Пример #1
        public override void InAMain(AMain node)
            //    build def for allowed types
            BasicTypeDefinition intType;

            intType      = new BasicTypeDefinition();
            intType.name = "int";

            BasicTypeDefinition fltType;

            fltType      = new BasicTypeDefinition();
            fltType.name = "float";

            BasicTypeDefinition boolType;

            boolType      = new BasicTypeDefinition();
            boolType.name = "boolean";

            StringTypeDefinition stringType = new StringTypeDefinition();

            stringType.name = "string";

            //    create and seed symbol tables
            _currentSymbolTable = new Dictionary <string, Definition>();
            _currentSymbolTable.Add("int", intType);
            _currentSymbolTable.Add("float", fltType);
            _currentSymbolTable.Add("boolean", boolType);
            _currentSymbolTable.Add("string", stringType);
Пример #2
        //or expr1
        public override void OutAOrExpr1(AOrExpr1 node)
            Definition lhs, rhs;

            //    check if both sides are decorated
            if (!_decoratedParseTree.TryGetValue(node.GetExpr1(), out lhs))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetOr().Line + "] : left hand side of 'or' was not decorated.");

                // Ensure rhs of the plus is decorated
            else if (!_decoratedParseTree.TryGetValue(node.GetExpr2(), out rhs))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetOr().Line + "] : right hand side of 'or' was not decorated.");

                //    check if both sides are bool types
            else if (!lhs.name.Equals("boolean") && !rhs.name.Equals("boolean"))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetOr().Line + "] : Type mismatch.  Cannot or " + lhs.name + " to " +
                                  rhs.name + " because one isnt a boolean.");

                //    decorate
                TypeDefinition currNodeType = new BasicTypeDefinition();
                currNodeType.name = lhs.name;
                _decoratedParseTree.Add(node, currNodeType);
Пример #3
        //in method
        public override void InAMethod(AMethod node)
            //    save current symbol table

            //    build new param list
            _currentParamList = new List <VariableDefinition>();

            //    build def allowed by types according to grammar
            BasicTypeDefinition intType;

            intType      = new BasicTypeDefinition();
            intType.name = "int";

            BasicTypeDefinition fltType;

            fltType      = new BasicTypeDefinition();
            fltType.name = "float";

            BasicTypeDefinition boolType;

            boolType      = new BasicTypeDefinition();
            boolType.name = "boolean";

            StringTypeDefinition stringType = new StringTypeDefinition();

            stringType.name = "string";

            //    create and seed symbol table
            _currentSymbolTable = new Dictionary <string, Definition>();
            _currentSymbolTable.Add("int", intType);
            _currentSymbolTable.Add("float", fltType);
            _currentSymbolTable.Add("boolean", boolType);
            _currentSymbolTable.Add("string", stringType);
Пример #4
        //subtract expr6
        public override void OutASubtractExpr6(ASubtractExpr6 node)
            Definition lhs, rhs;

            //    check if both sides are decorated
            // Ensure lhs of the plus is decorated
            if (!_decoratedParseTree.TryGetValue(node.GetExpr6(), out lhs))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetNegative().Line + "] : left hand side of '-' was not decorated.");
            // Ensure rhs of the plus is decorated
            else if (!_decoratedParseTree.TryGetValue(node.GetExpr7(), out rhs))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetNegative().Line + "] : right hand side of '-' was not decorated.");
            //    check if both sides are equal types
            else if (!lhs.name.Equals(rhs.name))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetNegative().Line + "] : Type mismatch.  Cannot subtract " + lhs.name + " to " +
                                  rhs.name + ".");
            //    check if left hand type is valid
            else if (!(lhs is BasicTypeDefinition))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetNegative().Line + "] : Invalid Type.  Cannot subtract " + lhs.name + "s.");
            //    decorate
                TypeDefinition currNodeType = new BasicTypeDefinition();
                currNodeType.name = lhs.name;
                _decoratedParseTree.Add(node, currNodeType);
Пример #5
        public override void InAFunctionFunctionDeclaration(AFunctionFunctionDeclaration node)
            // Save current symbol table.

            // Build definitions for allowed types according to grammar. CS426 only allows int and string and float
            BasicTypeDefinition intType;

            intType      = new BasicTypeDefinition();
            intType.name = "int";

            StringTypeDefinition stringType = new StringTypeDefinition();

            stringType.name = "string";

            BasicTypeDefinition floatType;

            floatType      = new BasicTypeDefinition();
            floatType.name = "float";

