Пример #1
        private bool CheckStatic(BaseGrain grain)
            bool leftCovered   = false;
            bool rightCovered  = false;
            bool bottomCovered = false;
            bool topCovered    = false;

            if (grain.simX == 0 || grainHandler.GrainAt(grain.simX - 1, grain.simY))
                leftCovered = true;

            if (grain.simX == grainHandler.maxGrainWidth || grainHandler.GrainAt(grain.simX + 1, grain.simY))
                rightCovered = true;

            if (grain.simY == 0 || grainHandler.GrainAt(grain.simX, grain.simY - 1))
                bottomCovered = true;

            if (grainHandler.GrainAt(grain.simX, grain.simY + 1))
                topCovered = true;

            return(leftCovered && rightCovered && bottomCovered && topCovered);
Пример #2
        private void UpdateGrain(BaseGrain grain)
            if (grain.IsStatic)

            // Stop falling if on floor
            if (grain.simY == 0)
                //grain.IsStatic = CheckStatic(grain);
            // If there is a grain below, try to fall to the side
            else if (grainHandler.GrainAt(grain.simX, grain.simY - 1))
                //grain.IsStatic = CheckStatic(grain);
                //if (grain.IsStatic) return;

            // If not on the floor and there is no grain below, fall directly down
                grainHandler.MoveGrain(grain, 0, -1);
Пример #3
        // Create grain on canvas click
        public void CanvasClick(Point mousePos)
            BaseGrain newGrain = grainHandler.TryCreateGrain(
                simCanvas.ActualHeight - mousePos.Y);

            if (newGrain != null)
Пример #4
        private void TryFlowDown(BaseGrain grain)
            bool canFallLeft  = false;
            bool canFallRight = false;

            // If the grain is not on the left wall and there is no grain to the left, try to fall left
            if (grain.simX > 0 && !grainHandler.GrainAt(grain.simX - 1, grain.simY))
                Vector leftGrain = GetTopMostGrain(grain.simX - 1);
                double slopeL    = (leftGrain.Y - grain.simY) / (leftGrain.X - grain.simX);

                if (slopeL > grain.maxSlope)
                    canFallLeft = true;

            // If the grain is not on the right wall and there is no grain to the right, try to fall right
            if (grain.simX < grainHandler.maxGrainWidth && !grainHandler.GrainAt(grain.simX + 1, grain.simY))
                Vector rightGrain = GetTopMostGrain(grain.simX + 1);
                double slopeR     = (grain.simY - rightGrain.Y) / (grain.simX - rightGrain.X);

                if (slopeR < -1 * grain.maxSlope)
                    canFallRight = true;

            int xMovement;

            // If the grain can move either left OR right, pick at random depending if on the frame number is even or odd
            if (canFallRight && canFallLeft)
                xMovement = (randomGen.Next() % 2 == 0) ? -1 : 1;
                if (xMovement < 0)
                    Debug.WriteLine("chose left");
                    Debug.WriteLine("chose right");

            // If the grain can't move at all, don't
            else if (!canFallRight && !canFallLeft)

            // Move left if canFallLeft, else move right
                xMovement = (canFallLeft) ? -1 : 1;

            int yMovement = 0;

            if (grain.maxSlope >= 1)
                yMovement = -1;

            grainHandler.MoveGrain(grain, xMovement, yMovement);