/// <summary> /// Runs the reducer task. /// </summary> public async Task RunAsync() { //Set up the Batch Service credentials used to authenticate with the Batch Service. BatchCredentials credentials = new BatchCredentials( this.configurationSettings.BatchAccountName, this.configurationSettings.BatchAccountKey); using (IBatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Connect(this.configurationSettings.BatchServiceUrl, credentials)) { using (IWorkItemManager workItemManager = batchClient.OpenWorkItemManager()) { //Gather each Mapper tasks output and write it to standard out. for (int i = 0; i < this.configurationSettings.NumberOfMapperTasks; i++) { string mapperTaskName = Helpers.GetMapperTaskName(i); //Download the standard out from each mapper task. ITaskFile taskFile = await workItemManager.GetTaskFileAsync( this.workItemName, this.jobName, mapperTaskName, Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Constants.StandardOutFileName); string taskFileString = await taskFile.ReadAsStringAsync(); Console.WriteLine(taskFileString); Console.WriteLine(); } } } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // This will boost parallel submission speed for REST APIs. If your use requires many simultaneous service calls set this number to something large, such as 100. // See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.servicepointmanager.defaultconnectionlimit%28v=vs.110%29.aspx for more info. System.Net.ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 20; // Get an instance of the BatchClient for a given Azure Batch account. BatchCredentials cred = new BatchCredentials(BatchAccount, BatchKey); using (IBatchClient client = BatchClient.Connect(Url, cred)) { // if you want to put a retry policy in place, enable it here // the built-in policies are No Retry (default), Linear Retry, and Exponential Retry //client.CustomBehaviors.Add(new SetRetryPolicy(new Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Protocol.LinearRetry())); ListPools(client); ListWorkItems(client); CreatePoolIfNotExist(client, Program.PoolName); AddWork(client); ListPools(client); ListWorkItems(client); AddWorkWithFileStaging(client); ListPools(client); ListWorkItems(client); SubmitLargeNumberOfTasks(client); } Console.WriteLine("Press return to exit..."); Console.ReadLine(); }
public BatchService(string baseUrl, BatchCredentials credentials) { this.Client = BatchClient.Connect(baseUrl, credentials); this.BaseUri = new Uri(baseUrl); this.Credentials = credentials; this.retryPolicy = new LinearRetry(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), 5); this.Client.CustomBehaviors.Add(new SetRetryPolicy(this.retryPolicy)); this.Client.CustomBehaviors.Add(new RequestInterceptor((req) => { req.MaximumExecutionTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2); })); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // This will boost parallel submission speed for REST APIs. If your use requires many simultaneous service calls set this number to something large, such as 100. // See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.servicepointmanager.defaultconnectionlimit%28v=vs.110%29.aspx for more info. ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 20; if (File.Exists(CredentialFile)) { var lines = File.ReadAllLines(CredentialFile); if (lines.Length >= 2) { _batchAccount = lines[0]; _batchKey = lines[1]; } } // Get an instance of the BatchClient for a given Azure Batch account. var cred = new BatchCredentials(_batchAccount, _batchKey); using (var client = BatchClient.Connect(Url, cred)) { // if you want to put a retry policy in place, enable it here // the built-in policies are No Retry (default), Linear Retry, and Exponential Retry //client.CustomBehaviors.Add(new SetRetryPolicy(new Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Protocol.LinearRetry())); ListPools(client); ListWorkItems(client); CreatePoolIfNotExist(client, PoolName); AddWork(client); ListPools(client); ListWorkItems(client); Console.WriteLine( "Remember to delete the pool if you are done. Otherwise you'll still be charged for the running VM."); while (true) { Console.Write("Do you want to delete the pool? [y/N]:"); string line = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) || 0 == string.Compare(line, "n", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { break; } if (0 == string.Compare(line, "y", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { DeletePool(client, PoolName); break; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Read the configuration object in from the App.Config /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static Config ParseConfig() { var config = new Config(); config.BatchServiceUrl = GetConfigParam("BatchServiceUrl"); config.AccountName = GetConfigParam("Account"); config.Key = GetConfigParam("Key"); config.Client = BatchClient.Connect(config.BatchServiceUrl, new BatchCredentials(config.AccountName, config.Key)); config.StorageAccount = GetConfigParam("StorageAccount"); config.StorageKey = GetConfigParam("StorageKey"); config.StorageBlobEndpoint = "https://" + config.StorageAccount + ".blob.core.windows.net"; config.NumTasks = Int32.Parse(GetConfigParam("NumTasks")); config.NumTvms = Int32.Parse(GetConfigParam("NumTvms")); config.InputDataContainerSAS = GetConfigParam("InputDataContainerSAS"); config.InputBlobPrefix = GetConfigParam("InputBlobPrefix"); config.NumInputBlobs = Int32.Parse(GetConfigParam("NumInputBlobs")); config.OutputContainerSAS = GetConfigParam("OutputContainerSAS"); config.WorkitemName = "ImgProcWi" + DateTime.Now.ToString("_yyMMdd_HHmmss_") + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); config.ResourceContainerSAS = GetConfigParam("ResourcesSAS"); config.ImageMagickExeSAS = GetConfigParam("ImageMagickExeSAS"); config.WaitForCompletion = bool.Parse(GetConfigParam("WaitForCompletion")); config.WaitForPool = bool.Parse(GetConfigParam("WaitForPool")); config.DeleteWorkitem = bool.Parse(GetConfigParam("DeleteWorkitem")); config.CreatePool = bool.Parse(GetConfigParam("CreatePool")); config.PoolName = GetConfigParam("PoolName"); if (config.CreatePool) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(config.PoolName)) { config.PoolName = "ImgProcPool" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); } } else { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(config.PoolName)) { throw new Exception("Provide pool name as CreatePool is false"); } } config.DeletePool = bool.Parse(GetConfigParam("DeletePool")); config.InitializeStorageContainerSAS = bool.Parse(GetConfigParam("InitStorage")); if (config.InitializeStorageContainerSAS) { string account = GetConfigParam("StorageAccount"); string key = GetConfigParam("StorageKey"); config.InputDataContainerSAS = ImgProcUtils.CreateContainerWithPolicySASIfNotExist( account, key, "watask-input", "readandlist", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(12), SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Read | SharedAccessBlobPermissions.List); config.OutputContainerSAS = ImgProcUtils.CreateContainerWithPolicySASIfNotExist( account, key, "watask-output", "readandwrite", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(12), SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Read | SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Write); config.ResourceContainerSAS = ImgProcUtils.CreateContainerWithPolicySASIfNotExist( account, key, "watask-resource", "readandwrite", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(12), SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Read | SharedAccessBlobPermissions.Write); } config.UploadResources = bool.Parse(GetConfigParam("UploadResources")); return(config); }
/// <summary> /// Populates Azure Storage with the required files, and /// submits the work item to the Azure Batch service. /// </summary> public async Task RunAsync() { Console.WriteLine("Running with the following settings: "); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(this.configurationSettings.ToString()); //Upload resources if required. if (this.configurationSettings.ShouldUploadResources) { Console.WriteLine("Splitting file: {0} into {1} subfiles", Constants.TextFilePath, this.configurationSettings.NumberOfMapperTasks); //Split the text file into the correct number of files for consumption by the mapper tasks. FileSplitter splitter = new FileSplitter(); List <string> mapperTaskFiles = await splitter.SplitAsync( Constants.TextFilePath, this.configurationSettings.NumberOfMapperTasks); await this.UploadResourcesAsync(mapperTaskFiles); } //Generate a SAS for the container. string containerSasUrl = Helpers.ConstructContainerSas( this.configurationSettings.StorageAccountName, this.configurationSettings.StorageAccountKey, this.configurationSettings.StorageServiceUrl, this.configurationSettings.BlobContainer); //Set up the Batch Service credentials used to authenticate with the Batch Service. BatchCredentials batchCredentials = new BatchCredentials( this.configurationSettings.BatchAccountName, this.configurationSettings.BatchAccountKey); using (IBatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Connect(this.configurationSettings.BatchServiceUrl, batchCredentials)) { using (IWorkItemManager workItemManager = batchClient.OpenWorkItemManager()) { //Create the unbound work item in local memory. An object which exists only in local memory (and not on the Batch Service) is "unbound". string workItemName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERNAME") + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss"); ICloudWorkItem unboundWorkItem = workItemManager.CreateWorkItem(workItemName); // // Construct the work item properties in local memory before commiting them to the Batch Service. // //Allow enough VMs in the pool to run each mapper task, and 1 extra to run the job manager. int numberOfPoolVMs = 1 + this.configurationSettings.NumberOfMapperTasks; //Define the pool specification for the pool which the work item will run on. IPoolSpecification poolSpecification = new PoolSpecification() { TargetDedicated = numberOfPoolVMs, VMSize = "small", //You can learn more about os families and versions at: //http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee924680.aspx OSFamily = "4", TargetOSVersion = "*" }; //Use the auto pool feature of the Batch Service to create a pool when the work item is created. //This creates a new pool for each work item which is added. IAutoPoolSpecification autoPoolSpecification = new AutoPoolSpecification() { AutoPoolNamePrefix = "TextSearchPool", KeepAlive = false, PoolLifeTimeOption = PoolLifeTimeOption.WorkItem, PoolSpecification = poolSpecification }; //Define the execution environment for this work item -- it will run on the pool defined by the auto pool specification above. unboundWorkItem.JobExecutionEnvironment = new JobExecutionEnvironment() { AutoPoolSpecification = autoPoolSpecification }; //Define the job manager for this work item. This job manager will run when any job is created and will submit the tasks for //the work item. The job manager is the executable which manages the lifetime of the job //and all tasks which should run for the job. In this case, the job manager submits the mapper and reducer tasks. string jobManagerCommandLine = string.Format("{0} -JobManagerTask", Constants.TextSearchExe); List <IResourceFile> jobManagerResourceFiles = Helpers.GetResourceFiles(containerSasUrl, Constants.RequiredExecutableFiles); const string jobManagerTaskName = "JobManager"; unboundWorkItem.JobSpecification = new JobSpecification() { JobManager = new JobManager() { ResourceFiles = jobManagerResourceFiles, CommandLine = jobManagerCommandLine, //Determines if the job should terminate when the job manager process exits KillJobOnCompletion = false, Name = jobManagerTaskName } }; try { //Commit the unbound work item to the Batch Service. Console.WriteLine("Adding work item: {0} to the Batch Service.", unboundWorkItem.Name); await unboundWorkItem.CommitAsync(); //Issues a request to the Batch Service to add the work item which was defined above. // // Wait for the job manager task to complete. // //An object which is backed by a corresponding Batch Service object is "bound." ICloudWorkItem boundWorkItem = await workItemManager.GetWorkItemAsync(workItemName); //Wait for the job to be created automatically by the Batch Service. string boundJobName = await Helpers.WaitForActiveJobAsync(boundWorkItem); ICloudTask boundJobManagerTask = await workItemManager.GetTaskAsync( workItemName, boundJobName, jobManagerTaskName); TimeSpan maxJobCompletionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30); IToolbox toolbox = batchClient.OpenToolbox(); ITaskStateMonitor monitor = toolbox.CreateTaskStateMonitor(); bool timedOut = await monitor.WaitAllAsync(new List <ICloudTask> { boundJobManagerTask }, TaskState.Completed, maxJobCompletionTimeout); Console.WriteLine("Done waiting for job manager task."); await boundJobManagerTask.RefreshAsync(); //Check to ensure the job manager task exited successfully. await Helpers.CheckForTaskSuccessAsync(boundJobManagerTask, dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess : true); if (timedOut) { throw new TimeoutException(string.Format("Timed out waiting for job manager task to complete.")); } } catch (AggregateException e) { e.Handle( (innerE) => { //We print all the inner exceptions for debugging purposes. Console.WriteLine(innerE.ToString()); return(false); }); throw; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Hit unexpected exception: {0}", e.ToString()); throw; } finally { //Delete the work item. //This will delete the auto pool associated with the work item as long as the pool //keep alive property is set to false. if (this.configurationSettings.ShouldDeleteWorkItem) { Console.WriteLine("Deleting work item {0}", workItemName); workItemManager.DeleteWorkItem(workItemName); } //Note that there were files uploaded to a container specified in the //configuration file. This container will not be deleted or cleaned up by this sample. } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // open a file for tracing var traceFile = File.Open(SampleConstants.JMTraceFile, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite); var traceWriter = new StreamWriter(traceFile); traceWriter.AutoFlush = true; try { // pick up hints from the environment as populated by the program run on the client machine var workItemName = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(SampleConstants.EnvWorkItemName); if (workItemName == null) { traceWriter.WriteLine("Failed to get work item name from environment"); return; } else { traceWriter.WriteLine("Our WI Name: " + workItemName); } BatchCredentials credentials = new BatchCredentials( System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(SampleConstants.EnvWataskAccountName), // Some basic useful elements are preset as environment variables. System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(SampleConstants.EnvBatchAccountKeyName) ); var bClient = BatchClient.Connect(SampleConstants.BatchSvcEndpoint, credentials); bClient.CustomBehaviors.Add(new SetRetryPolicy(new ExponentialRetry(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), 5))); using (var wiMgr = bClient.OpenWorkItemManager()) { var ourWorkItem = wiMgr.GetWorkItem(workItemName); // Since is this a job manager task, its current job will be the most recent job. This is not // true for non-JM tasks since the most recent job could have run a while ago. string jobName = null; if (ourWorkItem.ExecutionInformation != null && ourWorkItem.ExecutionInformation.RecentJob != null) { jobName = ourWorkItem.ExecutionInformation.RecentJob.Name; traceWriter.WriteLine("Our job name: " + jobName); } else { traceWriter.WriteLine("Failed to get jobname from workitem - exiting"); return; } // Schedule tasks on the job. Ping is being used as the basic task List <CloudTask> tasksToAdd = new List <CloudTask>(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { string taskName = "pingTask" + i; var task = new CloudTask(taskName, "ping -n 8"); traceWriter.WriteLine("Adding task: " + taskName); tasksToAdd.Add(task); } wiMgr.AddTask(workItemName, jobName, tasksToAdd); // Monitor the current jobs to see when they are done, and then exit the job manager. Monitoring the tasks // for completion is necessary if you are using KillJobOnCompletion = TRUE, as otherwise when the job manager // exits it will kill all of the tasks that still running. // // Occasionally a task may get killed and requeued during an upgrade or hardware failure, including the job manager // task. The job manager will be re-run in this case. Robustness against this was not added into the sample for // simplicity, but should be added into any production code. while (true) { // Get list of current tasks in queue. Total count includes the job manager so when // we get to one left then we can exit. var taskList = wiMgr.ListTasks(workItemName, jobName); var tasksStillRunning = taskList.Count(task => task.State != TaskState.Completed); if (tasksStillRunning > 1) { traceWriter.WriteLine("{0} tasks still running", tasksStillRunning); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } else { break; } } traceWriter.WriteLine("All done!"); } } catch (Exception e) { traceWriter.WriteLine("Exception:"); traceWriter.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } finally { traceWriter.Flush(); traceFile.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the job manager task. /// </summary> public async Task RunAsync() { Console.WriteLine("JobManager for account: {0}, work item: {1}, job: {2} has started...", this.accountName, this.workItemName, this.jobName); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("JobManager running with the following settings: "); Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(this.configurationSettings.ToString()); //Set up the Batch Service credentials used to authenticate with the Batch Service. BatchCredentials batchCredentials = new BatchCredentials( this.configurationSettings.BatchAccountName, this.configurationSettings.BatchAccountKey); using (IBatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Connect(this.configurationSettings.BatchServiceUrl, batchCredentials)) { using (IWorkItemManager workItemManager = batchClient.OpenWorkItemManager()) { IToolbox