void IHook.OnRegister(BaseUnityPlugin plugin) { elementPos = plugin.Config.Bind("界面改进", "五行位置", new Vector3(-80, 15, 0), "调整五行位置"); elementTextPos = plugin.Config.Bind("界面改进", "名字位置", new Vector3(8, 18, 0), "调整名字位置"); elementKey = plugin.Config.Bind("界面改进", "五行与名字显示热键", KeyCode.F3, "战斗时显示五行与名字。调整位置后需开关一次生效"); showThreshold = plugin.Config.Bind("界面改进", "显示练满所需点数", true, "是否提示n次练满所需相应数值"); }
public void OnRegister(BaseUnityPlugin plugin) { var adv1 = new ConfigDescription("", null, new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { IsAdvanced = true, Order = 3 }); DebugOn = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "调试开关", false, adv1); DebugOutDir = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "调试路径", "export/", adv1); var adv = new ConfigDescription("", null, new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { IsAdvanced = true }); NodeDocKey = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "Mod文档导出", KeyCode.P, adv); NodeContent = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "OutputNode内容(原始格式)", "", adv); NodeFileKey = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "OutputNode输出(Json格式)", KeyCode.O, adv); NodeFilePath = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "OutputNode输出路径", "OutputNode.json", adv); JsonFormat = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "导出时使用json格式", true, adv); JsonPritty = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "导出json是否格式化", true, adv); BattleFileId = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "战斗文件Id", "", adv); BattleFileKey = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "战斗文件保存键", KeyCode.B, adv); BattleFilePath = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "战斗文件保存路径", "battle/{0}.json", adv); BuffFileId = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "Buff文件Id", "", adv); BuffFileKey = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "Buff文件保存键", KeyCode.N, adv); BuffFilePath = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "Buff文件保存路径", "buff/{0}.json", adv); MovieFileType = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "过场文件类型", MovieType.Cinematic, adv); MovieFileId = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "过场文件Id", "", adv); MovieFileKey = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "过场文件保存键", KeyCode.M, adv); MovieFilePath = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "过场文件保存路径", "movie/{0}.json", adv); SortSchedule = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "过场是否重新排序", false, adv); SortSchedule.SettingChanged += (o, e) => { ScheduleGraphConverter.WriteSorted = SortSchedule.Value; }; }
public void OnRegister(BaseUnityPlugin plugin) { speedValue = plugin.Config.Bind("游戏设定", "速度值", 1.5f, "调整速度值"); speedKey = plugin.Config.Bind("游戏设定", "速度热键", KeyCode.F2, "开关速度调节"); saveCount = plugin.Config.Bind("游戏设定", "存档数量", 20, new ConfigDescription("存档数量上限", new AcceptableValueRange <int>(20, 100))); playerScale = plugin.Config.Bind("游戏设定", "主角模型尺寸", 1f, new ConfigDescription("修改主角在自由活动和战斗中的模型尺寸", new AcceptableValueRange <float>(0.75f, 1.5f))); moveSpeed = plugin.Config.Bind("游戏设定", "移动速度", 2.6f, "修改玩家在大地图的移动速度。