public void AddItme(BaseItemInfo item, string fileName, bool isShop = true) { string key = item.Created + item.Format + item.Name; if (!ShopAllItems.ContainsKey(key)) { ShopAllItems.Add(key, item); WriteItem(item, fileName); } else { if (isShop) { if (shopAllItems[key].PlatformPrice > item.PlatformPrice) { ShopAllItems[key] = item; WriteItem(item, fileName); } } else { if (shopAllItems[key].ShopPrice > item.ShopPrice) { ShopAllItems[key] = item; WriteItem(item, fileName); } } } }
public static void WriteCSV(string filePathName, BaseItemInfo itemInfo) { try { string filePath = filePathName; CheckAndCreateFolder(filePath); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { using (StreamWriter fileWriter = new StreamWriter(filePath, true, Encoding.Default)) { fileWriter.WriteLine(itemInfo.GetLogHeadLine()); fileWriter.Flush(); fileWriter.Close(); } } WriteCSV(filePath, true, itemInfo.GetLogStrArr()); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
private List <BaseItemInfo> GetSomeItem(string content) { List <BaseItemInfo> items = new List <BaseItemInfo>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { MatchCollection ms = CommonFun.GetValues(content, "<row>", "</row>"); foreach (Match m in ms) { try { BaseItemInfo item = new BaseItemInfo(); item.ViewCount = CommonFun.GetValue(m.Value, "<ARTID>", "</ARTID>"); item.Name = CommonFun.GetValue(m.Value, "<NAME>", "</NAME>"); item.Format = CommonFun.GetValue(m.Value, "<SPEC>", "</SPEC>"); item.Created = CommonFun.GetValue(m.Value, "<FACTORY>", "</FACTORY>"); item.ID = CommonFun.GetValue(m.Value, "<FILENO>", "</FILENO>"); string priceStr = CommonFun.GetValue(m.Value, "<PRICE>", "</PRICE>"); item.PlatformPrice = string.IsNullOrEmpty(priceStr) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(priceStr); item.Type = CommonFun.GetValue(m.Value, "<MEDIATYPENAME>", "</MEDIATYPENAME>"); items.Add(item); AddItme(item, "HA/HA" + ticks + ".csv"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } } return(items); }
/// <summary> /// Converts a BaseItem to a BaseItemInfo /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The item.</param> /// <returns>BaseItemInfo.</returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">item</exception> public static BaseItemInfo GetBaseItemInfo(BaseItem item) { if (item == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("item"); } var info = new BaseItemInfo { Id = GetClientItemId(item), Name = item.Name, MediaType = item.MediaType, Type = item.GetType().Name, IsFolder = item.IsFolder, RunTimeTicks = item.RunTimeTicks }; var imagePath = item.PrimaryImagePath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagePath)) { try { info.PrimaryImageTag = Kernel.Instance.ImageManager.GetImageCacheTag(item, ImageType.Primary, imagePath); } catch (IOException) { } } return(info); }
/// <summary> /// Converts a BaseItem to a BaseItemInfo /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The item.</param> /// <returns>BaseItemInfo.</returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">item</exception> public BaseItemInfo GetBaseItemInfo(BaseItem item) { if (item == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("item"); } var info = new BaseItemInfo { Id = GetDtoId(item), Name = item.Name, MediaType = item.MediaType, Type = item.GetType().Name, RunTimeTicks = item.RunTimeTicks }; var imagePath = item.PrimaryImagePath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imagePath)) { try { info.PrimaryImageTag = _imageProcessor.GetImageCacheTag(item, ImageType.Primary, imagePath); } catch (IOException) { } } return(info); }