toolbox = batchClient.OpenToolbox(); //Construct a container SAS to provide the Batch Service access to the files required to //run the mapper and reducer tasks. string containerSas = Helpers.ConstructContainerSas( this.configurationSettings.StorageAccountName, this.configurationSettings.StorageAccountKey, this.configurationSettings.StorageServiceUrl, this.configurationSettings.BlobContainer); // // Submit mapper tasks. // Console.WriteLine("Submitting {0} mapper tasks.", this.configurationSettings.NumberOfMapperTasks); //The collection of tasks to add to the Batch Service. List <ICloudTask> tasksToAdd = new List <ICloudTask>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.configurationSettings.NumberOfMapperTasks; i++) { string taskName = Helpers.GetMapperTaskName(i); string fileBlobName = Helpers.GetSplitFileName(i); string fileBlobPath = Helpers.ConstructBlobSource(containerSas, fileBlobName); string commandLine = string.Format("{0} -MapperTask {1}", Constants.TextSearchExe, fileBlobPath); ICloudTask unboundMapperTask = new CloudTask(taskName, commandLine); //The set of files (exe's, dll's and configuration files) required to run the mapper task. IReadOnlyList <string> mapperTaskRequiredFiles = Constants.RequiredExecutableFiles; List <IResourceFile> mapperTaskResourceFiles = Helpers.GetResourceFiles(containerSas, mapperTaskRequiredFiles); unboundMapperTask.ResourceFiles = mapperTaskResourceFiles; tasksToAdd.Add(unboundMapperTask); } //Submit the unbound task collection to the Batch Service. //Use the AddTask method which takes a collection of ICloudTasks for the best performance. await workItemManager.AddTaskAsync(this.workItemName, this.jobName, tasksToAdd); // // Wait for the mapper tasks to complete. // Console.WriteLine("Waiting for the mapper tasks to complete..."); //List all the mapper tasks using a name filter. DetailLevel mapperTaskNameFilter = new ODATADetailLevel() { FilterClause = string.Format("startswith(name, '{0}')", Constants.MapperTaskPrefix) }; List <ICloudTask> tasksToMonitor = workItemManager.ListTasks( this.workItemName, this.jobName, detailLevel: mapperTaskNameFilter).ToList(); //Use the task state monitor to wait for the tasks to complete. ITaskStateMonitor taskStateMonitor = toolbox.CreateTaskStateMonitor(); bool timedOut = await taskStateMonitor.WaitAllAsync(tasksToMonitor, TaskState.Completed, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); //Get the list of mapper tasks in order to analyze their state and ensure they completed successfully. IEnumerableAsyncExtended <ICloudTask> asyncEnumerable = workItemManager.ListTasks( this.workItemName, this.jobName, detailLevel: mapperTaskNameFilter); IAsyncEnumerator <ICloudTask> asyncEnumerator = asyncEnumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator(); //Dump the status of each mapper task. while (await asyncEnumerator.MoveNextAsync()) { ICloudTask cloudTask = asyncEnumerator.Current; Console.WriteLine("Task {0} is in state: {1}", cloudTask.Name, cloudTask.State); await Helpers.CheckForTaskSuccessAsync(cloudTask, dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess : false); Console.WriteLine(); } //If not all the tasks reached the desired state within the timeout then the job manager //cannot continue. if (timedOut) { const string errorMessage = "Mapper tasks did not complete within expected timeout."; Console.WriteLine(errorMessage); throw new TimeoutException(errorMessage); } // // Create the reducer task. // string reducerTaskCommandLine = string.Format("{0} -ReducerTask", Constants.TextSearchExe); Console.WriteLine("Adding the reducer task: {0}", Constants.ReducerTaskName); ICloudTask unboundReducerTask = new CloudTask(Constants.ReducerTaskName, reducerTaskCommandLine); //The set of files (exe's, dll's and configuration files) required to run the reducer task. List <IResourceFile> reducerTaskResourceFiles = Helpers.GetResourceFiles(containerSas, Constants.RequiredExecutableFiles); unboundReducerTask.ResourceFiles = reducerTaskResourceFiles; //Send the request to the Batch Service to add the reducer task. await workItemManager.AddTaskAsync(this.workItemName, this.jobName, unboundReducerTask); // //Wait for the reducer task to complete. // //Get the bound reducer task and monitor it for completion. ICloudTask boundReducerTask = await workItemManager.GetTaskAsync(this.workItemName, this.jobName, Constants.ReducerTaskName); timedOut = await taskStateMonitor.WaitAllAsync(new List <ICloudTask> { boundReducerTask }, TaskState.Completed, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)); //Refresh