如果太快可能会穿模"); moveSpeed.SettingChanged += (o, e) => { if (moveSpeed.Value > 0f) { Game.EntityManager.GetComponent <PlayerStateMachine>(GameConfig.Player).forwardRate = moveSpeed.Value; } }; difficulty = plugin.Config.Bind("游戏设定", "难度值", GameLevel.Normal, "调节游戏难度"); difficulty.SettingChanged += OnGameLevelChange; probablyMode = plugin.Config.Bind("游戏设定", "随机事件方式", ProbablyMode.None, "None-原版 SmallChance-小概率事件必发生 FixedRandomValue-设定产生的随机数"); probablyValue = plugin.Config.Bind("游戏设定", "随机事件值", 50, "SmallChance:多少被界定为小概率 FixedRandomValue:1~100对应必发生/必不发生"); changeAnim = plugin.Config.Bind("游戏设定", "切换姿势(特殊)", KeyCode.F7, "切换特化战斗姿势(随机选择)"); changeAnimBack = plugin.Config.Bind("游戏设定", "切换姿势(还原)", KeyCode.F8, "切换回默认战斗姿势"); cameraFocusMode = plugin.Config.Bind("相机设置", "战斗相机跟随方式", CameraFocusMode.Attacker, "战斗时相机如何跟随,游戏默认跟随攻击者"); cameraFree = plugin.Config.Bind("相机设置", "场景自由视角", false, "是否开启自由视角"); cameraFree_Battle = plugin.Config.Bind("相机设置", "战斗自由视角", false, "是否开启战斗自由视角,重启战斗生效"); }
public void OnRegister(BaseUnityPlugin plugin) { newGameAttributePoint = plugin.Config.Bind("开局设定", "增加属性点", 0, "设置开局增加多少属性点"); newGameTraitPoint = plugin.Config.Bind("开局设定", "增加特性点", 0, "设置开局增加多少特性点"); newGameExteriorId = plugin.Config.Bind("角色设定", "主角建模", string.Empty, "设定主角建模数据源,请通过CharacterExterior表格查找,使用第一列ID"); newGamePortraitOverride = plugin.Config.Bind("角色设定", "主角头像", string.Empty, "若已设置建模,则可为空,使用建模的头像,否则用此头像代替"); newGameSurNameOverride = plugin.Config.Bind("角色设定", "主角姓", string.Empty, "可修改主角的姓"); newGameNameOverride = plugin.Config.Bind("角色设定", "主角名", string.Empty, "可修改主角的名"); newGameExteriorId.SettingChanged += (o, e) => { ReplacePlayerExteriorData(); }; newGamePortraitOverride.SettingChanged += (o, e) => { ReplacePlayerExteriorData(); }; newGameSurNameOverride.SettingChanged += (o, e) => { ReplacePlayerExteriorData(); }; newGameNameOverride.SettingChanged += (o, e) => { ReplacePlayerExteriorData(); }; }
public void AddDanConstraints(BaseUnityPlugin plugin) { if (danEntryTarget == null || danEndTarget == null || collisionAgent == null) { return; } if (danEntryConstraint != null && danEntryConstraint.GetValue(1) != null) { var parentTransform = collisionAgent.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>().Where(x => x.name == danEntryConstraint.GetValue(1) as string).FirstOrDefault(); if (parentTransform != null) { danEntryConstraint.SetValue(parentTransform, 1); danEntryConstraint.SetValue(danEntryTarget, 2); plugin.GetType().GetMethod("AddConstraint", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(plugin, danEntryConstraint); } } if (danEndConstraint != null && danEndConstraint.GetValue(1) != null) { var parentTransform = collisionAgent.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>().Where(x => x.name == danEndConstraint.GetValue(1) as string).FirstOrDefault(); if (parentTransform != null) { danEndConstraint.SetValue(parentTransform, 1); danEndConstraint.SetValue(danEndTarget, 2); plugin.GetType().GetMethod("AddConstraint", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(plugin, danEndConstraint); } } }
Action <string> CreateJoinLeaveAction(BaseUnityPlugin plugin, Type baseType, Type attribute) { ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string)); ParameterExpression[] paramExpression = new ParameterExpression[] { param }; ConstantExpression instance = Expression.Constant(plugin); BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic; Action <string> action = null; foreach (var method in baseType.GetMethods(bindingFlags).Where(m => m.GetCustomAttribute(attribute) != null)) { var parameters = method.GetParameters(); MethodCallExpression methodCall; if (parameters.Length == 0) { methodCall = Expression.Call(instance, method); } else if (parameters.Length == 1 && parameters[0].ParameterType == typeof(string)) { methodCall = Expression.Call(instance, method, param); } else { continue; } action += Expression.Lambda <Action <string> >(methodCall, paramExpression).Compile(); } return(action); }
