public List <Base_Companys> getCompanys(int i_row_str, int i_row_limit)
            MySqlConnection con = MySQLConnection.connectionMySQL();

                MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("g_companys", con);
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@i_row_str", i_row_str);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@i_row_limit", i_row_limit);

                MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                int    defaultNum    = 0;
                string defaultString = "";

                List <Base_Companys> list_cpn = new List <Base_Companys>();

                while (reader.Read())
                    Base_Companys bs_cpn = new Base_Companys();

                    bs_cpn.Company_id          = reader.IsDBNull(0) ? defaultNum : reader.GetInt32(0);
                    bs_cpn.Company_code        = reader.IsDBNull(1) ? defaultString : reader.GetString(1);
                    bs_cpn.Company_N_name      = reader.IsDBNull(2) ? defaultString : reader.GetString(2);
                    bs_cpn.Company_F_name      = reader.IsDBNull(3) ? defaultString : reader.GetString(3);
                    bs_cpn.Company_tax_id      = reader.IsDBNull(4) ? defaultString : reader.GetString(4);
                    bs_cpn.Company_tax_subcode = reader.IsDBNull(5) ? defaultString : reader.GetString(5);
                    bs_cpn.Company_address_no  = reader.IsDBNull(6) ? defaultString : reader.GetString(6);
                    bs_cpn.Company_vilage      = reader.IsDBNull(7) ? defaultString : reader.GetString(7);
                    bs_cpn.Company_vilage_no   = reader.IsDBNull(8) ? defaultString : reader.GetString(8);
                    bs_cpn.Company_alley       = reader.IsDBNull(9) ? defaultString : reader.GetString(9);
                    bs_cpn.Company_road        = reader.IsDBNull(10) ? defaultString : reader.GetString(10);
                    bs_cpn.Company_subdistrict = reader.IsDBNull(11) ? defaultString : reader.GetString(11);
                    bs_cpn.Company_district    = reader.IsDBNull(12) ? defaultString : reader.GetString(12);
                    bs_cpn.Company_province    = reader.IsDBNull(13) ? defaultString : reader.GetString(13);
                    bs_cpn.Company_country     = reader.IsDBNull(14) ? defaultString : reader.GetString(14);
                    bs_cpn.Company_zipcode     = reader.IsDBNull(15) ? defaultString : reader.GetString(15);
                    bs_cpn.Company_tel         = reader.IsDBNull(16) ? defaultString : reader.GetString(16);
                    bs_cpn.Company_Save_date   = reader.IsDBNull(17) ? defaultString : reader.GetString(17);
                    bs_cpn.Company_package     = reader.IsDBNull(18) ? defaultString : reader.GetString(18);


            catch (MySqlException ex)
                error = "MysqlException ==> Managers_Base --> Base_Companys_Manager --> getCompanys() ";
                Log_Error._writeErrorFile(error, ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                error = "Exception ==> Managers_Base --> Base_Companys_Manager --> getCompanys() ";
                Log_Error._writeErrorFile(error, ex);
        private void _loadLeasingDetails(string leasing_id, string idcard, string bill_no)
            cls = cls_mng.getCarLeasingById(leasing_id);

            Leasing_Date_TBx.Text = DateTimeUtility.convertDateToPageRealServer(cls.Leasing_date);
            Deps_No_TBx.Text      = cls.Deps_no;
            Leasing_No_TBx.Text   = cls.Leasing_no;

            Leasing_Comments_Lbl.Text = cls.Leasing_Comment;

            bs_cpn = bs_cpn_mng.getCompanysById(cls.bs_cpn.Company_id.ToString());

            Company_N_Name_TBx.Text = bs_cpn.Company_N_name;
            Company_F_Name_TBx.Text = bs_cpn.Company_F_name;

            bs_zn = bs_zn_mng.getZoneById(cls.bs_zn.Zone_id);

            Zone_Name_TBx.Text = bs_zn.Zone_code + " " + bs_zn.Zone_name;

            ctm = cls_ctm_mng.getCustomersLeasing(leasing_id, idcard);

            if (ctm != null)
                Customer_Name_TBx.Text   = ctm.Cust_Fname + " " + ctm.Cust_LName;
                Customer_Idcard_TBx.Text = ctm.Cust_Idcard.Length == 13 ? ctm.Cust_Idcard.Substring(0, 1) + "-" + ctm.Cust_Idcard.Substring(1, 4) + "-" + ctm.Cust_Idcard.Substring(5, 5) + "-" + ctm.Cust_Idcard.Substring(10, 2) + "-" + ctm.Cust_Idcard.Substring(12) : ctm.Cust_Idcard;
                //Customer_B_Date_TBx.Text = DateTimeUtility.convertDateToPage(ctm.Cust_B_date);
                //Customer_Age_TBx.Text = ctm.Cust_Age.ToString();

                Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_address_no) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_address_no;
                Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_vilage_no) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_vilage_no.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_vilage_no.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_vilage_no : "";
                Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_vilage) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_vilage.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_vilage.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_vilage : "";
                Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_alley) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_alley.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_alley.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_alley : "";
                Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_road) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_road.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_road.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_road : "";
                Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_subdistrict) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_subdistrict.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_subdistrict.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_subdistrict : "";
                Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_district) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_district.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_district.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_district : "";
                Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_province) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_province.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_province.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_province : "";

                Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_address_no) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_address_no;
                Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_vilage_no) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_vilage_no.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_vilage_no.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_vilage_no : "";
                Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_vilage) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_vilage.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_vilage.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_vilage : "";
                Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_alley) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_alley.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_alley.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_alley : "";
                Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_road) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_road.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_road.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_road : "";
                Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_subdistrict) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_subdistrict.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_subdistrict.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_subdistrict : "";
                Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_district) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_district.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_district.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_district : "";
                Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_province) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_province.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_province.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_province : "";

            Car_Type_TBx.Text = cls.Car_type;

            bs_cbrn = cbrn_mng.getCarBrandById(cls.bs_cbrn.car_brand_id);

            if (bs_cbrn != null)
                Car_Brand_TBx.Text = bs_cbrn.car_brand_name_th + " ( " + bs_cbrn.car_brand_name_eng + " )";

            Car_Plate_TBx.Text = cls.Car_license_plate + " " + cls.Car_license_plate_province;

            Car_Chassis_No_TBx.Text = cls.Car_chassis_no;
            Car_Engine_No_TBx.Text  = cls.Car_engine_no;

            cag_com = cag_mng.getAgentCommission("", leasing_id);

