].ToString();
                Accuracy              = Convert.ToInt32(ht["Accuracy"]);
                Thoroughfare          = ht["Thoroughfare"].ToString();
                Locality              = ht["Locality"].ToString();
                SubAdministrativeArea = ht["SubAdministrativeArea"].ToString();
                AdministrativeArea    = ht["AdministrativeArea"].ToString();
                PostalCode            = ht["PostalCode"].ToString();
                CountryName           = ht["CountryName"].ToString();
                CountryCode           = ht["CountryCode"].ToString();
                AddressType           = ht["AddressType"].ToString();
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depth">any integer >= 1</param>
        /// <param name="showInvisible">show invisible tree items</param>
        /// <param name="parentID">the parentID at the top of the returned tree - the parent is not returned. 0 = all nodes</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DataSet GetData(int depth, bool showInvisible, int parentID)
            string              sql           = "SELECT * FROM NavTree";
            Parameter           parentIdParam = new Parameter("ParentID", TypeCode.String, parentID.ToString());
            ParameterCollection pc            = new ParameterCollection();

            if (!showInvisible)
                sql = BewebData.AppendWhereClause(sql, "AND", "IsVisible=1");
            int lowerDepth = 0;

            if (parentID > 0)
                sql = BewebData.AppendWhereClause(sql, "AND", "Lineage LIKE '%/' + @ParentID + '/%'");

                // get the parent node's depth
                lowerDepth = Convert.ToInt32(BewebData.GetValue("SELECT Depth FROM NavTree WHERE NodeID=@ParentID", parentIdParam));

                sql = BewebData.AppendWhereClause(sql, "AND", "Depth > @LowerDepth");
                pc.Add("LowerDepth", TypeCode.Int32, lowerDepth.ToString());
            if (depth > 0)
                int higherDepth = lowerDepth + depth;
                sql = BewebData.AppendWhereClause(sql, "AND", "Depth < @HigherDepth");
                pc.Add("HigherDepth", TypeCode.Int32, higherDepth.ToString());
            sql += " ORDER BY Sorting ASC";

            return(BewebData.GetDataSet(sql, pc));
Пример #3
        // http://www.dol.govt.nz/er/holidaysandleave/publicholidays/publicholidaydates/ical/public-holidays-all.ics
        // http://www.dol.govt.nz/er/holidaysandleave/publicholidays/publicholidaydates/current.asp

        public static DateTime GetWorkingDay(DateTime date, int holidayRegionID)
            if (_hasCalendarHolidayTable == null)
                _hasCalendarHolidayTable = BewebData.TableExists("CalendarHoliday");
            DateTime nextWorkDate = new DateTime(date.Ticks);
            bool     isHoliday;

                isHoliday = nextWorkDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday || nextWorkDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday;
                if (_hasCalendarHolidayTable.Value && !isHoliday)
                    Sql sql = new Sql("select * from CalendarHoliday where HolidayDate=", nextWorkDate);
                    if (holidayRegionID > 0)
                        // return National and Regional Holidays
                        sql.Add("and (HolidayRegionID is null or HolidayRegionID = ", holidayRegionID.SqlizeNumber(), ")");
                    else if (BewebData.FieldExists("CalendarHoliday", "HolidayRegionID"))
                        // return Holidays without regions if regions exist (e.g. National Holidays)
                        sql.Add("and HolidayRegionID is null");
                    isHoliday = sql.RecordExists();
                if (isHoliday)
                    nextWorkDate = nextWorkDate.AddDays(1);
            } while (isHoliday);
Пример #4
        protected static string GetRenderPageIterator(int?id, int depth)
            int?   parentID;          //, str, title;
            string result = "";
            string sql;

            if (id != null)
                sql    = "select RenderPage from template inner join Page on template.templateid=page.templateid where  historypageid is null and PageID=";
                result = BewebData.GetValue(new Sql(sql, id.Value));
                if ("" + result == "")
                    parentID = BewebData.GetInt("select ParentPageID from Page where PageID=" + id);
                    if ((parentID != null) && parentID + "" != "" && parentID + "" != "0")
                        result = GetRenderPageIterator(parentID, depth + 1);
                        result = "standardpage.aspx";

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a sql statement where the first column is the data field and the secodn is the description, draw a set of option tags (call this within a select tag)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cma">Savvy Page containing database connection to work with</param>
        /// <param name="sql">SQL statement where the first column is the data field and the secodn is the description</param>
        /// <param name="selectedValue">value to select if in the list</param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static string WriteDropDownOptions(string sql, string selectedValue)
            string   result = "";
            DataView rs;
            string   value       = "";
            string   description = "";

            selectedValue = selectedValue + "";                         // convert to string

            DataBlock dataObject = new DataBlock(BewebData.GetConnectionString());

            rs = dataObject.CreateDataSource(sql);

            for (int scan = 0; scan < dataObject.RecordCount; scan++)
                value       = dataObject.GetValue(scan, 0) + "";                                        // convert to string
                description = dataObject.GetValue(scan, 1);
                result     += "<option value=\"" + value + "\"";
                if (value == selectedValue)
                    result += " selected";
                result += ">" + description + "</option>" + VB.crlf;
Пример #6
        // GET: /Admin/AdminMenu/

