public void TouchEgg(BasicEgg egg, Player player) { if (egg.IsDead) { return; } if (egg.IsTheSameColorAs(player.Color)) { egg.TakeDamage(player.Damage); if (egg.IsDead) { destroyedEggs++; UpdateEggsCounterText(); remainingEggs--; if (IsEmpty) { audioSource.PlayOneShot(audioPanelCleanned, 0.5f); Invoke("SpawnEggs", WAITING_TIME_BEFORE_SPAWN_PANEL); } } } else { player.TakeDamage(1); } }
void Update() { // 3 seconds initial countdown if (initialThreeCountdownSeconds > 0) { initialThreeCountdownSeconds -= Time.deltaTime; return; } else { screenButtonsScript.enabled = true; } // Do not allow to click if the game is paused. if (didGameFinished || screenButtonsScript.getGameIsPaused() || playerScript.IsDead) { return; } // Control Time updates countdownTimerScript.UpdateTimerBehaviour(); // Controls player updates playerScript.UpdatePlayerBehaviour(); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { BasicEgg egg = GetEggIfTouched(); if (egg != null) { eggsPanelScript.TouchEgg(egg, playerScript); // Evaluate if those number of eggs gives a new medal medalsScript.DoesItObtainsANewMedalWithThis(eggsPanelScript.DestroyedEggs); if (playerScript.IsDead) { EndGame(); } } } if (countdownTimerScript.HasEnded() && !didGameFinished) { didGameFinished = true; if (medalsScript.ObtainedMedals == 0) { playerScript.Death(); } else { playerScript.Win(); } EndGame(); } }
BasicEgg GetEggIfTouched() { Vector3 mousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); Vector2 mousePos2D = new Vector2(mousePos.x, mousePos.y); RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(mousePos2D,; if (hit.collider == null) { return(null); } else { BasicEgg touchedEgg = (BasicEgg)hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(BasicEgg)); return(touchedEgg); } }
public void SpawnEggs() { ShuffleEggTypes(ref eggTypes); for (int i = 0; i < eggs.Length; i++) { if (eggs[i] != null) { eggs[i].DestroyGO(); } Vector3 eggPosition = platforms[i].GetComponent <Transform>().position; eggPosition.y += EXTRA_EGG_POSITION_Y; switch (eggTypes[i]) { default: case EggType.BASIC: BasicEgg basicEgg = (BasicEgg)Instantiate( Resources.Load <BasicEgg>("Prefabs/BasicEgg"), eggPosition, Quaternion.identity); basicEgg.SetColor(ColorsManager.instance.GetRandomColor()); = i + "-" + basicEgg.SpriteName; eggs[i] = basicEgg; break; case EggType.ARMORED: ArmoredEgg armoredEgg = (ArmoredEgg)Instantiate( Resources.Load <ArmoredEgg>("Prefabs/ArmoredEgg"), eggPosition, Quaternion.identity); armoredEgg.SetColor(ColorsManager.instance.GetRandomColor()); = i + "-" + armoredEgg.SpriteName; eggs[i] = armoredEgg; break; case EggType.COLORCHANGER: ColorChangerEgg colorChangerEgg = (ColorChangerEgg)Instantiate( Resources.Load <ColorChangerEgg>("Prefabs/ColorChangerEgg"), eggPosition, Quaternion.identity); colorChangerEgg.SetEggsPanel(this); colorChangerEgg.SetColor(ColorsManager.instance.GetRandomColor()); = i + "-" + colorChangerEgg.SpriteName; eggs[i] = colorChangerEgg; break; } remainingEggs++; } }