            Agent_Commission_TBx.Text = cag_com.Agent_commission.ToString("#,###.00");

            Finance_Cost_TBx.Text       = cls.Total_require.ToString("#,###.00");
            Finance_Value_TBx.Text      = cls.Total_sum.ToString("#,###.00");
            Leasing_Cost_TBx.Text       = cls.Total_Net_leasing.ToString("#,###.00");
            Period_Amount_TBx.Text      = cls.Total_period.ToString();
            Period_Payment_TBx.Text     = cls.Period_payment.ToString("#,###.00");
            Payment_Schedule_TBx.Text   = cls.Payment_schedule.ToString();
            Frist_Payment_Date_TBx.Text = DateTimeUtility.convertDateToPageRealServer(cls.First_payment_date);

            Bill_No_TBx.Text = bill_no;

            Period_fee_TBx.Text   = "0.00";
            Period_track_TBx.Text = "0.00";

            List <Car_Leasings_Payment> list_cls_pay = cls_pay_mng.getRealPaymentInfo(leasing_id);

            double total_payment_left = 0.00;
            double total_payment_fine = 0.00;

            double total_fee              = 0.00;
            double total_track            = 0.00;
            double total_real_payment     = 0.00;
            double total_rea_payment_fine = 0.00;
            double total_discount         = 0.00;

            for (int i = 0; i < list_cls_pay.Count; i++)
                Car_Leasings_Payment cls_pay = list_cls_pay[i];

                if (cls_pay.Bill_no == bill_no)
                    Payment_Date_TBx.Text = DateTimeUtility.convertDateToPageRealServer(cls_pay.Real_payment_date);

                    total_fee              += cls_pay.Period_fee;
                    total_track            += cls_pay.Period_track;
                    total_real_payment     += cls_pay.Real_payment;
                    total_rea_payment_fine += cls_pay.Real_payment_fine;
                    total_discount         += cls_pay.Discount;

                    total_payment_left = cls_pay.Total_payment_left;
                    total_payment_fine = cls_pay.Total_payment_fine;

                    Bill_No_Manual_Ref_TBx.Text = cls_pay.Bill_no_manual_ref;

                    Session["old_company"] = cls_pay.bs_cpn.Company_id;

            Total_payment_left_TBx.Text = total_payment_left.ToString("#,###.00");
            Total_payment_fine_TBx.Text = total_payment_fine.ToString("#,###.00");

            Old_Period_fee_TBx.Text        = total_fee.ToString("#,###.00");
            Old_Period_track_TBx.Text      = total_track.ToString("#,###.00");
            Old_Real_Payment_TBx.Text      = total_real_payment.ToString("#,###.00");
            Old_Real_Payment_Fine_TBx.Text = total_rea_payment_fine.ToString("#,###.00");
            Old_Real_Discount_TBx.Text     = total_discount.ToString("#,###.00");

            Session["list_cls_pay"] = list_cls_pay;

Пример #3
        ****************************************************                               Add Data Function                    ********************************************************
        ****************************************************                                                                    ********************************************************

        private void _EditAgent()
            Agents_Manager cag_mng = new Agents_Manager();
            Agents         cag     = new Agents();

            bool past_page = false;

            if (Session["chk_agent"] != null)
                Agents cag_tmp = (Agents)Session["chk_agent"];

                cag.Agent_id          = cag_mng.generateAgentID();
                cag.Agent_Fname       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_fname_TBx.Text) ? "" : Agent_fname_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Lname       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_lname_TBx.Text) ? "" : Agent_lname_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Idcard      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_idcard_TBx.Text) ? "" : Agent_idcard_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Address_no  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_address_no_TBx.Text) ? "" : Agent_address_no_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Vilage      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_vilage_TBx.Text) ? "บ.-" : "บ." + Agent_vilage_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Vilage_no   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_vilage_no_TBx.Text) ? "ม.-" : "ม." + Agent_vilage_no_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Alley       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_alley_TBx.Text) ? "ซ.-" : "ซ." + Agent_alley_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Road        = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_road_TBx.Text) ? "ถ.-" : "ถ." + Agent_road_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Subdistrict = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_subdistrict_TBx.Text) ? "ต.-" : "ต." + Agent_subdistrict_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_District    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_district_TBx.Text) ? "อ.-" : "อ." + Agent_district_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Province    = Agent_province_DDL.SelectedIndex <= 0 ? "จ.-" : "จ." + Agent_province_DDL.SelectedItem.Text;
                cag.Agent_Country     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_country_TBx.Text) ? "" : Agent_country_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Zipcode     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_zipcode_TBx.Text) ? "" : Agent_zipcode_TBx.Text;

                past_page = cag_mng.editAgent(cag);
                cag.Agent_id          = cag_mng.generateAgentID();
                cag.Agent_Fname       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_fname_TBx.Text) ? "" : Agent_fname_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Lname       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_lname_TBx.Text) ? "" : Agent_lname_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Idcard      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_idcard_TBx.Text) ? "" : Agent_idcard_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Address_no  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_address_no_TBx.Text) ? "" : Agent_address_no_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Vilage      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_vilage_TBx.Text) ? "บ.-" : "บ." + Agent_vilage_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Vilage_no   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_vilage_no_TBx.Text) ? "ม.-" : "ม." + Agent_vilage_no_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Alley       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_alley_TBx.Text) ? "ซ.-" : "ซ." + Agent_alley_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Road        = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_road_TBx.Text) ? "ถ.-" : "ถ." + Agent_road_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Subdistrict = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_subdistrict_TBx.Text) ? "ต.-" : "ต." + Agent_subdistrict_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_District    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_district_TBx.Text) ? "อ.-" : "อ." + Agent_district_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Province    = Agent_province_DDL.SelectedIndex <= 0 ? "จ.-" : "จ." + Agent_province_DDL.SelectedItem.Text;
                cag.Agent_Country     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_country_TBx.Text) ? "" : Agent_country_TBx.Text;
                cag.Agent_Zipcode     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Agent_zipcode_TBx.Text) ? "" : Agent_zipcode_TBx.Text;

                past_page = cag_mng.addAgent(cag);

            if (past_page)

                Alert_Success_Panel.Visible = true;

                /// Acticity Logs System

                package_login = (Base_Companys)Session["Package"];
                acc_lgn       = (Account_Login)Session["Login"];

                string message = Messages_Logs._messageLogsNormal(acc_lgn.Account_F_name, " แก้ไขข้อมูลนายหน้า ", acc_lgn.resu, package_login.Company_N_name);

                new Activity_Log_Manager().addActivityLogs(message, acc_lgn.Account_id, package_login.Company_id);