        public ActionResult Index()
            if (Util.GetSettingBool("AdminBreadcrumbIncludeHome", true))
                Breadcrumbs.Current.SetBreadcrumb(0, "Home", Web.Root);
            Breadcrumbs.Current.AddBreadcrumb(1, "Admin Menu");

            var data = new ViewModel();
            //data.UserName = Session[Beweb.Util.GetSiteCodeName() + "_AdminFirstName"] + " " + Session[Beweb.Util.GetSiteCodeName() + "_AdminLastName"];
            Person person = Models.Person.LoadID(Security.LoggedInUserID);

            if (person == null)
                return(Redirect(Web.Root + "security/login?msg=dbusermissing"));;
            data.LoggedInPerson = person;
            data.UserName       = person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName;
            data.IsDevAccess    = Beweb.Util.IsDevAccess();
            data.LastLogin      = person.LastLoginDate.FmtDateTime();
            //EmailToAddress.Text = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailToAddress"];
            data.Role = person.Role;
            SqlConnection sc = new SqlConnection(BewebData.GetConnectionString());

            //ConnectionStringDetails.Text = String.Format("Datasource: {1}, Database: {0}", sc.DataSource, sc.Database);
            data.ConnectionStringDetails = String.Format("Database: {1}, Server: {0}", sc.DataSource, sc.Database);

            // MN 20130214 - removed SavvyAdmin default add, no longer needed and always sets default colour to white!

            return(View("AdminMenu", data));
Пример #7
 private static void CheckTable()
     if (!BewebData.TableExists("DynamicImage"))
         new Sql("CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DynamicImage]([DynamicImageID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ImageUrl] [nvarchar](250) NULL, [UniqueKey] [nvarchar](150) NULL, [Version] [int] NULL,[Width] [int] NULL,[Height] [int] NULL, [CropStyle] [nvarchar](10) NULL, [OriginalFilename] [nvarchar](250) NULL, [ImageModDate] [datetime] NULL, [LastModified] [datetime] NULL,  CONSTRAINT [DynamicImage_PK] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ([DynamicImageID] ASC))").Execute();
Пример #8
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        msg.Text += "Start<br/>";
        string cs = BewebData.GetConnectionString();

        //msg.Text+="cs ["+cs+"]<br/>";
        Beweb.DataBlock db = new Beweb.DataBlock(cs);
        msg.Text += "select count(*) as cnt from Person: [" + db.FetchValue("select count(*) as cnt from Person") + "]<br/>";

        msg.Text += "Done<br/>";
Пример #9
        private string WriteHierarchyOptions(
            string tablename,
            string primaryKeyColName,
            string displayTextColName,
            string parentcolname,
            string SortColName,
            int parentID,
            int level,
            string fieldName,
            string fieldValue
            DataBlock rs;
            string    sql, optionValue, description, result = "";

            sql = "select * from " + tablename + "";
            if (parentID != 0)
                sql = sql + " where " + parentcolname + "=" + parentID;
                sql = sql + " where " + parentcolname + " is null or " + parentcolname + "=0";

            sql = sql + " order by " + SortColName;

            rs = (new DataBlock(BewebData.GetConnectionString())).execute(sql);
            while (!rs.eof())
                optionValue = rs[primaryKeyColName];
                description = rs[displayTextColName];

                for (int i = 1; i < level; i++)
                    description = "" + VB.chr(183) + VB.chr(183) + description;

                result += "<option ";
                if (fieldValue + "" == "" + optionValue && optionValue + "" != "0")
                    result += "selected ";
                result += "value=\"" + optionValue + "\">" + description + "</option>";

                result += WriteHierarchyOptions(tablename, primaryKeyColName, displayTextColName, parentcolname, SortColName, rs.GetValueInt(0), level + 1, fieldName, fieldValue);
Пример #10
        private void Fetch(string sql)
            OleDbDataReader reader = null;

            try {
                var db = new DataBlock();
                var conn = new OleDbConnection(db.connString);
                var exec = new OleDbCommand(sql, conn);

                var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                reader = exec.ExecuteReader();

                var fields = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >();
                var data   = new List <List <string> >();

                if (reader.FieldCount > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
                        var f = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        f["name"] = reader.GetName(i);
                        f["type"] = reader.GetFieldType(i).ToString().Replace("System.", "");

                    while (reader.Read())
                        var row = fields.Select(field => reader[field["name"]].ToString()).ToList();

                var jsonSerialiser = new JavaScriptSerializer();