            // Create and seed the symbol table.
            if (!_functionSymbolTable.ContainsKey("int"))
                _functionSymbolTable.Add("int", intType);
                _functionSymbolTable.Add("string", stringType);
                _functionSymbolTable.Add("float", floatType);
Пример #6
        public override void OutAFltOperand(AFltOperand node)
            // decorate this node
            BasicTypeDefinition intDef = new BasicTypeDefinition();

            intDef.name = "flt";
            _decoratedParseTree.Add(node, intDef);
Пример #7
        public override void OutAStringExpression(AStringExpression node)
            // Decorate this node
            BasicTypeDefinition stringDef = new BasicTypeDefinition();

            stringDef.name = "string";
            _decoratedParseTree.Add(node, stringDef);
Пример #8
        public override void OutAFloatExpression(AFloatExpression node)
            // Decorate this node
            BasicTypeDefinition floatDef = new BasicTypeDefinition();

            floatDef.name = "float";
            _decoratedParseTree.Add(node, floatDef);
Пример #9
        // Override functions for constant variables - global scope
        public override void OutAIntExpression(AIntExpression node)
            // Decorate this node
            BasicTypeDefinition intDef = new BasicTypeDefinition();

            intDef.name = "int";
            _decoratedParseTree.Add(node, intDef);
Пример #10
        public override void InAMainProgram(AMainProgram node)
            // Build definitions for allowed types according to grammar. CS246 grammar only allows int, string, and float
            BasicTypeDefinition intType;

            intType      = new BasicTypeDefinition();
            intType.name = "int";

            StringTypeDefinition stringType = new StringTypeDefinition();

            stringType.name = "string";

            BasicTypeDefinition floatType = new BasicTypeDefinition();

            floatType.name = "float";

            // Create and seed the symbolTable
            _currentSymbolTable = new Dictionary <string, Definition>();
            _currentSymbolTable.Add("int", intType);
            _currentSymbolTable.Add("string", stringType);
            _currentSymbolTable.Add("float", floatType);
Пример #11
        public override void OutAMultiMultiExpr(AMultiMultiExpr node)
            Definition lhs, rhs;

            // Ensure lhs of the plus is decorated
            if (!_decoratedParseTree.TryGetValue(node.GetMultiExpr(), out lhs))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetMult().Line + "] : left hand side of '*' was not decorated.");

                // Ensure rhs of the plus is decorated
            else if (!_decoratedParseTree.TryGetValue(node.GetMultiExpr(), out rhs))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetMult().Line + "] : right hand side of '*' was not decorated.");

                // Ensure sides are the same type
            else if (!lhs.name.Equals(rhs.name))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetMult().Line + "] : Type mismatch.  Cannot multiply " + lhs.name + " to " +
                                  rhs.name + ".");

                // Ensure that lhs and rhs are basic types
            else if (!(lhs is BasicTypeDefinition))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetMult().Line + "] : Invalid Type.  Cannot multiply " + lhs.name + "s.");

                // Decorate this node
                TypeDefinition currNodeType = new BasicTypeDefinition();
                currNodeType.name = lhs.name;
                _decoratedParseTree.Add(node, currNodeType);
Пример #12
        // Condition check
        public override void OutACondCondition(ACondCondition node)
            Definition lhs, rhs;

            // Ensure lhs of the plus is decorated
            if (!_decoratedParseTree.TryGetValue(node.GetFirst(), out lhs))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetOperator() + "] : left hand side of operator was not decorated.");

                // Ensure rhs of the plus is decorated
            else if (!_decoratedParseTree.TryGetValue(node.GetAdditionExpr(), out rhs))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetOperator() + "] : right hand side of operator was not decorated.");

                // Ensure sides are the same type
            else if (!lhs.name.Equals(rhs.name))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetOperator() + "] : Type mismatch.  Cannot compare " + lhs.name + " with " +
                                  rhs.name + ".");

                // Ensure that lhs and rhs are basic types
            else if (!(lhs is BasicTypeDefinition))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetOperator() + "] : Invalid Type.  Cannot add " + lhs.name + "s.");

                // Decorate this node
                TypeDefinition currNodeType = new BasicTypeDefinition();
                currNodeType.name = lhs.name;
                _decoratedParseTree.Add(node, currNodeType);
Пример #13
        //not equal expr4
        public override void OutANotequalExpr4(ANotequalExpr4 node)
            Definition leftExpr4Def, rightExpr5Def;

            if (!_decoratedParseTree.TryGetValue(node.GetExpr4(), out leftExpr4Def))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetNot().Line + node.GetEqualityoperator().Line + "] : left side was not decorated.");

                // Ensure lhs of the plus is decorated
            else if (!_decoratedParseTree.TryGetValue(node.GetExpr5(), out rightExpr5Def))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetNot().Line + node.GetEqualityoperator().Line + "] : right side was not decorated.");

                // Ensure rhs of the plus is decorated
            else if (!(leftExpr4Def is BasicTypeDefinition))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetNot().Line + node.GetEqualityoperator().Line + "] : Invalid Type.  Cannot compare " + leftExpr4Def.name + "s.");

                // Check if the left hand side is a valid type
            else if (!leftExpr4Def.name.Equals(rightExpr5Def.name))
                Console.WriteLine("[" + node.GetNot().Line + node.GetEqualityoperator().Line + "] : Type mismatch.  Cannot compare " + leftExpr4Def.name + " to " +
                                  rightExpr5Def.name + ".");

                // Check if types are equal
                TypeDefinition currNodeType = new BasicTypeDefinition();
                currNodeType.name = "boolean";
                _decoratedParseTree.Add(node, currNodeType);