public virtual void ChangeState(BaseBehaviorStates newState)
		if (newState != State)
			State = newState;
	protected override void HandleOnBehaviorStateChangedEvent(EntityComponent entity, BaseBehaviorStates newState)
		//If we're performing actions at this point in time then mark that down so we don't change our Current Waypoint
		//And then let's stop moving!
		if (newState  == BaseBehaviorStates.PerformingActions) 
			performingActions = true;
		else if (newState == BaseBehaviorStates.Moving) //If we're moving then we have to find out if we need to grab a new target or not...
			if (CurrTarget == null && CurrWaypoint != null) //We have no target, set our waypoint to our target
				CurrTarget = CurrWaypoint.transform;				
			performingActions = false;
		base.HandleOnBehaviorStateChangedEvent (entity, newState);
	public void BehaviorChangedState(BaseBehaviorStates newState)
		Debug.Log(string.Format("{0} Changed State to: {1}", myEntityComponent, newState));
		if (OnBehaviorStateChangedEvent != null)
			OnBehaviorStateChangedEvent(myEntityComponent, newState);
	protected virtual void HandleOnBehaviorStateChangedEvent(EntityComponent entity, BaseBehaviorStates newState)
		if (newState == BaseBehaviorStates.Dying)
			canMove = false;
	void HandleOnBehaviorStateChangedEvent(EntityComponent entity, BaseBehaviorStates newState)
		if (newState == BaseBehaviorStates.PerformingActions)
			PerformingActions = true;	