the reducer task to get the most recent information about it from the Batch Service. await boundReducerTask.RefreshAsync(); //Dump the reducer tasks exit code and scheduling error for debugging purposes. await Helpers.CheckForTaskSuccessAsync(boundReducerTask, dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess : true); //Handle the possibilty that the reducer task did not complete in the expected timeout. if (timedOut) { const string errorMessage = "Reducer task did not complete within expected timeout."; Console.WriteLine("Task {0} is in state: {1}", boundReducerTask.Name, boundReducerTask.State); Console.WriteLine(errorMessage); throw new TimeoutException(errorMessage); } //The job manager has completed. Console.WriteLine("JobManager completed successfully."); } } }
/// <summary> /// This will take the basic data provided about the account, upload the necessary information to the account, and schedule a job. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnStart_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { BatchCredentials credentials = new BatchCredentials(txtBAccountName.Text, txtBAccountKey.Text); IBatchClient bClient = BatchClient.Connect(SampleConstants.BatchSvcEndpoint, credentials); // Setting a retry policy adds robustness against an individual call timing out. When using a policy, by default all recoverable failures are retried. bClient.CustomBehaviors.Add(new SetRetryPolicy(new ExponentialRetry(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), 5))); // Create a unique workitem name; don't forget to delete these when you're done string workItemName = SampleConstants.WorkItemNamePrefix + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // Identify the pre-existing pool of VMs that will run the tasks. An Autopool specification // is fine but there is the delay associated with the creation of the pool along with waiting // for the VMs to reach Idle state before tasks are running. You can use Batch Explorer to // pre-create the pool and then resize it to the desired size and number of VMs. JobExecutionEnvironment jee = new JobExecutionEnvironment() { PoolName = PoolName }; // Next, create the JobManager instance describing the environment settings and resources it // needs to run JobManager jobMgr = new JobManager() { Name = "JM1", CommandLine = SampleConstants.JobManager, // NOTE: We do not in general recommend that customers put their secrets on the command line or as environmental variables, as // these are not a secure locations. This was done for the simplicity of the sample. EnvironmentSettings = new List <IEnvironmentSetting>() { { new EnvironmentSetting(SampleConstants.EnvWorkItemName, workItemName) }, { new EnvironmentSetting(SampleConstants.EnvBatchAccountKeyName, txtBAccountKey.Text) } }, // In many cases you will want KillJobOnCompletion to be set to 'TRUE' - this allows the previous job to finish before // a recurrence is scheduled. As an alternative, you can set this to 'FALSE' and use MaxWallClockTime as shown below, // which will instead ensure that every recurrence happens. KillJobOnCompletion = true }; // Create a list of resource files that are needed to run JobManager.exe. A shared access signature key specifying // readonly access is used so the JobManager program will have access to the resource files when it is started // on a VM. var sasPrefix = Helpers.ConstructContainerSas( txtSAccountName.Text, txtSAccountKey.Text, "core.windows.net", txtSContainerName.Text); jobMgr.ResourceFiles = Helpers.GetResourceFiles(sasPrefix, SampleConstants.JobManagerFiles); // Create the job specification, identifying that this job has a job manager associated with it JobSpecification jobSpec = new JobSpecification() { JobManager = jobMgr }; // Set up the desired recurrence or start time schedule. WorkItemSchedule wiSchedule = new WorkItemSchedule(); if (rdoOnce.IsChecked == true) { // Set information if the task is to be run once. DateTime runOnce = (DateTime)(dpkDate.SelectedDate); runOnce = runOnce.AddHours(cbxHourO.SelectedIndex); runOnce = runOnce.AddMinutes(cbxMinuteO.SelectedIndex); wiSchedule.DoNotRunUntil = runOnce; } else { // Set information if the task is to be recurring. TimeSpan recurring = new TimeSpan(cbxHourR.SelectedIndex, cbxMinuteR.SelectedIndex, 0); wiSchedule.RecurrenceInterval = recurring; TimeSpan countback = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30); jobSpec.JobConstraints = new JobConstraints(recurring.Subtract(countback), null); } // Upload files and create workitem. UploadFiles(); using (IWorkItemManager wiMgr = bClient.OpenWorkItemManager()) { ICloudWorkItem workItem = wiMgr.CreateWorkItem(workItemName); workItem.JobExecutionEnvironment = jee; workItem.Schedule = wiSchedule; workItem.JobSpecification = jobSpec; try { workItem.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } // Remember to clean up your workitems and jobs }