/// <summary> /// 上架新物品 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool UpNewItem(BaseItemInfo item, Http.HttpRequest http) { if (item.ShopPrice < 5) { return(false); } //find string findUrl = ""; string findPostData = "store_id=34"; http.HttpPost(findUrl, findPostData); //findApp string findAppUrl = ""; string findAppPostData = string.Format("appNum:{0}", item.ID); http.HttpPost(findAppUrl, findAppPostData); string url = string.Format("{0}", item.ID); string upNewItemUrl = ""; string checkUrl = ""; string content = http.HttpGet(url); MatchCollection ms = CommonFun.GetValues(content, "gxtj_ul", "</li>"); foreach (Match m in ms) { string fromat = CommonFun.GetValue(m.Value, "<span>", "<span>"); fromat = CommonFun.FormatStr(fromat, item.Name); if (fromat == item.Format) { string boxStr = CommonFun.GetValue(m.Value, "\"checkbox\"", "/>"); string value = CommonFun.GetValue(boxStr, "value=\"", "\""); string result = http.HttpPost(upNewItemUrl, string.Format("value_arr={0}{1}", value, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(","))); result = CommonFun.GetValue(result, ":", "}"); if (result == "2") { CommonFun.WriteCSV("TKAdmin/UpNew" + fileName + ".csv", item); http.HttpPost(checkUrl, "", url, "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8", null); Console.WriteLine("UpNewItem,name:{0}, id:{1}, fromat:{2}", item.Name, item.ID, item.Format); } Thread.Sleep(random.Next(3, 6) * 1000); // UpdatePrice(item, http); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 是否可以接 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool CanTake(string content, Http.HttpRequest http) { string infoStr = CommonFun.GetValue(content, "<tr>", "</tr>"); MatchCollection tdMs = CommonFun.GetValues(infoStr, "<td>", "</td>"); string orderNO = CommonFun.GetValue(infoStr, "<td class=\"tablenow\">", "</td>"); bool result = false; MatchCollection ms = CommonFun.GetValues(content, "<div class=\"tkzds\">", "</div>"); string format = ms[0].Value; string id = ms[1].Value; string key = id + format; //是否TK平台的单 if (orderNO.StartsWith("TK") && !IsSelfOrder(content)) { string drs = tdMs[5].Value; //不是同城 if (!drs.Contains("长沙")) { BaseItemInfo item = items.ContainsKey(key) ? items[key] : null; //在线支付 if (infoStr.Contains("在线支付") || (infoStr.Contains("货到付款") && item != null && item.Type == "201")) { string msg = CommonFun.GetValue(content, "<li>买家留言:<span>", "</span></li>"); string remark = CommonFun.GetValue(content, "<li>平台备注:<span>", "</span></li>"); //无需发票 if (!msg.Contains("发票") && !remark.Contains("发票")) { //MatchCollection ms = CommonFun.GetValues(content, "<div class=\"tkzds\">", "</div>"); //单品 if (ms.Count == 5) { //ms = CommonFun.GetValues(content, "span1 xiatiaomar\">", "</div>"); decimal price = Convert.ToDecimal(ms[2].Value); //价格合理 if (items.ContainsKey(key)) { if (true || items[key].PlatformPrice <= price) { result = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Price info orderPrice:{0}, sellPrice:{1}", price, items[key].PlatformPrice); } } } } } } } return(result); }
public void ReportNowViewingItem(string sessionId, BaseItemInfo item, string context) { var session = GetSession(sessionId); session.NowViewingItem = item; session.NowViewingContext = context; }
public override bool ComparePrice(BaseItemInfo platformItem, BaseItemInfo info) { //15块钱以下的百分之40个点 15到30的百分之30 30到50百分之25 50以上百分之20 decimal compacePrice = platformItem.ShopSelaPrice; decimal infoPrice = info.ShopPrice; bool result = false; if (compacePrice > 50) { if (compacePrice * (decimal)0.8 >= infoPrice) { info.PlatformPrice = platformItem.ShopSelaPrice; info.Type = platformItem.Type; info.ViewCount = platformItem.ViewCount; CommonFun.WriteCSV("QLK/50以上" + ticks + ".csv", info); result = true; } } else if (compacePrice > 30) { if (compacePrice * (decimal)0.75 >= infoPrice) { info.PlatformPrice = platformItem.ShopSelaPrice; info.Type = platformItem.Type; info.ViewCount = platformItem.ViewCount; CommonFun.WriteCSV("QLK/30-50" + ticks + ".csv", info); result = true; } } else if (compacePrice > 15) { if (compacePrice * (decimal)0.7 >= infoPrice) { info.PlatformPrice = platformItem.ShopSelaPrice; info.Type = platformItem.Type; info.ViewCount = platformItem.ViewCount; CommonFun.WriteCSV("QLK/15-30" + ticks + ".csv", info); result = true; } } else if (compacePrice > 5) { if (compacePrice * (decimal)0.6 >= infoPrice) { info.PlatformPrice = platformItem.ShopSelaPrice; info.Type = platformItem.Type; info.ViewCount = platformItem.ViewCount; CommonFun.WriteCSV("QLK/15以下" + ticks + ".csv", info); result = true; } } return(result); }