                /// Acticity Logs System
                Alert_Danger_Panel.Visible   = true;
                alert_header_danger_Lbl.Text = "แจ้งเตือน!!";
                alert_danger_Lbl.Text        = "กรุณาตรวจสอบ ข้อมูลอีกครั้ง";

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["Login"] == null || Session["Package"] == null)

            package_login = (Base_Companys)Session["Package"];
            acc_lgn       = (Account_Login)Session["Login"];

            /// แสดงสาขาทุกสาขา เฉพาะผู้เกี่ยวข้อง
            if (acc_lgn.acc_lv.level_access >= 5)
                Leasing_Code_Panel.Visible = true;
                Comapnys_Panel.Visible     = true;;
            else if (acc_lgn.acc_lv.level_access == 4)
                Leasing_Code_Panel.Visible = true;
                Comapnys_Panel.Visible     = false;
                Leasing_Code_Panel.Visible = false;
                Comapnys_Panel.Visible     = false;

            /// แสดงปุ่มการออกรายงาน เฉพาะผู้เกี่ยวข้อง
            if (acc_lgn.acc_lv.level_access >= 5)
                Export_Reported_mod_I_Btn.Visible  = true;
                Export_Reported_mod_II_Btn.Visible = true;
            else if (acc_lgn.acc_lv.level_access <= 4)
                Export_Reported_mod_I_Btn.Visible  = true;
                Export_Reported_mod_II_Btn.Visible = false;
                Export_Reported_mod_I_Btn.Visible  = false;
                Export_Reported_mod_II_Btn.Visible = false;

            if (!IsPostBack)

                /// Acticity Logs System

                string message = Messages_Logs._messageLogsNormal(acc_lgn.Account_F_name, " เข้าหน้าออกรายงานประจำปี ", acc_lgn.resu, package_login.Company_N_name);

                new Activity_Log_Manager().addActivityLogs(message, acc_lgn.Account_id, package_login.Company_id);

                /// Acticity Logs System
        protected void Save_Btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string[] code       = Request.Params["code"].Split('U');
            string   leasing_id = code[1];
            string   bill_no    = code[2];
            string   idcard     = (string)Session["ctm_leasing_payment"];

            cls = cls_mng.getCarLeasingById(leasing_id);

            double total_payment_left = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Total_payment_left_TBx.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Total_payment_left_TBx.Text);
            double period_fine        = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Total_payment_fine_TBx.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Total_payment_fine_TBx.Text);

            double old_period_fee   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Old_Period_fee_TBx.Text) ? 0.00 : Convert.ToDouble(Old_Period_fee_TBx.Text);
            double old_period_track = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Old_Period_track_TBx.Text) ? 0.00 : Convert.ToDouble(Old_Period_track_TBx.Text);
            double old_payment      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Old_Real_Payment_TBx.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Old_Real_Payment_TBx.Text);
            double old_payment_fine = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Old_Real_Payment_Fine_TBx.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Old_Real_Payment_Fine_TBx.Text);
            double old_discount     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Old_Real_Discount_TBx.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Old_Real_Discount_TBx.Text);

            double real_period_fee   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Period_fee_TBx.Text) ? 0.00 : Convert.ToDouble(Period_fee_TBx.Text);
            double real_period_track = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Period_track_TBx.Text) ? 0.00 : Convert.ToDouble(Period_track_TBx.Text);
            double real_payment      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Real_Payment_TBx.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Real_Payment_TBx.Text);
            double real_payment_fine = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Real_Payment_Fine_TBx.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Real_Payment_Fine_TBx.Text);
            double real_discount     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Real_Discount_TBx.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Real_Discount_TBx.Text);

            cls_pay.Leasing_id         = leasing_id;
            cls_pay.Period_fee         = real_period_fee;
            cls_pay.Period_track       = real_period_track;
            cls_pay.Total_payment_fine = real_payment_fine;
            cls_pay.Discount           = real_discount;
            cls_pay.Real_payment       = real_payment;
            cls_pay.Real_payment_date  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Payment_Date_TBx.Text) ? DateTimeUtility._dateNOWForServer() : DateTimeUtility.convertDateToMYSQL(Payment_Date_TBx.Text);
            cls_pay.Bill_no_manual_ref = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Bill_No_Manual_Ref_TBx.Text) ? "" : Bill_No_Manual_Ref_TBx.Text;

            Base_Companys package_login = new Base_Companys();
            Account_Login acc_lgn       = new Account_Login();

            package_login = (Base_Companys)Session["Package"];
            acc_lgn       = (Account_Login)Session["Login"];

            cls_pay.acc_lgn            = new Account_Login();
            cls_pay.acc_lgn.Account_id = acc_lgn.Account_id;

            cls_pay.bs_cpn            = new Base_Companys();
            cls_pay.bs_cpn.Company_id = (int)Session["old_company"];

            if (total_payment_left == 0)
                if (real_payment <= 0)
                    Note_Lbl.Text = "*** ระบุยอดชำระมากกว่า : 0.00 บาท ***";

                else if (real_payment > old_payment)
                    Note_Lbl.Text = "*** ยอดชำระเกินกว่ายอดเดิม :  " + old_payment.ToString("#,###.00") + " บาท ***";


                /* else if (period_fine == 0 && old_payment_fine != 0)
                 * {
                 *   Note_Lbl.Text = "*** ระบุยอดชำระค่าปรับ :  " + old_payment_fine.ToString("#,###.00") + " บาท ***";
                 *   Real_Payment_Fine_TBx.Focus();
                 * }*/
                else if (old_discount != 0)
                    Note_Lbl.Text = "*** ระบุยอดส่วนลด :  " + old_discount.ToString("#,###.00") + " บาท ***";

                    Note_Lbl.Text = "";

                    if (cls_pay_mng.editPayment(cls_pay, bill_no))
                        /// Acticity Logs System

                        string message = Messages_Logs._messageLogsNormal(acc_lgn.Account_F_name, " แก้ไขข้อมูลการจ่ายเงิน ในสัญญา : " + cls.Leasing_no + " เลขที่ฝาก : " + cls.Deps_no + " เลขที่ใบเสร็จ : " + bill_no + " จำนวนเงิน [ค่างวด] [ค่าปรับ] [ส่วนลด] : [" + real_payment + "] [" + period_fine + "] [" + real_discount + "] ", acc_lgn.resu, package_login.Company_N_name);

                        new Activity_Log_Manager().addActivityLogs(message, acc_lgn.Account_id, package_login.Company_id);

