Пример #1
        public static void RunSequencesFinder(BestSequenceFinderTest.ITestSequenceModel tsm, KBestSequenceFinder sf)
            ICounter <int[]>    bestLabelsCounter = sf.KBestSequences(tsm, K2nr);
            IList <int[]>       topValues         = Counters.ToSortedList(bestLabelsCounter);
            IEnumerator <int[]> iter = topValues.GetEnumerator();

            for (int i = 0; i < K2nr; i++)
                int[]  sequence    = iter.Current;
                string strSequence = Arrays.ToString(sequence);
                double score       = bestLabelsCounter.GetCount(sequence);
                // Deal with ties in the scoring ... only tied pairs handled.
                bool found = false;
                if (strSequence.Equals(test2nrAnswers[i]))
                    found = true;
                    if (i > 0 && Math.Abs(score - test2nrScores[i - 1]) < 1e-8 && strSequence.Equals(test2nrAnswers[i - 1]))
                        found = true;
                        if (i + 1 < test2nrScores.Length && Math.Abs(score - test2nrScores[i + 1]) < 1e-8 && strSequence.Equals(test2nrAnswers[i + 1]))
                            found = true;
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Best sequence is wrong. Correct: " + test2nrAnswers[i] + ", found: " + strSequence, found);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Best sequence score is wrong.", test2nrScores[i], score, 1e-8);
Пример #2
 public static void RunPossibleValuesChecker(BestSequenceFinderTest.ITestSequenceModel tsm, IBestSequenceFinder sf)
     int[] bestLabels = sf.BestSequence(tsm);
     // System.out.println("The best sequence is ... " + Arrays.toString(bestLabels));
     for (int i = 0; i < bestLabels.Length; i++)
         int[] possibleValues = tsm.GetPossibleValues(i);
         bool  found          = false;
         foreach (int possible in possibleValues)
             if (bestLabels[i] == possible)
                 found = true;
         if (!found)
             Fail("Returned impossible label " + bestLabels[i] + " for position " + i);
Пример #3
 // end class TestSequenceModel2
 public static void RunSequenceFinder(BestSequenceFinderTest.ITestSequenceModel tsm, IBestSequenceFinder sf)
     int[] bestLabels = sf.BestSequence(tsm);
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Best sequence is wrong. Correct: " + Arrays.ToString(tsm.CorrectAnswers()) + ", found: " + Arrays.ToString(bestLabels), Arrays.Equals(tsm.CorrectAnswers(), bestLabels));
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Best sequence score is wrong.", tsm.BestSequenceScore(), tsm.ScoreOf(bestLabels));