Пример #1
 public BarcodeEntity(int position, string barcode, BarcodePossibility possibility)
     Position    = position;
     Barcode     = barcode;
     Possibility = possibility;
     Tag         = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate final barcode entity by given section start and end, as well as its posibility
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sectionStart">Section start of given barcodes</param>
        /// <param name="sectionEnd">Section end of given barcodes</param>
        /// <param name="sectionBarcodes">Barcodes in the section</param>
        /// <param name="posibility">Posibility of given barcodes</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <BarcodeEntity> GenerateBarcodeEntity(int sectionStart, int sectionEnd, ref Queue <string> sectionBarcodes, BarcodePossibility posibility)
            List <BarcodeEntity> results = new List <BarcodeEntity>();

            // Calculate the length of section and swap start with end if necessary
            int sectionLength = Math.Abs(sectionStart - sectionEnd);

            if (sectionLength == 0 && sectionBarcodes.Count > 0)
                BarcodeEntity entity = new BarcodeEntity(sectionStart, sectionBarcodes.Dequeue(), posibility);

                // Remove remaining duplicated barcodes
            else if (sectionLength <= sectionBarcodes.Count)
                for (int i = 0; i < sectionLength; i++)
                    BarcodeEntity entity = new BarcodeEntity(sectionStart < sectionEnd ? (sectionStart + i) : (sectionStart - 1 - i), sectionBarcodes.Dequeue(), posibility);

                // Clear remaining invalid barcodes in current section
            else if (sectionLength > sectionBarcodes.Count)
                int length = sectionBarcodes.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    BarcodeEntity entity = new BarcodeEntity(sectionStart < sectionEnd ? (sectionStart + i) : (sectionStart - 1 - i), sectionBarcodes.Dequeue(), BarcodePossibility.Unreliable);

        /// <summary>
        /// Main picking procedure
        /// </summary>
        private void Picking()
            int            sectionStart            = -1;
            int            sectionEnd              = -1;
            bool           isForwardScanning       = true;
            Queue <string> sectionBarcodes         = new Queue <string>();
            Queue <string> unsolvedSectionBarcodes = new Queue <string>();

            // Endless loop to dequeue barcodes and try to pick sample barcodes from them
            while (m_IsWorking)
                // If no barcodes to pick then wait for a while
                if (m_UnprocessedBarcodes.Count == 0)
                    IsFinished = true;
                    IsFinished = false;

                // Dequeue to get barcode
                string currentBarcode = m_UnprocessedBarcodes.Dequeue();

                // If it is a position barcode
                if (m_PosBarcodes.Keys.Contains(currentBarcode))
                    // Calculate section boundaries
                    if (sectionStart == -1 && sectionEnd == -1)
                        sectionStart = m_PosBarcodes[currentBarcode];
                    else if (sectionStart != -1 && sectionEnd == -1)
                        sectionEnd = m_PosBarcodes[currentBarcode];
                        sectionStart = sectionEnd;
                        sectionEnd   = m_PosBarcodes[currentBarcode];

                    // If the section is completely determined
                    // e.g. Position n | barcode | Position n+1
                    if (sectionStart != -1 && sectionEnd != -1)
                        isForwardScanning = sectionStart < sectionEnd;
                        BarcodePossibility   posibility;
                        List <BarcodeEntity> results;

                        // Scan order is confirmed then pick barcodes in unsoloved section
                        if (unsolvedSectionBarcodes.Count > 0)
                            int unsolvedSectionStart;
                            int unsolvedSectionEnd;
                            if (isForwardScanning)
                                unsolvedSectionStart = 1;
                                unsolvedSectionEnd   = sectionStart;
                                posibility           = unsolvedSectionBarcodes.Count == unsolvedSectionEnd - 1 ? BarcodePossibility.MostLikely : BarcodePossibility.Unreliable;
                                unsolvedSectionStart = m_PosBarcodes.Count + 1;
                                unsolvedSectionEnd   = sectionStart;
                                posibility           = unsolvedSectionBarcodes.Count == m_PosBarcodes.Count + 1 - unsolvedSectionEnd ? BarcodePossibility.MostLikely : BarcodePossibility.Unreliable;

                            results = GenerateBarcodeEntity(unsolvedSectionStart, unsolvedSectionEnd, ref unsolvedSectionBarcodes, posibility);
                            if (BarcodePicked != null)

                        // Pick barcodes in current section
                        if (sectionStart != sectionEnd)
                            posibility = sectionBarcodes.Count == Math.Abs(sectionStart - sectionEnd) ? BarcodePossibility.Affirmative : BarcodePossibility.Unreliable;
                            posibility = sectionStart == m_PosBarcodes.Count ? BarcodePossibility.MostLikely : BarcodePossibility.Unreliable;
                        results      = GenerateBarcodeEntity(sectionStart, sectionEnd, ref sectionBarcodes, posibility);
                        sectionStart = sectionEnd;
                        sectionEnd   = -1;
                        if (BarcodePicked != null)
                    // If the section has no start position then move them into unsolved section.
                    // Once the scanning order has been confirmed we can process the unsolved section
                    // e.g. barcode | Position n | barcode | Position n+1
                    else if (sectionBarcodes.Count > 0 && sectionStart != -1)
                        while (sectionBarcodes.Count > 0)
                    // Add sample barcode (non-position barcode) into section cache

                    // If the section has no end position AND unsolved section is empty
                    // e.g. barcode | Last Position | barcode
                    if (((isForwardScanning && m_PosBarcodes.Count - (sectionStart - 1) == sectionBarcodes.Count) ||
                         (!isForwardScanning && sectionStart - 1 == sectionBarcodes.Count && sectionEnd == -1)) &&
                        unsolvedSectionBarcodes.Count <= 0 && m_UnprocessedBarcodes.Count == 0)
                        int tempSectionStart;
                        int tempSectionEnd;
                        if (isForwardScanning)
                            tempSectionStart = sectionStart;
                            tempSectionEnd   = m_PosBarcodes.Count + 1;
                            tempSectionStart = sectionStart;
                            tempSectionEnd   = 1;

                        List <BarcodeEntity> results = GenerateBarcodeEntity(tempSectionStart, tempSectionEnd, ref sectionBarcodes, BarcodePossibility.MostLikely);
                        if (BarcodePicked != null)

            // There are still some unused barcodes in section cache then make them as unreliable and add to the end
            // e.g. barcode | barcode | barcode (no position barcodes)
            if (sectionBarcodes.Count > 0)
                int tempSectionStart;
                int tempSectionEnd;
                if (isForwardScanning)
                    tempSectionStart = sectionStart == -1 ? 1 : sectionStart;
                    tempSectionEnd   = m_PosBarcodes.Count + 1;
                    tempSectionStart = sectionStart == -1 ? m_PosBarcodes.Count + 1 : sectionStart;
                    tempSectionEnd   = 1;

                BarcodePossibility   posibility = sectionBarcodes.Count == m_PosBarcodes.Count ? BarcodePossibility.MostLikely : BarcodePossibility.Unreliable;
                List <BarcodeEntity> results    = GenerateBarcodeEntity(tempSectionStart, tempSectionEnd, ref sectionBarcodes, posibility);
                if (BarcodePicked != null)