                        /// Acticity Logs System

                        string ogn_code = CryptographyCode.GenerateSHA512String(leasing_id);


                        Response.Redirect("/Form_Leasings/Leasing_Payment?code=" + CryptographyCode.EncodeTOAddressBar(ogn_code, leasing_id, idcard));
                        Alert_Danger_Panel.Visible   = true;
                        alert_header_danger_Lbl.Text = "แจ้งเตือน!!";
                        alert_danger_Lbl.Text        = "กรุณาตรวจสอบ ข้อมูลอีกครั้ง";

                if (real_payment <= 0)
                    Note_Lbl.Text = "*** ระบุยอดชำระมากกว่า : 0.00 บาท ***";


                /*else if(real_payment > total_payment_left && real_payment > 0)
                 * {
                 *  Note_Lbl.Text = "*** ยอดชำระเกินกว่ายอดคงค้าง :  " + total_payment_left.ToString("#,###.00") + " บาท ***";
                 *  Real_Payment_TBx.Focus();
                 * }*/
                else if (old_discount == 0 && real_discount != 0)
                    Note_Lbl.Text = "*** ไม่มียอดส่วนลดกรุณาใส่ 0 ในช่องส่วนลด ***";

                    Note_Lbl.Text = "";

                    if (cls_pay_mng.editPayment(cls_pay, bill_no))
                        /// Acticity Logs System

                        string message = Messages_Logs._messageLogsNormal(acc_lgn.Account_F_name, " แก้ไขข้อมูลการจ่ายเงิน ในสัญญา : " + cls.Leasing_no + " เลขที่ฝาก : " + cls.Deps_no + " เลขที่ใบเสร็จ : " + bill_no + " จำนวนเงิน [ค่างวด] [ค่าปรับ] [ส่วนลด] : [" + real_payment + "] [" + period_fine + "] [" + real_discount + "] ", acc_lgn.resu, package_login.Company_N_name);

                        new Activity_Log_Manager().addActivityLogs(message, acc_lgn.Account_id, package_login.Company_id);

                        /// Acticity Logs System

                        string ogn_code = CryptographyCode.GenerateSHA512String(leasing_id);


                        Response.Redirect("/Form_Leasings/Leasing_Payment?code=" + CryptographyCode.EncodeTOAddressBar(ogn_code, leasing_id, idcard));
                        Alert_Danger_Panel.Visible   = true;
                        alert_header_danger_Lbl.Text = "แจ้งเตือน!!";
                        alert_danger_Lbl.Text        = "กรุณาตรวจสอบ ข้อมูลอีกครั้ง";

        private void _loadReport()
            cls           = (Car_Leasings)Session["Leasings"];
            package_login = (Base_Companys)Session["Package"];
            acc_lgn       = (Account_Login)Session["Login"];

            MySqlConnection con_cls = MySQLConnection.connectionMySQL();
            MySqlConnection con_cpn = MySQLConnection.connectionMySQL();

                MySqlCommand cmd_cls = new MySqlCommand("rpt_leasings", con_cls);
                cmd_cls.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                cmd_cls.Parameters.AddWithValue("@i_Leasing_id", cls.Leasing_id);
                MySqlDataReader reader_cls = cmd_cls.ExecuteReader();

                MySqlCommand cmd_cpn = new MySqlCommand("rpt_withholding_tax", con_cpn);
                cmd_cpn.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                cmd_cpn.Parameters.AddWithValue("@i_Leasing_id", cls.Leasing_id);
                MySqlDataReader reader_cpn = cmd_cpn.ExecuteReader();

                Leasing_Ds ls_ds = new Leasing_Ds();

                Withholding_Tax rpt = new Withholding_Tax();

                CRV_Display_Report.ReportSource = rpt;

                /// Export Report to PDF File with Save As Mode
                /// rpt.ExportToHttpResponse(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, Response, true, "หนังสือรับรองหัก_ณ_ที่จ่าย_" + cls.Deps_no);
                /// Response.End();

            catch (MySqlException ex)
                error = "MysqlException ==> Car_Leasing_KH11 : Page --> _loadReport() ";
                Log_Error._writeErrorFile(error, ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                error = "Exception ==> Car_Leasing_KH11 : Page --> _loadReport() ";
                Log_Error._writeErrorFile(error, ex);


            /// Acticity Logs System

            string message = Messages_Logs._messageLogsNormal(acc_lgn.Account_F_name, " ออกรายงานลูกค้าคงเหลือ ", acc_lgn.resu, package_login.Company_N_name);

            new Activity_Log_Manager().addActivityLogs(message, acc_lgn.Account_id, package_login.Company_id);

            /// Acticity Logs System

        protected void Company_Name_DDl_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

            if (Company_Name_DDl.SelectedValue != "0")
                List <Base_Companys> list_data = new Base_Companys_Manager().getCompanysAddressForWebReport(Company_Name_DDl.SelectedValue);

                for (int i = 0; i < list_data.Count; i++)
                    Base_Companys data = list_data[i];

                    string address = "";

                    if (data.Company_tax_subcode == "000")
                        address += data.Company_address_no;
                        address += data.Company_vilage.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_vilage;
                        address += data.Company_vilage_no.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_vilage_no;
                        address += data.Company_alley.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_alley;
                        address += data.Company_road.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_road;
                        address += data.Company_subdistrict.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_subdistrict;
                        address += data.Company_district.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_district;
                        address += " จ." + data.Company_province;

                        Company_Address_TBx.Text = "สำนักงานใหญ่ : " + address;
                    else if (data.Company_tax_subcode == "001")
                        address += data.Company_address_no;
                        address += data.Company_vilage.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_vilage;
                        address += data.Company_vilage_no.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_vilage_no;
                        address += data.Company_alley.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_alley;
                        address += data.Company_road.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_road;
                        address += data.Company_subdistrict.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_subdistrict;
                        address += data.Company_district.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_district;
                        address += " จ." + data.Company_province;

                        SubCompany_Address_1_TBx.Text = data.Company_N_name + " : " + address;
                    else if (data.Company_tax_subcode == "002")
                        address += data.Company_address_no;
                        address += data.Company_vilage.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_vilage;
                        address += data.Company_vilage_no.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_vilage_no;
                        address += data.Company_alley.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_alley;
                        address += data.Company_road.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_road;
                        address += data.Company_subdistrict.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_subdistrict;
                        address += data.Company_district.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_district;
                        address += " จ." + data.Company_province;