                Web.Write("{\"success\": true, \"type\":\"query\", \"time\": " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + ", \"rows\": " + data.Count + ", \"fields\": " + jsonSerialiser.Serialize(fields) + ", \"data\": " + jsonSerialiser.Serialize(data) + "}");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Web.Write("{\"success\": false, \"error\":\"" + ex.Message + "\"}");
            } finally {
                if (reader != null && !reader.IsClosed)
Пример #11
 private void Init(string dropboxFullPath, string dropboxProcessedFullPath, string dropboxRejectsFullPath)
     if (NoFilePermissionsMode)
         if (!BewebData.TableExists("DataImport"))
             new Sql("create table DataImport (DataImportID int identity (1,1), FileName nvarchar(100), DateImported datetime, ImportedBy nvarchar(50), constraint PK_DataImport PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED  (DataImportID))").Execute();
         // create drop folder if doesn't exist
Пример #12
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // only show the form if there are no users in the system!
        int countUsers = Convert.ToInt32(BewebData.GetValue(new Sql("SELECT COUNT(PersonId) FROM Person")));

        if (countUsers == 0)
            ShowForm.Visible    = true;
            DoneMessage.Visible = false;
            ShowForm.Visible    = false;
            DoneMessage.Visible = true;
Пример #13
        private string Save(Models.Comment record, bool isNew)
            bool moveOnToNextItem = false;

            // send emails (only if DeclineReason has been changed):
            if (record.Fields.DeclineReason.IsDirty && (record.Status == Comment.CommentStatus.Approved.ToString() || record.Status == Comment.CommentStatus.Declined.ToString()))
                if (record.Status == Comment.CommentStatus.Approved.ToString())
                    // mark as Approved
                    record.ApprovedByPersonID = Security.LoggedInUserID;
                    record.ApprovedDate       = DateTime.Now;

                // user email:
                moveOnToNextItem = true;

            // add any code to update other fields/tables here
            // save subform or related checkboxes here eg record.Lines.Save();

            // regardless of what button they clicked - move on to the next item if they declined or approved something
            if (moveOnToNextItem)
                // find the next item
                var nextCommentId = BewebData.GetValue(new Sql("SELECT TOP(1) CommentId FROM Comment WHERE Status=", Comment.CommentStatus.Submitted.ToString().SqlizeText()
                                                               , "AND CommentID < ", record.CommentID, " ORDER BY CommentID DESC"));

                if (nextCommentId.IsBlank())
                    nextCommentId = BewebData.GetValue(new Sql("SELECT TOP(1) CommentId FROM Comment WHERE Status=", Comment.CommentStatus.Submitted.ToString().SqlizeText()
                                                               , "AND CommentID < ", record.CommentID, " ORDER BY CommentID ASC"));

                    if (nextCommentId.IsBlank())
                return("~/Admin/CommentAdmin/Edit/" + nextCommentId);
Пример #14
        public static void Update(string addressId, string latitude, string longitude, string altitude, string zoom)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(addressId))
                // can't update if we don't have an addressId
                var pc = new ParameterCollection();
                pc.Add("Latitude", TypeCode.Decimal, latitude);
                pc.Add("Longitude", TypeCode.Decimal, longitude);
                pc.Add("Altitude", TypeCode.Decimal, altitude);
                pc.Add("Zoom", TypeCode.Int32, zoom);
                pc.Add("AddressId", TypeCode.Int32, addressId);

                BewebData.UpdateRecord("UPDATE Address SET Latitude=@Latitude, Longitude=@Longitude, Altitude=@Altitude, Zoom=@Zoom WHERE AddressId=@AddressId", pc);
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// get a url to a page given an ID (also does urlrewrite conversion and shortcuts)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// use Nav.LinkPage

         * public static string GetRenderPageURL(int? idn)
         * {
         *      int id=(idn==null)?0:(int)idn;
         *      string result="";
         *      bool useNormal = true;
         *      string sql = "select title,PageIsALink,URLRewriteTitle from Page where historypageid is null and PageID=" + id;
         *      DataBlock rs = new DataBlock(BewebData.GetConnectionString());
         *      rs.OpenDB();
         *      rs.open(sql);
         *      string title = rs["title"];
         *      bool PageIsALink = VB.cbool(rs["PageIsALink"]);
         *      if(PageIsALink)
         *      {
         *              useNormal = false;
         *              int ?targetID = BewebData.GetInt("select URL from Page where PageID=" + id);
         *              if(targetID==null)
         *              {
         *                      //throw new Exception(" ERROR: pageid ["+id+"] page is a link, but url is blank");useNormal
         *                      useNormal = true;
         *              }else
         *              {
         *                      result = GetRenderPageURL(targetID);
         *              }
         *              //result = BewebData.GetValue("select URL from Page where PageID=" + id);
         *      }
         *      rs.CloseDB();
         *      if(useNormal)
         *      {
         *              string rewriteURL = rs["URLRewriteTitle"];
         *              if (rewriteURL=="")
         *              {
         *                      result = GetRenderPage(id) + "?page=" + Crypto.EncryptID(id) ;
         *                      if(title!="")result+= "&section=" + HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(title);
         *              }else
         *              {
         *                      result = "~/"+rewriteURL+".aspx";
         *              }
         *      }
         *      //result = result.Replace("../admin/../","");
         *      return result;
         * }