public static void JobMain(string[] args) { //Load the configuration TopNWordsConfiguration configuration = TopNWordsConfiguration.LoadConfigurationFromAppConfig(); StagingStorageAccount stagingStorageAccount = new StagingStorageAccount( configuration.StorageAccountName, configuration.StorageAccountKey, configuration.StorageAccountBlobEndpoint); IBatchClient client = BatchClient.Connect(configuration.BatchServiceUrl, new BatchCredentials(configuration.BatchAccountName, configuration.BatchAccountKey)); string stagingContainer = null; //Create a pool (if user hasn't provided one) if (configuration.ShouldCreatePool) { using (IPoolManager pm = client.OpenPoolManager()) { //OSFamily 4 == OS 2012 R2 //You can learn more about os families and versions at: //http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/ee924680.aspx ICloudPool pool = pm.CreatePool(configuration.PoolName, targetDedicated: configuration.PoolSize, osFamily: "4", vmSize: "small"); Console.WriteLine("Adding pool {0}", configuration.PoolName); pool.Commit(); } } try { using (IWorkItemManager wm = client.OpenWorkItemManager()) { IToolbox toolbox = client.OpenToolbox(); //Use the TaskSubmissionHelper to help us create a WorkItem and add tasks to it. ITaskSubmissionHelper taskSubmissionHelper = toolbox.CreateTaskSubmissionHelper(wm, configuration.PoolName); taskSubmissionHelper.WorkItemName = configuration.WorkItemName; FileToStage topNWordExe = new FileToStage(TopNWordsExeName, stagingStorageAccount); FileToStage storageDll = new FileToStage(StorageClientDllName, stagingStorageAccount); string bookFileUri = UploadBookFileToCloudBlob(configuration, configuration.BookFileName); Console.WriteLine("{0} uploaded to cloud", configuration.BookFileName); for (int i = 1; i <= configuration.NumberOfTasks; i++) { ICloudTask task = new CloudTask("task_no_" + i, String.Format("{0} --Task {1} {2} {3} {4}", TopNWordsExeName, bookFileUri, configuration.NumberOfTopWords, configuration.StorageAccountName, configuration.StorageAccountKey)); //This is the list of files to stage to a container -- for each TaskSubmissionHelper one container is created and //files all resolve to Azure Blobs by their name (so two tasks with the same named file will create just 1 blob in //the TaskSubmissionHelper's container). task.FilesToStage = new List <IFileStagingProvider> { topNWordExe, storageDll }; taskSubmissionHelper.AddTask(task); } //Commit all the tasks to the Batch Service. IJobCommitUnboundArtifacts artifacts = taskSubmissionHelper.Commit() as IJobCommitUnboundArtifacts; foreach (var fileStagingArtifact in artifacts.FileStagingArtifacts) { SequentialFileStagingArtifact stagingArtifact = fileStagingArtifact.Value as SequentialFileStagingArtifact; if (stagingArtifact != null) { stagingContainer = stagingArtifact.BlobContainerCreated; Console.WriteLine("Uploaded files to container: {0} -- you will be charged for their storage unless you delete them.", stagingArtifact.BlobContainerCreated); } } //Get the job to monitor status. ICloudJob job = wm.GetJob(artifacts.WorkItemName, artifacts.JobName); Console.Write("Waiting for tasks to complete ..."); // Wait 1 minute for all tasks to reach the completed state client.OpenToolbox().CreateTaskStateMonitor().WaitAll(job.ListTasks(), TaskState.Completed, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20)); Console.WriteLine("Done."); foreach (ICloudTask task in job.ListTasks()) { Console.WriteLine("Task " + task.Name + " says:\n" + task.GetTaskFile(Constants.StandardOutFileName).ReadAsString()); Console.WriteLine(task.GetTaskFile(Constants.StandardErrorFileName).ReadAsString()); } } } finally { //Delete the pool that we created if (configuration.ShouldCreatePool) { using (IPoolManager pm = client.OpenPoolManager()) { Console.WriteLine("Deleting pool: {0}", configuration.PoolName); pm.DeletePool(configuration.PoolName); } } //Delete the workitem that we created if (configuration.ShouldDeleteWorkItem) { using (IWorkItemManager wm = client.OpenWorkItemManager()) { Console.WriteLine("Deleting work item: {0}", configuration.WorkItemName); wm.DeleteWorkItem(configuration.WorkItemName); } } //Delete the containers we created if (configuration.ShouldDeleteContainer) { DeleteContainers(configuration, stagingContainer); } } }