                        SubCompany_Address_1_TBx.Text = data.Company_N_name + " : " + address;
                    else if (data.Company_tax_subcode == "003")
                        address += data.Company_address_no;
                        address += data.Company_vilage.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_vilage;
                        address += data.Company_vilage_no.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_vilage_no;
                        address += data.Company_alley.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_alley;
                        address += data.Company_road.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_road;
                        address += data.Company_subdistrict.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_subdistrict;
                        address += data.Company_district.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + data.Company_district;
                        address += " จ." + data.Company_province;

                        SubCompany_Address_1_TBx.Text = data.Company_N_name + " : " + address;
Пример #8
        protected void Payment_Btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string[] code       = Request.Params["code"].Split('U');
            string   leasing_id = code[1];
            string   idcard     = code[2];

            cls = cls_mng.getCarLeasingById(leasing_id);

            double real_payment       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Real_Payment_TBx.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Real_Payment_TBx.Text);
            double cal_payment        = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cal_Period_Payment_TBx.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Cal_Period_Payment_TBx.Text);
            double total_payment_left = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Total_payment_left_TBx.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Total_payment_left_TBx.Text);
            double period_fine        = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Total_payment_fine_TBx.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Total_payment_fine_TBx.Text);
            double real_payment_fine  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Real_Payment_Fine_TBx.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Real_Payment_Fine_TBx.Text);
            double discount           = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Discount_TBx.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Discount_TBx.Text);
            double real_discount      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Real_Discount_TBx.Text) ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(Real_Discount_TBx.Text);
            double sum_payment_left   = total_payment_left;

            cls_pay.Leasing_id         = leasing_id;
            cls_pay.Period_fee         = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Period_free_TBx.Text) ? 0.00 : Convert.ToDouble(Period_free_TBx.Text);
            cls_pay.Period_track       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Period_track_TBx.Text) ? 0.00 : Convert.ToDouble(Period_track_TBx.Text);
            cls_pay.Total_payment_fine = Convert.ToDouble(Real_Payment_Fine_TBx.Text);
            cls_pay.Discount           = Convert.ToDouble(Real_Discount_TBx.Text);
            cls_pay.Real_payment       = Convert.ToDouble(Real_Payment_TBx.Text);
            cls_pay.Real_payment_date  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Payment_Date_TBx.Text) ? DateTimeUtility._dateNOWForServer() : DateTimeUtility.convertDateToMYSQL(Payment_Date_TBx.Text);
            cls_pay.Bill_no_manual_ref = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Bill_No_Manual_Ref_TBx.Text) ? "" : Bill_No_Manual_Ref_TBx.Text;

            Base_Companys package_login = new Base_Companys();
            Account_Login acc_lgn       = new Account_Login();

            package_login = (Base_Companys)Session["Package"];
            acc_lgn       = (Account_Login)Session["Login"];

            cls_pay.acc_lgn            = new Account_Login();
            cls_pay.acc_lgn.Account_id = acc_lgn.Account_id;

            cls_pay.bs_cpn            = new Base_Companys();
            cls_pay.bs_cpn.Company_id = package_login.Company_id;

            bool past_page = false;

            if (Cal_Status_Lbl.Visible == false) /* กรณีจ่าค่างวดแบบธรรมดา */
                if (real_payment >= sum_payment_left)
                    if (real_payment <= 0)
                        Note_Lbl.Text = "*** ระบุยอดชำระมากกว่า : 0.00 บาท ***";


                    /*else if (period_fine > 0 && real_payment_fine != period_fine)
                     * {
                     *  Note_Lbl.Text = "*** มียอดค่าปรับค้างชำระจำนวน :  " + period_fine.ToString("#,###.00") + " บาท ***";
                     *  Real_Payment_Fine_TBx.Focus();
                     * }
                     * else if (period_fine == 0 && real_payment_fine != period_fine)
                     * {
                     *  Note_Lbl.Text = "*** ไม่มียอดค่าปรับค้างชำระกรุณาใส่ 0 ในช่องชำระค่าปรับ ***";
                     *  Real_Payment_Fine_TBx.Focus();
                     * }*/
                    else if (discount == 0 && real_discount != 0)
                        Note_Lbl.Text = "*** ไม่มียอดส่วนลดกรุณาใส่ 0 ในช่องส่วนลด ***";

                    else if (real_payment > sum_payment_left)
                        Note_Lbl.Text = "*** ยอดปิดบัญชีจำนวน : " + sum_payment_left.ToString("#,###.00") + " บาท ***";
                        Note_Lbl.Text = "";

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Bill_No_Manual_Ref_TBx.Text))
                            past_page = cls_pay_mng.addPayment_Mod_III(cls_pay, 1);
                            past_page = cls_pay_mng.addPayment(cls_pay, 1);

                        if (past_page)
                            /// Acticity Logs System

                            string message = Messages_Logs._messageLogsNormal(acc_lgn.Account_F_name, " บันทึกข้อมูลการจ่ายเงิน ในสัญญา : " + cls.Leasing_no + " เลขที่ฝาก : " + cls.Deps_no + " จำนวนเงิน [ค่างวด] [ค่าปรับ] [ส่วนลด] : [" + real_payment + "] [" + period_fine + "] [" + real_discount + "] ", acc_lgn.resu, package_login.Company_N_name);

                            new Activity_Log_Manager().addActivityLogs(message, acc_lgn.Account_id, package_login.Company_id);

                            /// Acticity Logs System

                            Alert_Danger_Panel.Visible   = true;
                            alert_header_danger_Lbl.Text = "แจ้งเตือน!!";
                            alert_danger_Lbl.Text        = "กรุณาตรวจสอบ ข้อมูลอีกครั้ง";

                    if (real_payment <= 0)
                        Note_Lbl.Text = "*** ระบุยอดชำระมากกว่า : 0.00 บาท ***";


                    /*else if (period_fine > 0 && real_payment_fine > period_fine)
                     * {
                     *  Note_Lbl.Text = "*** มียอดค่าปรับค้างชำระจำนวน :  " + period_fine.ToString("#,###.00") + " บาท ***";
                     *  Real_Payment_Fine_TBx.Focus();
                     * }
                     * else if (period_fine == 0 && real_payment_fine != period_fine)
                     * {
                     *  Note_Lbl.Text = "*** ไม่มียอดค่าปรับค้างชำระกรุณาใส่ 0 ในช่องชำระค่าปรับ ***";
                     *  Real_Payment_Fine_TBx.Focus();
                     * }*/
                    else if (discount == 0 && real_discount != 0)
                        Note_Lbl.Text = "*** ไม่มียอดส่วนลดกรุณาใส่ 0 ในช่องส่วนลด ***";

