Пример #1
        public string SaveFiles(byte[] contents, string filename, out int fileId)
            fileId = 0;

            var barcodeId = -1;
            var row       = 'A';
            var col       = -1;

            ParseFileName(filename, out barcodeId, out row, out col);

            // invalid filename
            if (barcodeId == -1)

            // load up the barcode, from db
            var barcode = _repositoryFactory.BarcodeRepository.GetNullableById(barcodeId);

            if (barcode == null)

            // check db for existing file
            var existingFile = _repositoryFactory.BarcodeFileRepository.Queryable.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Barcode == barcode && a.WellColumn == col && a.WellRow == row);

            // check the file system
            if (File.Exists(string.Format(@"{0}\raw\{1}\{2}", _storageLocation, barcodeId, filename)) || existingFile != null)

            if (WriteFile(filename, contents, string.Format(@"{0}\raw\{1}", _storageLocation, barcodeId)))
                var bfile = new BarcodeFile()
                    Barcode    = barcode,
                    WellColumn = col,
                    WellRow    = row,
                    Uploaded   = true


                fileId = bfile.Id;


Пример #2
        // run the validation, calculate the quality results
        private void ValidatePhred(BarcodeFile bcf)
            //var files = _repositoryFactory.BarcodeFileRepository.Queryable.Where(a => a.Barcode.Id == bcf.Barcode.Id && !a.Validated).ToList();

            var start = 0;
            var end   = 0;

            var numbers = ReadPhredFile(bcf.Barcode.Id, bcf);

            FindIndexes(numbers, out start, out end);

            bcf.Start             = start;
            bcf.End               = end;
            bcf.DateTimeValidated = DateTime.Now;
            bcf.Validated         = true;
Пример #3
        private int[] ReadPhredFile(int barcode, BarcodeFile barcodeFile)
            var path = string.Format(@"{0}\output\{1}\{2}", _storageLocation, barcode, barcodeFile.ValidationFileName);

            if (File.Exists(path))
                var lines = File.ReadAllLines(path);
                lines[0] = string.Empty;
                var line = string.Join(" ", lines);

                var values  = line.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                var numbers = new int[values.Count()];
                for (var i = 0; i < values.Count(); i++)
                    numbers[i] = Convert.ToInt32(values[i].Trim());


            return(new int[0]);
Пример #4
         * This is apparently the method that scans the "uploadLocation", and copies the files to
         * the raw directory for either PhRed processing or user download.
        public void ScanFiles()
            //var uploadLocation = @"\\do-files\cgfdata";
            //var uploadLocation = @"C:\Users\lai\Dropbox\Documents\Projects\Cgf\cgf\Cgf Data\data";
            var re = new Regex(@"^Backup$");

            foreach (var directory in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(_uploadLocation).Where(d => !re.IsMatch(Path.GetFileName(d))))
                foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(directory))
                    var start    = file.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1;
                    var filename = file.Substring(start);

                    var barcodeId = -1;
                    var row       = 'A';
                    var col       = -1;

                    ParseFileName(filename, out barcodeId, out row, out col);

                    if (barcodeId != -1)
                        // load up the barcode, from db
                        var barcode = _repositoryFactory.BarcodeRepository.GetNullableById(barcodeId);

                        if (barcode != null)
                            if (!Directory.Exists(string.Format(@"{0}\raw\{1}", _storageLocation, barcodeId)))
                                Directory.CreateDirectory(string.Format(@"{0}\raw\{1}", _storageLocation, barcodeId));

                            if (File.Exists(string.Format(@"{0}\raw\{1}\{2}", _storageLocation, barcodeId, filename)))
                                File.Delete(string.Format(@"{0}\raw\{1}\{2}", _storageLocation, barcodeId, filename));

                            // move the file into permanent storage, over write any existing files
                            File.Move(file, string.Format(@"{0}\raw\{1}\{2}", _storageLocation, barcodeId, filename));

                            // This is probably the best place to add the logic that updates non-sequencing
                            // jobs so that they can be downloaded directly by the user without any further
                            // processing.

                            // save the record into the database
                            var barcodeFile = barcode.BarcodeFiles.FirstOrDefault(a => a.WellColumn == col && a.WellRow == row);

                            if (barcodeFile == null)
                                barcodeFile = new BarcodeFile()
                                    Barcode = barcode, WellColumn = col, WellRow = row, Uploaded = true
                                // resets all the values so that phred runs again and displays the right values
                                barcodeFile.DateTimeValidated = null;
                                barcodeFile.Validated         = false;
                                barcodeFile.Uploaded          = true;
                                barcodeFile.Start             = 0;
                                barcodeFile.End = 0;


                             * 2013-01-17 by kjt: Added logic to bypass need for validation
                             * if Barcode.UserJobPlate.UserJob.JobType.HasSequencing is false,
                             * since PhRed os only required on jobs with jobtypes that have sequencing.
                            var hasSequencing = barcode.UserJobPlate.UserJob.JobType.HasSequencing;
                            if (!hasSequencing)
                                //Skip Validation And Allow For Download
                        } // end if barcode != null
                          // however, if the barcode was null we end up here.
                    }     // end if barcode != -1
                }         // end for each file in directory

