Пример #1
        public void DefaultDraw(Batcher batcher, Rectangle finalBounds)
            var isEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(TextValue);
            var start   = finalBounds.Location.ToVector2() + new Vector2(Padding);

            batcher.DrawRect(finalBounds, PanelColor);

            // Ghost or normal
            if (isEmpty)
                batcher.DrawString(LabelFont, GhostValue, start, FontGhostColor);
                batcher.DrawString(LabelFont, TextValue, start, FontColor);

            if (Manager?.GetFocus() == this)
                if (caretVisible)
                    var end = LabelFont.MeasureString(isEmpty ? "." : TextValue);
                    batcher.DrawLine(start.X + end.X, start.Y, start.X + end.X, start.Y + end.Y, FontColor);
Пример #2
        public static void DrawBarUp(this Batcher batcher, float x, float bottom, float height, Color color, float thickness)
            var t = new Vector2(x, bottom - height);
            var b = new Vector2(x, bottom);

            batcher.DrawLine(t, b, color, thickness);
Пример #3
        public static void DrawBarLeft(this Batcher batcher, float y, float right, float width, Color color, float thickness)
            var l = new Vector2(right - width, y);
            var r = new Vector2(right, y);

            batcher.DrawLine(l, r, color, thickness);
Пример #4
        public static void DrawBarDown(this Batcher batcher, float x, float top, float height, Color color, float thickness)
            var t = new Vector2(x, top);
            var b = new Vector2(x, top + height);

            batcher.DrawLine(t, b, color, thickness);
Пример #5
        void RenderRects(Batcher batcher, SvgRectangle[] rects)
            if (rects == null)

            foreach (var rect in rects)
                var fixedPts = rect.GetTransformedPoints();
                for (var i = 0; i < fixedPts.Length - 1; i++)
                    batcher.DrawLine(fixedPts[i], fixedPts[i + 1], rect.StrokeColor, rect.StrokeWidth);
                batcher.DrawLine(fixedPts[3], fixedPts[0], rect.StrokeColor, rect.StrokeWidth);
Пример #6
 public override void Render(Batcher batcher, Camera camera)
     batcher.DrawPixel(_lastPosition.X, _lastPosition.Y, Color.Yellow, 4);
     batcher.DrawPixel(Transform.Position.X, Transform.Position.Y, Color.White, 4);
     batcher.DrawLine(_lastPosition, Transform.Position, Color.White);
     if (_collisionPosition.X > 0 && _collisionPosition.Y > 0)
         batcher.DrawPixel(_collisionPosition.X, _collisionPosition.Y, Color.Red, 10);
Пример #7
        void RenderLines(Batcher batcher, SvgLine[] lines)
            if (lines == null)

            foreach (var line in lines)
                var fixedPts = line.GetTransformedPoints();
                batcher.DrawLine(fixedPts[0], fixedPts[1], line.StrokeColor, line.StrokeWidth);
Пример #8
        public override void DebugRender(Batcher batcher)

            foreach (Connection c in connections.Values)
                batcher.DrawLine(Position, Position + Direction8Ext.ToVector2(c.direction) * 50, Color.Chartreuse, 5);

            if (roadSystem.truckTargetNode == this)
                batcher.DrawHollowRect(new Rectangle((int)Position.X - 25, (int)Position.Y - 25, 50, 50), Color.White, 5);
Пример #9
        void RenderPolylines(Batcher batcher, SvgPolyline[] polylines)
            if (polylines == null)

            foreach (var poly in polylines)
                var fixedPts = poly.GetTransformedPoints();
                for (var i = 0; i < fixedPts.Length - 1; i++)
                    batcher.DrawLine(fixedPts[i], fixedPts[i + 1], poly.StrokeColor, poly.StrokeWidth);
Пример #10
        void RenderPaths(Batcher batcher, SvgPath[] paths)
            if (paths == null && _pathBuilder != null)

            foreach (var path in paths)
                var points = path.GetTransformedDrawingPoints(_pathBuilder, 3);
                for (var i = 0; i < points.Length - 1; i++)
                    batcher.DrawLine(points[i], points[i + 1], path.StrokeColor, path.StrokeWidth);
                    batcher.DrawPixel(points[i], Color.Yellow, 3);
Пример #11
        public override void DebugRender(Batcher batcher)
            var mapRepr = playState.map;

            if (mapRepr == null)
            // draw points for each point on the map graph
            foreach (var node in mapRepr.sng.nodes)
                Vector2 toWorldPos(Point tilePos) => mapRenderer.TiledMap.TileToWorldPosition(tilePos.ToVector2());

                batcher.DrawHollowRect(toWorldPos(node.pos), 4f, 4f, Color.GreenYellow, 1f);
                // draw edges
                foreach (var adj in node.links)
                    batcher.DrawLine(toWorldPos(node.pos), toWorldPos(adj.pos), Color.GreenYellow, 1f);
Пример #12
 public override void DebugRender(Batcher batcher)
     batcher.DrawLine(_particleOne.Position, _particleTwo.Position, Debug.Colors.VerletConstraintEdge);
Пример #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the window and the graphics device
            VeldridInit(out var window, out var graphicsDevice);

            // Create a renderer that implements the OpenWheels.Rendering.IRenderer interface
            // this guy actually draws everything to the backbuffer
            var renderer = new VeldridRenderer(graphicsDevice);

            // Our batcher lets use make calls to render lots of different primitive shapes and text.
            // When we're done the batcher sends the draw calls to the renderer which will actually do the drawing.

