public static MyAccountViewModel Load(BaseViewModel parent)
            MainWindowViewModel windowViewModel = parent.FindAncestor <MainWindowViewModel>();

            if (windowViewModel == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Could not find MainWindowViewModel ancestor");

            if (windowViewModel.CurrentAccount == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("There's no current account.");

            return(new MyAccountViewModel(parent)
                CurrentAccount = windowViewModel.CurrentAccount,
                _rememberUsername = windowViewModel.CurrentAccount.RememberUsername,
                _rememberPassword = windowViewModel.CurrentAccount.RememberPassword,
                _autoLogin = windowViewModel.CurrentAccount.AutoLogin
Пример #2
        public static async void EmailDeveloper(BaseViewModel current)
                string accountInfo = "";
                var    mainScreen  = current is MainScreenViewModel ? current as MainScreenViewModel : current.FindAncestor <MainScreenViewModel>();
                if (mainScreen != null && mainScreen.CurrentAccount != null)
                    accountInfo = " - " + mainScreen.CurrentAccount.GetTelemetryUserId() + " - " + mainScreen.CurrentAccount.DeviceId;

                await Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("mailto:[email protected]&subject=Power Planner for Win 10 - Contact Developer - " + Variables.VERSION + accountInfo));

            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #3
        public static void EmailDeveloper(Context context, BaseViewModel current)
            string accountInfo = "";
            var    mainScreen  = current is MainScreenViewModel ? current as MainScreenViewModel : current.FindAncestor <MainScreenViewModel>();

            if (mainScreen != null && mainScreen.CurrentAccount != null)
                accountInfo = " - " + mainScreen.CurrentAccount.GetTelemetryUserId() + " - " + mainScreen.CurrentAccount.DeviceId;

            var    _version    = PowerPlannerAppDataLibrary.Variables.VERSION.ToString();
            Intent emailIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionSendto);

            emailIntent.SetData(Android.Net.Uri.Parse("mailto:")); // Sendto and mailto ensures only email apps are shown
            emailIntent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraEmail, new string[] { "*****@*****.**" });
            emailIntent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraSubject, "Power Planner Droid - Contact Developer - " + _version + accountInfo);

            // Note that we're not including body text, since when sending from Outlook, it trims the leading newlines leaving no space for user to write.
            //emailIntent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraText, "\n\nPower Planner Droid - Version " + _version + accountInfo);

                context.StartActivity(Intent.CreateChooser(emailIntent, "Send email"));

                Toast.MakeText(context, "You need to set up your email.", ToastLength.Short);
Пример #4
        public static AddTaskOrEventViewModel CreateForEdit(BaseViewModel parent, EditParameter editParams)
            var account = parent.FindAncestor <MainWindowViewModel>()?.CurrentAccount;

            if (account == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("CurrentAccount was null");
            ViewItemClass   c    = editParams.Item.Class;
            TaskOrEventType type = editParams.Item.Type;

            if (c == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Class of the item was null. Item id " + editParams.Item.Identifier);

            if (c.Semester == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Semester of the class was null. Item id " + editParams.Item.Identifier);

            if (c.Semester.Classes == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Classes of the semester was null. Item id " + editParams.Item.Identifier);

            var model = new AddTaskOrEventViewModel(parent)
                Account               = account,
                State                 = OperationState.Editing,
                EditParams            = editParams,
                Name                  = editParams.Item.Name,
                Classes               = GetClassesWithNoClassClass(c.Semester.Classes),
                Date                  = editParams.Item.DateInSchoolTime.Date,
                Details               = editParams.Item.Details,
                Type                  = type,
                ImageNames            = editParams.Item.ImageNames.ToArray(),
                IsInDifferentTimeZone = parent.FindAncestorOrSelf <MainScreenViewModel>().CurrentAccount.IsInDifferentTimeZone,
                Class                 = c // Assign class last, since it also assigns weight categories