                        Note_Lbl.Text = "";

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Bill_No_Manual_Ref_TBx.Text))
                            past_page = cls_pay_mng.addPayment_Mod_III(cls_pay, 1);
                            past_page = cls_pay_mng.addPayment(cls_pay, 1);

                        if (past_page)
                            /// Acticity Logs System

                            string message = Messages_Logs._messageLogsNormal(acc_lgn.Account_F_name, " บันทึกข้อมูลการจ่ายเงิน ในสัญญา : " + cls.Leasing_no + " เลขที่ฝาก : " + cls.Deps_no + " จำนวนเงิน [ค่างวด] [ค่าปรับ] [ส่วนลด] : [" + real_payment + "] [" + period_fine + "] [" + real_discount + "] ", acc_lgn.resu, package_login.Company_N_name);

                            new Activity_Log_Manager().addActivityLogs(message, acc_lgn.Account_id, package_login.Company_id);

                            /// Acticity Logs System

                            Alert_Danger_Panel.Visible   = true;
                            alert_header_danger_Lbl.Text = "แจ้งเตือน!!";
                            alert_danger_Lbl.Text        = "กรุณาตรวจสอบ ข้อมูลอีกครั้ง";


                _loadLeasingDetails(leasing_id, idcard);
            else /* กรณีปิดบัญชี และมีส่วนลด */
                if (real_payment != cal_payment)
                    Note_Lbl.Text = "*** ไม่สามารถปิดบัญชีได้ เนื่องจาก ยอดชำระไม่ตรงกับที่ระบบคำนวนได้  " + cal_payment.ToString("#,###.00") + " บาท ***";

                /*else if (period_fine > 0 && real_payment_fine != period_fine)
                 * {
                 *  Note_Lbl.Text = "*** มียอดค่าปรับค้างชำระจำนวน :  " + period_fine.ToString("#,###.00") + " บาท ***";
                 *  Real_Payment_Fine_TBx.Focus();
                 * }
                 * else if (period_fine == 0 && real_payment_fine != period_fine)
                 * {
                 *  Note_Lbl.Text = "*** ไม่มียอดค่าปรับค้างชำระกรุณาใส่ 0 ในช่องชำระค่าปรับ ***";
                 *  Real_Payment_Fine_TBx.Focus();
                 * }
                 * else if (discount == 0 && real_discount != discount)
                 * {
                 *  Note_Lbl.Text = "*** ไม่มียอดส่วนลดกรุณาใส่ 0 ในช่องส่วนลด ***";
                 *  Real_Payment_Fine_TBx.Focus();
                 * }
                 * else if (discount > 0 && real_discount != discount)
                 * {
                 *  Note_Lbl.Text = "*** กรุณมระบุยอดส่วนลดจำนวน :  " + discount.ToString("#,###.00") + " บาท ***";
                 *  Real_Discount_TBx.Focus();
                 * }*/
                    Note_Lbl.Text = "";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Bill_No_Manual_Ref_TBx.Text))
                        past_page = cls_pay_mng.addPayment_Mod_III(cls_pay, 2);
                        past_page = cls_pay_mng.addPayment(cls_pay, 2);

                    if (past_page)
                        /// Acticity Logs System

                        string message = Messages_Logs._messageLogsNormal(acc_lgn.Account_F_name, " บันทึกข้อมูลการจ่ายเงินแบบคำนวนการปิดบัญชี ในสัญญา : " + cls.Leasing_no + " เลขที่ฝาก : " + cls.Deps_no + " จำนวนเงิน [ค่างวด] [ค่าปรับ] [ส่วนลด] : [" + real_payment + "] [" + period_fine + "] [" + real_discount + "] ", acc_lgn.resu, package_login.Company_N_name);

                        new Activity_Log_Manager().addActivityLogs(message, acc_lgn.Account_id, package_login.Company_id);

                        /// Acticity Logs System


                        _loadLeasingDetails(leasing_id, idcard);
                        Alert_Danger_Panel.Visible   = true;
                        alert_header_danger_Lbl.Text = "แจ้งเตือน!!";
                        alert_danger_Lbl.Text        = "กรุณาตรวจสอบ ข้อมูลอีกครั้ง";

Пример #9
        private void _loadLeasingDetails(string leasing_id, string idcard)
            cls = cls_mng.getCarLeasingById(leasing_id);

            Leasing_Comments_Lbl.Text = cls.Leasing_Comment;

            if (cls.Total_payment_left == 0)
                Close_Leasing_Lbl.Visible = true;
                Cal_Status_Lbl.Visible    = false;

                Payment_Btn.Visible = false;
                Calculate_Close_Leasing_Btn.Visible = false;
                Back_Before_Page_Btn.Visible        = false;

                Leasing_Date_TBx.Text = DateTimeUtility.convertDateToPageRealServer(cls.Leasing_date);

                Deps_No_TBx.Text    = cls.Deps_no;
                Leasing_No_TBx.Text = cls.Leasing_no;

                bs_cpn = bs_cpn_mng.getCompanysById(cls.bs_cpn.Company_id.ToString());

                Company_N_Name_TBx.Text = bs_cpn.Company_N_name;
                Company_F_Name_TBx.Text = bs_cpn.Company_F_name;

                bs_zn = bs_zn_mng.getZoneById(cls.bs_zn.Zone_id);

                Zone_Name_TBx.Text = bs_zn.Zone_code + " " + bs_zn.Zone_name;

                ctm = cls_ctm_mng.getCustomersLeasing(leasing_id, idcard);

                if (ctm != null)
                    Customer_Name_TBx.Text   = ctm.Cust_Fname + " " + ctm.Cust_LName;
                    Customer_Idcard_TBx.Text = ctm.Cust_Idcard.Length == 13 ? ctm.Cust_Idcard.Substring(0, 1) + "-" + ctm.Cust_Idcard.Substring(1, 4) + "-" + ctm.Cust_Idcard.Substring(5, 5) + "-" + ctm.Cust_Idcard.Substring(10, 2) + "-" + ctm.Cust_Idcard.Substring(12) : ctm.Cust_Idcard;
                    //Customer_B_Date_TBx.Text = DateTimeUtility.convertDateToPage(ctm.Cust_B_date);
                    //Customer_Age_TBx.Text = ctm.Cust_Age.ToString();

