public void WhenRemoveLastMessageShouldRemoveIt() { var batchMessage = new Message(new Uri(""), "payload"); batchMessage.Id = 1; var batch = new Batch(); batch.Add(batchMessage); batchMessage = new Message(new Uri(""), "payload2"); batchMessage.Id = 2; batch.Add(batchMessage); batchMessage = new Message(new Uri(""), "payload3"); batchMessage.Id = 3; batch.Add(batchMessage); batch.RemoveLastMessage(); Assert.Equal(2, batch.Events.Count); var message = batch.Events[0]; Assert.Equal("", message.Url.AbsoluteUri); Assert.Equal(1, message.ReynaId); Assert.Equal("payload", message.Payload); message = batch.Events[1]; Assert.Equal("", message.Url.ToString()); Assert.Equal(2, message.ReynaId); Assert.Equal("payload2", message.Payload); }
public void batchtestall() { ServiceContext context = Initializer.InitializeServiceContextQbo(); DataService service = new DataService(context); Customer customer1 = new Customer(); string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n"); customer1.GivenName = guid.Substring(0, 25); string GivenNameCustomer1 = customer1.GivenName; customer1.Title = guid.Substring(0, 15); customer1.MiddleName = guid.Substring(0, 5); customer1.FamilyName = guid.Substring(0, 25); customer1.DisplayName = guid.Substring(0, 20); Customer customer2 = new Customer(); guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n"); customer2.GivenName = guid.Substring(0, 25); string GivenNameCustomer2 = customer2.GivenName; customer2.Title = guid.Substring(0, 15); customer2.MiddleName = guid.Substring(0, 5); customer2.FamilyName = guid.Substring(0, 25); customer2.DisplayName = guid.Substring(0, 20); try { Batch batch = service.CreateNewBatch(); batch.Add(customer1, "addcustomer1", OperationEnum.create); batch.Add(customer2, "addcustomer2", OperationEnum.create); batch.Add("select * from Customer startPosition 0 maxResults 10", "queryCustomer"); batch.Execute(); IntuitBatchResponse inuititemresponse = batch.IntuitBatchItemResponses[0]; Assert.IsTrue(inuititemresponse.ResponseType == ResponseType.Entity); Customer resultcustomer1 = inuititemresponse.Entity as Customer; Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(resultcustomer1.Id)); Assert.IsTrue(resultcustomer1.GivenName == GivenNameCustomer1); inuititemresponse = batch.IntuitBatchItemResponses[1]; Assert.IsTrue(inuititemresponse.ResponseType == ResponseType.Entity); Customer resultcustomer2 = inuititemresponse.Entity as Customer; Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(resultcustomer2.Id)); Assert.IsTrue(resultcustomer2.GivenName == GivenNameCustomer2); inuititemresponse = batch.IntuitBatchItemResponses[2]; Assert.IsTrue(inuititemresponse.ResponseType == ResponseType.Query); List <Customer> customers = inuititemresponse.Entities.ToList().ConvertAll(item => item as Customer); Assert.IsTrue(customers.Count >= 2); } catch (Ipp.Exception.IdsException ex) { Assert.Fail(ex.ToString()); } }
public void BatchIDLengthTest() { ServiceContext context = Initializer.InitializeServiceContextQbo(); DataService service = new DataService(context); Customer customer = new Customer(); string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); customer.GivenName = guid.Substring(0, 25); customer.Title = guid.Substring(0, 15); customer.MiddleName = guid.Substring(0, 5); customer.FamilyName = guid.Substring(0, 25); customer.DisplayName = guid.Substring(0, 20); try { Batch batch = service.CreateNewBatch(); batch.Add(customer, Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").Substring(0, 25), OperationEnum.create); batch.Add(new CDCQuery() { ChangedSince = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), ChangedSinceSpecified = true, Entities = "Customer" }, "cdcOpration"); batch.Execute(); } catch (Ipp.Exception.IdsException ex) { Assert.Fail(ex.ToString()); } }