public void Init(IShopExecute item) { Clear(); ShopSellElement ShopSellElement = DataBaseController.GetItem(DataBaseController.Instance.DataStructs.PrefabsStruct.ShopSellElement); ShopSellElement.Init(item); CurItemInfo = ShopSellElement; Link(); // if (OnInitCallback != null) // OnInitCallback(null, ItemOwner.Shop); }
private static void CompareTKPrice(BaseItemInfo platformItem, BaseItemInfo info, string fileName) { if (info.ShopPrice > 0 && info.ShopPrice * (decimal)0.8 >= platformItem.ShopSelaPrice) { info.PlatformPrice = platformItem.ShopSelaPrice; info.Type = platformItem.Type; WriteCSV(fileName + "/低于20以上" + ticks + ".csv", info); } }
public override void ReadAllItem() { try { foreach (string id in AllItemUrl) { try { string itemPriceUrl = ""; string itemInfoUrl = ""; string itemInfoPostData = "pid={0}&doctorId=321967&token=9d571f1dc32cadf0ea38"; string itemPricePostData = "doctorId=321967&userId=321967&skuId={0}&token=9d571f1dc32cadf0ea38"; string content = request.HttpPost(itemInfoUrl, string.Format(itemInfoPostData, id)); BaseItemInfo item = GetItem(content); string skuId = CommonFun.GetValue(content, "\"skuId\":", ","); content = request.HttpPost(itemPriceUrl, string.Format(itemPricePostData, skuId)); string priceStr = CommonFun.GetValue(content, "\"priceMin\":", ","); item.ShopPrice = string.IsNullOrEmpty(priceStr) ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(priceStr) / 100; string key = item.ID + "{" + item.Format + "}"; if (ShopAllItems.ContainsKey(key)) { if (item.ShopPrice != 0 && ShopAllItems[key].ShopPrice > item.ShopPrice) { ShopAllItems[key] = item; } } else { ShopAllItems.Add(key, item); } CommonFun.WriteCSV("QLK/QL" + ticks + ".csv", item); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 更新平台库存 /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <param name="stock"></param> /// <param name="platform"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool UpdatePlatformStock(BaseItemInfo item, int stock, string platform) { try { } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } return(true); }
private void UpdateButtons() { BaseItemInfo item = null; if (_listBoxRecipes.SelectedIndex != null) { item = (BaseItemInfo)_listBoxRecipes.SelectedItem.Tag; } _buttonCreate.Enabled = item != null && TJ.Player.Inventory.Contains(item.Crafting); }
public void NavigateTo(BaseItemInfo item) { var dto = new BaseItemDto { Id = item.Id, Type = item.Type, Name = item.Name }; NavigateTo(dto); }
private void Child_Fetch(SafeDataReader dr) { LoadProperty(_Id, dr.GetInt32("billitemmooring")); LoadProperty(_Bill, dr.GetInt32("bill")); LoadProperty(_Quantity, dr.GetInt32("Quantity")); LoadProperty(_Uom, dr.GetInt32("uom")); LoadProperty(_Cargo, BaseItemInfo.Get(dr, _Cargo.Name)); LoadProperty(_Rate, dr.GetDecimal("rate")); LoadProperty(_IsTaxable, dr.GetBoolean("istaxable")); LoadProperty(_Total, this.Quantity * this.Rate); }
private bool ComparePrice(BaseItemInfo platformItem, BaseItemInfo info) { if (info.PlatformPrice > 0 && info.PlatformPrice * (decimal)0.8 >= platformItem.ShopSelaPrice) { info.ShopPrice = platformItem.ShopSelaPrice; info.Type = platformItem.Type; CommonFun.WriteCSV("TYaoFang/20以上" + 636493584245833259 + ".csv", info); return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 从下架列表中重新上架 /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool ReUpItem(BaseItemInfo item, Http.HttpRequest http) { if (item.ShopPrice > 5) { string url = ""; string postStr = string.Format("storeid[]={0}", item.ViewCount); string result = http.HttpPost(url, postStr); } return(true); }