        /// <summary>
        /// get a pipe sep list of parents of the given id
        /// </summary>
        /// <example>
        /// string ancPages = currCMA.GetAncestorPages(pageID);
        /// dout("ancPages["+ancPages+"]");
        /// string []anc = ancPages.Split(new Char[] {'|'}, 6);
        /// topid = VB.cint(anc[anc.Length-3]);  //anc[anc.Length] overflow, anc[anc.Length-1] blank, anc[anc.Length-2] home, anc[anc.Length-3] below home
        /// dout("topid["+topid+"]");
        /// </example>
        /// <param name="id">id to find parents of</param>
        /// <returns>pipe sep list of parents of the given id</returns>
        public static string GetAncestorPages(int?id)
            string result = "";
            int?   parentID;

            if (id != -1)
                parentID = BewebData.GetInt("select ParentPageID from Page where PageID=" + id);
                if (parentID == 0)
                    result = "";
                    result = parentID + "|" + GetAncestorPages(parentID);
Пример #16
        public static string GetRenderPageSectionURL(string sectionCode, bool encrypt)
            string result    = "";
            string linkValue = BewebData.GetValue(new Sql("select pageid from page where pagecode=", sectionCode.SqlizeText(), " and historypageid is null"));

            if (linkValue != "")
                result = GetRenderPage(linkValue) + "?page=" + ((encrypt)?Crypto.EncryptID(linkValue):linkValue);
                //'Response.Write("<font color=""red"" size=""1"" face=""sans-serif"">DEBUG: linkValue["&linkValue&"]</font><br>"+vbcrlf)
                Logging.eout("ERROR: failed to find page code [" + sectionCode + "]");

            if (result.StartsWith("admin/../"))
                result = result.Replace("admin/../", "");
Пример #17
        public ActionResult RunDailyTasks()


            // if there is anything to do every day, do it here
#if AutocompletePhrase
            // re-do autocomplete phrases for expired content (assumes content tends to expire daily)

#if ModificationLog
            //daily remove old mod logs
            if (BewebData.GetValueInt(new Sql("select count(*) from sys.objects where name like ", "ModificationLogTemp".SqlizeLike()), 0) > 0)
                // remove the temp table if it exists
                new Sql("drop table ModificationLogTemp").Execute();
            var s = @"
select * into ModificationLogTemp from ModificationLog where UpdateDate > getdate()-90;
truncate table ModificationLog;
set identity_insert ModificationLog ON;
insert into ModificationLog ([ModificationLogID],[UpdateDate],[PersonID],[TableName],[RecordID],[ActionType],[UserName],[ChangeDescription],[RecordIDChar]) select [ModificationLogID],[UpdateDate],[PersonID],[TableName],[RecordID],[ActionType],[UserName],[ChangeDescription],[RecordIDChar] from ModificationLogTemp;
set identity_insert ModificationLog OFF;
drop table ModificationLogTemp";
            new Sql(s).Execute();
            Logging.dlog("RunDailyTasks start");
            //TASKS here
            //update the run time in the database
            Settings.All.ScheduledTaskLastDailyRunTime = DateTime.Now;

            Logging.dlog("RunDailyTasks done");
Пример #18
    private string OKToImport(string otherServerEnvironment)
        /* This can expanded upon as we think of more ways to prevent a bad import */
        string response = "OK";
        var    referer  = Web.ServerVars["HTTP_REFERER"] + "";
        var    host     = Web.ServerVars["HTTP_HOST"] + "";
        string localConnectionString  = BewebData.GetConnectionString("ConnectionString" + Util.ServerIs());
        string remoteConnectionString = BewebData.GetConnectionString("ConnectionString" + otherServerEnvironment);

        if (!referer.Contains(host))
            response = "<p><strong>Did not import.</strong></p><p>You cannot import data by directly navigating to this page.</p>";
        else if (localConnectionString == remoteConnectionString)
            response = "<p><strong>Did not import.</strong></p><p>You cannot do an import where both connection strings are the same.</p>";
        else if (BewebData.TableExists("Settings"))

             * Settings settings = Settings.Load(new Sql("Select top 1 * from Settings"));
             * if (settings.FieldExists("ServerEnvironment")) {
             *      if (settings["ServerEnvironment"].ToString() == otherServerEnvironment){
             *              response = "<p><strong>Did not import.</strong></p><p>The 'ServerEnvironment' setting is the same as the current server. Please make sure you are on the correct server, the 'ServerEnvironment' setting is correct and try again.</p>";
             *      }
             * } else {
             *      new Sql("ALTER TABLE settings ADD ServerEnvironment nvarchar(3);").Execute();
             *      settings["ServerEnvironment"].ValueObject = Util.ServerIs();
             *      settings.Save();
             *      // setting doesnt exisit so dont assum its ok. Let the user try again
             *      response = "<p><strong>Did not import.</strong></p><p>The 'ServerEnvironment' setting was missing from the settings. This setting has been added and set to '" + Util.ServerIs() + "'. If this is incorrect please correct the setting and try again.</p>";
             * }
Пример #19
        public string WriteHierarchySelector(
            string tablename,
            string primaryKeyColName,
            string displayTextColName,
            string parentcolname,
            string SortColName,
            string fieldName,
            string fieldValue
            DataBlock rs;
            string    result = "";
            string    sql;