internal static ReadOnlyCollection <IntuitBatchResponse> Batch <T>(ServiceContext context, Dictionary <OperationEnum, object> operationDictionary) where T : IEntity { DataService service = new DataService(context); List <T> addedList = new List <T>(); List <T> newList = new List <T>(); QueryService <T> entityContext = new QueryService <T>(context); Batch batch = service.CreateNewBatch(); foreach (KeyValuePair <OperationEnum, object> entry in operationDictionary) { if (entry.Value.GetType().Name.Equals(typeof(T).Name)) { batch.Add(entry.Value as IEntity, entry.Key.ToString() + entry.Value.GetType().Name, entry.Key); } else { batch.Add(entry.Value as string, "Query" + typeof(T).Name); } } batch.Execute(); return(batch.IntuitBatchItemResponses); }
public void BatchTest() { string accessTokenQBO = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AccessTokenQBO"]; string accessTokenSecretQBO = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AccessTokenSecretQBO"]; string consumerKeyQBO = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConsumerKeyQBO"]; string ConsumerSecretQBO = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConsumerSecretQBO"]; string realmIAQBO = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RealmIAQBO"]; OAuthRequestValidator oAuthRequestValidator = new OAuthRequestValidator(accessTokenQBO, accessTokenSecretQBO, consumerKeyQBO, ConsumerSecretQBO); ServiceContext context = new ServiceContext(realmIAQBO, IntuitServicesType.QBO, oAuthRequestValidator); DataService service = new DataService(context); context.IppConfiguration.Message.Response.CompressionFormat = Intuit.Ipp.Core.Configuration.CompressionFormat.GZip; context.IppConfiguration.Message.Response.SerializationFormat = Intuit.Ipp.Core.Configuration.SerializationFormat.Json; Customer customer = new Customer(); string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); customer.GivenName = guid.Substring(0, 25); customer.Title = guid.Substring(0, 15); customer.MiddleName = guid.Substring(0, 5); customer.FamilyName = guid.Substring(0, 25); customer.DisplayName = guid.Substring(0, 20); try { Batch batch = service.CreateNewBatch(); batch.Add(customer, "addCustomer", OperationEnum.create); batch.Add(new CDCQuery() { ChangedSince = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), ChangedSinceSpecified = true, Entities = "Customer" }, "cdcOpration"); batch.Execute(); IntuitBatchResponse addCustomerResponse = batch.IntuitBatchItemResponses[0]; if (addCustomerResponse.ResponseType != ResponseType.Exception) { Customer addedcustomer = addCustomerResponse.Entity as Customer; Assert.IsNotNull(addedcustomer); Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(addedcustomer.Id)); } IntuitBatchResponse CDCQueryResponse = batch.IntuitBatchItemResponses[1]; if (CDCQueryResponse.ResponseType != ResponseType.Exception) { Dictionary <string, List <IEntity> > cdcCustomers = CDCQueryResponse.CDCResponse.entities; Assert.IsNotNull(cdcCustomers); Assert.IsTrue(cdcCustomers.Count > 0); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <IEntity> > entry in cdcCustomers) { Assert.IsTrue(entry.Value.ElementAt(0).GetType() == new Customer().GetType()); } } else { Assert.Fail(); } } catch (Ipp.Exception.IdsException ex) { Assert.Fail(ex.ToString()); } }
public void SendTest() { string accessKey = pandora_csharp_sdkTests.Properties.Settings.Default.AccessKey; string secretKey = pandora_csharp_sdkTests.Properties.Settings.Default.SecretKey; string repoName = pandora_csharp_sdkTests.Properties.Settings.Default.NewRepoName; Auth auth = new Auth(accessKey, secretKey); DataSender dataSender = new DataSender(auth); Batch batch = new Batch(); //timestamp date //sensor string //length long //value float //working boolean //alias jsonstring DateTime timestamp = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) { string sensor = string.Format("传感器{0}", i); int length = new Random().Next(1000); double value = new Random().NextDouble() * 1000; bool working = length % 2 == 0; List <string> alias = new List <string>(); alias.Add("big"); alias.Add("fast"); Point p = new Point(); p.Append("timestamp", timestamp); p.Append("sensor", sensor); p.Append("length", length); p.Append("value", value); p.Append("working", working); p.Append("alias", alias); if (batch.CanAdd(p)) { batch.Add(p); } else { // send the data first Console.WriteLine("send part batch length: {0}", batch.GetSize()); HttpResponse response1 = dataSender.Send(repoName, batch); //Console.WriteLine(batch.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK, response1.StatusCode); batch.Clear();// clear for next batch batch.Add(p); } } if (batch.GetSize() > 0) { //send the remained data Console.WriteLine("send final batch length: {0}", batch.GetSize()); HttpResponse response2 = dataSender.Send(repoName, batch); //Console.WriteLine(batch.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK, response2.StatusCode); } }