            // Assign existing image attachments
            model.ImageAttachments = new ObservableCollection <BaseEditingImageAttachmentViewModel>(editParams.Item.ImageNames.Select(i => new EditingExistingImageAttachmentViewModel(model, i)));

            switch (editParams.Item.GetActualTimeOption())
            case DataItemMegaItem.TimeOptions.AllDay:
                model.SelectedTimeOption = model.TimeOption_AllDay;

            case DataItemMegaItem.TimeOptions.BeforeClass:
                model.SelectedTimeOption = model.TimeOption_BeforeClass;

            case DataItemMegaItem.TimeOptions.Custom:
                model._startTime         = new TimeSpan(editParams.Item.DateInSchoolTime.Hour, editParams.Item.DateInSchoolTime.Minute, 0);
                model._endTime           = editParams.Item.EndTimeInSchoolTime.TimeOfDay;
                model.SelectedTimeOption = model.TimeOption_Custom;

            case DataItemMegaItem.TimeOptions.DuringClass:
                model.SelectedTimeOption = model.TimeOption_DuringClass;

            case DataItemMegaItem.TimeOptions.EndOfClass:
                model.SelectedTimeOption = model.TimeOption_EndOfClass;

            case DataItemMegaItem.TimeOptions.StartOfClass:
                model.SelectedTimeOption = model.TimeOption_StartOfClass;

            // We don't want to consider setting the initial time option as the user configuring the time option
            model._userChangedSelectedTimeOption = false;

Пример #5
        public static AddTaskOrEventViewModel CreateForAdd(BaseViewModel parent, AddParameter addParams)
            AccountDataItem account = parent.FindAncestor <MainWindowViewModel>()?.CurrentAccount;

            if (account == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("CurrentAccount was null");

            if (addParams.Classes.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No classes");

            bool     intelligentlyPickDate = true;
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            IList <ViewItemClass> classes = GetClassesWithNoClassClass(addParams.Classes);

            ViewItemClass c = addParams.SelectedClass;

            if (c == null)
                if (addParams.Type == TaskOrEventType.Task || addParams.Type == TaskOrEventType.Event)
                    var prevClassIdentifier = NavigationManager.GetPreviousAddItemClass();
                    if (prevClassIdentifier != null)
                        // Remember user's selection
                        c = classes.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Identifier == prevClassIdentifier);

                    if (c == null)
                        // If date is specified
                        if (addParams.DueDate != null)
                            // If today
                            if (addParams.DueDate.Value.Date == now.Date)
                                // Pick currently going on class
                                c = PowerPlannerApp.GetClosestClassBasedOnSchedule(now, account, addParams.Classes);

                            // If there wasn't a class going on (or wasn't today), pick first class on that day
                            if (c == null)
                                c = PowerPlannerApp.GetFirstClassOnDay(addParams.DueDate.Value, account, addParams.Classes);

                        // Otherwise
                            // Intelligently pick based on schedule
                            c = PowerPlannerApp.GetClosestClassBasedOnSchedule(now, account, addParams.Classes);

                    if (c == null)
                        // If there wasn't a class and we're just doing the dummy pick first,
                        // don't intelligently pick class date
                        intelligentlyPickDate = false;
                        c = classes.First();
                    // Tasks don't have classes
                    intelligentlyPickDate = false;

            DateTime date;

            if (addParams.DueDate != null)
                date = addParams.DueDate.Value;
                var prevDate = NavigationManager.GetPreviousAddItemDate();
                if (prevDate != null)
                    date = prevDate.Value;
                    DateTime?nextClassDate = null;

                    if (intelligentlyPickDate)
                        nextClassDate = PowerPlannerApp.GetNextClassDate(account, c);

                    if (nextClassDate != null)
                        date = nextClassDate.Value;
                        date = DateTime.Today;

            return(new AddTaskOrEventViewModel(parent)
                Account = account,
                State = OperationState.Adding,
                AddParams = addParams,
                Classes = classes,
                Date = date.Date,
                Type = addParams.Type,
                IsClassPickerVisible = !addParams.HideClassPicker,
                IsWeightCategoryPickerVisible = true,
                ImageAttachments = new ObservableCollection <BaseEditingImageAttachmentViewModel>(),
                IsInDifferentTimeZone = parent.FindAncestorOrSelf <MainScreenViewModel>().CurrentAccount.IsInDifferentTimeZone,
                Class = c // Assign class last, since it also assigns weight categories, and updates time options from remembered times