private void GetOnePageBaseItemInfo(string content) { MatchCollection ms = CommonFun.GetValues(content, "<div class=\"desc\">", "<div class=\"other\">"); foreach (Match m in ms) { if (m.Value.Contains("noprice")) { return; } string priceStr = CommonFun.GetValue(m.Value, "</small>", "</span>"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(priceStr)) { Console.WriteLine("Login failed!!!!"); request.Cookie = "__jsluid=00722fe4a2305a1f7e6e44e846a302ce; ASP.NET_SessionId=nmfxaoaonht2wzmiafye2w4v; Hm_lvt_3f534012f862ad7faa732b5b0655ce2f=1514443356; historysearch=; Hm_lpvt_3f534012f862ad7faa732b5b0655ce2f=1514508794; YaoTuWang_Passport_Identity=9937796DFDBDE9A6A8AED4D5CF64EA4C22E6DA8F1256977C5DDB6BE83BA2792836A2A6441BE475E64955CB954B8A3C9BB962787AB25BA4E7E92EB98327D6A27934100ADE884D0F28E4D4DC2D60157EFCEA7568AFE2B3E7F059A623B3EE22F4024587087B0E98014BFD4E6AFEBA9D49A55B8B8335492218875C700F2DCBEC637CED603E8A15396800BC68A7A867559AEB744195D1"; return; } string name = CommonFun.GetValue(m.Value, "\">", "</a>"); if (name.Contains("注射")) { return; } else { BaseItemInfo info = new BaseItemInfo(); string[] nameArray = name.Split(' '); if (nameArray.Length > 1) { info.Name = nameArray[1]; } else { info.Name = nameArray[0]; } MatchCollection msFormatAndCreated = CommonFun.GetValues(m.Value, "<div class=\"h1\">", "</div>"); info.Format = msFormatAndCreated[1].Value; info.Created = msFormatAndCreated[2].Value; info.PlatformPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(priceStr); AddItme(info, "YaoTu/YaoTu" + ticks + ".csv"); } } }
private static void ComparePrice(BaseItemInfo platformItem, BaseItemInfo info, string fileName) { if (info.ShopPrice * (decimal)1.25 <= platformItem.ShopPrice) { info.ID = platformItem.ID; info.PlatformPrice = platformItem.ShopPrice; info.ViewCount = platformItem.ViewCount; info.Type = platformItem.Type; CommonFun.WriteCSV(fileName + "/25以上.csv", info); } else if (info.ShopPrice * (decimal)1.15 <= platformItem.ShopPrice && platformItem.ShopPrice * (decimal)1.25 > platformItem.ShopPrice) { info.ID = platformItem.ID; info.PlatformPrice = platformItem.ShopPrice; info.ViewCount = platformItem.ViewCount; info.Type = platformItem.Type; CommonFun.WriteCSV(fileName + "/15-25.csv", info); } else if (info.ShopPrice * (decimal)1.05 <= platformItem.ShopPrice && platformItem.ShopPrice * (decimal)1.15 > platformItem.ShopPrice) { info.ID = platformItem.ID; info.PlatformPrice = platformItem.ShopPrice; info.ViewCount = platformItem.ViewCount; info.Type = platformItem.Type; CommonFun.WriteCSV(fileName + "/5-15.csv", info); } else if (info.ShopPrice == platformItem.ShopPrice && info.ShopPrice * (decimal)1.05 > platformItem.ShopPrice) { info.ID = platformItem.ID; info.PlatformPrice = platformItem.ShopPrice; info.ViewCount = platformItem.ViewCount; info.Type = platformItem.Type; CommonFun.WriteCSV(fileName + "/0-5.csv", info); } else { info.ID = platformItem.ID; info.PlatformPrice = platformItem.ShopPrice; info.ViewCount = platformItem.ViewCount; info.Type = platformItem.Type; CommonFun.WriteCSV(fileName + "/0以下.csv", info); } }