public void AddEmptyQueryToBatch() { Batch batch = GetBatch(); string query = string.Empty; batch.Add(query, "emptyQuery"); batch.Add("query * from Customer", "customerQuery"); }
public void AddDuplicateItemToBatch() { Batch batch = GetBatch(); string queryId = string.Empty; batch.Add("query * from Invoice", "customerQuery"); batch.Add("query * from Customer", "customerQuery"); }
public void AddDuplicateItemToBatchEntity() { Batch batch = GetBatch(); Customer customer1 = GetCustomer(); Customer customer2 = GetCustomer(); batch.Add(customer1, "customerQuery", OperationEnum.create); batch.Add(customer2, "customerQuery", OperationEnum.create); }
public void AddNullEntityInBatch() { ServiceContext context = Initializer.InitializeServiceContextQbo(); DataService service = new DataService(context); Customer customer = null; Batch batch = service.CreateNewBatch(); batch.Add(customer, "Customer", OperationEnum.create); batch.Add("query * from Customer", "Customer"); }
protected IEnumerator <object> WriteLotsOfValuesInBatch(Tangle <int> tangle, int numIterations, int direction) { int batchSize = 256; Batch <int> batch = null; if (direction > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) { if (batch == null) { batch = Tangle.CreateBatch(batchSize); } batch.Add(i, i); if (batch.Count == batchSize) { yield return(batch.Execute()); batch = null; } } } else { for (int i = numIterations - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (batch == null) { batch = Tangle.CreateBatch(batchSize); } batch.Add(i, i); if (batch.Count == batchSize) { yield return(batch.Execute()); batch = null; } } } if (batch != null) { yield return(batch.Execute()); } }
public void AddNullIdToBatchEntity() { Batch batch = GetBatch(); Customer customer = GetCustomer(); batch.Add(customer, null, OperationEnum.create); }
public void AddEmptyQueryToBatchEntity() { Batch batch = GetBatch(); Customer customer = null; batch.Add(customer, "emptyCustomer", OperationEnum.create); }
public void AddNullIdToBatch() { Batch batch = GetBatch(); string queryId = string.Empty; batch.Add("query * from Invoice", null); }
private void HandleSold(ItemViewModel item) { if (item.IsSold) { SearchItemText = string.Empty; if (!Batch.Contains(item)) { Batch.Add(item); } } else { Batch.Remove(item); } var seller = Sellers.Where(s => s.Id == item.Seller.Id || s is AllSellerViewModel) .Select(s => { s.Update(); return(s); }) .ToList(); RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(BatchValue)); }
public void AddNullEntityInBatch() { string accessTokenQBO = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AccessTokenQBO"]; string accessTokenSecretQBO = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AccessTokenSecretQBO"]; string consumerKeyQBO = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConsumerKeyQBO"]; string ConsumerSecretQBO = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConsumerSecretQBO"]; string realmIAQBO = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RealmIAQBO"]; OAuthRequestValidator oAuthRequestValidator = new OAuthRequestValidator(accessTokenQBO, accessTokenSecretQBO, consumerKeyQBO, ConsumerSecretQBO); ServiceContext context = new ServiceContext(realmIAQBO, IntuitServicesType.QBO, oAuthRequestValidator); DataService service = new DataService(context); Customer customer = null; Batch batch = service.CreateNewBatch(); batch.Add(customer, "Customer", OperationEnum.create); batch.Add("query * from Customer", "Customer"); }