            sql = "select * from " + tablename + " where " + parentcolname + " is null or " + parentcolname + " =0 ";
            sql = sql + " order by " + SortColName;
            rs  = (new DataBlock(BewebData.GetConnectionString())).execute(sql);
            if (rs.eof())
                result += "<input type=hidden name=\"" + parentcolname + "\" value='0'>";
                result += "None";
                result += "<select size=1 name=\"" + fieldName + "\">";
                result += "<option value=\"\">-- please select --</option>";
                if (primaryKeyColName != fieldName)
                    //result += WriteOptionWithDescription("0", fieldValue, "--Top Level--");
                result += WriteHierarchyOptions(tablename, primaryKeyColName, displayTextColName, parentcolname, SortColName, 0, 0, fieldName, fieldValue);

                result += "</select>";
Пример #20
        public void Insert()
            // save the new details
            var pc = new ParameterCollection();

            pc.Add("Specified", TypeCode.String, Specified);
            pc.Add("Latitude", TypeCode.Decimal, Latitude.ToString());
            pc.Add("Longitude", TypeCode.Decimal, Longitude.ToString());
            pc.Add("Altitude", TypeCode.Decimal, Altitude.ToString());
            pc.Add("Zoom", TypeCode.Int32, Zoom.ToString());
            pc.Add("Proper", TypeCode.String, Proper);
            pc.Add("Accuracy", TypeCode.Int32, Accuracy.ToString());
            pc.Add("Thoroughfare", TypeCode.String, Thoroughfare);
            pc.Add("Locality", TypeCode.String, Locality);
            pc.Add("SubAdministrativeArea", TypeCode.String, SubAdministrativeArea);
            pc.Add("AdministrativeArea", TypeCode.String, AdministrativeArea);
            pc.Add("PostalCode", TypeCode.String, PostalCode);
            pc.Add("CountryName", TypeCode.String, CountryName);
            pc.Add("CountryCode", TypeCode.String, CountryCode);
            pc.Add("AddressType", TypeCode.String, AddressType);

            AddressId = BewebData.InsertRecord("INSERT INTO Address (Specified, Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Zoom, Proper, Accuracy, Thoroughfare, Locality, SubAdministrativeArea, AdministrativeArea, PostalCode, CountryName, CountryCode, AddressType) " +
                                               "VALUES (@Specified, @Latitude, @Longitude, @Altitude, @Zoom, @Proper, @Accuracy, @Thoroughfare, @Locality, @SubAdministrativeArea, @AdministrativeArea, @PostalCode, @CountryName, @CountryCode, @AddressType)", pc);
Пример #21
        public static void Refresh(string tableName)
            string refreshSql =

INSERT INTO NavTree (TableName, NodeID, ParentID, Title, URL, SortPosition, IsVisible, IsJustALink, ItemCode, RoleAllowed) SELECT 'Page', PageID, ParentPageID, CASE WHEN NavTitle='' or NavTitle is null THEN Title ELSE NavTitle END, CASE WHEN LinkUrl='' or IsLinkUrl is null THEN URLRewriteTitle ELSE IsLinkUrl END, SortPosition, ShowInNav, CASE WHEN IsLinkUrl='' or IsLinkUrl is null THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, PageCode, RoleAllowed FROM Page ORDER BY SortPosition ASC;

Lineage='/' + CONVERT(nvarchar, NodeID) + '/', 
Sorting='/' + REPLACE(STR(SortPosition*NavTreeID,12,0),' ','0') + '/', 
WHERE ParentID = 0;

UPDATE T SET T.Depth = P.Depth + 1,
T.Lineage = P.Lineage + CONVERT(nvarchar, T.NodeID) + '/',
T.Sorting = P.Sorting + REPLACE(STR(T.SortPosition*T.NavTreeID,12,0),' ','0') + '/'
INNER JOIN NavTree AS P ON T.ParentID = P.NodeID
WHERE P.Depth >=0 AND P.Lineage IS NOT NULL AND T.Depth IS NULL;";

            BewebData.ExecuteSQL(refreshSql, true);
Пример #22
        // Overrides of default functionality go here (eg SortOrder, GetUrl, IsActive, Save)
        // Hint: to override methods using Resharper, hit Alt-Insert

        // You can put any business logic associated with this entity here

        public static int DownloadCount(int documentID)
            int count = BewebData.GetValueInt(new Sql("Select Count (*) from DocumentDownload where DocumentID=", documentID.SqlizeNumber())).ToInt();