            } // end for each directory.
        }     // end method ScanFiles().
Пример #5
        // run the validation, calculate the quality results
        private void ValidatePhred(BarcodeFile bcf)
            //var files = _repositoryFactory.BarcodeFileRepository.Queryable.Where(a => a.Barcode.Id == bcf.Barcode.Id && !a.Validated).ToList();

            var start = 0;
            var end = 0;

            var numbers = ReadPhredFile(bcf.Barcode.Id, bcf);

            FindIndexes(numbers, out start, out end);

            bcf.Start = start;
            bcf.End = end;
            bcf.DateTimeValidated = DateTime.Now;
            bcf.Validated = true;
Пример #6
        private int[] ReadPhredFile(int barcode, BarcodeFile barcodeFile)
            var path = string.Format(@"{0}\output\{1}\{2}", _storageLocation, barcode, barcodeFile.ValidationFileName);

            if (File.Exists(path))
                var lines = File.ReadAllLines(path);
                lines[0] = string.Empty;
                var line = string.Join(" ", lines);

                var values = line.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                var numbers = new int[values.Count()];
                for (var i = 0; i < values.Count(); i++)
                    numbers[i] = Convert.ToInt32(values[i].Trim());

                return numbers;

            return new int[0];
Пример #7
         * This is apparently the method that scans the "uploadLocation", and copies the files to
         * the raw directory for either PhRed processing or user download.
        public void ScanFiles()
            //var uploadLocation = @"\\do-files\cgfdata";
            //var uploadLocation = @"C:\Users\lai\Dropbox\Documents\Projects\Cgf\cgf\Cgf Data\data";
            var re = new Regex(@"^Backup$");
            foreach(var directory in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(_uploadLocation).Where(d => !re.IsMatch(Path.GetFileName(d))))
                foreach(var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(directory))
                    var start = file.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1;
                    var filename = file.Substring(start);

                    var barcodeId = -1;
                    var row = 'A';
                    var col = -1;

                    ParseFileName(filename, out barcodeId, out row, out col);

                    if (barcodeId != -1)
                        // load up the barcode, from db
                        var barcode = _repositoryFactory.BarcodeRepository.GetNullableById(barcodeId);

                        if (barcode != null)
                            if (!Directory.Exists(string.Format(@"{0}\raw\{1}", _storageLocation, barcodeId)))
                                Directory.CreateDirectory(string.Format(@"{0}\raw\{1}", _storageLocation, barcodeId));

                            if (File.Exists(string.Format(@"{0}\raw\{1}\{2}", _storageLocation, barcodeId, filename)))
                                File.Delete(string.Format(@"{0}\raw\{1}\{2}", _storageLocation, barcodeId, filename));

                            // move the file into permanent storage, over write any existing files
                            File.Move(file, string.Format(@"{0}\raw\{1}\{2}", _storageLocation, barcodeId, filename));

                            // This is probably the best place to add the logic that updates non-sequencing
                            // jobs so that they can be downloaded directly by the user without any further
                            // processing.

                            // save the record into the database
                            var barcodeFile = barcode.BarcodeFiles.FirstOrDefault(a => a.WellColumn == col && a.WellRow == row);

                            if (barcodeFile == null)
                                barcodeFile = new BarcodeFile() {Barcode = barcode, WellColumn = col, WellRow = row, Uploaded = true };
                                // resets all the values so that phred runs again and displays the right values
                                barcodeFile.DateTimeValidated = null;
                                barcodeFile.Validated = false;
                                barcodeFile.Uploaded = true;
                                barcodeFile.Start = 0;
                                barcodeFile.End = 0;


                             * 2013-01-17 by kjt: Added logic to bypass need for validation
                             * if Barcode.UserJobPlate.UserJob.JobType.HasSequencing is false,
                             * since PhRed os only required on jobs with jobtypes that have sequencing.
                            var hasSequencing = barcode.UserJobPlate.UserJob.JobType.HasSequencing;
                            if (!hasSequencing)
                                //Skip Validation And Allow For Download
                        } // end if barcode != null
                        // however, if the barcode was null we end up here.
                    } // end if barcode != -1
                } // end for each file in directory

            } // end for each directory.
Пример #8
        public string SaveFiles(byte[] contents, string filename, out int fileId)
            fileId = 0;

            var barcodeId = -1;
            var row = 'A';
            var col = -1;

            ParseFileName(filename, out barcodeId, out row, out col);

            // invalid filename
            if (barcodeId == -1)
                return FileUploadErrorKeys.InvalidFileName;

            // load up the barcode, from db
            var barcode = _repositoryFactory.BarcodeRepository.GetNullableById(barcodeId);

            if (barcode == null)
                return FileUploadErrorKeys.InvalidBarcode;

            // check db for existing file
            var existingFile = _repositoryFactory.BarcodeFileRepository.Queryable.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Barcode == barcode && a.WellColumn == col && a.WellRow == row);

            // check the file system
            if (File.Exists(string.Format(@"{0}\raw\{1}\{2}", _storageLocation, barcodeId, filename)) || existingFile != null)
                return FileUploadErrorKeys.DuplicateFile;

            if (WriteFile(filename, contents, string.Format(@"{0}\raw\{1}", _storageLocation, barcodeId)))
                var bfile = new BarcodeFile()
                    Barcode = barcode,
                    WellColumn = col,
                    WellRow = row,
                    Uploaded = true


                fileId = bfile.Id;

                return string.Empty;

            return FileUploadErrorKeys.WriteError;