                    Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_address_no) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_address_no;
                    Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_vilage_no) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_vilage_no.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_vilage_no.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_vilage_no : "";
                    Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_vilage) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_vilage.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_vilage.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_vilage : "";
                    Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_alley) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_alley.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_alley.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_alley : "";
                    Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_road) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_road.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_road.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_road : "";
                    Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_subdistrict) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_subdistrict.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_subdistrict.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_subdistrict : "";
                    Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_district) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_district.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_district.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_district : "";
                    Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_province) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_province.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_province.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_province : "";

                    Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_address_no) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_address_no;
                    Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_vilage_no) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_vilage_no.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_vilage_no.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_vilage_no : "";
                    Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_vilage) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_vilage.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_vilage.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_vilage : "";
                    Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_alley) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_alley.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_alley.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_alley : "";
                    Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_road) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_road.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_road.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_road : "";
                    Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_subdistrict) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_subdistrict.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_subdistrict.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_subdistrict : "";
                    Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_district) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_district.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_district.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_district : "";
                    Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_province) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_province.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_province.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_province : "";

                Car_Type_TBx.Text = cls.Car_type;

                bs_cbrn = cbrn_mng.getCarBrandById(cls.bs_cbrn.car_brand_id);

                if (bs_cbrn != null)
                    Car_Brand_TBx.Text = bs_cbrn.car_brand_name_th + " ( " + bs_cbrn.car_brand_name_eng + " )";

                Car_Plate_TBx.Text = cls.Car_license_plate + " " + cls.Car_license_plate_province;

                Car_Chassis_No_TBx.Text = cls.Car_chassis_no;
                Car_Engine_No_TBx.Text  = cls.Car_engine_no;

                cag_com = cag_mng.getAgentCommission("", leasing_id);

                Agent_Commission_TBx.Text = cag_com.Agent_commission.ToString("#,###.00");

                Finance_Cost_TBx.Text       = cls.Total_require.ToString("#,###.00");
                Finance_Value_TBx.Text      = cls.Total_sum.ToString("#,###.00");
                Leasing_Cost_TBx.Text       = cls.Total_Net_leasing.ToString("#,###.00");
                Period_Amount_TBx.Text      = cls.Total_period.ToString();
                Period_Payment_TBx.Text     = cls.Period_payment.ToString("#,###.00");
                Payment_Schedule_TBx.Text   = cls.Payment_schedule.ToString();
                Frist_Payment_Date_TBx.Text = DateTimeUtility.convertDateToPageRealServer(cls.First_payment_date);

                Payment_Date_TBx.Enabled = false;

                List <Car_Leasings_Payment> list_cls_pay = cls_pay_mng.getRealPaymentInfo(leasing_id);

                Session["list_cls_pay"] = list_cls_pay;

                Period_free_TBx.Enabled  = false;
                Period_track_TBx.Enabled = false;

                Real_Payment_TBx.Enabled      = false;
                Real_Payment_Fine_TBx.Enabled = false;
                Real_Discount_TBx.Enabled     = false;

                Payment_Date_TBx.Text = "";

                Period_No_TBx.Text            = "";
                Total_Payment_Period_TBx.Text = "";
                Total_payment_left_TBx.Text   = "";
                Period_free_TBx.Text          = "";
                Period_track_TBx.Text         = "";
                Discount_TBx.Text             = "";

                Total_payment_fine_TBx.Text = "";

                Total_period_left_TBx.Text  = "";
                Period_fine_TBx.Text        = "";
                Cal_Period_Payment_TBx.Text = "";
                Leasing_Date_TBx.Text = DateTimeUtility.convertDateToPageRealServer(cls.Leasing_date);
                Deps_No_TBx.Text      = cls.Deps_no;
                Leasing_No_TBx.Text   = cls.Leasing_no;

                bs_cpn = bs_cpn_mng.getCompanysById(cls.bs_cpn.Company_id.ToString());

                Company_N_Name_TBx.Text = bs_cpn.Company_N_name;
                Company_F_Name_TBx.Text = bs_cpn.Company_F_name;

                bs_zn = bs_zn_mng.getZoneById(cls.bs_zn.Zone_id);

                Zone_Name_TBx.Text = bs_zn.Zone_code + " " + bs_zn.Zone_name;

                ctm = cls_ctm_mng.getCustomersLeasing(leasing_id, idcard);

                if (ctm != null)
                    Customer_Name_TBx.Text   = ctm.Cust_Fname + " " + ctm.Cust_LName;
                    Customer_Idcard_TBx.Text = ctm.Cust_Idcard.Length == 13 ? ctm.Cust_Idcard.Substring(0, 1) + "-" + ctm.Cust_Idcard.Substring(1, 4) + "-" + ctm.Cust_Idcard.Substring(5, 5) + "-" + ctm.Cust_Idcard.Substring(10, 2) + "-" + ctm.Cust_Idcard.Substring(12) : ctm.Cust_Idcard;
                    //Customer_B_Date_TBx.Text = DateTimeUtility.convertDateToPage(ctm.Cust_B_date);
                    //Customer_Age_TBx.Text = ctm.Cust_Age.ToString();

                    Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_address_no) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_address_no;
                    Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_vilage_no) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_vilage_no.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_vilage_no.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_vilage_no : "";
                    Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_vilage) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_vilage.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_vilage.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_vilage : "";
                    Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_alley) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_alley.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_alley.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_alley : "";
                    Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_road) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_road.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_road.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_road : "";
                    Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_subdistrict) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_subdistrict.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_subdistrict.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_subdistrict : "";
                    Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_district) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_district.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_district.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_district : "";
                    Customer_H_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Home_province) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Home_province.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Home_province.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Home_province : "";

                    Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_address_no) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_address_no;
                    Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_vilage_no) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_vilage_no.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_vilage_no.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_vilage_no : "";
                    Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_vilage) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_vilage.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_vilage.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_vilage : "";
                    Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_alley) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_alley.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_alley.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_alley : "";
                    Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_road) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_road.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_road.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_road : "";
                    Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_subdistrict) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_subdistrict.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_subdistrict.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_subdistrict : "";
                    Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_district) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_district.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_district.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_district : "";
                    Customer_C_Address_TBx.Text += string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctm.Cust_Current_province) ? "" : ctm.Cust_Current_province.IndexOf('.') >= 1 ? ctm.Cust_Current_province.Split('.')[1] == "-" ? "" : " " + ctm.Cust_Current_province : "";

                Car_Type_TBx.Text = cls.Car_type;

                bs_cbrn = cbrn_mng.getCarBrandById(cls.bs_cbrn.car_brand_id);

                if (bs_cbrn != null)
                    Car_Brand_TBx.Text = bs_cbrn.car_brand_name_th + " ( " + bs_cbrn.car_brand_name_eng + " )";