List <PluginInfo> GetPluginInfos() { List <PluginInfo> infos = new List <PluginInfo>(); foreach (var info in BepInEx.Bootstrap.Chainloader.PluginInfos) { if (info.Value == null) { continue; } BaseUnityPlugin plugin = info.Value.Instance; if (plugin == null) { continue; } Type type = plugin.GetType(); IEnumerable <Gamemode> gamemodes = GetGamemodes(type); if (gamemodes.Count() > 0) { infos.Add(new PluginInfo { Plugin = plugin, Gamemodes = gamemodes.ToArray(), OnGamemodeJoin = CreateJoinLeaveAction(plugin, type, typeof(ModdedGamemodeJoinAttribute)), OnGamemodeLeave = CreateJoinLeaveAction(plugin, type, typeof(ModdedGamemodeLeaveAttribute)) }); } } return(infos); }
public void OnRegister(BaseUnityPlugin plugin) { newGameAttributePoint = plugin.Config.Bind("开局设定", "属性点", 50, "设置开局属性点"); newGameTraitPoint = plugin.Config.Bind("开局设定", "特性点", 1, "设置开局特性点"); newGameExteriorId = plugin.Config.Bind("开局设定", "主角建模", string.Empty, "设定新开局时的主角建模数据源,请通过CharacterExterior表格查找,使用第一列ID"); newGamePortraitOverride = plugin.Config.Bind("开局设定", "主角头像", string.Empty, "若已设置建模,则可为空,使用建模的头像,否则用此头像代替"); }
public CustomHero(Type bepinPluginType, BaseUnityPlugin bepinPlugin) { name = GetRealName(); BepinExPluginType = bepinPluginType; BepinPluginReference = bepinPlugin; SetupPluginData(); }
public static void Init(BaseUnityPlugin plugin) { MaxCharactersPerPlayer = plugin.Config.Bind("Server", "Max Characters Per Player", 1, "How many characters can the player use on the server?"); ShowDebugMessages = plugin.Config.Bind("Common", "Debug Messages", false, "Show debug messages in console?"); }
/// <summary> /// <para>Patches an original method so that the given patch method will be called right after the original.</para> /// <para>Automatically catches and logs all errors. Returns true if the patch was successful, returns false if an error occured.</para> /// </summary> public static bool PatchPostfix(this BaseUnityPlugin me, Type type, string methodName, Type patchType, string patchMethodName, Type[] types = null) { MethodInfo original, patch; try { original = AccessTools.Method(type, methodName, types); } catch (Exception e) { me.LogError("Could not find original method " + type.Name + "." + methodName + "(..)!", e); return false; } try { patch = AccessTools.Method(patchType, patchMethodName); } catch (Exception e) { me.LogError("Could not find postfix-method " + patchType.Name + "." + patchMethodName + "(..)!", e); return false; } try { new Harmony(me.Info.Metadata.GUID).Patch(original, null, new HarmonyMethod(patch)); } catch (Exception e) { me.LogError("Failed to postfix-patch " + type.Name + "." + methodName + "(..) with " + patchType.Name + "." + patchMethodName + "(..)!", e); return false; } return true; }
public void OnRegister(BaseUnityPlugin plugin) { Plugin = plugin; modBasePath = plugin.Config.Bind("Mod设置", "Mod总路径", "Mods\\", new ConfigDescription("Mod主目录", null, new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { IsAdvanced = true, Order = 3 })); modBattleVoicePath = Plugin.Config.Bind("Mod设置", "Mod战斗语音路径", "audio/voice/um_{0}_{1}.ogg", new ConfigDescription("可更改相对路径和扩展名", null, new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { IsAdvanced = true })); modTalkVoicePath = Plugin.Config.Bind("Mod设置", "Mod对话语音路径", "audio/voice/talk_{0}.ogg", new ConfigDescription("可更改相对路径和扩展名", null, new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { IsAdvanced = true })); string[] dirs = null; if (Directory.Exists(modBasePath.Value)) { dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(modBasePath.Value); } modList = plugin.Config.Bind( "Mod设置", "Mod集合", dirs != null ? string.Join(",", from dir in dirs select(dir.Replace(modBasePath.Value, ""))) : "", new ConfigDescription("多Mod以逗号分隔按顺序加载,设为空或有错则不加载Mod。须重启游戏生效", null, new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { Order = 2 }) ); }