Пример #23
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            var excludedExtensions = new[] { ".config", ".txt" };
            var directory          = new DirectoryInfo(Web.MapPath(Web.Attachments));
            var diskAttachments    = directory.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(f => (f.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == 0 && !excludedExtensions.Contains(f.Extension)).OrderByDescending(f => f.Length).Select(file => file.FullName.RightFrom(Web.MapPath(Web.Attachments)).ToLower().Replace("\\", "/")).ToList();

            var dbAttachments = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var tableName in BewebData.GetTableNames())
                var sql = new Sql("select top 1 * from ", tableName.SqlizeName());
                var sb  = new StringBuilder("");
                using (var reader = sql.GetReader()) {
                    if (reader.HasRows)
                        int visibleFieldCount = reader.VisibleFieldCount;
                        for (int i = 0; i < visibleFieldCount; i++)                             // for each column
                            string dataType  = reader.GetDataTypeName(i).ToLower();
                            string fieldName = reader.GetName(i).ToLower();
                            bool   isAttach  = (dataType.Contains("varchar") && (fieldName.Contains("attachment") || fieldName.Contains("picture")));
                            bool   isRich    = ((dataType.Contains("varchar") || dataType.Contains("text")) && (fieldName.Contains("html") || fieldName.Contains("body") || fieldName.Contains("text")));
                            if (isAttach || isRich)
                var fields = sb.ToString();
                fields = fields.IsNotBlank() ? fields.Substring(0, fields.Length - 1) : "";                 // remove last comma

                if (fields.IsNotBlank())
                    sql = new Sql("select " + fields + " from ", tableName.SqlizeName());
                    using (var reader = sql.GetReader()) {
                        foreach (DbDataRecord record in reader)
                            for (int i = 0; i < reader.VisibleFieldCount; i++)                                  // for each column
                                string fieldName = record.GetName(i).ToLower();
                                bool   isAttach  = ((fieldName.Contains("attachment") || fieldName.Contains("picture")));
                                if (!record.IsDBNull(i))
                                    string fieldValue = record.GetString(i);
                                    if (fieldValue.IsNotBlank())
                                        if (isAttach)
                                            // @todo: Regex against the value to extract the images


            foreach (var att in diskAttachments)
Пример #24
        private void PrecacheAttachmentsDB()
            try {
                var dbAttachments = new HashSet <string>();

                foreach (var tableName in BewebData.GetTableNames())
                    var sql = new Sql("select top 1 * from ", tableName.SqlizeName());
                    var sb  = new StringBuilder("");
                    using (var reader = sql.GetReader()) {
                        if (reader.HasRows)
                            int visibleFieldCount = reader.VisibleFieldCount;
                            for (int i = 0; i < visibleFieldCount; i++)                                 // for each column
                                string dataType  = reader.GetDataTypeName(i).ToLower();
                                string fieldName = reader.GetName(i).ToLower();
                                bool   isAttach  = (dataType.Contains("varchar") && (fieldName.Contains("attachment") || fieldName.Contains("picture")));
                                bool   isRich    = ((dataType.Contains("varchar") || dataType.Contains("text")) && (fieldName.Contains("html") || fieldName.Contains("body") || fieldName.Contains("text")));
                                if (isAttach || isRich)
                    var fields = sb.ToString();
                    fields = fields.IsNotBlank() ? fields.Substring(0, fields.Length - 1) : "";                     // remove last comma

                    if (fields.IsNotBlank())
                        sql = new Sql("select " + fields + " from ", tableName.SqlizeName());
                        using (var reader = sql.GetReader()) {
                            foreach (DbDataRecord record in reader)
                                for (int i = 0; i < reader.VisibleFieldCount; i++)                                      // for each column
                                    string fieldName = record.GetName(i).ToLower();
                                    bool   isAttach  = ((fieldName.Contains("attachment") || fieldName.Contains("picture")));
                                    if (!record.IsDBNull(i))
                                        string fieldValue = record.GetString(i);
                                        if (fieldValue.IsNotBlank())
                                            if (isAttach)
                                                foreach (var extractedImage in ExtractImagesFromHTML(fieldValue))
                                                foreach (var extractedDocument in ExtractDocumentsFromHTML(fieldValue))
                Session["dbAttachments"] = dbAttachments;
                Web.Write("{\"success\": true, \"result\":\"" + dbAttachments.Count + " references found\"}");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Web.Write("{\"success\": false, \"error\":\"" + ex.Message + "\"}");
Пример #25
        public ActionResult SSODotNet()
            // to use this call:
            // sso_classic.asp?ssoDotNet=Utils%2fsso_dotnet.aspx&success=PartSale.aspx&fail=login.asp
            // params:
            // success: page to redirect to if cookie is there and GUID matches, i.e. successful sso. Remember to UrlEncode this value ESPECIALLY if it contains query string stuff
            // fail: fail page

            string AdminId = String.Empty;

            //if(Beweb.Util.ServerIs() == "DEV")
            //  // don't bother checking - auto log in for dev
            //  //AdminId = Request.QueryString["administratorId"]; // 161 for matt
            //  AdminId = Beweb.BewebData.GetValue(
            //    "SELECT AdministratorID FROM Administrator WHERE Email=@Email",
            //    new Parameter("Email", TypeCode.String, "matt"),
            //    BewebData.GetConnectionString("ExtranetConnectionString"));

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["sso"]))
            string ssoGuid = Request.QueryString["sso"];

            // output.Text += String.Format("<br /><br />[{0}]", ssoGuid);