                Car_Plate_TBx.Text = cls.Car_license_plate + " " + cls.Car_license_plate_province;

                Car_Chassis_No_TBx.Text = cls.Car_chassis_no;
                Car_Engine_No_TBx.Text  = cls.Car_engine_no;

                cag_com = cag_mng.getAgentCommission("", leasing_id);

                Agent_Commission_TBx.Text = cag_com.Agent_commission.ToString("#,###.00");

                Finance_Cost_TBx.Text       = cls.Total_require.ToString("#,###.00");
                Finance_Value_TBx.Text      = cls.Total_sum.ToString("#,###.00");
                Leasing_Cost_TBx.Text       = cls.Total_Net_leasing.ToString("#,###.00");
                Period_Amount_TBx.Text      = cls.Total_period.ToString();
                Period_Payment_TBx.Text     = cls.Period_payment.ToString("#,###.00");
                Payment_Schedule_TBx.Text   = cls.Payment_schedule.ToString();
                Frist_Payment_Date_TBx.Text = DateTimeUtility.convertDateToPageRealServer(cls.First_payment_date);

                Payment_Date_TBx.Text = DateTimeUtility.convertDateToPageRealServer(DateTime.Now.ToString());

                Period_No_TBx.Text            = cls.Total_period_length;
                Total_Payment_Period_TBx.Text = cls.Total_period_lose == 0 ? "1" : cls.Total_period_lose.ToString();
                Total_payment_left_TBx.Text   = cls.Total_payment_left.ToString("#,###.00");
                Period_free_TBx.Text          = "0.00";
                Period_track_TBx.Text         = "0.00";
                Discount_TBx.Text             = "0.00";

                List <Car_Leasings_Payment> list_cls_pay = cls_pay_mng.getRealPaymentInfo(leasing_id);

                double total_lost         = 0.00;
                double total_payment_fine = 0.00;
                double payment_fine       = 0.00;
                double real_payment_fine  = 0.00;
                double real_payment       = 0.00;
                double next_period_no     = 1;
                double duplicate_period   = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < list_cls_pay.Count; i++)
                    Car_Leasings_Payment cls_pay = list_cls_pay[i];

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cls.Total_period_length))
                        total_lost         = cls_pay.Period_current;
                        Period_No_TBx.Text = next_period_no.ToString();
                        int period_str = Convert.ToInt32(cls.Total_period_length.Split('-')[0].Trim());
                        int period_end = Convert.ToInt32(cls.Total_period_length.Split('-')[1].Trim());

                        if (cls_pay.Period_no >= period_str && cls_pay.Period_no <= period_end && cls_pay.Period_no != duplicate_period)
                            total_lost += cls_pay.Period_current;

                    if (cls_pay.Period_fine > 0 && cls_pay.Period_no != duplicate_period)
                        payment_fine += cls_pay.Period_fine;

                    if (cls_pay.Real_payment_fine > 0)
                        real_payment_fine += cls_pay.Real_payment_fine;

                    if (cls_pay.Real_payment > 0 && cls_pay.Period_payment_status != 9)
                        real_payment += cls_pay.Real_payment;

                    if (cls_pay.Period_payment_status == 9 && cls_pay.Period_no != duplicate_period)
                        next_period_no += 1;

                    duplicate_period = cls_pay.Period_no;

                total_payment_fine = payment_fine - real_payment_fine;

                Total_payment_fine_TBx.Text = total_payment_fine > 0 ? total_payment_fine.ToString("#,###.00") : "0.00";

                Total_period_left_TBx.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(cls.Total_period_length) ? "0.00" : (total_lost - real_payment).ToString("#,###.00");

                Period_fine_TBx.Text = total_payment_fine < 0 ? "0.00" : total_payment_fine.ToString("#,###.00");

                Cal_Period_Payment_TBx.Text = (total_lost - real_payment).ToString("#,###.00");

                Session["list_cls_pay"] = list_cls_pay;

Пример #10
        private void _loadReport_mod_I()
            string year = (string)Session["year"];
            string Company_id_inline   = (string)Session["Company_id_inline_rpt"];
            string leasing_Code_inline = (string)Session["leasing_Code_inline_rpt"];
            string zone_id_inline      = (string)Session["zone_id_inline_rpt"];

            string report_header = "รายงานการชำระเงิน 1 ประจำปี " + (Convert.ToInt32(year) + 543);

            package_login = (Base_Companys)Session["Package"];
            acc_lgn       = (Account_Login)Session["Login"];

            MySqlConnection con = MySQLConnection.connectionMySQL();

                MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("rpt_real_payment_yearly", con);
                cmd.CommandType    = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                cmd.CommandTimeout = 0;

                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@i_year", year);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@i_Leasing_code_id", leasing_Code_inline);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@i_Company_id", Company_id_inline);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@i_Zone_id", zone_id_inline);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@i_row_str", 0);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@i_row_limit", 0);

                MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                Leasing_Ds ls_ds = new Leasing_Ds();

                Payment_Summary_Yearly_mod_I_001 rpt = new Payment_Summary_Yearly_mod_I_001();
                rpt.SetParameterValue("Reported_By_User", "ออกโดย : " + acc_lgn.Account_F_name);
                rpt.SetParameterValue("Reported_Print_Date", "วันที่พิมพ์ : " + DateTimeUtility.convertDateTimeToPage(DateTimeUtility._dateTimeNOWForServer()));
                rpt.SetParameterValue("Report_Header", report_header);

                CRV_Display_Report.ReportSource = rpt;

                /// Export Report to PDF File with Save As Mode
                /// rpt.ExportToHttpResponse(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, Response, true, "หน้าการ์ด_" + cls.Deps_no);
                /// Response.End();

            catch (MySqlException ex)
                error = "MysqlException ==> Payment_Summary_Yearly_Export --> _loadReport_mod_I() ";
                Log_Error._writeErrorFile(error, ex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                error = "Exception ==> Payment_Summary_Yearly_Export --> _loadReport_mod_I() ";
                Log_Error._writeErrorFile(error, ex);

            /// Acticity Logs System

            string message = Messages_Logs._messageLogsNormal(acc_lgn.Account_F_name, " ออก" + report_header, acc_lgn.resu, package_login.Company_N_name);

            new Activity_Log_Manager().addActivityLogs(message, acc_lgn.Account_id, package_login.Company_id);

            /// Acticity Logs System