            // Alternatively to Batcher you can use StringIdBatcher so you can register and set the active texture
            // and font with a string identifier.
            var batcher = new Batcher(renderer);

            var checkerBoardTextureId = batcher.LoadTexture("checkerboard.png");

            // OpenWheels defines a sprite as an image that's part of a texture
            // To create a sprite, we pass a texture and a region of that texture (in pixels) that contains the actual image
            // let's add a sprite that draws 3/4th of the checkerboard
            // So if our original texture looks like this:
            //         |##  |
            //         |##  |
            //         |  ##|
            //         |  ##|
            // We'll create a sprite that looks like this:
            //         |## |
            //         |## |
            //         |  #|

            var cbSize                = renderer.GetTextureSize(checkerBoardTextureId);
            var subSpriteRect         = new Rectangle(0, 0, (cbSize.Width * 3) / 4, (cbSize.Height * 3) / 4);
            var checkerBoardSubSprite = new Sprite(checkerBoardTextureId, subSpriteRect);

            var frame = 0;

            // We run the game loop here and do our drawing inside of it.
            VeldridRunLoop(window, graphicsDevice, () =>

                // Start a new batch

                // we set the texture using the texture id we got back when registering the texture
                // OpenWheels internally only works with sprites
                // If you set a texture on a batcher it will convert it to a sprite with the region being the
                // entire texture bounds

                // The Batcher API is stateful. Anything we render now will use the checkerboard texture.
                // By default the UV coordinates 0, 0, 1, 1 are use, so our texture is stretched
                batcher.FillRect(new RectangleF(50, 20, 100, 100), Color.White);
                batcher.FillRect(new RectangleF(200, 20, 100, 200), Color.White);

                // Let's draw our subsprite
                batcher.Sprite = checkerBoardSubSprite;
                batcher.FillRect(new RectangleF(350, 20, 100, 100), Color.White);

                // We can only draw 1 texture in a single draw call, but since our subsprite actually uses the same
                // texture as our full checkerboard the batcher can still combine the calls into a single batch.

                // Most of the primitives support UV coordinates one way or another.
                batcher.FillCircle(new Vector2(550, 70), 50, Color.White, .25f);
                batcher.FillRoundedRect(new RectangleF(650, 20, 100, 100), 15, Color.White);

                var v1 = new Vector2(50, 280);
                var v2 = new Vector2(150, 380);
                batcher.DrawLine(v1, v2, Color.White, 6f);
                // Note that the texture rotates with the line
                // This is different from the circle(segment) primitives where we draw a cutout of the active texture
                // There are a lot of ways to UV-map shapes, but OpenWheels currently picks just one for each shape

                // we can set a matrix to transform UV coordinates
                // let's make our texture loop in length while keeping it's aspect ratio and UV across its width.

                // The sampler should wrap to be able to loop the texture (the default sampler state is LinearClamp)
                // This state sticks across frames, so we could set it before the render loop as well
                batcher.SamplerState = SamplerState.LinearWrap;
                var v3 = new Vector2(200, 280);
                var v4 = new Vector2(300, 380);
                const float lineWidth = 10f;

                // we want our UV aspect ratio to be 1:1, but it's lineWidth:length and we want to use
                // the coordinate system of the width, so we normalize height to get the right aspect ratio
                // (note that height is defined as the forward direction of the line)

                var uvHeight        = Vector2.Distance(v3, v4) / lineWidth;
                batcher.UvTransform = Matrix3x2.CreateScale(1f, uvHeight);
                batcher.DrawLine(v3, v4, Color.White, lineWidth);

                // Reset the uv transform
                batcher.UvTransform = Matrix3x2.Identity;

                // The color value we can pass to these methods is multiplied with our texture color at each pixel.
                batcher.FillRect(new RectangleF(350, 280, 100, 100), Color.Red);

                // Finish the batch and let the renderer draw everything to the back buffer.

                if (frame < 2)
                    // Note that the first frame renders in two batches because we change the sampler state
                    // halfway through.
                    // Every subsequent frame render in a single batch because the sampler state stays at LinearClamp
                    Console.WriteLine("Frame " + frame);
                    Console.WriteLine("Vertices: " + batcher.VerticesSubmitted);
                    Console.WriteLine("Indices: " + batcher.IndicesSubmitted);
                    Console.WriteLine("Batches: " + batcher.BatchCount);

Пример #14
 public override void DebugRender(Batcher batcher)
     batcher.DrawLine(_context.Position, targetPosition, Color.Green, 10);