            // check the database for the ssoGuid - make sure it was just set (with some leeway)
            AdminId = BewebData.GetValue(
                "SELECT AdministratorId FROM Administrator WHERE SsoGuid=@SsoGuid AND SsoSetTime>DATEADD(minute, -2, GETDATE())",
                new Parameter("SsoGuid", TypeCode.String, ssoGuid),

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(AdminId))

            string securityRoles = BewebData.GetValue(new Sql("select role from Administrator WHERE AdministratorID=", AdminId.SqlizeNumber()), BewebData.GetConnectionString("ExtranetConnectionString"));
            string name          = BewebData.GetValue(new Sql().AddRawSqlString("select firstname+' ' +lastname as name from Administrator").Add(" WHERE AdministratorID=", AdminId.SqlizeNumber()), BewebData.GetConnectionString("ExtranetConnectionString"));

            //FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(AdminId, "sha1");
            //// Create a new ticket used for authentication
            //FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(
            //  1, // Ticket version
            //  AdminId, // Username to be associated with this ticket
            //  DateTime.Now, // Date/time issued
            //  DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(60), // Date/time for login to expire (web.config setting is ignored)
            //  true, // "true" for a persistent user cookie (could be a checkbox on form)
            //  securityRoles, // User-data (the roles from this user record in our database)
            //  FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath); // Path cookie is valid for

            //// Hash the cookie for transport over the wire
            //string hash = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket);
            //HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, hash);

            Security.SetSecurityCookies(name, false, AdminId);
            Security.CreateAuthCookie(securityRoles, AdminId);
            //UserSession.Person = Models.Person.LoadID();
            //var login = new Security().Login(AdminId);
            //Security.LoggedInUserID = AdminId
            //UserSession.Person = Models.Person.LoadID(AdminId.ToIntOrDie());

Пример #26
        private void AttachmentExistsOnDB()
            // @todo: Get a list of all attachments (disk) and put in a string array
            // @todo: Get a list of all attachments (db) and put in a string array
            // @todo: Using linq, merge (remove)

            var foundOnTable = "";

            try {
                var file           = Request["filename"].Base64Decode();
                var attachmentName = file.RightFrom(Web.MapPath(Web.Attachments)).ToLower().Replace("\\", "/");

                foreach (var tableName in BewebData.GetTableNames())
                    if (foundOnTable.IsNotBlank())

                    var fields = Cache[tableName + "Fields"] != null ? (string)Cache[tableName + "Fields"] : null;

                    if (fields == null)
                        var sql = new Sql("select top 1 * from ", tableName.SqlizeName());
                        var sb  = new StringBuilder("");
                        using (var reader = sql.GetReader()) {
                            if (reader.HasRows)
                                int visibleFieldCount = reader.VisibleFieldCount;
                                for (int i = 0; i < visibleFieldCount; i++)                                     // for each column
                                    string dataType  = reader.GetDataTypeName(i).ToLower();
                                    string fieldName = reader.GetName(i).ToLower();
                                    bool   isAttach  = (dataType.Contains("varchar") && (fieldName.Contains("attachment") || fieldName.Contains("picture")));
                                    bool   isRich    = ((dataType.Contains("varchar") || dataType.Contains("text")) && (fieldName.Contains("html") || fieldName.Contains("body") || fieldName.Contains("text")));
                                    if (isAttach || isRich)
                        fields = sb.ToString();
                        fields = fields.IsNotBlank() ? fields.Substring(0, fields.Length - 1) : "";                         // remove last comma
                        Cache[tableName + "Fields"] = fields;

                    if (fields.IsNotBlank())
                        var sql = new Sql("select " + fields + " from ", tableName.SqlizeName());

                        using (var reader = sql.GetReader()) {
                            foreach (DbDataRecord record in reader)
                                if (foundOnTable.IsNotBlank())

                                for (int i = 0; i < reader.VisibleFieldCount; i++)                                      // for each column
                                    string fieldName = record.GetName(i).ToLower();
                                    bool   isAttach  = ((fieldName.Contains("attachment") || fieldName.Contains("picture")));
                                    if (!record.IsDBNull(i))
                                        string fieldValue = record.GetString(i);
                                        if (fieldValue.IsNotBlank())
                                            if (fieldValue == attachmentName || (!isAttach && fieldValue.ToLower().Contains(attachmentName)))
                                                foundOnTable = tableName;
            } catch {

            Web.Write("{\"success\":true, \"foundOnTable\": \"" + foundOnTable + "\"}");
Пример #27
        public void DeleteUnusedAttachments()
            bool verbose = true;
            var  files   = Directory.GetFiles(Web.MapPath(Web.Attachments), "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