public override bool ComparePrice(BaseItemInfo platformItem, BaseItemInfo info) { if (info.PlatformPrice > 0 && info.PlatformPrice * (decimal)0.8 >= platformItem.ShopSelaPrice) { info.ShopPrice = platformItem.ShopSelaPrice; info.Type = platformItem.Type; info.ViewCount = platformItem.ViewCount; CommonFun.WriteCSV("HA/20以上" + ticks + ".csv", info); return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool WriteXLS(string fileName, BaseItemInfo item) { string filePath = fileName; CheckAndCreateFolder(filePath); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { CreateXLS(filePath); InsertToXLS(fileName, "info", item.GetLogHeadLine().Split(',')); } InsertToXLS(fileName, "info", item.GetLogStrArr()); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 获取物品价格 /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns></returns> public decimal GetItemPrice(BaseItemInfo item) { if (TKItems.ShopAllItems.Count == 0) { TKItems.ReadBaseItemInfo("TK/TK.csv", true); } string key = item.ItemName + item.Format + item.Created; if (TKItems.ShopAllItems.ContainsKey(key)) { return(TKItems.ShopAllItems[key].ShopPrice); } return(item.ShopPrice); }
public static string GetItemName(BaseItemInfo item) { var name = item.Name; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.SeriesName)) { name = item.SeriesName + " - " + name; } if (item.Artists != null && item.Artists.Count > 0) { name = item.Artists[0] + " - " + name; } return(name); }
private void Child_Fetch(SafeDataReader dr) { LoadProperty(_Id, dr.GetInt32("billitem")); LoadProperty(_Bill, dr.GetInt32("bill")); LoadProperty(_Cargo, BaseItemInfo.Get(dr, _Cargo.Name)); LoadProperty(_UnitCount, dr.GetInt32("unitcount")); LoadProperty(_Uom, dr.GetInt32("uom")); LoadProperty(_QtyConversion, dr.GetDecimal("qtyconversion")); LoadProperty(_WeightUsed, dr.GetInt32("weightused")); LoadProperty(_StevedoringRate, dr.GetDecimal("stevedoringrate")); LoadProperty(_StevedoringConst, dr.GetDecimal("stevedoringconst")); LoadProperty(_ArrastreRate, dr.GetDecimal("arrastrerate")); LoadProperty(_ArrastreConst, dr.GetDecimal("arrastreconst")); LoadProperty(_PremiumRate, dr.GetDecimal("premiumrate")); LoadProperty(_IsTaxable, dr.GetBoolean("istaxable")); }
protected Dictionary <string, BaseItemInfo> ReadXlsItems(string fileName) { Dictionary <string, BaseItemInfo> items = new Dictionary <string, BaseItemInfo>(); try { DataTable data = CommonFun.ReadXLS(fileName); for (int row = 0; row < data.Rows.Count; row++) { try { BaseItemInfo item = new BaseItemInfo(); item.ID = data.Rows[row]["批准文号"].ToString(); item.Name = (string)data.Rows[row]["通用名称"].ToString(); item.ItemName = data.Columns.Contains("商品名称") ? data.Rows[row]["商品名称"].ToString() : ""; item.Created = (string)data.Rows[row]["生产厂家"].ToString(); item.Format = (string)data.Rows[row]["包装规格"].ToString(); string priceStr = (string)data.Rows[row]["平台售价(最低价格)"].ToString(); item.ShopPrice = string.IsNullOrEmpty(priceStr) ? 9999 : Convert.ToDecimal(priceStr); item.PlatformPrice = item.ShopPrice; item.Type = data.Columns.Contains("剂型") ? (string)data.Rows[row]["剂型"].ToString() : ""; item.Inventory = (string)data.Rows[row]["库存"].ToString(); item.SellType = (string)data.Rows[row]["出售方式(零或整)"].ToString(); string key = item.Name + item.Format + item.Created; if (!items.ContainsKey(key)) { items.Add(key, item); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } return(items); }
private BaseItemInfo GetItem(string content) { try { BaseItemInfo item = new BaseItemInfo(); item.ID = CommonFun.GetValue(content, "\"approvalNum\":\"", "\""); item.Created = CommonFun.GetValue(content, "\"manufacturer\":\"", "\""); item.Format = CommonFun.GetValue(content, "\"packaging\":\"", "\""); item.Name = CommonFun.GetValue(content, "\"commonName\":\"", "\""); item.ItemName = CommonFun.GetValue(content, "\"name\":\"", "\""); item.ViewCount = CommonFun.GetValue(content, "\"skuId\":", ","); return(item); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// 获取平台库存 /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <param name="platform"></param> /// <returns></returns> private Dictionary <string, int> GetPlatformStock(BaseItemInfo item) { Dictionary <string, int> stocks = new Dictionary <string, int>(); try { //1、获取tk的库存 tk.GetSellingItem(item.ID); //2、获取1号网的库存 string yyUrl = ""; //3、获取315的库存 string tofUrl = ""; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } return(stocks); }