/// <summary> /// <para>It's just a shortcut for: <c>Logger.LogError(<paramref name="message"/>); Logger.LogError(<paramref name="e"/>);</c>.</para> /// </summary> public static void LogError(this BaseUnityPlugin me, string message, Exception e) { PropertyInfo property = AccessTools.Property(typeof(BaseUnityPlugin), "Logger"); ManualLogSource logger = (ManualLogSource)property.GetValue(me, new object[0]); logger.LogError(message); logger.LogError(e); }
/// <summary> /// Check if a plugin is loaded and has at least the minimum version. /// If the plugin is missing or older than minimumVersion, user is shown an error message on screen and false is returned. /// Warning: Run only from Start, not from constructor or Awake because some plugins might not be loaded yet! /// </summary> /// <param name="origin">Your plugin</param> /// <param name="guid">Guid of the plugin your plugin is dependant on</param> /// <param name="minimumVersion">Minimum version of the required plugin</param> /// <param name="level">Level of the issue - <code>Error</code> if plugin can't work, <code>Warning</code> if there might be issues, or <code>None</code> to not show any message.</param> /// <returns>True if plugin exists and it's version equals or is newer than minimumVersion, otherwise false</returns> public static bool CheckRequiredPlugin(BaseUnityPlugin origin, string guid, Version minimumVersion, LogLevel level = LogLevel.Error) { var target = BepInEx.Bootstrap.Chainloader.Plugins .Select(MetadataHelper.GetMetadata) .FirstOrDefault(x => x.GUID == guid); if (target == null) { if (level != LogLevel.None) { KoikatuAPI.Log(LogLevel.Message | level, $"{level.ToString().ToUpper()}: Plugin \"{guid}\" required by \"{MetadataHelper.GetMetadata(origin).GUID}\" was not found!"); } return(false); } if (minimumVersion > target.Version) { if (level != LogLevel.None) { KoikatuAPI.Log(LogLevel.Message | level, $"{level.ToString().ToUpper()}: Plugin \"{guid}\" required by \"{MetadataHelper.GetMetadata(origin).GUID}\" is outdated! At least v{minimumVersion} is needed!"); } return(false); } return(true); }
public RainWorldMod(BaseUnityPlugin plugin) { this.type = Type.BepInExPlugin; this.mod = plugin; this.ModID = plugin.Info.Metadata.Name; this.author = authorNull; this.description = authorNull; this.Version = plugin.Info.Metadata.Version.ToString(); try { Assembly assm = Assembly.GetAssembly(plugin.GetType()); if (assm.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyTrademarkAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() is AssemblyTrademarkAttribute trademarkAttr && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(trademarkAttr.Trademark)) { author = trademarkAttr.Trademark; } else if (assm.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyCompanyAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() is AssemblyCompanyAttribute companyAttr && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(companyAttr.Company)) { author = companyAttr.Company; } if (assm.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyDescriptionAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() is AssemblyDescriptionAttribute descAttr && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(descAttr.Description)) { description = descAttr.Description; } }