/// <summary>Appends a byte array to the current batch.</summary> /// <param name="data">The byte array containing the data to append.</param> public void Append(Byte[] data) { if (data.Length > m_maxBatchBytes) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("data", "A single data object cannot be larger than " + m_maxBatchBytes.ToString() + " bytes."); } if (m_minimalLossEnabled) { TransferBatchAsync(this, new Batch { data }); return; } Boolean taken = false; m_lock.Enter(ref taken); Batch oldBatch = null; if (m_batchBytes + data.Length > m_maxBatchBytes) { // Data won't fit in current batch, create a new batch so we can transfer the old batch oldBatch = CreateNewBatch(); } // Add new data to current (or new) batch m_batch.Add(data); m_batchBytes += data.Length; m_lock.Exit(); // If batch swapped, transfer it TransferBatchAsync(this, oldBatch); }
public void AddEmptyIdToBatchEntity() { Batch batch = GetBatch(); string queryId = string.Empty; Customer customer = GetCustomer(); batch.Add(customer, queryId, OperationEnum.create); }
public void UseSameBatchIDTwice() { ServiceContext context = Initializer.InitializeServiceContextQbo(); DataService service = new DataService(context); Customer customer = new Customer(); string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); customer.GivenName = guid.Substring(0, 25); customer.Title = guid.Substring(0, 15); customer.MiddleName = guid.Substring(0, 5); customer.FamilyName = guid.Substring(0, 25); customer.DisplayName = guid.Substring(0, 20); Batch batch = service.CreateNewBatch(); batch.Add(customer, "Customer", OperationEnum.create); batch.Add("query * from Customer", "Customer"); }
internal void AddToBatch(MySqlCommand command) { if (Batch == null) { Batch = new List <MySqlCommand>(); } Batch.Add(command); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 4) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Usage: SHS.PageRank <leader> <store> <d> <iters>"); } else { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var store = new Service(args[0]).OpenStore(Guid.Parse(args[1])); double d = double.Parse(args[2]); int numIters = int.Parse(args[3]); long n = store.NumUrls(); using (var wr = new BinaryWriter(new BufferedStream(new FileStream("pr-scores-" + 0 + ".bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)))) { for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) { wr.Write(1.0 / n); } } var scores = store.AllocateUidState <double>(); var uidBatch = new Batch <long>(50000); for (int k = 0; k < numIters; k++) { scores.SetAll(x => d / n); using (var rd = new BinaryReader(new BufferedStream(new FileStream("pr-scores-" + k + ".bin", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)))) { foreach (long u in store.Uids()) { uidBatch.Add(u); if (uidBatch.Full || store.IsLastUid(u)) { var linkBatch = store.BatchedGetLinks(uidBatch, Dir.Fwd); var uniqLinks = new UidMap(linkBatch); var scoreArr = scores.GetMany(uniqLinks); foreach (var links in linkBatch) { double f = (1.0 - d) * rd.ReadDouble() / links.Length; foreach (var link in links) { scoreArr[uniqLinks[link]] += f; } } scores.SetMany(uniqLinks, scoreArr); uidBatch.Reset(); } } } using (var wr = new BinaryWriter(new BufferedStream(new FileStream("pr-scores-" + (k + 1) + ".bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)))) { foreach (var us in scores.GetAll()) { wr.Write(us.val); } } File.Delete("pr-scores-" + k + ".bin"); Console.WriteLine("Iteration {0} complete", k); } Console.WriteLine("Done. {0} iterations took {1} seconds.", numIters, 0.001 * sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); } }
public void WhenCallingToJsonShouldReturnExpected() { var payload1 = "{\"Version Incremental\":\"20150514.093204\",\"User\":\"user\",\"Brand\":\"os\",\"device\":\"device\",\"Network Operator Name\":\"unknown\",\"Manufacturer\":\"MM\",\"updated\":1448534970738,\"list\":[{\"name\":\"System\",\"version\":\"4.1.1\",\"flag\":true},{\"name\":\"backupcon\",\"version\":\"4.1.1\",\"flag\":false}],\"Version Release\":\"4.1.1\",\"MAC\":\"MAC\"}"; var batchMessage1 = new Message(new Uri(""), payload1); batchMessage1.Id = 12; var payload2 = "{\"Brand\":\"os\",\"device\":\"device\",\"Network Operator