private int GetItemCount(BaseItemInfo item, Dictionary <string, BaseItemInfo> items, bool isTK) { try { int count = 0; do { foreach (BaseItemInfo sItem in items.Values) { if (isTK) { if (CommonFun.IsSameFormat(item.Format, sItem.Format, item.Name, sItem.Name)) { return(Convert.ToInt32(sItem.Inventory)); } } else { bool isSame = false; if (count > 0) { isSame = CommonFun.IsSameFormat(item.Format, sItem.Format, item.Name, sItem.Name); } else { isSame = item.Type.Trim() == sItem.Type.Trim(); } if (isSame) { return(Convert.ToInt32(sItem.Inventory)); } } } } while (++count < 2 && !isTK); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } return(int.MaxValue); }
/// <summary> /// Converts a BaseItem to a BaseItemInfo /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The item.</param> /// <returns>BaseItemInfo.</returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">item</exception> public BaseItemInfo GetBaseItemInfo(BaseItem item) { if (item == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("item"); } var info = new BaseItemInfo { Id = GetDtoId(item), Name = item.Name, MediaType = item.MediaType, Type = item.GetClientTypeName(), RunTimeTicks = item.RunTimeTicks }; info.PrimaryImageTag = GetImageCacheTag(item, ImageType.Primary); return(info); }
/// <summary> /// 获取固定表 /// </summary> private void GetFixedItem() { try { DataTable data = CommonFun.ReadXLS("KTUnUpdate.xlsx"); for (int row = 0; row < data.Rows.Count; row++) { try { BaseItemInfo item = new BaseItemInfo(); item.ID = data.Rows[row]["批准文号"].ToString(); item.Name = (string)data.Rows[row]["通用名称"].ToString(); item.Created = (string)data.Rows[row]["生产厂家"].ToString(); item.Format = (string)data.Rows[row]["包装规格"].ToString(); string priceStr = (string)data.Rows[row]["平台售价(最低价格)"].ToString(); item.ShopPrice = string.IsNullOrEmpty(priceStr) ? 9999 : Convert.ToDecimal(priceStr); item.PlatformPrice = item.ShopPrice; item.Type = (string)data.Rows[row]["剂型"].ToString(); item.Inventory = (string)data.Rows[row]["库存"].ToString(); item.SellType = (string)data.Rows[row]["出售方式(零或整)"].ToString(); //item.Name = (string)data.Rows[row]["通用名称"].ToString(); string key = item.Name + item.Format + item.Created; if (!unUpdate.ContainsKey(key)) { unUpdate.Add(key, item); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
public void Init(BaseItem item) { Clear(); switch (item.FirstChar()) { case PlayerItem.FIRSTCHAR: PlayerItemInfo PlayerItemInfo = DataBaseController.GetItem(DataBaseController.Instance.DataStructs.PrefabsStruct.PlayerItemInfo); PlayerItemInfo.Init(item as PlayerItem, WithButtons); CurItemInfo = PlayerItemInfo; break; case BonusItem.FIRSTCHAR: BonusItemInfo BonusItemInfo = DataBaseController.GetItem(DataBaseController.Instance.DataStructs.PrefabsStruct.BonusItemInfo); BonusItemInfo.Init(item as BonusItem, WithButtons); CurItemInfo = BonusItemInfo; break; case ExecutableItem.FIRSTCHAR: ExecutableItemInfo ExecutableItemInfo = DataBaseController.GetItem(DataBaseController.Instance.DataStructs.PrefabsStruct.ExecutableItemInfo); ExecutableItemInfo.Init(item as ExecutableItem, WithButtons); CurItemInfo = ExecutableItemInfo; break; case TalismanItem.FIRSTCHAR: TalismanItemInfo TalismanItemInfo = DataBaseController.GetItem(DataBaseController.Instance.DataStructs.PrefabsStruct.TalismanItemInfo); TalismanItemInfo.Init(item as TalismanItem, WithButtons); CurItemInfo = TalismanItemInfo; break; case RecipeItem.FIRSTCHAR: RecepiItemInfo RecepiItemInfo = DataBaseController.GetItem(DataBaseController.Instance.DataStructs.PrefabsStruct.RecepiItemInfo); RecepiItemInfo.Init(item as RecipeItem, WithButtons); CurItemInfo = RecepiItemInfo; break; } Link(); // if (OnInitCallback != null) // OnInitCallback(item,ItemOwner.Player); }