/// <summary> /// Create a new custom control. Create and register it in <see cref="MakerAPI.RegisterCustomSubCategories"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="text">Text displayed on the button</param> /// <param name="category">Category the control will be created under</param> /// <param name="owner">Plugin that owns the control</param> public MakerButton(string text, MakerCategory category, BaseUnityPlugin owner) : base(category, owner) { Text = text; OnClick = new Button.ButtonClickedEvent(); TextColor = new Color(0.090f, 0.118f, 0.141f); }
internal static void Init() { BepInEx.Bootstrap.Chainloader.PluginInfos.TryGetValue("madevil.kk.ass", out PluginInfo _pluginInfo); _instance = _pluginInfo?.Instance; if (_instance != null) { _legacy = _pluginInfo.Metadata.Version.CompareTo(new Version("")) < 0; if (_legacy) { Logger.LogError($"AccStateSync version {_pluginInfo.Metadata.Version} found, minimun version 4 is reqired"); return; } _installed = true; SupportList.Add("AccStateSync"); Assembly _assembly = _instance.GetType().Assembly; _types["AccStateSyncController"] = _assembly.GetType("AccStateSync.AccStateSync+AccStateSyncController"); _types["TriggerProperty"] = _assembly.GetType("AccStateSync.AccStateSync+TriggerProperty"); _types["TriggerGroup"] = _assembly.GetType("AccStateSync.AccStateSync+TriggerGroup"); foreach (object _key in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ChaAccessoryDefine.AccessoryParentKey))) { _accParentNames[_key.ToString()] = ChaAccessoryDefine.dictAccessoryParent[(int)_key]; } } }
public ConfigSettingEntry(ConfigEntryBase entry, BaseUnityPlugin owner) { Entry = entry; DispName = entry.Definition.Key; Category = entry.Definition.Section; Description = entry.Description?.Description; var converter = TomlTypeConverter.GetConverter(entry.SettingType); if (converter != null) { ObjToStr = o => converter.ConvertToString(o, entry.SettingType); StrToObj = s => converter.ConvertToObject(s, entry.SettingType); } var values = entry.Description?.AcceptableValues; if (values != null) { GetAcceptableValues(values); } DefaultValue = entry.DefaultValue; SetFromAttributes(entry.Description?.Tags, owner); }
static void BindConfig(BaseUnityPlugin plugin) { teamMemberAdd = plugin.Config.Bind("自由组队", "队伍加入当前角色", KeyCode.F3, "加入队伍"); teamMemberRemove = plugin.Config.Bind("自由组队", "队伍移除当前角色", KeyCode.F4, "移出队伍"); teamMemberRemoveAll = plugin.Config.Bind("自由组队", "队伍移除全部队友", KeyCode.F5, "清空队伍"); communityRemove = plugin.Config.Bind("自由组队", "队伍从社群移除", KeyCode.F6, "删除社群,之后可于行囊->任务->人物加入道具重新加回"); }
public void OnRegister(BaseUnityPlugin plugin) { teamManageOn = plugin.Config.Bind("自由组队", "开启自由组队模式", false, new ConfigDescription("开启自由组队模式,用来调整队伍、通过剧情等,剑击江湖mod请打开", null, new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { Order = 2 })); teamMemberMax = plugin.Config.Bind("自由组队", "最大队伍人数", 4, new ConfigDescription("最大队伍人数", new AcceptableValueRange <int>(4, 9), new ConfigurationManagerAttributes { Order = 1 })); if (teamManageOn.Value) { BindConfig(plugin); } teamManageOn.SettingChanged += (o, e) => { if (teamManageOn.Value) { BindConfig(plugin); } else { plugin.Config.Remove(teamMemberAdd.Definition); plugin.Config.Remove(teamMemberRemove.Definition); plugin.Config.Remove(teamMemberRemoveAll.Definition); plugin.Config.Remove(communityRemove.Definition); } UpdateTeamDisplay(); }; }
