Пример #1
        public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(BatchEditVM batch)
            var locations = ServiceLayer.BatchService.GetLocations();

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var mainLocation = batch.MainLocation;
                var subLocation  = batch.SubLocation;
                var mainexists   = locations.Any(l => l.MainLocation == mainLocation);
                if (mainexists)
                    var subexists = locations.Any(l => l.SubLocation == subLocation);
                    if (subexists)
                        // var subexists = locations.Any(l => l.SubLocation == subLocation);
                        var sublocations = locations.Where(l => l.MainLocation == mainLocation);
                        //  var sublocations = ServiceLayer.BatchService.GetSubLocations(mainLocation);
                        var subvalid = sublocations.Any(l => l.SubLocation == subLocation);
                        if (!(subvalid))
                            ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sub Location Does NOT exist for this Location");
                        ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Sub Location Does NOT exist");
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Main Location Does NOT exist");

                /// This starts to build the DTO
                /// it collates the Location using a space seperator
                /// if its for sale quantity is quantity if not quantity is 0
                /// if its not for sale growing quantity is quantity if not growing quantity is 0
                /// so either quantity has a value or growing quantity has a value > 0 never both
                BatchService.Models.BatchItemDTO batchDTO = new BatchItemDTO
                    Id              = batch.BatchId,
                    Sku             = batch.Sku,
                    FormSize        = batch.FormSize,
                    FormSizeCode    = batch.FormSizeCode,
                    Name            = batch.Name,
                    Location        = mainLocation + " " + subLocation,
                    Quantity        = (batch.forSale) ? batch.Quantity : 0,
                    GrowingQuantity = (!(batch.forSale)) ? batch.Quantity : 0,

                /// Two possible senarios
                /// One the current item is a PB item : we add the new local stock item to the DB
                /// and keep the origional PB un touched
                /// Two the current item is Local : we update the existing local stock item
                using (var client = new HttpClient())
                    //  https://ahillsbatchservice.azurewebsites.net/
                    client.BaseAddress = new Uri("https://ahillsbatchservice.azurewebsites.net/");
                    //client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:52009/");

                    if (batch.wasPB == true)
                        /// I am a PB so POST and ADD
                        var response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("api/Batches/New", batchDTO);

                        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                            // this ensures the UI presents the last used location
                            Session["LastLocation"] = mainLocation;
                            ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Server error try after some time.");
                        /// I am local so PUT and UPDATE
                        BatchService.Models.BatchLocationDTO updateDTO = new BatchService.Models.BatchLocationDTO();
                        updateDTO.BatchId  = batch.BatchId;
                        updateDTO.Location = batch.MainLocation + " " + batch.SubLocation;

                        updateDTO.Quantity        = (batch.forSale) ? batch.Quantity : 0;
                        updateDTO.GrowingQuantity = (!(batch.forSale)) ? batch.Quantity : 0;

                        var response = await client.PutAsJsonAsync("api/Batches/location", updateDTO);

                        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                            // this ensures the UI presents the last used location
                            Session["LastLocation"] = mainLocation;
                            ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Server error try after some time.");
                Session["LastLocation"] = mainLocation;
Пример #2
        public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(string id)
            // it is possible i get asked for a null item
            if (id == null)
                // if i do then say bugger off
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            // so lets get the item we need
            var batch = ServiceLayer.BatchService.GetBatchItem(Convert.ToInt32(id));

            // this batch does not exists
            if (batch == null)
                // then say so

            // lets build a model we can edit

            BatchEditVM vm = new BatchEditVM();

            vm.BatchId      = batch.Id;
            vm.Sku          = batch.Sku;
            vm.Name         = batch.Name;
            vm.FormSize     = batch.FormSize;
            vm.FormSizeCode = batch.FormSizeCode;

            /// get price data
            // PriceItemDTO price = PriceService.GetUnitPrice(vm.FormSize, vm.FormSizeCode);
            FormPriceRules.PriceItemDTO price = FormPriceRules.PriceService.GetUnitPrice(vm.FormSize, vm.FormSizeCode);

            if (price != null)
                vm.formType  = price.PlantType.ToString();
                vm.PriceRule = price.Description;
                vm.maxPrice  = (Decimal)price.MaxUnitValue;
                vm.minPrice  = (Decimal)price.MinUnitValue;
                vm.formType  = "Dont Know";
                vm.PriceRule = "No Price Band";
                vm.maxPrice  = 0;
                vm.minPrice  = 0;

            // if it is a PB item the empty the location field as this makes it easier to
            // to use in the field - last location is also to help users having to update this field as they move aroud the nursery
            if (batch.Location == "PB")
                // empty location field
                if (Session["LastLocation"] != null)
                    vm.MainLocation = (String)Session["LastLocation"];
                    vm.MainLocation = "";

                // PB have no sublocations
                vm.SubLocation = "";
                vm.Quantity    = 0;
                vm.wasPB       = true;
                vm.forSale     = true;
                /// so its a local item this snippet splits the database location 'on space' into
                // main and sub location
                string   fullLocation = batch.Location;
                string[] parts        = fullLocation.Split(' ');
                vm.MainLocation = parts[0];
                // it is possible a sub location has not been defined
                if (parts.ElementAtOrDefault(1) != null)
                    vm.SubLocation = parts[1];
                    vm.SubLocation = "";

                /// Quantity if there is no quntity there should be a growing quantity
                /// if quantity is valid they are for sale otherwise they are just growing and not yet for sale
                if (batch.Quantity > 0)
                    vm.Quantity = batch.Quantity;
                    vm.forSale  = true;
                    vm.Quantity = batch.GrowingQuantity;
                    vm.forSale  = false;
                vm.wasPB = false;
