// This method connects to the given IP address private void InitializeConnection() { txtInfo.Text = "Connecting..."; this._ipAddress = txtIPAddress.Text; if (this.rbtConnectionModbus.Checked) // If 'Modbus/Tcp' is selected: { // Creating objects of ModbusTcpConnection and WTXModbus: ModbusTcpConnection _modbusConnection = new ModbusTcpConnection(this._ipAddress); _wtxDevice = new WtxModbus(_modbusConnection, this._timerInterval); } else { if (this.rbtConnectionJet.Checked) // If 'JetBus' is selected: { // Creating objects of JetBusConnection and WTXJet: JetBusConnection _jetConnection = new JetBusConnection(_ipAddress, "Administrator", "wtx"); _wtxDevice = new WtxJet(_jetConnection); } } // Connection establishment via Modbus or Jetbus : try { _wtxDevice.Connect(); } catch (Exception) { txtInfo.Text = MESSAGE_CONNECTION_FAILED; } if (_wtxDevice.isConnected == true) { if (this.rbtConnectionJet.Checked) { picConnectionType.Image = WTXGUIsimple.Properties.Resources.jet_symbol; } if (this.rbtConnectionModbus.Checked) { picConnectionType.Image = WTXGUIsimple.Properties.Resources.modbus_symbol; } picNE107.Image = WTXGUIsimple.Properties.Resources.NE107_DiagnosisActive; _wtxDevice.DataUpdateEvent += Update; this.Update(this, null); } else { picNE107.Image = WTXGUIsimple.Properties.Resources.NE107_DiagnosisPassive; txtInfo.Text = MESSAGE_CONNECTION_FAILED; } }
// This method connects to the given IP address private static void InitializeConnection() { if (mode == "Modbus" || mode == "modbus") // If 'Modbus/Tcp' is selected: { // Creating objects of ModbusTcpConnection and WTXModbus: ModbusTcpConnection _modbusConection = new ModbusTcpConnection(_ipAddress); _wtxDevice = new WtxModbus(_modbusConection, _timerInterval); _wtxDevice.getConnection.NumofPoints = 6; } else { if (mode == "Jet" || mode == "jet" || mode == "Jetbus" || mode == "jetbus") // If 'JetBus' is selected: { // Creating objects of JetBusConnection and WTXJet: JetBusConnection _jetConnection = new JetBusConnection(_ipAddress, "Administrator", "wtx"); _wtxDevice = new WtxJet(_jetConnection); } } // Connection establishment via Modbus or Jetbus : try { _wtxDevice.Connect(); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine(MESSAGE_CONNECTION_FAILED); } if (_wtxDevice.getConnection.IsConnected == true) { // Coupling the data via an event-based call - If the event in class WTX120_Modbus is triggered, the values are updated on the console: Already done in main for presentation. //_wtxDevice.DataUpdateEvent += Update; Update(null, null); Console.WriteLine("\nThe connection has been established successfully.\nThe values of the WTX device are printed on the console ... :"); WTXModbusExamples.Properties.Settings.Default.IPaddress = _ipAddress; WTXModbusExamples.Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } else { Console.WriteLine(MESSAGE_CONNECTION_FAILED); Console.WriteLine("\nFailure : The connection has not been established successfully.\nPlease enter a correct IP Adress for the connection establishment..."); _ipAddress = Console.ReadLine(); } } // End method Connect()