public void OnRegister(BaseUnityPlugin plugin) { // configs speedValue = plugin.Config.Bind("游戏设定", "速度值", 1.5f, "调整速度值"); speedKey = plugin.Config.Bind("游戏设定", "速度热键", KeyCode.F2, "开关速度调节"); alwaysAmbush = plugin.Config.Bind("游戏设定", "全难度开启切磋", false, "全难度开启切磋(需重启游戏生效)"); sharePoints = plugin.Config.Bind("游戏设定", "共享成就感悟点", false, "全队成员可享受成就感悟点"); jumpTalent = plugin.Config.Bind("游戏设定", "跳点天赋", false, "花费5点跳点不连接的天赋"); alwaysFullMember = plugin.Config.Bind("队伍调整", "开放队伍人数上限", false, "开启全难度固定队友数量(不受原版4-5-6限制)"); alwaysMemberCount = plugin.Config.Bind("队伍调整", "队伍人数上限", 6, "全难度队友数量, 用队伍调整键调整可看到后备队友"); headKey = plugin.Config.Bind("队伍调整", "队伍调整-提到前面", KeyCode.F4, "将选中队友放到队伍前面,主角后面"); tailKey = plugin.Config.Bind("队伍调整", "队伍调整-放到队尾", KeyCode.F3, "将选中队友放到队伍末端"); alwaysBattleCount = plugin.Config.Bind("队伍调整", "队伍战斗可上场数", 6, "上场战斗队友人数, 最小1,最大6(超过6需要dll支持),从主角开始算起"); // specific patches { //var harmony = new Harmony("Generals"); //var assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(BattleFactory)); //var listTypes = assembly.GetTypes().ToList(); //var realType = listTypes.FindAll(t => t.Name.Contains("GenerateBattleCreateInfo")).First(); // <GenerateBattleCreateInfo>d__7 //var source = realType.GetMethod("MoveNext", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); //var il = source.GetMethodBody().GetILAsByteArray(); //int size = il.Length; //MethodRental.SwapMethodBody(realType, source.MetadataToken, il, il.Length, MethodRental.JitImmediate); //Console.WriteLine("source=" + source); //var transpiler = typeof(HookGenerals).GetMethod("TeammateCountBattle1"); //Console.WriteLine("transpiler=" + transpiler); //harmony.Patch(source, transpiler: new HarmonyMethod(transpiler)); } }
private static void CreateCustomControlsInSubCategory(Transform subCategoryTransform, ICollection <BaseGuiEntry> entriesToAdd) { if (entriesToAdd.Count == 0) { return; } var contentParent = FindSubcategoryContentParent(subCategoryTransform); BaseUnityPlugin lastOwner = contentParent.childCount > 1 ? KoikatuAPI.Instance : null; foreach (var customControl in entriesToAdd) { if (lastOwner != customControl.Owner && lastOwner != null) { new MakerSeparator(new MakerCategory(null, null), KoikatuAPI.Instance).CreateControl(contentParent); } customControl.CreateControl(contentParent); lastOwner = customControl.Owner; } var category = entriesToAdd.First().Category; KoikatuAPI.Logger.LogDebug( $"Added {entriesToAdd.Count} custom controls " + $"to {category.CategoryName}/{category.SubCategoryName}"); }
void IHook.OnRegister(BaseUnityPlugin plugin) { elementPos = plugin.Config.Bind("五行显示", "五行位置", new Vector3(-80, 15, 0), "调整五行位置"); elementTextPos = plugin.Config.Bind("五行显示", "名字位置", new Vector3(8, 18, 0), "调整名字位置"); elementKey = plugin.Config.Bind("五行显示", "五行显示热键", KeyCode.F3, "战斗时显示五行。调整位置后需开关一次生效"); thresholdDisplay = plugin.Config.Bind("游戏设定", "显示一次练满点数", true, "是否提示一次练满所需相应数值"); }
private void Awake() { instance = this; _exploreFullMap = Config.Bind("General", "Explore full map", true, "explore the full map"); _toggleHotkey = Config.Bind("Hotkeys", "Toggle explore full map hotkey", "F6", "The hotkey that toggles showing the full map, for a full list of available keys visit https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/KeyCode.html"); _toggleHotkeyKeyCode = (KeyCode)Enum.Parse(typeof(KeyCode), _toggleHotkey.Value); Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), null); }