Name\":\"unknown\",\"Manufacturer\":\"MM\",\"updated\":1448534970738,\"list\":[{\"name\":\"System\",\"version\":\"4.1.1\",\"flag\":true},{\"name\":\"backupcon\",\"version\":\"4.1.1\",\"flag\":false}],\"Version Release\":\"4.1.1\",\"MAC\":\"MAC\"}"; var batchMessage2 = new Message(new Uri(""), payload2); batchMessage2.Id = 14; var batch = new Batch(); batch.Add(batchMessage1); batch.Add(batchMessage2); var expected = "{\"events\":[{\"url\":\"\", \"reynaId\":12, \"payload\":{\"Version Incremental\":\"20150514.093204\",\"User\":\"user\",\"Brand\":\"os\",\"device\":\"device\",\"Network Operator Name\":\"unknown\",\"Manufacturer\":\"MM\",\"updated\":1448534970738,\"list\":[{\"name\":\"System\",\"version\":\"4.1.1\",\"flag\":true},{\"name\":\"backupcon\",\"version\":\"4.1.1\",\"flag\":false}],\"Version Release\":\"4.1.1\",\"MAC\":\"MAC\"}}, {\"url\":\"\", \"reynaId\":14, \"payload\":{\"Brand\":\"os\",\"device\":\"device\",\"Network Operator Name\":\"unknown\",\"Manufacturer\":\"MM\",\"updated\":1448534970738,\"list\":[{\"name\":\"System\",\"version\":\"4.1.1\",\"flag\":true},{\"name\":\"backupcon\",\"version\":\"4.1.1\",\"flag\":false}],\"Version Release\":\"4.1.1\",\"MAC\":\"MAC\"}}]}"; var actual = batch.ToJson(); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
public void AddTwentyFivePlusToBatch() { Batch batch = GetBatch(); string queryId = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i <= 26; i++) { batch.Add("query * from Customer", "customerQuery"); } }
public void AddTwentyFivePlusToBatchEntity() { Batch batch = GetBatch(); string queryId = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i <= 26; i++) { Customer customer = GetCustomer(); batch.Add(customer, "Customer", OperationEnum.create); } }
public void RemoveWrongItem() { Batch batch = GetBatch(); for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { Customer customer = GetCustomer(); batch.Add(customer, "Customer" + i.ToString(), OperationEnum.create); } batch.Remove("Customer20"); }
protected override bool Idle(object message) { if (message is ReplicationWrite) { Batch = Batch.Add(((ReplicationWrite)message).WithReplyToDefault(Sender)); TryWriteBatch(); Context.Become(Writing); return(true); } return(false); }
public void RemoveItem() { Batch batch = GetBatch(); for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { Customer customer = GetCustomer(); batch.Add(customer, "Customer" + i.ToString(), OperationEnum.create); } batch.Remove("Customer0"); IntuitBatchResponse item = batch["Customer0"] as IntuitBatchResponse; }
public void TestBatch() { List <long> list = new List <long>(); FlushReason lastReason = FlushReason.AfterAdd; Batch <long> batch = new Batch <long>(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.2), 1000L, l => l, (lst, counts, reason) => { list.AddRange(lst); lastReason = reason; }); list.Clear(); batch.Add(500); Thread.Sleep(1000); //Should flush Assert.Single(list); Assert.Equal(FlushReason.Timer, lastReason); list.Clear(); batch.Add(500); batch.Add(700); //Should flush Assert.Single(list); Assert.Equal(FlushReason.BeforeAdd, lastReason); list.Clear(); batch.Add(300); //Should flush Assert.Equal(2, list.Count); Assert.Equal(FlushReason.AfterAdd, lastReason); list.Clear(); batch.Add(500); //Should not flush Assert.Empty(list); batch.Stop(); //Should flush now Assert.Single(list); Assert.Equal(FlushReason.Stop, lastReason); }
private void RunSingle(MessageDispatch dispatch, IMessageHandlerInvoker invoker) { if (!_isRunning) { return; } var batch = new Batch(1); batch.Add(new Entry(dispatch, invoker)); RunBatch(batch); }
public void WhenCallingAddShouldAddNewMessage() { var batchMessage = new Message(new Uri(""), "payload"); batchMessage.Id = 1; var batch = new Batch(); batch.Add(batchMessage); Assert.Equal(1, batch.Events.Count); var message = batch.Events[0]; Assert.Equal("", message.Url.AbsoluteUri); Assert.Equal(1, message.ReynaId); Assert.Equal("payload", message.Payload); }