            Web.Flush("Indexing files...<br>");
            var attachments = new List <string>();

            foreach (var file in files)
                var attachmentName = file.RightFrom(Web.MapPath(Web.Attachments)).ToLower();
                if (!attachmentName.Contains("todelete\\"))
                    attachments.Add(attachmentName.Replace("\\", "/"));
            Web.Flush("Total " + attachments.Count + " files...<br>");

            foreach (var tableName in BewebData.GetTableNames())
                Web.Flush("Table: " + tableName + "<br>");
                var sql    = new Sql("select top 1 * from ", tableName.SqlizeName());
                var fields = new DelimitedString(",");
                using (var reader = sql.GetReader()) {
                    if (verbose)
                        Web.Flush("Checking structure...<br>");
                    int rec = 0;
                    if (reader.HasRows)
                        int visibleFieldCount = reader.VisibleFieldCount;
                        for (int i = 0; i < visibleFieldCount; i++)                             // for each column
                            string dataType  = reader.GetDataTypeName(i).ToLower();
                            string fieldName = reader.GetName(i).ToLower();
                            bool   isAttach  = (dataType.Contains("varchar") && (fieldName.Contains("attachment") || fieldName.Contains("picture")));
                            bool   isRich    = ((dataType.Contains("varchar") || dataType.Contains("text")) && (fieldName.Contains("html") || fieldName.Contains("body") || fieldName.Contains("text")));
                            if (isAttach || isRich)
                                fields += fieldName;
                if (fields.IsBlank)
                    Web.Flush("Skipping table as no relevant field names<br>");
                    sql = new Sql("select " + fields.ToString() + " from ", tableName.SqlizeName());
                    Web.Flush("Searching table... " + sql.Value + "<br>");

                    using (var reader = sql.GetReader()) {
                        Web.Flush("Scanning records...<br>");
                        int rec = 0;
                        foreach (DbDataRecord record in reader)
                            var foundAttachments  = new List <string>();
                            int visibleFieldCount = reader.VisibleFieldCount;
                            for (int i = 0; i < visibleFieldCount; i++)                                 // for each column
                                string fieldName = record.GetName(i).ToLower();
                                bool   isAttach  = ((fieldName.Contains("attachment") || fieldName.Contains("picture")));
                                if (!record.IsDBNull(i))
                                    string fieldValue = record.GetString(i);
                                    if (fieldValue.IsNotBlank())
                                        foreach (var attachmentName in attachments)
                                            if (fieldValue == attachmentName || (!isAttach && fieldValue.ToLower().Contains(attachmentName)))
                                                if (verbose)
                                                    Web.WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;Found: " + attachmentName + " in " + tableName);
                                    attachments.RemoveAll(a => foundAttachments.Contains(a));
                            if (rec % 100 == 0)
                                Web.Flush("Scanned: " + rec + " records<br>");

            Web.Flush("Finished checking. Located " + attachments.Count + " unused attachments<br>");

            int totalSize = 0;
            int cnt       = 0;

            foreach (var attachmentName in attachments)
                var size = FileSystem.GetFileSizeBytes(Web.Attachments + attachmentName);
                totalSize += size;
                Web.WriteLine("Not found: " + attachmentName + " " + Fmt.FileSize(size, 2));
                if (Request["doit"] == "1")
                    FileSystem.Move(Web.Attachments + attachmentName, Web.Attachments + "todelete", false);
                if (cnt % 100 == 0)
                    Web.Flush("Archived: " + cnt + " files<br>");
            Web.WriteLine("Total size: " + Fmt.FileSize(totalSize, 2));

            //DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath(Web.Attachments+"trademe/"));

            ////read all files into a list
            //var files = new List<string>();
            //foreach (var file in di.EnumerateFiles()) {
            //  Web.Write(file.Name);
            //  files.Add(file.Name);

            ////read db records, remove from files list if they exist in the database
            //var sql = new Sql("select * from trademelisting");
            //foreach (DbDataRecord row in sql.GetReader()) {
            //  //int pageid = (int)row["pageID"];
            //  //C:\data\dev\web\Honda\PublicServices\attachments\trademe\HAS1001_1709195_9_tn.jpg
            //  //C:\data\dev\web\Honda\PublicServices\attachments\trademe\HAS1001_1709181_8.jpg
            //  //
            //  for(int scanIndex=0;scanIndex<20;scanIndex++){
            //    var name = row["DealerCode"]+"_"+row["ID"]+"_"+scanIndex;
            //    var nameThumb = name+"_tn.jpg";
            //    if(files.Contains(nameThumb))files.Remove(nameThumb);
            //    name = name+".jpg";
            //    if(files.Contains(name))files.Remove(name);

            //  }
            ////delete all files remaining in the list
            //foreach(var file in files) {
            //  string filename = Server.MapPath(Web.Attachments+"trademe/")+file;
            //  FileSystem.Delete(filename);

            Web.InfoMessage = "Deleted Unused Images and Attachment Files";
Пример #28
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sectionCode">sectionCode or pagecode in page table</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int GetRenderPageID(string sectionCode)
            string sql = "select pageid from page  where historypageid is null and  pagecode='" + sectionCode + "'";

            return((new DataBlock(BewebData.GetConnectionString(), true)).open(sql).GetValueInt(0));          //dont call execute (no close)
Пример #29
 public SavvySearch()
     db = new DataBlock(BewebData.GetConnectionString());
Пример #30
        // You can put any business logic associated with this entity here

        public bool EmailAlreadyInUse()
            var check = BewebData.GetValue(new Sql("SELECT TOP 1 PersonID FROM Person WHERE Email=", Email.SqlizeText()));