public void OnRegister(BaseUnityPlugin plugin) { saveCount = plugin.Config.Bind("存档设定", "存档数量", 20, "扩充存档数量"); remindBlankSaveCount = plugin.Config.Bind("存档设定", "自动存档剩余数量提示", false, "在自动存档剩余空白存档数量不足5个时弹窗提示"); jumpToLatestSave = plugin.Config.Bind("存档设定", "自动跳转到最新存档位置", false, "在存档数量太多的时候会有点作用"); pagination = plugin.Config.Bind("存档设定", "存档分页", false, "在存档数量太多的时候会有点作用"); countPerPage = plugin.Config.Bind("存档设定", "存档分页-每页存档数", 20, "每页多少条存档,存档分页启用后才有用"); }
void IHook.OnRegister(BaseUnityPlugin plugin) { elementPos = plugin.Config.Bind("界面改进", "五行位置", new Vector3(-80, 15, 0), "调整五行位置"); elementTextPos = plugin.Config.Bind("界面改进", "名字位置", new Vector3(8, 18, 0), "调整名字位置"); elementKey = plugin.Config.Bind("界面改进", "五行显示热键", KeyCode.F3, "战斗时显示五行。调整位置后需开关一次生效"); showThreshold = plugin.Config.Bind("界面改进", "显示练满所需点数", true, "是否提示n次练满所需相应数值"); showFavExp = plugin.Config.Bind("界面改进", "显示好感度", true, "在好友界面显示当前好感度 / 总需好感度 在送礼界面显示礼物可提高的好感度"); }
public static void Start(MonoBehaviour mb, BaseUnityPlugin thisPlugin) { if (_running) { return; } _running = true; if (_harmonyInstance == null) { _harmonyInstance = new Harmony(FrameCounter.GUID); } var hookCount = 0; // Hook unity event methods on all plugins var baseType = typeof(MonoBehaviour); var unityMethods = new[] { "FixedUpdate", "Update", "LateUpdate", "OnGUI" }; foreach (var baseUnityPlugin in Chainloader.Plugins.Where(x => x != null && x != thisPlugin)) { var timer = new Stopwatch(); var pluginBehaviours = SafeGetTypes(baseUnityPlugin.GetType().Assembly).Where(x => baseType.IsAssignableFrom(x) && !x.IsAbstract).ToList(); foreach (var pluginBehaviour in pluginBehaviours) { foreach (var unityMethod in unityMethods) { var methodInfo = pluginBehaviour.GetMethod(unityMethod, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly); if (methodInfo == null) { continue; } if (!_timers.ContainsKey(pluginBehaviour)) { _timers[pluginBehaviour] = new KeyValuePair <BepInPlugin, Stopwatch>(baseUnityPlugin.Info.Metadata, timer); } try { _harmonyInstance.Patch(methodInfo, new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.Method(typeof(PluginCounter), nameof(Pre))), new HarmonyMethod(AccessTools.Method(typeof(PluginCounter), nameof(Post)))); hookCount += 1; } catch (Exception ex) { FrameCounter.Logger.LogError(ex); } } } } var co = mb.StartCoroutine(CollectLoop()); _stopAction = () => mb.StopCoroutine(co); FrameCounter.Logger.LogDebug($"Attached timers to {hookCount} unity methods in {Chainloader.Plugins.Count} plugins"); }
internal static void InitSupport() { BepInEx.Bootstrap.Chainloader.PluginInfos.TryGetValue("com.deathweasel.bepinex.hairaccessorycustomizer", out PluginInfo PluginInfo); PluginInstance = PluginInfo?.Instance; if (PluginInstance != null) { Installed = true; } }
public static void Initialize(BaseUnityPlugin parentPlugin, ManualLogSource logger) { AppStateManager.UsingCodeInjection = true; ModdingUtils.parentPlugin = parentPlugin; ModdingUtils.parentLogger = logger; parentLogger.LogInfo("Inside initialize"); SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded; // By default do not start the socket server. It requires the caller to also call OnUpdate in the plugin update method. }
internal static void InitSupport() { BepInEx.Bootstrap.Chainloader.PluginInfos.TryGetValue("madevil.kk.mr", out PluginInfo PluginInfo); PluginInstance = PluginInfo?.Instance; if (PluginInstance != null) { Installed = true; } }