public UserInterfaceObserver() { _timer.AutoReset = true; _timer.Elapsed += (sender, args) => { if (_batch.messages.Any()) { Batch batch = null; _lock.Write(() => { batch = _batch; _batch = new Batch(); }); var passthrough = new PassthroughMessage(batch); EventAggregator.SendMessage(passthrough); } }; _timer.Enabled = true; _timer.Start(); _readingTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { foreach (var message in _messages.GetConsumingEnumerable()) { if (message is IBatchedMessage) { // Just want this to have a lower priority _lock.Read(() => { _batch.Add(message); return(string.Empty); }); } else { var passthrough = new PassthroughMessage(message); EventAggregator.SendMessage(passthrough); // TODO -- really, really don't like this if (message is SpecExecutionCompleted) { EventAggregator.SendMessage(message); } } } }); }
public void WhenRemoveLastMessageAndOnlyOneMessageAvailableShouldNotRemoveIt() { var batchMessage = new Message(new Uri(""), "payload"); batchMessage.Id = 1; var batch = new Batch(); batch.Add(batchMessage); batch.RemoveLastMessage(); Assert.Equal(1, batch.Events.Count); var message = batch.Events[0]; Assert.Equal("", message.Url.ToString()); Assert.Equal(1, message.ReynaId); Assert.Equal("payload", message.Payload); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 4) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Usage: SHS.PageRank <leader> <store> <d> <iters>"); } else { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var store = new Service(args[0]).OpenStore(Guid.Parse(args[1])); double d = double.Parse(args[2]); int numIters = int.Parse(args[3]); long n = store.NumUrls(); using (var wr = new BinaryWriter(new BufferedStream(new FileStream("pr-scores-" + 0 + ".bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)))) { for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) wr.Write(1.0 / n); } var scores = store.AllocateUidState<double>(); var uidBatch = new Batch<long>(50000); for (int k = 0; k < numIters; k++) { scores.SetAll(x => d / n); using (var rd = new BinaryReader(new BufferedStream(new FileStream("pr-scores-" + k + ".bin", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)))) { foreach (long u in store.Uids()) { uidBatch.Add(u); if (uidBatch.Full || store.IsLastUid(u)) { var linkBatch = store.BatchedGetLinks(uidBatch, Dir.Fwd); var uniqLinks = new UidMap(linkBatch); var scoreArr = scores.GetMany(uniqLinks); foreach (var links in linkBatch) { double f = (1.0 - d) * rd.ReadDouble() / links.Length; foreach (var link in links) { scoreArr[uniqLinks[link]] += f; } } scores.SetMany(uniqLinks, scoreArr); uidBatch.Reset(); } } } using (var wr = new BinaryWriter(new BufferedStream(new FileStream("pr-scores-" + (k + 1) + ".bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)))) { foreach (var us in scores.GetAll()) wr.Write(us.val); } File.Delete("pr-scores-" + k + ".bin"); Console.WriteLine("Iteration {0} complete", k); } Console.WriteLine("Done. {0} iterations took {1} seconds.", numIters, 0.001 * sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 4) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Usage: SHS.PageRankFT <leader> <store> <d> <iters>"); } else { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var store = new Service(args[0]).OpenStore(Guid.Parse(args[1])); Action<Action> Checkpointed = delegate(Action checkpointedBlock) { while (true) { try { checkpointedBlock(); store.Checkpoint(); break; } catch (ServerFailure) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Restarting from checkpoint"); // go again } } }; double d = double.Parse(args[2]); int numIters = int.Parse(args[3]); long n = store.NumUrls(); UidState<double> oldScores = null, newScores = null; Checkpointed(delegate() { newScores = store.AllocateUidState<double>(); oldScores = store.AllocateUidState<double>(); oldScores.SetAll(uid => 1.0 / n); }); for (int k = 0; k < numIters; k++) { Checkpointed(delegate() { var uidBatch = new Batch<long>(50000); newScores.SetAll(x => d / n); foreach (long u in store.Uids()) { uidBatch.Add(u); if (uidBatch.Full || store.IsLastUid(u)) { var linkBatch = store.BatchedGetLinks(uidBatch, Dir.Fwd); var newMap = new UidMap(linkBatch); var oldSc = oldScores.GetMany(uidBatch); var newSc = newScores.GetMany(newMap); for (int i = 0; i < uidBatch.Count; i++) { var links = linkBatch[i]; double f = (1.0 - d) * oldSc[i] / links.Length; foreach (var link in links) { newSc[newMap[link]] += f; } } newScores.SetMany(newMap, newSc); uidBatch.Reset(); } } }); var tmp = newScores; newScores = oldScores; oldScores = tmp; Console.WriteLine("Done with iteration {0}", k); } using (var wr = new BinaryWriter(new BufferedStream(new FileStream("pr-scores.bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)))) { foreach (var us in newScores.GetAll()) wr.Write(us.val); } Console.WriteLine("Done. {0} iterations took {1} seconds.", numIters, 0.001 * sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 3) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Usage: SHS.ASP <leader> <store> [f|b|u]"); } else { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var shs = new Service(args[0]).OpenStore(Guid.Parse(args[1])); var dists = shs.AllocateUidState<byte>(); var seeds = shs.AllocateUidState<long>(); var cands = shs.AllocateUidState<bool>(); var batch = new Batch<long>(1000000); long numCands = 0; bool fwd = args[2] == "f" || args[2] == "u"; bool bwd = args[2] == "b" || args[2] == "u"; foreach (long u in shs.Uids()) { batch.Add(u); if (batch.Full || shs.IsLastUid(u)) { int[] fwdDegs = shs.BatchedGetDegree(batch, Dir.Fwd); int[] bwdDegs = shs.BatchedGetDegree(batch, Dir.Bwd); bool[] isCands = new bool[batch.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < batch.Count; i++) { isCands[i] = fwd && bwd ? fwdDegs[i] + bwdDegs[i] > 1 : fwdDegs[i] > 0 && bwdDegs[i] > 0; if (isCands[i]) numCands++; } cands.SetMany(batch, isCands); batch.Reset(); } } System.Random rand = new System.Random(12345); int dim = 0; batch = new Batch<long>(1000); for (; (long)1 << dim <= numCands; dim++) { long numSeeds = (long)1 << dim; dists.SetAll(x => 0xff); seeds.SetAll(x => -1); double remainingSamps = numSeeds; double remainingCands = numCands; foreach (var uc in cands.GetAll()) { if (uc.val) { if (rand.NextDouble() < remainingSamps / remainingCands) { batch.Add(uc.uid); remainingSamps--; } remainingCands--; } if (batch.Full || shs.IsLastUid(uc.uid)) { dists.SetMany(batch, ((long[])batch).Select(x => (byte)0).ToArray()); seeds.SetMany(batch, batch); batch.Reset(); } } for (byte k = 0; k < 0xff; k++) { long hits = 0; foreach (var x in dists.GetAll()) { if (x.val == k) { batch.Add(x.uid); hits++; } if (batch.Full || shs.IsLastUid(x.uid)) { if (bwd) ProcessBatch(shs, dists, seeds, batch, (byte)(k + 1), Dir.Fwd); if (fwd) ProcessBatch(shs, dists, seeds, batch, (byte)(k + 1), Dir.Bwd); batch.Reset(); } } if (hits == 0) break; } using (var wr = new BinaryWriter(new GZipStream(new BufferedStream(new FileStream("sketchslice-" + args[2] + "-" + dim.ToString("d2") + ".bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)), CompressionMode.Compress))) { long rch = 0; // Number of reachable URls foreach (var x in dists.GetAll().Zip(seeds.GetAll(), (d, s) => System.Tuple.Create(d, s))) { if (x.Item1.val < 0xff) rch++; wr.Write(x.Item1.val); wr.Write(x.Item2.val); } } } using (var wr = new BinaryWriter(new GZipStream(new BufferedStream(new FileStream("sketches-" + args[2] + ".bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)), CompressionMode.Compress))) { wr.Write(dim); var readers = new BinaryReader[dim]; for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { readers[i] = new BinaryReader(new GZipStream(new BufferedStream(new FileStream("sketchslice-" + args[2] + "-" + i.ToString("d2") + ".bin", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)), CompressionMode.Decompress)); } while (true) { try { for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { wr.Write(readers[i].ReadByte()); wr.Write(readers[i].ReadInt64()); } } catch (EndOfStreamException) { break; } } for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { readers[i].Close(); } } Console.WriteLine("Done. Job took {0} seconds.", 0.001 * sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 2) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Usage: SHS.SCC2 <leader> <store>"); } else { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var shs = new Service(args[0]).OpenStore(Guid.Parse(args[1])); var map = shs.AllocateUidState<int>(); // Mapping from UID to local ID int numVerts = 0; // Number of core vertices var batch = new Batch<long>(500000); foreach (long u in shs.Uids()) { batch.Add(u); if (batch.Full || shs.IsLastUid(u)) { int[] fwdDegs = shs.BatchedGetDegree(batch, Dir.Fwd); int[] bwdDegs = shs.BatchedGetDegree(batch, Dir.Bwd); var mapChunk = new int[batch.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < batch.Count; i++) { mapChunk[i] = fwdDegs[i] == 0 || bwdDegs[i] == 0 ? -1 : numVerts++; } map.SetMany(batch, mapChunk); batch.Reset(); } } uint numEdges = 0; foreach (var up in map.GetAll()) { if (up.val != -1) batch.Add(up.uid); if (batch.Full || shs.IsLastUid(up.uid)) { long[][] nbors = shs.BatchedGetLinks(batch, Dir.Fwd); int[] mappedNbors = map.GetMany(Flatten(nbors)); int q = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nbors.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nbors[i].Length; j++) { if (mappedNbors[q++] != -1) numEdges++; } } batch.Reset(); } } uint[] pastLast = new uint[numVerts]; // one past last link of that page var links = new int[numEdges]; int p = 0; uint r = 0; foreach (var up in map.GetAll()) { if (up.val != -1) batch.Add(up.uid); if (batch.Full || shs.IsLastUid(up.uid)) { long[][] nbors = shs.BatchedGetLinks(batch, Dir.Fwd); int[] mappedNbors = map.GetMany(Flatten(nbors)); int q = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nbors.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nbors[i].Length; j++) { int id = mappedNbors[q++]; if (id != -1) links[r++] = id; } pastLast[p++] = r; } batch.Reset(); } } var bv = new BitVector(numVerts); // All false at creation int[] stk = new int[numVerts]; int stkPtr = stk.Length; for (int u = 0; u < numVerts; u++) { if (!bv[u]) { bv[u] = true; Frame frame = new Frame(null, u, pastLast); while (frame != null) { while (frame.ctr < pastLast[]) { int v = links[frame.ctr++]; if (!bv[v]) { bv[v] = true; frame = new Frame(frame, v, pastLast); } } stk[--stkPtr] =; frame = frame.parent; } } } p = 0; r = 0; foreach (var up in map.GetAll()) { if (up.val != -1) batch.Add(up.uid); if (batch.Full || shs.IsLastUid(up.uid)) { long[][] nbors = shs.BatchedGetLinks(batch, Dir.Bwd); int[] mappedNbors = map.GetMany(Flatten(nbors)); int q = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nbors.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nbors[i].Length; j++) { int id = mappedNbors[q++]; if (id != -1) links[r++] = id; } pastLast[p++] = r; } batch.Reset(); } } var pam = new long[numVerts]; p = 0; foreach (var up in map.GetAll()) { if (up.val != -1) pam[p++] = up.uid; } using (var sccWr = new BinaryWriter(new BufferedStream(new FileStream("scc-main.bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)))) { using (var idxWr = new BinaryWriter(new BufferedStream(new FileStream("scc-index.bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)))) { long sccPos = 0; bv.SetAll(false); for (int i = 0; i < stk.Length; i++) { int u = stk[i]; if (!bv[u]) { long sccSize = 0; bv[u] = true; Frame frame = new Frame(null, u, pastLast); while (frame != null) { while (frame.ctr < pastLast[]) { int v = links[frame.ctr++]; if (!bv[v]) { bv[v] = true; frame = new Frame(frame, v, pastLast); } } sccWr.Write(pam[]); sccSize++; frame = frame.parent; } idxWr.Write(sccSize); idxWr.Write(sccPos); sccPos += sccSize; } } foreach (var up in map.GetAll()) { if (up.val == -1) { sccWr.Write(up.uid); idxWr.Write(1L); idxWr.Write(sccPos++); } } } } var dict = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<long, long>(); using (var ib = new BinaryReader(new BufferedStream(new FileStream("scc-index.bin", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)))) { while (true) { try { long size = ib.ReadInt64(); long pos = ib.ReadInt64(); if (!dict.ContainsKey(size)) dict[size] = 0; dict[size]++; } catch (EndOfStreamException) { break; } } } long maxSize = 0; long numSCCs = 0; foreach (var kv in dict) { if (kv.Key > maxSize) maxSize = kv.Key; numSCCs += kv.Value; } Console.WriteLine("Done. Job took {0} seconds.", 0.001 * sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); } }